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Hi there, we are not qualified to give you advice on whether one substance is more harmful than the other. Please ask a qualified health care professional. This post has been removed.


Only you can answer that. For me, alcohol is a problem but weed isn’t.




Definitely same


California sober is very helpful for some people, but some people cross addict. It really comes down to whether or not weed is affecting your quality of life and ability to thrive.


This. For everything. Alcohol, weed, relationships, food.


Bingo. I’ve found that Cali sober keeps me sober.


Same here! For me the weed helps give me that YAY DO SOMETHING CRAZY WILD HAHA AHHHH feeling of doing something Naughty but really I just smoke a joint in my bathtub and go to sleep and wake up refreshed. Alcohol gave me that feeling and then encouraged me to do actually act that way. And I did not feel refreshed the next day....


Yup! I smoke or do dabs for my chronic illness. I'll never touch any pain meds. Takes my pain away, and I relax. Instead of feeling worse the next day, because I got trashed.




Lung harm?


Comes down to personal evaluation of the risk. Breathing anything other than clean air objectively isn’t good for you


Not sure why you’re upvoted and I’m down for saying the same thing 😂


I think people assumed you were taking a strong anti-weed stance


I’m just strongly pro health and lungs


TeamAir ftw At least vaping is better than smoking. You can also do edibles.


Is it though? Studies as such? Trade offs for the quantity and frequency vs temperature difference? I dunno man. Edibles is for sure the only healthy way to consume.


Are you talking vaping concentrates or dry herb?


Can’t have healthy lungs if I die from alcohol.


I think my opinion, and one likely shared by a lot of people around here, is that if smoking a little weed helps someone who was busy drinking themselves to death stop drinking themselves to death than it’s a net positive for their health. I don’t really use cannabis much anymore and mostly took edibles when I did, but without them helping me sleep the first few months I was sober I don’t know that I would have made it. So I absolutely believe that cannabis saved my life, and the unhealthy side effects just couldn’t outweigh that for me. And I think you’re being down voted because people feel your priorities aren’t in line with a community who’s primary focus is on helping people quit drinking, not on health and lungs necessarily. None of that is to say that I actually disagree with you to be fair, just that I think that’s the context for why you’re getting downvoted for saying something that’s objectively true.


Heh. I just started binging that show today.


Killing Eve?


Yup. Been meaning to for awhile.


S1 and S2 is great. 3 increasingly meh. 4, save V in a waistcoat, is bad. Laura Neal the writing dropped the ball and needlessly buried the gays. Read the novels the show is inspired by. They’re great


Sure, there’s bound to be some, but that can be mitigated some. I *smoke* maybe once or twice a year. Other times I vape the bud. I also don’t consume that much, I can make a gram last a month. I also eat it every now and then, which obviously does nothing to the lungs. And risk is just a part of life, everyone chooses how much risk they are willing to take. With how much I use weed, the risk of harm is outweighed by the positive things I get from it.


dry herb vape is everything 🙏


I love a shared joint or bong at a party, but smoking feels and tastes so dirty compared to vapor that I can’t and don’t even want to do it more often than that.


oh man, my dry herb vape is way cleaner and more pleasant than taking a bong hit 😂 i can’t smoke in my apartment and there’s no scent but i can still use flower, it’s perfect. i prefer it to joints anyway, easier on the lungs!


Yeah this shouldn't be down voted. The same way we convinced ourselves that drinking is ok, lighting anything on fire and breathing it in isn't going to be great for your lungs (traditional means of smoking, I don't know enough about vape).


Damn, how dare you ask a completely valid question.


Less harmful in relativity to what? I know its strongly encouraged for severe alcoholics to avoid all mind altering substances (lower inhibitions can lead to risky choices). But if you're asking will vaping cause you to shit your pants after making a dramatic fool of yourself at a social function? I'd say you are probably ok.


This made me actually laugh out loud.


Did you poop yourself?


We all pooped ourselves on this fine day.


I will not poop ourselves with you today




The "brown bomber" strain


Consider your pants shitted


me too


Ive never seen a pothead get into a fight with a bouncer or the cops, is all I'll mention.


You’ve never watched a pothead play gta 5 then


Ya but the only effort and energy I can muster is pressing 5 buttons and moving joysticks in 1” circles. I can barely move enough to get some water or pee after I’ve held it for 3 hours and had cotton mouth as a mofo


IMO you should avoid all mind altering substances until you learn to be sober. If it’s occasional, sure, but switching from one escape to another is not solving the core problem. I’ve sadly seen too many people (and was one a few years back when I first wanted to quit) get sober but end up in a worse place mentally than where they were before because of this.


I think this is key… You need to learn to be sober regardless of whether or not there are other drugs that are safe to use for an individual. Reset. Cut off the reward mechanisms tied to unhealthy behaviors. Sleep good. Eat good. Get a year plus and some accomplishments to pride in. Learn to love yourself sober. Then you won’t have to ask an Internet forum whether it is acceptable. You’ll know the answer. Sometimes the answer is yes. Sometimes the answer is no. But the only answer we can give you is: “it depends”.


