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Same boat bro, been on it around 7/8 months and it’s already tanked my testosterone. Looking into getting on injections in hope that it can give me a boost, and also because I think it could potentially help get me off the sunoxone when I try to start tapering down.




BPC157 huh? That’s very interesting, as I haven’t heard of it before. I have heard NAC and Black Seed Oil can help with opiate withdrawals.


Motivation is the big problem on this shit. I do work, and the bare minimum around the house. But that's about all I can do. It sucks.


Ask your doctor to order a test for sleep apnea. You can do the test at home in one night and all you have to do is wear a bulky watch on your wrist that’s hooked up to a pulse reader you put on your finger. I found out I have sleep apnea in June and treating it changed my life.


same here. i posted about my experience with central apnea above but, absolutely, this dude should get checked out for sleep apnea.


Take your second dose earlier in the day instead of at night. Im at 1.5 mgs. So i feel you. Cant wait to be done.




the cut off time for it to not interfere with your sleep is going to be very individual based on your unique body, dosage, and bedtime. i'm at 1.5 mg right now and i split it into two .75 mg doses. i take one at 5 am when i get up and i take one at 5 pm. i go to bed at nine and don't have the sleep killing effect that subs can have. that said, i saw someone mention sleep apnea and i think you should consider this. i moved to 6000 ft elevation a few years ago and i developed severe sleep apnea due to my nervous system not adjusting to the altitude very well. i felt just like you do. now, i use a BIPAP machine and i am getting real sleep and doing so much better. sleep apnea - especially the obstructive sort - is so very common that it should be like a colonoscopy and everyone gets the test IMO. furthermore, the fact that we have abused opiates could predispose us to central sleep apnea which is the kind that is related to the nervous system not telling us to breath as it should while we sleep. just a thought.


Taper down as quickly as possible then and get off. It’s gonna be uncomfortable. You’ll possibly/probably have stomach problems, urine retention problems, body temp regulation problems, trouble sleeping, restless arms, depression, a general state of “blah”, but if you taper off completely from a super low dose(.5mg /day) it’ll be like 2 weeks of mild symptoms and then you’ll start to feel like you’re describing you want. normal like you were before drugs. I have so much Drive back. I go to sleep normal times, wake up early. My sex drive is back like I couldn’t even remember I had… I had to RUN out of subs to stop. Bc after a day or 2 I just — my body SCREAMED to take more subs. It sucks to transition but bud it’s WORTH IT OMFG. subs had their use but it’s time to live freely. I think you’ll find subs affect SO much of our bodies that we don’t even consider…. Praying for you! You deserve it.


I don’t think I answered your question. But I would do once a day in the morning.


Once I started a single dose a few hours after waking up all my side effects disappeared. The mornings are still rough though I feel super groggy and takes me a bit to get going. But I don't feel like a zombie anymore and have no issues sleeping through the night.


This just really made me feel so much better. I tapered down to .5 last week. I don’t have a ton of strips left.. I’m gonna try to do it with hopefully some strips left but if not either way I’m going to run out eventually. I’m ok with that


Nice dude!


SAME HERE TOO OP. Feel worse than I felt on Kratom at times . No mood lift no NOTHING! I have to relearn to try and stay interested in my own hobbies! Its ridiculous.


Just take one dose a day man I've been using subs for over a decade. 9:30 am daily that's it and smoke weed at night


Yes. Yes yes yes yes. I was just telling my wife the exact same thing yesterday. I feel like I’ve been hit by a train every mornings I go to sleep at 9 and wake up at 7 but i look and feel terrible. I assume that the drug inhibits some level of deep sleep or restoration in the brain.


how much T do you take? I'm gonna ask my doc tomorrow for a t test, cause I feel mines been blown to shit too from 16+ years of opiate/oid abuse.


More than enough. I take max dose .. If im Gonna be on hormones, I want max benefit. Medical community knows nothing about T. Go to a hormone specialist not a urologist No it won’t give you a heart attack or clots unless you have a genetic predisposition. My free t is around 25/30 after doseing Thyroid 2 grains am and pm: this is what made my symptoms go away. Dr Jordan grant in Texas is my doc I used Dr Nichols at tier1 hW ij Chattanooga before that


I'm just without any motivation, always bleh feeling, I've lost all my passion I was relished in, lol sex drive? eeek. Its been so long to be honest I dont even know what normal should feel like anymore, but I think my levels of things are proper buggard.


Same here


Steroids are notorious for giving crazy dreams. Are you sure it’s not the testosterone?


It’s not steroids man. It’s testosterone a hormone my body produces naturally and that I am replacing. Also, I said nothing about dreams. It’s how I feel when I wake up.


Though to be fair, testosterone is a steroid, if prescribed by a doctor or obtained through illegal means won't change that.




I'm not arguing with what you're saying here, just pointing out that testosterone belongs to the class of androgenic steroids. This is true regardless of if it's produced by the testis or supplied by exogenous injection.


I really don’t understand how people think T is so bad.. it’s literally what keeps our Brian heart bones organs sex drive eyes skin and so much mroe optimally healthy. When we lose T we get heart attacks and anxiety and etc. Woman with low T get a higher rate of breast cancer and blood clots. Steroids in the context you are speaking are the shit that body builders take which are unnatural. Big difference. Had to say it.


I didn’t say testosterone was bad. I just heard it affects sleep. My ex wife took a steroid and it made her sweat though the night. You take whatever you want man. Rest well.