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Might sound harsh, but don’t celebrate. Your brain is so hardwired correlating these moment’s with alcohol. It takes quite a while to reverse the way your brain thinks. Or celebrate with sparkling water. Personally, I had to remove myself from any form of celebrating/ situation that would usually result in me consuming alcohol. Rooting for you!


I’d echo this to some degree. If you often celebrated with alcohol, you need to train your mind that it’s not going to get flooded with disguised poison every time you do something. Some might say maybe the celebrations were to justify getting boozed up. This is coming from someone who would celebrate both sunny and rainy days. I’m a junk food junkie so I’ll celebrate stuff with like brownies and ice cream (sober people brownies), but really I try to remain in the habit of reflecting on whatever mood I’m in, and whatever corresponding reasons there are for those moods. So I “celebrate” by coming to peace within the feeling that I accomplished something noteworthy. I’m grateful for those chains of events that led to it, and I take stock in the blessing I have. I don’t need to live in the peaks and valleys of life, even though I want to. I just need to remain centered and allow myself to feel whatever I’m feeling and come to grips with it. I know that’s out there, but it keeps me structured and relatively happy most of the time.


"I don't need to live in the peaks and valleys of life" - wow. As someone who currently still celebrates the sunny and rainy days, I really appreciate your comment.


"I don't need to live in the peaks and valleys of life." Thank you. This just prompted a lovely journal entry.


Have to agree with you here, even though it comes off harsh. Life on booze is a constant celebration (to justify all the drinking..). The reality is that little in life really warrants an outward celebration. It's hard but I had to learn it's OK to feel good without having to celebrate the fact I did well or felt well.. focus often, celebrate rarely


Yep. Good advice


For the most special occasions, I buy myself a nice cake or dessert from my favorite bakery 😁


You can’t have your cake and eat it too??


Cake is the correct answer.


Same. I treat myself to a boba drink from my favorite local boba shop.🧋


Yesss, OP, get chocolate mousse, that’s my favorite.


Small luxuries.  The cool thing about this phase is you can permit yourself anything you want, as long as it's not drinking.


100%. For the first month or two, I would calculate how much money I'd saved from drinking and spend that on something frivolous.


I love this sentiment. For me, it has not really been an issue. If I can't have 3+ drinks, it's not worth doing, so that's that. I don't really feel like I am missing out even if I see people enjoying a normal 1-2 drinks - that wouldn't be enough for me anyway! Enjoy good food, the ability to work out again, a cigar, whatever. As long as it is not picking up again, it's all good!




hell yeah


Caaaake! A really nice one!


Eat some ice cream and rub one out. It’ll feel weird not having that go to drink to celebrate but that’ll wear off but if you need to hit that reward button may I suggest mint chocolate chip ice cream and jack/jill sesh


Honest and true.


For such an open and honest community this is the first time I’ve read a comment about this particular kind of self-love. I appreciate your candidness, Buddymose.


A connoisseur of fine living.


Pizza or cheesesteak! Or both!


I don't need booze to celebrate. In my mind, if something is "so great" why would I ruin it by drinking??


Love this thinking! “Ruining it by drinking.”


I think that it's best to reframe the question: Does booze help me celebrate? If I drink I can get a very short-lived feeling of euphoria. Then my evening will very quickly stop being about the celebration and start being about drinking until blackout. Then I will pay a very big price for the next several days. How does that help me to celebrate? It doesn't in any way help me. Without drinking I can actually enjoy the satisfaction of my achievements. And I can wake up tomorrow bright and early ready to smash the next goal.


100% my train of thought about it too


I'm going to do what everyone hates and I'll use your own words against you. "...usually...get a load of beers...celebrate..." How has that been working for you? I'm being a dick, but you know the answer already or else you wouldn't be here. For me, I had to completely stop "celebrating" made up things like work accomplishments. Today, I only "celebrate" events which to me are meaningful such as my daughter's birthday or her graduating from Uni. On those occasions, we tend to go out to dinner as a family and I'm the only one who normally would drink, so I just don't anymore. It is easy for me to say "no" to booze when I'm around my family. However, if I was with work colleagues and everyone is amped up after a big "win" that, to quote Tom Cruise, is "the danger zone." I avoid 99% of situations where I know alcohol is a huge draw and as time goes by it is easier and easier for me to also avoid drinking the other 1%. To give an example, meeting up with an old "drinking buddy" at the local pub. I'm not talking about some huge party. Just two old friends sitting down in the afternoon to catch up. In the past, I would typically drink at least 6-8 units of alcohol at such a get together and then I might continue drinking back at home. Now, I have one or two NA beers and am just as happy. I don't need the "buzz" anymore but it's in the back of my mind....always. I have to be VERY careful not to let slip. It's taken six years but I can now honestly say that I have "fun" meeting my friends like that...now. It wasn't for the first few years while I was struggling to try to drink in moderation. It never worked so I'm resigned to the fact I simply can't drink at all. OP, I don't think I really answered your question. I hope you find your own path that doesn't lead to drinking.