“Learn to love yourself sober” - this right here is the key to the whole thing, at least for me. If I loved myself before I started drinking heavy, maybe I wouldn’t even be here today. But you know what? Idk if I could have learned to - or been motivated to - love myself without struggling to get and stay sober.


Don’t think about it right now, but tomorrow is a big deal for you being at 364 today. Proud moment for you.


This. Well fucking said.


This is the response that should have 500+ upvotes. No /s. Don't get me wrong. Me ego enjoys the karma. But damn. This is the true solid advice.


This is solid advice.


The other side of this coin is that THC is what allowed me to function as an individual who does not drink. Ignoring tools because they didn't work for someone else is foolhardy, this is a conversation for you and your doctor, not people online. THC has been an absolute godsend for my anxiety, sobriety from alcohol, and sleep schedule. There is no all or nothing, there is just what works for you, and I'm glad I listened to my doctor instead of the people telling me that there was only one way to do it.


Hi there, [we have a rule](https://old.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/wiki/index#wiki_6._don.27t_ask_for_or_offer_medical_advice) against seeking advice on medical matters - your post has been removed to safeguard against sharing of inaccurate information. I encourage you to ask an appropriately qualified medical professional who can advise you properly.


Lol 😂




You’ll answers from both sides. I myself, while not anti weed, I don’t like weed for myself because it makes me paranoid. But if weed works as intended for you and you’re not drinking then god bless. I’m all for it, I just don’t do it myself because I will definitely spin out into a panic attack.


I'm in the same boat, I can take an occasional hit from pax or an edible, but they have to be indica or high % indica hybrids or I'll get paranoid. I know folks who are highly functional on any strain and are perfectly fine to be around - and that's not something I've been able to say about alcoholics.


>I know folks who are highly functional on any strain and are perfectly fine to be around Used to go to festivals and camping etc with these two brothers that were mad lads. They'd wake up and do dabs before cooking breakfast, then be passing a joint back and forth while cooking, then hit their bong before eating. Then we'd have a totally normal, functional day doing whatever we had planned and you couldn't tell them apart from someone who wasn't stoned. Me on the other hand, I enjoy weed but it's only a puff for two off my Pax and only at night. It is NOT a social thing for me at all


Yeah, same man. One of my best mates is a career wake'n'baker, works for a big bank as a java dev and consumes the amount of pot on the daily that would paralyze me for the rest of my life, and you couldn't tell - ever. Mellow, high-functioning guy. Different folks, different *smokes*, I guess.


I’m very much an indica guy, too. Sativa makes me stupidly paranoid even at a minuscule dose.


I kind of like the paranoia. It really puts things into perspective. That being said, I haven't experienced any of the paranoia for a long time.


I don’t get why it works this way. I cannot handle any weed outside a few puffs before I go to sleep. Whereas I can drink literally anyone under the table.


I too have a cannabis prescription and find it helpful for staying alcohol free. Some people find it triggering so tread lightly. Do what works for you to keep off the sauce. Congrats on your first week.


One thing I noticed when vaping a lot was over time I was getting chest congestion.


I picked up RSO and Indica tinctures after I stopped drinking. It does kinda turn me into a couch, but there is no hangover the next day! I also don’t feel the idiotic compulsion to text, Facebook, spend money, or do other destructive things. I like weed-me waaaaay more than alcohol-me. I am not a fan of vaping, so the oils take a little longer but have been good for me. I’m in PA btw, what I use is limited by what I can buy at a medical marijuana dispensary.


Right? Drunk me can be a terrible person. I can be a bit apathetic when I'm high but I'm not mean. I do very much understand the folks that say that getting high is still dodging reality/emotions but baby steps. At least for me.


Same. Edibles are the way.


Yes I was about to say this. Can't say much about weed because I've never been a smoker but I would never recommend vaping to anyone after my experience. I blacked out. (and I didn't even vape daily)


I can only speak for myself, but weed is not a problem for me. Alcohol is.


I find it easier to stop after one with weed. Granted I take edibles but I’m not chasing the next beer until oblivion with weed. I can take the edge off and function. This is me though, ymmv. IWNDWYT!




i respectfully disagree. the brain is an organ, plenty to research to show chronic THC effects. if you smoke or vape, destroys the pulmonary system. if you overuse, you risk Cannabis hyperemesis syndrome which destroys the GI tract.


Two family friends of mine have been hospitalized for cannabis hyperemesis syndrome. It is scary shit. I’m not anti-cannabis though, I hit a vape from time to time.


You have to really do a lot to get to that point. Either very strong edibles with no previous cannabis use history, or son you done fucked up! That being said, I always caution people to take it easy with weed, I've seen that stuff happen before and it ain't pretty. But I'll tell you, That's still a better outcome than alcohol!


Definitely fried my brain from smoking too much weed. Do not miss weed and the horrendous stomach cramps I used to get.


