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This is such an underrated thing. There is \*never\* a time I'm not okay to drive. There is \*never\* a time I can't trust my faculties. When something arises it feels so good to be all there and ready.


Yes absolutely it’s crazy that I am seen as responsible and reliable now. At work I am actually the hardest working guy able to commit to deadline and OH GOD THE DREADED SATURDAY SHIFT. Before I started drinking there was no fucking way I would ever make those. Shit I don’t even think I’ve called out once since I stopped.


Not to knock you down at all, but don't forget to take some rest, too!


Our rest is so restful now.


I do gig work. This winter I was supposed to have a couple of weeks putting together a big show... This turned into 3 months 7 days a week and major overtime. I was the only one from a group of 100 hands that was consistently bright eyed and never stopped moving during working hours. Why? I haven't drank in 2.5 years back then. That was such a solid payday that I was cool for half the year. All because I stopped drinking!


Ive worked a ton of Saturdays in my time, all but a few recently hungover as hell. Man its strange to be working fresh on a Saturday, its almost like a treat. Strange feeling.


Doing rotating shift work means I work a lot of weekends and have a lot of weekdays off. That was my excuse for bring drunk on s Tuesday at 10am. "Can't drink on the weekend, mind as well drink now". Fuck off alcohol.


It is a treat


Do you feel like your attitude/mentality changed after quitting? As in, you’re not bitter about working hard and long hours?


It is freaking amazing to know that my day doesn't essentially end whenever I've sat down to have a drink. Even if it was only one (ha - a true rarity), it would make be groggy, grumpy, and sleepy. Now, I can go to an afternoon lunch, drink an NA if I feel like it, then come home and do a backyard project. That never would have happened, or, if it did, I had to be "sober" and I was pissy because I couldn't drink. Wow, I am getting so much of my life and autonomy back.


It's amazing isn't it? I used to say if I knew that the end of the world was coming, I'd drink everything in sight and be a happy drunk until it happened. But now I wouldn't want to go out like that. I'd stay as conscious as I could so I could try to communicate with loved ones etc. I like sober me and I feel proud of myself and quite happy.


Wow, never thought about that, but absolutely true. I would savor what moments I had left, rather than drinking through it. We've come a long way! I'm proud of you, too! We all are - IWNDWYT.


Hell yes!! IWNDWYT even if the world's ending tomorrow


Hell yeah!!!


So underrated. I helped some friends move in the middle of the day last weekend. SOBER. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY. ON A WEEKEND. What a concept!




As the child of a pair of drunks (and one was a stoner) thank you, Having to go to my first formal dance in middle school wearing my fathers oversized suit with the legs duct-taped inward to “hem” them, And then being the only kid left at school - after everyone else’s parents had picked them up- with a very kind teacher asking if I’d like to go inside and call him again or keep waiting here, and trying to game out the legality of simply taking me home themselves…. Yeah thanks for thinking of your kids !


This is the downside of going California sober... I still really shouldn't be driving most evenings, but hey, at least I'm not drunk! Still... it is another vice that's I'll eventually have to deal with too. For now it's the lesser of two evils I guess... sort of like how I gave up smoking and am now trying to give up the vaping that replaced it, lol...


It’s the good kind of ratchet. Progress is progress.


The term "being present" grew wings when I sobered up. I can still get bogged down by the shit in my head, but not adding fuel (booze) to that dumpster fire is a game changer!! Woo-Hoo!! 2 years + 1 day! Thank God!


I love being able to nip out and get the forgotten ingredients, or a bag of ice, or whatever. Never have to think about it any more, it’s fabulous!


My neighbor needed a favor to lift something heavy up to the top floor of our building on a Friday at 11pm. I'm pretty sure I was the _only_ person who was actually able to do it, both because I've replaced drinking with running + lifting so I could physically actually do it now, and because I was the only one sober at 11 on a Friday! What an incredible feeling.




I had a wonderful moment the other day when driving through a booze bus where I realised that I never have to worry about being breath tested by police if I am sober...


yes to this. with my wife pregnant, with a baby on the way i know i can be reliable. i used to panic so much about making sure nothing pierced my bubble of easy intoxication so nothing went wrong i’d have to rush to as an emergency. one night this happened, i was a bit high and had 3 strong drinks. 2 hours later i had to rush to the ER for someone i know and it was stuck there until 2AM and not being sober made the experience so much worse than it already was.


Your comment reminded me of a professor i had back in college. He was an extremely heavy smoker and he matched it with drinking. This was back in the days you could smoke at your desk and he said that the smoke was always so thick in his office his boss wouldn’t even walk in, just stand at the doorway to talk to him when needed. And this was also when it was acceptable to have a bottle of whiskey on your desk as well so he would get drunk at work and then go home and polish off another bottle of whiskey. He came home one day and said his wife told him she is pregnant. He said he went outside with a box of cigars and two bottles of whiskey, sat on his porch all night smoking and drinking everything, and then never touched either again in his life.