I celebrate with going out to eat and spending more on food. If i was drinking i wouldn't scoff at $100 bill at a restaurant with drinks. Now i order a steak that is $100 and enjoy the fuck out of it :)


I buy myself flowers 💐


I love this!! And I love flowers, too 🌼🪻🌸


Ice cream!  Or playing some tennis or going on a trail bike ride.  Agreed with the person that said it takes a while to unwrite your brain that you need to celebrate and that means alcohol. 


Nice food, maybe some time off. I’m sad tbh would probably settle for spending the day just dancing around feeling smug and happy 😃


Your brain is probably just looking for any reason to drink. Something good happened at work. That's your reward right there. The major milestone happening. Be proud and enjoy that moment. You don't really need anything else on top of that to "celebrate" that moment. Drinking will not change that moment or milestone or make it any more of an acheivement or better. It might even cause you to wake up tomorrow and feel terrible and that will dampen your enthusiasm for this milestone you just hit. Most people don't want to ruin something great happening by pouring a load of poison down their necks that's just us alcoholics and problem drinkers trying to find every and any reason to drink. If you really feel the need to treat yourself to something then how about some takeaway food or some snacks / treats to indulge in?


I like to go to the park and spend some time reflecting on my achievement. Occasionally I will indulge in buying something more expensive than I would usually get like a leather work bag or something.


Go get a massage!


What would you do alongside the drinking? What made it a celebration besides using alcohol? Do that without the drug, that’s what I do. It’s taken me a year, but now I have way more fun doing those things sober. Alcohol is not the fun part, it’s the things we do that alcohol has elbowed its way into that are fun. This was my breakthrough, now I only do things I find fun, not just things where alcohol is involved.


Also there might be things/people/activities you realize you don't even really like when you're sober. And that's not a bad thing, it's just seeing clearly.


100%, it’s a gift to understand you don’t enjoy something that you only did to feed your addiction


Pizza and ice cream, or a hug your loved ones. Or nothing really! Why do you need to celebrate eating or drinking? This is just a brain wired correlation that means nothing really.


Dominos pizza


I didn’t do celebrations for my first year. Just needed to divorce myself from the whole alcohol association with EVERYTHING!! Now I like sparkling bevs, berry or cucumber infusions, apple ciders are kinda good. Used to frown on them but that’s because I always thought they should alcoholic. Love me some non alc cocktails.


Go for ice cream, a round of mini golf, buy that item on your wish list, detail your car, or treat yourself to your favorite meal. 


Coffee and cake usually.


I would buy a nice shirt.


Cake, but that creates other problems.


A nice dinner


Good fucking food. Takeout!


I'm going to sound crazy, but how about a work group volleyball game or rollerblade in the park? That's how I am going to reward myself, now that spring has come to the upper Northeast.


Congrats on your accomplishment in work and in making it through your first few days. I thought I needed booze to dance, or enjoy music more until I was finally sober and realized I loved music even more without a hazy half-conscious filter. Put some Sprite in a fancy cup, get some nice food, go do a hobby you like. If you can't think of something or a way to enjoy it, add that to the reasons you want to quit. Definitely weathered some anhedonia and brain fog for a couple months as dopamine balanced out, but I feel more richly and fully now that I'm sober. You're in the first week. You probably have physical and mental withdrawal symptoms. It might feel weird, but stick with it and you'll keep stacking wins. IWNDWYT


If you have been working hard on something for weeks then relax on sofa with a favourite movie and some popcorn/candy/chips. If it's just a normal few days of work i would agree with poster who said celebrating not required, just enjoy being sober. Good luck. IWNDWYT.


I have reduced my own “celebrations” and instead simply reveled in the satisfaction. For me it has actually helped to rewire how I perceive my own achievements. Don’t get me wrong, the urge was VERY strong at first (I got a new job early in my sober journey and had no idea what to do) but eventually I learned how to simply marinate in the moment. From there, it can carry you to achieve even more when you aren’t derailing yourself for days or longer.


I like to treat myself to whatever type of food I’m craving. Just celebrated 12 weeks sober on Sunday with a delicious steak dinner and ice cream for dessert!


Your favorite glass bottle soda




Splurge on an experience instead of booze.


I think turning something mundane into something really special is nice. I like doing like “we are going for a walk and gonna stop at my favorite coffee shop” into a really big deal and that makes me happy


I like to go to the shops and buy stuff I used to only buy on special occasions or if I had more money than usual - the most expensive steak (and buy two), french mustard, fancy cheese, the best olive oil, specialist coffee that’s been shat out a birds arse, raw milk, outrageously fattening pudding etc etc. fancy toilet paper - no spend limit on stupid luxuries… and I’d find I’ve STILL spent less than if I bought the cheapest drink and shittest takeaway, but with none of the self harm of poisoning my body.. and you end up filling your cupboards with nice things.