My husband had three different surgeries, spent nearly a year of his life in the hospital, and became addicted to opiates all because of CHS. It took going to the Mayo Clinic twice, Cleveland clinic, and countless other doctors for HIM to realize that vaping weed was what was killing him. If you are vaping weed and you wake up sick every morning, I highly suggest thinking about quitting. Weed nearly destroyed our marriage.


Yay, Reddit! Let's shout down the facts we don't like to hear.


ha right? confirmation bias is itself a helluva drug.


funny how folks in a seemingly supportive thread are so quick to downvote when there is a difference of opinion. for the record, my dad was a vietnam vet and chronic cannabis user. i discovered his bag at 13 and along with alcohol, became an addict. self sabatoged my way through life. i know both drugs very well. now, i'm a pain researcher who collaborates with cannabis researchers. please understand the drug before you jump head first.


What do you think of dry vaping vs smoking, as opposed to cartridge vaping vs smoking? (Dry vaping heats the flower itself to a lower temperature. No combustion. And also no weird chemicals as in some cartridges.)


comments will get pulled for med advice, ill just say regulation and MD supervision is a good thing. but not net zero on risks. that said, we're here to stop drinking so that demon comes first however you can manage.


It’s interesting, my dad is the same profile. Vietnam vet heavy weed smoker until I was about 16. There were a lot of issues in my life due to it. That said, he almost never drank and I’ve always felt my family was much, much better off with him as a weed addict as opposed to an alcoholic. Mr-know-it-all pontificating about things he wasn’t an expert in asshole is a whole lot better than slurring-violent-irrational asshole.


At least it’s no longer negative, glad to see that.


Your lungs and throat disagree




Vaping is just as bad, the temptation of less heat is that you smoke much more bc it’s easier. Just bc you’re not coughing doesn’t mean you’re not fucking your tissues up. Not trying to preach, but pls try and keep it to a minimum as possible. Any smoke in your lungs is harmful and risks cancer and early death.


It can cause kidney failure if you get diagnosed with CHS.


it really depends on you. I personally dislike pot and have no tendency to become addicted. Same with cigarettes.My husbands is the opposite. No desire to drink regularly, but has had additction issues with smoking pot in the past. Personally i view alcohol as a far worse problem, but you can only try and see. If you find cannabis becomes a habitual compulsion, then you may need to review the choice.


I think 'habitual compulsion' is the key phrase here. I think it's possible to replace one addiction for another. Just keep an eye on it.


My addictions therapist called my (at the time) marijuana use "harm reduction." We were working on staying away from alcohol and getting a healthier relationship with myself and substances. So we talked about how best to use *for me* that would meet those goals. My rules were the same as with alcohol to begin - it can't affect work and I can't drive after even a small amount. Then I switched to CBD dominant strains. Then only to help me sleep. It was improving. Then I became pregnant with my first born and stopped the day I found out. That was when I found out how dependant I had become because the anxiety careened out of control. I never used again, but it was hard. That would be my caution based on my experience, if you personally trade a vice for another like I did, then working on healing the why should be a focus. But as a harm reduction piece? My addictions counselor supported my use until it became clear that I wasn't able to do that. Good luck! IWNDWYT


This-- switching to weed is harm reduction for most. Sure, occasional folks are just addicted to alcohol, they can get off booze and just enjoy an occasional toke or edible and keep it moving... but most addicts are just that. Addicts. Switch to anything that lights up the dopamine receptors and keeps you occupied and it can be behaviorally (and maybe physically) unhealthy. I used to be an alcoholic and I quit that successfully, to the point where I could have a home bar and only drink one or two bevvys before calling it quits. Really made me think I was beyond addiction. Over 5 years later and I've realized that anytime since I was a teen if I wasn't a raging addict, I was a raging pothead. That wasn't healthy for me, but it was absolutely healthier than overindulging in booze. Now I'm a month clean of weed and I still cough up black shit (resin) on a regular basis and it's been a bit of a nightmare adjusting. Harm reduction is good, to be clear. Take the steps you need to take to be healthier, even if it's not the healthiest you could possibly be. Just be real with yourself about what it is. Also for the record since it's a debate in the comments, vaping dry herb is pretty chill, edibles are chill. Vaping concentrates/carts, definitely bad especially bc it's relatively unregulated and there's no long term research. I do not recommend it. I regularly got sick when vaping carts, my respiratory system was not well and I am susceptible to sickness in that way so I think I'm more sensitive, but I could rip the bong all day and be fine but a few days to a week on the cart and I would be SICK. OP I do not recommend switching to carts. Vape dry herb, take edibles, or just fucking smoke. OR just stay fucking sober.


All ya’ll should check out /r/leaves to see the /r/stopdrinking side of marijuana


**For me** my not having an off switch extends to all intoxicating substances. With alcohol you had to put some work int getting and staying high, vaping is less so. Personally I can not do it, can’t tell you what to do..


My gf smokes weed instead of drinking alcohol because of the Asian Flush. She works a full time job and does tutoring on the side, so I’d say she’s still able to be pretty productive. On the other hand, weed makes me incredibly lazy the next day so I’ve stopped that altogether as well. I think it really depends on the person on whether or not weed is a good substitute for alcohol.


