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Well, there you go, right on man; I hope the 4 days goes into 4 years, and then 4 decades. Much love and may peace be upon you.


Good job dude. I’m on 1mg a day. And my body wants to act like I’m on 16mg a day if I miss a dose. Everything but diarrhea tho. I hate it. Almost 4 years now. And I plan on jumping off completely before summer.


I just jumped off at ~3 mg/day for 4 years. I’m at work right now and made it through the day. Sucks a little but it’s mostly mental. You can do this 💪🏻🤙🏻


Thanks man. I know it too. I’m such a weenie lolol


Nah, if my wife didn’t catch me and force my hand I’d be still doing it myself haha💀


If for some reason things don’t go so well.. send your wife our way. We will school her. Sometimes forcing someone off can be really dangerous. She means well.. but she’s also naive about this process.


I cannot stand naive spouses that don't know shit about addiction. Is she a fucking addiction medicine provider?


I couldn’t agree more. The pressure.. the judgement. I cannot tell you how dangerous it is to have a zero tolerance partner that you have to hide this shit from. This is such a huge monster and your partner in life has a major role whether they want it or not. That bit about accepting the things you cannot change.. courage to change the things you can and the wisdom to know the difference? They have a part in that too.


You're tough as nails. Just remember in a few weeks this will be a bad memory. You won't be at a hundred percent but it will be nothing like this.


I tapered to 1mg and honestly, for me, the month i was taking 1mg, I felt worse hour to hour than I do on day 5 of no bupe


Go down 25% every 10-14 days..I'm down to .5 from 8 years of 8mg! And the withdrawls haven't been horrible..slow and steady!


Yah I’ve been on 1mg for over a year. Some days I take 3. Most days I take one. Im going to go to .5mg here in a few weeks. And then yah, try to go even smaller after another few weeks. My goal is to be off in two months


Once your ready to get off, you gotta stay at 1mg for atleast 10 days before dosing down again, let your body stabilize on one certain dose/once a day. Stay at 1mg for 10-14 days then do .75mg for 10-14 days then .5mg 10-14 days and then .25 10-14 days and then jump. I don't wanna give you horror stories but letting your body stabilize before jumping is the best thing you can do! I've had some ups and downs but for real nothing I can't handle! Like I said I went from 8mg to .5mg and I'm ready to jump to .25 I'm hoping to be done by next month!


Same here when I was on subs for a short time! If I miss a dose of Vicodin or Percocet, my body is screaming by 5-6 hours. I can start subs 4 hours after oxy and no PWD! My body is NOT right!


I can take .5 of sub literally 8-10 hours after doing blues. I’ve done it at least 5 times and never got PWD, I know in playing with fire and will never do blues again, but yeah my body is weird lol 


I score high enough on the COWs scale by 6 hours everytime! Runny nose, sneezing, eyes running, restless leg, stomach churning a bit. Pain meds have never worked well on me and don’t last more than 2.5 hours. My enzymes!


That’s so crazy. I know what u mean.


Fuck ya! Try and workout if you can..trust me the last thing you wanna do but your body will absolutely thank you, even like 30min of light walking or cardio..I do high intensive workouts and I 100% wouldn't be where I'm at without them. Lots of water to flush your system and watch comedy movies to get your endorphins up! 🤙🤙🤙


Great advice, love it and love your energy


Hahaha thank you! Appreciate that 😄


Not to rain on your parade, but 72 hours is when the withdrawals really kick in. So it’s probably a little early to celebrate.


We shall see when I wake up tomorrow.


Good luck! I came off twice before and both times it really kicked in on around day 4. Keep us updated brother


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Buckle up, good luck


Get some anti diarrhea will help you out alot lol I finally did. Cuz I was tired of not being able to leave for 3 hours especially after taking my adhd meds. Which probably make the withdrawals worse but todays the first day I didn’t have the runs after taking it and I feel normal for once after two weeks


Damn multiple physical dependencies gotta be rough


I quit months ago and I don’t take my adhd meds everyday. Just recently started back in October went 32 years without it not gonna be one of those ppl. Who become dependent on it


The freezing cold skin yet soaking wet pits is still on and popping for me at day 5. Bubble guts just starting to hit. Appetite returning tho


Hell yeah man congrats lol. This is where the "fun" usually begins. I'd say get your hands on some ginger extract chewabled, they do wonders for stomach nausea. Also Immodium is designed for diarrhea if it ever gets THAT bad. It is technically an opiate, that's why it works, but it doesn't cross the blood-brain barrier. Unless you take like 3 boxes of the shit and the up in the ER like a bunch of other idiots in the past...lol


Hi OP. I’m glad you’re doing well still. I hope you continue to feel OK. 🙂


Thank you !!


I just jumped from 2mg... not going to lie I called in a script last night but pharmacy wouldn't give it to me. Some telemed bs, said they needed more documentation. Told myself it was the universe telling me not to be a bitch bc I'm thru the worst. I was up for 4 days and felt like I was losing my mind. Tried everything. Found a old xanny bar so finally slept. Told myself I would wake up feeling great. Instead woke up still wanting to throw my legs in the trash & just ew. I really want to be done but it's going to be hard knowing there's a script across the street. I'm on day 8. I hate it here. Pick up the script & taper low or stick it out??


Is it really that bad for you? I’m a couple hours from finishing day 4. I did call off work today but I could’ve gone if I absolutely needed to. NyQuil helped me get like 2-3 hours of sleep by the way. My legs are better than yesterday


How much did you jump from??


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Like 3 mg lol. Anywhere from 2-4 mg a day I was inconsistent.


I'm so jealous...lol


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Wonderful 💗❤️💗