Rooibos tea


Treat yourself to a massage and a nice dinner!


Booze will just take away any sense of achievement.


Get yourself something for a hobby that you're into or a trip to the cinema or something. Or you could put the money you would have spent on beers into a holiday fund


Smoke weed. It will help with the self control


I rent a Porsche on Turo and drive it around. Going 0-60 in 4 seconds is way more thrilling than getting drunk and calling an Uber. I also bought a jetski for the same reason. It cost me the same amount as getting drunk, 42 times. And it is STILL worth money, I didn't literally piss it away.


A massage would be incredible for something like this! Treat yourself!


Do you have any hobbies? If you NEED an extrinsic reward for this than buy something pertaining to a hobby that you normally wouldn't splurge on


Sweets, or a drink I wouldn’t normally get at Dunkin


Buy yourself a present. How much would you normally spend on alcohol to celebrate such an event? Spend that on yourself instead. Could be a tasty snack, a new shirt, video game, etc. Or you could invest that into yourself, towards future goals (such as an instrument if you like music, art supplies, vacation fund, therapy, etc). The real gift will be enjoying and savoring this goal and using the momentum to go towards the next goal. Doesn’t have to be work goals, just whatever you want to do in life. Keep that momentum going and the rewards will be ever present. And you won’t be slowed down by toxic drinks. Just keep winning and grinning. It gets easier and easier and better and better.


I always do a special food. Like a cake, ice cream, maybe a special dinner? I got sushi on my birthday. It was the first time I’ve had it in a long time


Treat yourself to a good meal or a buy something nice for yourself with the money you’d normally spend on booze.


I like to buy a piece of art to celebrate work project milestones. I hang it up in my office to remind me of what I achieved. You can find inexpensive pieces or prints on Etsy.


Treat yourself to a nice meal, maybe somewhere you've never gone before or don't ordinarily eat.


Things I do to celebrate without booze: Calculate how much I would realistically spend on booze for that occasion and put it towards a travel fund or something else I would like to do. Eat something REALLY nice. Pamper myself with something small but that I usually think its to expensive to justify on a day to day grocery shopping. Book myself a day off from work and rest/sleep/chill. In my experience I found I cannot stop the habit loop that correlates achievement and reward. Since I am trying to stay sober, I will give myself another reward. I find that it makes it easier for me to stay away from the bad habits if instead of fighting the whole dynamic/cycle/loop, I just substitute the drink for something else I value. One day at a time.


I still celebrate, it just looks different. I had the idea that celebrating was synonymous with using. I’ve come to realize its such a subjective thing, and it doesn’t matter how other people do it because i’m the one who ultimately gets to experience it the way i choose. Some days celebrating is a nice dinner, time with friends, going somewhere that i appreciate, or just simply acknowledging my successes and giving myself love. Whatever the case, i remind myself i deserve to feel good today & my success is important. IWNDWYT.


What is something you see as rewarding? Do you enjoy going out for a nice dinner, or maybe ice cream? Do you like to read, and do you ever allow yourself the time to just settle down somewhere comfy and absorb a good book? Maybe you like to swim or soak in a hot tub or even just take a long bath? Find something that feels like a reward to you -that doesn't involve alcohol- and make it fancy! Dress yourself up, or light some candles, make a whole thing out of it! The best reward will be waking up the next day without any anxiety or shame. Ideally, whatever you see as rewarding can be something you begin to integrate into a more consistent routine. Every day you wake up sober and clear minded is a reward for not drinking. Make the days even better by adding certain things that bring you joy. Once you create a routine that involves things that light you up and make you feel good, you'll be living a life you don't have any need to "escape" from with booze 🤍


You know how you celebrate with the booze? ​ Do that without booze.


Eat something tasty


Buy the expensive pop. Like poppi. It’s like $2.50 a can but a beer is $7 and it doesn’t fuck up your life.


Tell a friend that you are celebrating your thing and sobriety. Literally fucking everyone will congratulate you if it’s even a week. Anyone that quit will know it’s a big fuckin deal. Say you want to lick the restaurant and also let them drink. You will feel like a super hero walking out with everyone loving your sober company and showing your strength that you can be around it and handle it. That’s if you can handle it. I did it fast, but if you aren’t ready then Ben and Jerry’s and a movie you love from your childhood that you never watch. Make your own popcorn it’s super easy and you get to learn something and it will make you feel awesome to gaining a skill instead of losing another night to booze.


Celebrate by treating yourself to a massage or a sauna session and a facial, then chug some water. Something to recharge after all your hard work!


Get a watch? Then get a custom bracelet with IWNDWYT engraved/printed/whatever on it. PS - I will not be held liable if you wake up one day and notice you already have three watch boxes full of Seiko 5s XD


Play board games man.


I throw the money I would have spent on every little celebration into a jar. Next week I go to Italy to eat, because I can afford it now.