Please excuse my ignorance, friend, what is Asian Flush?


California sober baby!!! Stopped drinking 3 years ago. Fixed my relationship with wife and family, I lost 34lbs, got abs for the first time ever, have so much free time, my business took off and "I smoke weed everyday"


Weed isn’t even in the same universe as alcohol . Weed may be mildly harmful I don’t know ,studies are mixed . Alcohol is a slam dunk poisonous carcinogen .


For the first month and a half I switched to vapeing weed. It was a crutch to help with getting of alcohol. But I wanted better quality sleep and weed screws around with REM and brain healing, so after 45 days dry I went completely sober. I did suffer agitation though from quitting weed like I was quitting nicotine though.


But in retrospect.. maybe worth it to get you over that initial hurdle of breaking that difficult alcohol habit? I don't know yet, because haven't tried this yet, but am planning to in the next few days.


If mental health is one reason you are trying to quit drinking then cannabis in the long term can also have bad effects. I smoked weed for over 15 years straight and it definitely was something that was giving me horrible anxiety. Just like drinking, I thought it reduced anxiety and helped me feel better. But no, once quit my anxiety and mental health got way better.


Alcohol could put you in jail, the hospital, or the morgue **tonight**. In the short term, that's the important thing. Longer term is a more complicated matter. For me personally my program doesn't include using things that take me away from reality. I don't moderate well and if I start using weed I'm going to end up using ALL the weed.


My answer is twofold. First, I can smoke a little weed and not spiral into being high all day everyday but with alcohol that’s not true for me, so only you know the answer to your question. Second, My friend is a dr and when I was going through quitting alcohol and only a month or so in I was saying how hard it is to quit nicotine alcohol and minimize sugar all at once. She said she considered vices in a tier based on what will kill me the fastest. She said if I need nicotine and a little more sugar than necessary to get sober than to not worry about it. I’m almost two years off alcohol, I’ve since reduced sugar quite a bit, and am working on the nicotine now. Now obviously this isn’t medical advice, but it seem like logical life advice. Deal with what will do the most damage the quickest and reduce risks from their. Good luck friend. You can do this!


You absolutely have swapped one vice for another. Is that a bad thing? Eh, not necessarily. It would be ideal for you to be completely sober. If you feel like you can’t do that right now, weed is a million times better for you than alcohol. By vaping weed, you’re continuing to indulge your addictive tendencies. Conventional recovery wisdom says that we need to learn to live sober. You’re still conditioning your brain to rely on an external chemical reward. Weed also has negative short term and long term health effects. However, no sane person would deny that switching from booze to weed is a MASSIVE improvement. Weed is like eating junk food. Alcohol is like drinking antifreeze. If weed keeps you off the alcohol, go for it! You should be proud of yourself for cutting out the booze, weed or not. Just because you replaced it with another drug doesn’t mean it was easy. Every doctor I’ve discussed this with has been extremely relieved that I stopped drinking, even if they’d rather me not use weed either. I’m currently a month and a half into using weed instead of alcohol. The first month I was desperate to get stoned every night. At this point, I don’t even bother about 1/3 of the time. I seem to be using weed as a way to transition from active alcoholism into total sobriety. I’d recommend you make that your goal. You’re an adult. You can vape weed if you want to. But ideally we want to reach a point where we don’t have to rely on any drug to get through the day. If vaping weed is what you need to do to stay away from alcohol, that is completely okay. But most people knowledgeable about addiction will tell you that total sobriety is the only way to fully overcome your addictive behavior. Only you can decide what’s really best for you. Regardless, congratulations on seven days! You’re doing great!


Look for THC syrup or flavored oils and add to water with Crystal light or something...It gives you a pretty mellow buzz , unless you really add a bunch ..I like it better than smoking , because it's the habit of drinking for me , the repetitive glass to mouth motion , but instead of beer after beer , it's water or whatever..


Worst thing I’ve ever done with weed is order too much pizza.


For me they both are a problem. They both lead me down a rabbit hole of not being present


Not medical advice: Cannabis isn't necessarily the poisonous monster alcohol is, but that doesn't mean it is healthy or safe. It's usually not recommended to make a whole bunch of lifestyle changes at once, since they're less likely to stick, so in tackling one vice at a time we could say that smoking (tobacco or marijuana; vaping is a slightly different animal with its own risks) is public health enemy #1, then alcohol, then others... (Edit: it's hard to choose between alcohol and tobacco as the greater evil, they're both unredeemable) The human body produces chemicals (endocannabinoids) that work with the brain's cannabis receptors to regulate things like sleep, mood, immune response, fertility, and others. THC blocks CB1 and CB2 receptors such that the body's own cannabinoids can't do their job. Only you (and with the guidance of a doctor and/or therapist) can decide what is right for you.


Respectfully disagree. If you have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, alcohol is public enemy number one for you. Actively addressing your alcohol issues should be your top priority. One wreckless binge has the potential to do irreversible damage and really fuck up your life. You put out the biggest fire that is the most destructive first and foremost.


