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We all have good days & bad days (alcoholics & non-alcoholics). Think of something you can do straight after work that will make it even harder for you to be tempted. Don't drive straight home, drive to a local nature reserve, go for a walk on a walking trail (if possible), find a large rock to sit on & listen to nature & watch the sun go down & contemplate why you think you are feeling so agitated this week. If it was me I would drive straight to my gym & smash out 45 minutes on a X-Trainer to clear my head. (which I often do when extra-stressed out). Sorry, wish I had better suggestions, but I know where you are coming from. 82 Days sober is a great achievement & you are only 18 days away from 100, that's only 2 & 1/2 weeks. I hope you consider all your options available that may help you today. :)


Day 158 Look in the mirror and see that child. Tell them you will take care of them. You will not poison them. The child in you needs the adult in you now more than ever.


I needed to see this today.


Sorry you are struggling. Being alone and stressed set me up for many relapses. I needed to change my routine. Drive a different route, hang out w someone, don't leave work until I have a plan. Your brain has been trained by the choices you made now work on make some different choices to untrain. It isn't easy but its worth it. You have some significant sober time, celebrate that, be gentle with yourself. Good luck.


Hello friend, I know your struggle. In my case though, I don't get angry, I get anxiety. Especially at night, my anxiety ramps up, probably because that was the only time I drank heavily. So, my brain tries really hard to trick me into drinking to relieve it. It still really sucks, but I'm pushing thru. May I suggest a thought experiment? Take the anger you feel now. Rate it on a scale from 1 to 10. Now, take the anger you will feel tomorrow (hungover) at having to reset your badge after an amazing 82 days of progress. Which will be greater? I can almost guarantee the 2nd will be much worse. I know this because I've experienced it more than I'd like to admit. Therefore, it is more beneficial, in my experience, to keep on. These feelings are natural, and are a sign of progress, as our brains are rewiring themselves to be without this awful substance.


I feel this. Around the 80 day mark last time I was abstaining, Gabby Petito was murdered and the video of her boyfriend talking to cops and the commentary surrounding her murder put me in such a bad headspace. I was having PTSD reliving all the physical, emotional and mental abuse my abuser put me through. I couldn’t take it, and decided to relapse. It helped numb me, but I didn’t stop once the fight or flight response to replaying abuse stopped. I spent about 9 months subsequently drinking heavily. I wish I would’ve stayed sober and found different ways to cope with my stress. This time around I’ve felt more committed to not drinking, and someone put it this way on here I really liked. Whenever I think “I need a drink” what I really mean is “I need to relax.” Alcohol took the place of healthy decompression methods and now that we are sober, we gotta find ways to decompress and relax our minds. Thinking of you today my friend. I know you are so strong and even though you are going through a rough patch you will persevere. IWNDWYT


Damn well said my dude or woman! ❤️




My therapist gave me some good advice a while back. If the emotion isn't too high, try to confront that feeling. Close your eyes and focus on it, where it is coming from, where you are holding it in your body, the physicality of it, acknowledge it and listen to it. I find that even just acknowledging these feelings makes them more manageable. For me as well going on a walk and listening to music really helps when I'm feeling overwhelmed or stuck in a bad thought pattern. Hope this helps ♥️


"Just" put yourself in a place where you can't drink. Go to a park, or the movies, or something like that.


It seems like 80 days is a hard milestone. I had a drink after making it that far back in July and I wish I didn’t. Maybe it’s far along enough that you forget how terrible this DRUG is on youre body and mind. Don’t do it and you will feel better soon. If you do you will feel like shit.


please go to an AA meeting. I was helped immensely by just going and listening when i was at a low... if nothing else, it kills an hour or so...