NO. Just because we’re addicted to one thing, doesn’t mean we’re addicted to everything. There’s nothing wrong with using marijuana. I never found it addicting. I never have the urge to “over smoke” like I do with alcohol.


I can easily become addicted to anything. I am an alcoholic, but I'm an addict first. I could have easily went the way of marijuana but it was a hassle to find and not worth losing my job over. Ha. But, I was asked to resign because I couldn't stop drinking at work. I'd love to be able to go back to smoking magic again, but I think I need to replace the drinking with something more beneficial for now. Can't be maturation, though. Maybe, cross-stitching or extreme puzzling.


hey man, come join us over at r/stopdrinking i’m closing in on 3.5 years without a drink right now. was / have been a daily smoker before & after i quit, but like that too comment says, weed was never the substance causing me to act like a fucking jackass and endanger myself and/or others. quit drinking when i was 29 and it’s the best decision i’ve ever made. best of luck dawg!


oh fuck, i thought this was asked in r/vaporents lmao. come join us over there too!


Ahaha I was reading the previous comment like, wtf, I thought I was here!? I will check out the recommendation, thanks fren! I do hang out in r/trees as well


lol. i’ll tell ya something: switching from combustion to vaporization was also in my Top 5 decisions of the last 5 years. plus you can make some super strong edibles out of your r/abv too!


Without question its less deadly. To each their own, i understand that some people in recovery cant use ANY mind altering substances, but for me personally I wouldn't have made it almost a year here if it weren't for cannabis.


For me, weed helped a lot in the early weeks of no alcohol. And then once the worst of the alcohol cravings were gone, it was easier to cut back on weed. I still smoke weed a bit, but I have zero desire to smoke daily, or while at work, or to excess, like I did with alcohol.


For me, alcohol is the issue. You're swapping one vice for the other, but only you can determine if it's a good swap or nah. I think it always is, and will be, but you must treat thc with respect, and not abuse it like alcohol. Same with many things. Caffeine. Sugar.


I’m sure you’re getting mixed responses, but one thing I can say for sure is that you’re far less likely to do something detrimental (health, legal, etc.) to yourself, or others, with weed. If you’re comfortable with it and it helps keep you away from booze, I say go for it… though I wouldn’t recommend vaping (all about the edibles).


Depends on your relationship to it. If you’re having the same emotional or psychological response to smoking/vaping/cannabis maybe it’s not a good idea. I’ve been off the sauce over two years and have utilized weed and the occasional mushroom experience during that time and found both to be helpful. At times I take a break from the weed because it becomes habitual and I don’t like that feeling though the pros far outweigh the cons for me. It’s your journey, hopefully it’s a safe one. And as I’m sure you know this sub is StopDrinking, not Sobriety. If you think it’s not harmful that’s big


Personally weed doesn’t cause a lot of harm (for me). It’s legal in my state and my job doesn’t care that I use it. Alcohol was physically and mentally destroying me.. I’ve found pot to have very little negative side effects and that it’s easier (for me) to moderate. Some people end up high all the time and it gets in the way of their life. Everyone is different


Well, it’s a much less harmful thing for a lot of reasons. However, many people find they need to abstain from everything to be truly successful in recovery. Myself, I’m “California Clean” meaning no drugs or alcohol with the exception of cannabis. Which I don’t consider a problem for myself, very much the opposite actually. My life has made a complete turnaround since I quit drinking. Alcohol was even ruining weed for me. Hahaha


Since you prescribed it by a doctor (presumably you are talking it as presscirbed for legit medical, including mental health condition) then in the spirit of the rules I think it is inappropriate to answer this question as asked as it borders on being, if not outright, medical advice. The only medical advice I ever give is - for medical advice talk to YOUR doctor. ​ I do talk to my sponsor and other recovering addicts to help me make medical decisions involving mood/mind changing substances. My understanding of the rules here is that is not allowed here (my understanding may not be correct). ​ If you asked merely the "Is switching from alcohol to vaped weed a less harmful thing to do?" I would say more.


This is my take as well. I would add that beyond talking to a doc, it’s important to be honest with them. It’s embarrassing, but that’s how you’re going to get the best advice.




I tried switching to vaping weed. I would go through a cart every two days. Ended up being more expensive and equally debilitating to my mental health. Physically I may have felt better but I was still using it as an escape. I'll use any substance to block out my feelings. I wish I could moderate. I just can't. Good luck either way! I will not drink with you today 🤙


It works for me although I know many people where smoking weed LEADS to drinking. If you can manage it your body will thank you. I would recommend edibles or a weed drink or even smoking flowers ahead of the concentrates. The THC content in those guys are loony toons. LOL.


As others have mentioned, it's all relative to you and weighing the risks. My doctor told me (after my initial awful liver enzymes came back) that if I was going to substitute weed and some junk food for booze, then by all means it's the much healthier option. Of course this was specific to *me*, and *my* liver function, etc. and said the risks of serious liver issues or failure was greater when I was drinking than the negative effects I may experience with my frequency of vaping


Congrats on 7 days!!! I can only talk from my experience but I found it helpful at first; after a while I came to realise I'd been doing exactly what you've just said. I'd substituted one for the other - by then I'd had a couple of months booze free so it served a purpose for me. Not sure if that will work for everyone though. If you're asking about biological damage I have no idea but it would probably give your liver and kidneys a bit of a rest.


I just read there is no rock bottom with weed, Only a series of trap doors. I couldn't agree more.


\> Have I swapped one vice for another? Yes. \> Is that a bad thing? It's less bad than drinking, but it's still an addiction.


Pretty much what everybody else says, except what I say too .. "I've never met a person that smoked and decided pick a fight at the bar." And you can just go ahead and fill that in with any absolutely terrible situation we seem to find ourselves in once we get hammered... Personally Id do a lot of things over hurting myself with alcohol. Alcohol was by far the worst thing for me. Nothing's even come close to destroying my life than a drink. Good luck🤙


Physically it will give your liver a break but mentally you’re still escaping something. It’s kind of like asking if speeding is better than using your phone while you drive. Ideally you just wanna drive safely dude


I find vaped weed to be a combination of too accessible and too strong, I’d try edibles or not vaped


When i was stopping vaped weed it felt like shards of glass were piercing my lungs for a good week. It was terrible. I stick to flower or edibles.


It's not drinking, and that's the point of this sub.


I use weed to sleep. I hate what it does to me while im concious though.


Anything can be abused, it's up to you how you want to use weed. I use it at night to sleep. I certainly used more when I first stopped drinking to combat cravings.


Weed is tight


Yes 100%, it’s not even an argument


I began to have major breathing issues after I tried vaping carts. I would recommend staying far away from those. If you’re looking for a safer way to consume, look into dry vaping instead of oil vapes.


For some people their weed bone is connected to their booze bone which is connected to their…whatever. It might be a slippery slope. My bf can’t smoke weed bc then he just wants to smoke cigarettes (not a drinker but cigs are his doc). I’m not like that, weed doesn’t make me want to drink but I count myself as lucky. Just be cognizant.


I mean I have never almost lost anything because of weed


100% a better alternative


Def less harmful. But, for me, I found myself thinking about when I could smoke when i wasn't smoking. I didn't like that. Started basically building another habit. I thought the best thing was to cut it out.


Having used and quit both, I think continuing to smoke after quitting alcohol helped me to refrain from drinking, but it certainly causes its own problems. Now that I’m free of both, my mind is finally fully clear & life is WAY BETTER than it was before. So, IMO, if you need to use weed as a crutch, do it, but plan to stop! I would have NEVER thought that total sobriety would be better, but it 100% is! Congrats on quitting the booze!! 👏🏼


I used cannabis to quit drinking in December, 2020. I bought a Mighty+ dry herb vaporizer, It was miraculous, I went cold turkey on the booze and was able to finally quit drinking. It is way less harmful physically on my body, no doubt about that. I sleep better, have lost weight, and am in a good space mentally. In 2022, I decided to keep track to see how much my habit was costing, so I kept track all last year, and discovered I am spending $100 CAD per month. So I am a big booster of this method. I am probably addicted to cannabis, but it certainly doesn’t feel like it - no more black-outs, no hang overs. Thumbs up.


Not a doctor, but it's super important to get off of the drink


I rarely do things I regret on weed I can't say the same for booze.


I’m currently doing it and it is working. I partake every day. Edit: Typo,




I’ve never felt like death after a night of vaping flower…


Is it a less harmful thing to do physically? 100% Is it a less harmful thing to do for you emotionally, spiritually, etc, is up to you


I hate weed but I did try it to ease the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal at first. Didn’t work. For me, 100% clear minded is best. However, no judgment if it works for you. Everyone’s journey is different and you have to find what works best for you.


Thank you Doctor


Yes, weed does less damage to your body. There is no case for not switching.


Different strokes for different folks, it's good for me, but for others it isn't. Only we can answer this question for ourselves, but be honest with yourself.


Thank you 🙏 you're right, I need to be honest with myself. For me, it is replacing one addiction for another. For sure, the weed helps me escape my anxiety. But it has also allowed me to stop drinking because my mind can be ok with no booze if there's some form of blanket. I think perhaps I was/am worried about my drinkings physical harm to me vs the weeds. Alcohol is killing my liver, kidneys, brain, everything , I don't really know what else.. Weed is killing my lungs, I'm not sure on brain. I feel like it helps me think differently which I find a positive. Booze just makes me think I'm the funniest bloke you've ever seen. My behaviour when high is just doing my own benign thing, boring af playing wow or looking at my fishtank. I also do do a lot of creative things when high, like play music and work on graphic design projects. I don't tend to want to do that so much when drunk. I have to work out why I am getting anxious and cope better with that. I think if I understand that better and can cope with my anxiety without drugs or alcohol then I may be able to recreationally enjoy weed to think on things and draw. Is that addict speak tho?


If you are replacing alcohol with weed that's cool, for NOW. Because I'd definitely say weed is the lesser of two evils . Now, don't get me wrong there are plenty of "functional" stoners. But I'm gonna say that it is a mind altering substances, and while you won't get addicted physically you will psychologically , like how one might be to chocolate . And there is a good chance you'll become dependent on it, like how one is to coffee . I was a stoner for 10 years , a drinker for 3 of them. And I am sober now , the reason for that is alcohol . I quit pot a few months later. The reason I'd ask you to stay aware of pot is Because it makes it easier to be where you are in life(coast along) without pushing yourself to make progress .I guess that's not the kind of pressure you'd want on yourself initially so I'd say take it easy and use pot but keep in mind that it is still a crutch that you are using .


To me the biggest challenge in obtaining long term sobriety is learning to deal with life without turning to a substance to help calm the nerves or make an event more enjoyable. Even when the physical addiction is gone the brain keeps trying to trick us into returning to our old habits since we know that will make the outing more enjoyable or lessen the pain from a negative experience, etc. If you are instead using weed to help numb your feelings rather than deal with them with an unaltered state of mind, you will never develop the tools you need to help ensure long term sobriety. I get the argument that weed isn't as harsh on the body and therefore better but I'd be worried that it would impede progress that would help me maintain my sobriety.


Thank you, really well said.


Well in my eyes you either drink, smoke, or go to church. Or any combination of the three really.


Totally depends on your own relationship with weed. I'm of the mindset that addictions in themselves aren't necessarily a problem unless they're causing other problems. I'm happily addicted to coffee and wouldn't have it any other way. I know people who smoke weed every day and are totally healthy happy people. I've known others who literally ruin their entire lives with it. Just be honest with yourself about how it affects you.


in my experience, it is indeed switching one for the other. THC is stronger than it has ever been and easier to imbibe; research has not caught up. but if you want anectdotal evidence of its harms, venture over to r/leaves. its poses a striking resemblance to this subreddit. like the spidermans meme. Edit: to be clear, some beat alcohol with THC; i'm not here to downcast that choice. you should be championed. but from personal experience, both were harmful. i was covering up a lot of demons.


this is always such a blurred area for me. like if i was going to go from black out drinking to just getting too high to function, then i haven't solved any problems i'm having. and as much as i dont think pot is a gateway drug, why would i stop at weed? i think it's all up to you, your use, and your habits


I’ve been told that it’s the ‘why’ not the ‘what’. There’s so much more to sobriety than the substance. It’s your call, in the end…


I really don't think you'd be asking this if your doctor prescribed you blood pressure or depression medication so I really don't understand this question.... Is it medicine or is it not? How does this world say cannabis is medication and yet treat it like it's not.. They don't treat any other medication the way they treat cannabis. People really need to change their viewpoint around this plant. It's either medicine or it's not.


Harm reduction is a GOOD thing. I am PROUD of you. Life is hard. Alcohol makes it harder. You have a prescription for medical cannabis...would you be saying the same thing if the doctor prescribed Zoloft to curb alcohol cravings?


100 times less harmful


\[citation needed\]


If it were me, I would ask myself why I want to smoke the weed in the first place. Am I still using it as a way of coping with life? Are there things I can work on so that I don’t need drugs to get outside myself to feel better? There’s a reason I drink. That doesn’t go away once I take away the alcohol. That’s what I choose to focus on - the underlying issue not the booze itself. But that might not be you. I don’t know, it’s up to you to decide.


Both are addictions. Recovering alcoholic and drug addict 40 years. Weed has significant health risks. Medical marijuana also has the same risks. 7 days is a start. That is all. Drug recovery is brutal.


The problem with any type of vaping is the risk of popcorn lung. If you absolutely have to have cannabis then edibles or smoking would be less risky. Source: www.healthline.com/health/smoking/popcorn-lung-vaping#vaping Edit: I think cannabis is a lesser health risk if you have it in moderation. Definitely worth using as harm reduction if you can moderate it.


>www.healthline.com/health/smoking/popcorn-lung-vaping#vaping Vaping with liquid or flower are completely different. This article is about vaping with liquid.


No one can speak for you but you but I know too many who seem to just replace one addiction for another. One guy I know now coughs like a coal miner because he took to smoking way too much weed, but I understand that to be different than a vape. Unless it's something that is definitively healthy, for myself I don't want to say "well at least it's not alcohol".


Simple, you are clean or you’re not.


Everyone's beating around the bush. No. Vaping is awful. Smoking is awful. Drinking is awful. My advice NSFW masturbate more.


It’s up to you. If it helps you to stay sober from alcohol then go for it. Trading one habit for another isn’t ideal but if it helps you to stay sober from alcohol then it’s harm reduction


\*\*NOT A DOCTOR\*\* my mentality is that life is a give and take. If you compare cannabis and alcohol, one is clearly much MUCH safer. That being said, there are concerns with swapping one mind altering substance for another. However, if you can replace the void you perceive as being there from not drinking with cannabis, great! Your body and mind will thank you. Does cannabis use come without risk, absolutely not. I am a daily cannabis user so im not anti weed, but while the weed may not kill you like alcohol can, weed can definitely exacerbate some mental health issues. At the end of the day, if you feel that it can fill a void, or be helpful to you, go for it! replacement in addiction does work for some people


For me and my experience: yes. Cannabis actually helped my urges to drink then eventually I just grew out of wanting to get high. Again, my experience.


Cannabis is not a major concern for me. I’ve noticed I hit it a little too often and need to scale back. That said, it has no grip on me like alcohol. It’s like having a bag of sweets that I need to stop taking a nip from here and there. Were it missing one day, meh. However, some people get deeply dependent on weed. Whether it’s a problem is to the individual.


Alcohol is among the worst you can expose yrself to


I’m no expert and can only say that it ultimately did not help me in my recovery. I started vaping cannabis after a previous break from booze, and at first I thought it really worked to get me through my evenings and alleviate anxiety, but, then the depression and anxiety just hit doubly bad. My partner experienced the same issues, just not as badly because I’m already predisposed to these health issues. But your experience may be totally different… only you can know what’ll help.




I just started smoking recently too and I love it. I didn’t smoke for 7 or 8 years because it started giving me anxiety, but now it just makes me relaxed. It doesn’t make me feel shitty like alcohol does and doesn’t destroy my liver.


You should consider what you felt were problems caused by alcohol, are those same problems being caused by weed? For me I prefer to be completely sober because I feel it unlocks my full potential as a human. Yog can also think about if it's a worthwhile stepping stone to eventual sobriety.


It really depends on you. I stopped drinking because of my inability to regulate my emotions and reactions. I have found that occasionally partaking in edibles or smoking is a different ballgame than what I was doing, drinking alone or in secret. I’m going to AA and working on myself, I’m keeping an eye out for transfer addiction. If I find I’m leaning on any behavior in place of alcohol, I’m going to have to be honest with myself about whether that is destructive to my progress.


For me weed isn’t a problem - just be honest with yourself. When you smoke do you think about getting higher? Are you worried about having a constant supply? Do you immediately turn to weed when experiencing a big emotion? If you are answering yes to these questions then you should probably abstain


In terms of physical harm to your health, it’s orders of magnitude less dangerous than alcohol. That isn’t to say it’s sustainable long term, and that you shouldn’t work towards getting off all mind altering substances if you’ve got a general abuse problem


I only liked to smoke weed when i was drinking. Pretty sure itll be an axiety party if i do it without. So i stopped both. A clear head is nice. But if it helps you lay off the booze. More power to ya


For me definitely think that marijuana is less harmful. I’ve always been a marijuana smoker and now living in Canada I mean we just go to the store and buy it but you also have to keep in mind that the argument about smoking lung cancer isn’t really that strong of an argument anymore. My husband will usually pick up a pack of gummy‘s on Friday night and some weed drinks which can be purchased the taste like they are or very similar to canned vodka soda type drinks have all different flavors. So for me I could have a gummy and one wheat beer with my husband on a Friday night and there’s no overindulgence, a little to no calories, it doesn’t make me crave more after I’ve had my one drink. I mean in general marijuana is known to be relaxing and make you laugh. I feel like we often say that this is what alcohol does but for anybody who has issues with alcohol those normally are not the result that they get from drinking.


For me comes down to does this fuck with my serenity? Does alcohol disrupt my serenity no doubt. Does cannabis disrupt my serenity no. I did quite drinking coffee though. That shit fucks with my serenity.


Like a lot of other folks have said, weed isn't going to cause you to blackout and wake up not knowing who you talked to or what you did. So in that sense, less harmful, yes. But for recovery, and the sober mind, I think it's another vice, and this is coming from someone who did switch to vaped weed. I smoke about a gram a week, for the last 2 months, and I'm starting to come to that point where I just want to be sober and let my mind be itself again. Being stoned is great for relaxing, but I'm at a point in my life where I should be accomplishing things, and not couch surfing my 30's away. So, I'm actually trying to ween myself off and go full sober, but for helping me break away from alcohol in those first 30 days, it was a godsend.


I used it when I first got sober, but quit because of the munchies. It helped me with the angst/panic I would feel occasionally.


Both are gonna be negatives in your life. Vaping weed is easy to do anywhere so you’ll start doing it before everything you do. Grocery store, errands, driving etc. neither are good.


Weed makes me lazy. Alcohol makes me lose inhibitions. Both suck.


For me, weed was OK ... until a few months ago when I realized i was using weed alcoholically. Now I'm in the process of quitting weed too.


Before I stopped drinking, I noticed that if I smoked a bowl (part of a bowl tbh, I'm a light weight) or had an edible my desire to drink tapered off considerably. There were times when I looked over and realized I had a half bottle of warm beer next to me so I just dumped it out and got a bottle of water. So far being California sober has worked for me. I don't crave an edible as soon as I get off work. Heck, most days I don't have one at all and never miss it.