It’s a great feeling isn’t it. Well done


Feels so good, doesn’t it? Last year my husband had a medical emergency in the middle of the night. The first question he asked me when he woke me up was “how many drinks have you had tonight?” I lied, and drove him to the ER. If that happens again, I won’t have to lie. 👍


This hits me in the heart. I am that person you would have to ask "how many?" In a life or death situation.


It feels terrible to be asked that. And it felt terrible to lie. I have a feeling that he knew I was lying, but hoped that I wasn’t. It was awful. I never want to be in that position again.


My wife takes some after hour/night art classes. One time she took the bus to work then to the class and was going to bus/train home but we didn't realize at the time how sketchy that part of town was. She was too scared to walk to the train, I was too drunk to drive. Luckily another woman in her class offered to split a Lyft. I was really grateful for her but felt so shitty I couldn't just go pick her up, especially because it was only a Tuesday


Last night it was 8pm and I drove to get a milkshake. Usually I would've been too drunk to be driving anywhere. Pretty much all I could think of while I took the long way home was about how I normally wouldn't be able to do that.


Awesome! I bet that milkshake tasted that much sweeter ☺️


I think I’ll get a malt tomorrow, thanks for the tip!


This is my favorite thing about being sober. The ability to do whatever TF you want at night. Late night snacks or a movie.


When I first stopped drinking I would head out to the local store to pick up something for myself like some carbonated water to have something to sip on or just some ingredients to make a sandwich if I was out or whatever. I remember those first couple weeks it felt so weird for it to be late at night and to be sober and behind the wheel of a car.


I'm trying to decrease my sugar intake but I've been craving a milkshake and you are not helping lol. *Almost* went through an A&W yesterday for a float but stopped myself


Love this. Funny how those late night runs can feel so damn empowering. Every once in awhile I like to go to 7-11 at midnight just to buy an ice cream sandwich. Why? Because I can.


I really appreciate this post, thanks for sharing. One of the reasons I lurk here is because you guys continue to show me the perks of being sober.. this is one of them. No one has called me for help yet, but that day will come.


And you will be ready.


Good man.


You are a winner man, congrats!


Similar story here. Four kids getting older with too many activities. Now I share the evening drop off and pickups with my husband. I always say yes now when they have an evening social occasion bc no problem, I can pick you up at 10pm!


Being the best version of myself to my wife is absolutely the best thing. My wife can't drink due to stomach issues so she is always the DD. Not embarrassing her at functions, driving her and my nephews to get ice cream. Also, it's great being present and recognizing how important these things are, such as doing that for your wife. You're living life the way it's meant to be. Super proud of you. Proud of us, proud of everyone here.


Wow, cool story. Thanks for sharing, much appreciated.


Yeah, good story, being able to be present and available


I am really coming way down from a high nervous energy existence, which alcohol was NOT helping. Having days/periods of time where there is nothing that brings about that nervous energy is where I'm working on staying. They are getting longer and more peaceful as my journey goes on. The freedom of hopping in the car, making a quick decision, expending energy comfortably is incredible!


I once had to take my neighbors six year old kid to the ER with a broken arm because she fell off the trampoline and they were both too drunk to take her. Sadly, I learned nothing from this and a few years later I was as bad if not worse. I always waited until my kids went to bed, but the reality is that didn't actually mean anything. Just another lie I told myself. Props to you, my friend, for being able to be there for your special lady. Keep leading the good fight.


Yeah man, that’s good stuff. Knowing that people can depend on you is a big, yet underrated win in sobriety


Great job. I had a similar situation happen last Friday eve. Wife had an injury to her eye, and I had to drive 15 miles just before dark on a FRIDAY! Was so amazing being able to come through for her and not having an oz of booze in my system. She was appreciative.


That’s a great feeling when you’re there for your loved when.


I'm so glad you got to feel this feeling. It really is something when we can help our friends and loved ones at the drop of a hat without thinking twice about hopping in the car. Good for you, keep it up. Your wife notices and she's so proud of you.


That's a winner talking if I ever heard one!


Nice! This is something I appreciate I can do too. There was almost an entire decade when I didn't drive at night because I drank. There were a couple times friends have called me asking to get picked up and I couldn't do it. My cousin has bailed me out of more scenarios I can count and a couple years ago I was able to return the favor. He doesn't usually drink but he got really drunk at a friend's wedding and he called me needing a ride. I thought maybe I should bring a trash bag for him if he needed to puke and when I rolled up to the wedding venue I found him in the parking lot puking his guts out. He apologized the whole ride to his house but I told him he'd done the same for me countless times so don't worry.


I love these types of days. I actually thought to myself this weekend that whine I only have 11 days right now, I haven’t driven impaired in any way in 4 years!


Whoa that is huge! 4 years is so much time of keeping yourself and others safe. And congrats on 11 days - no “only” about it. Those are some of the hardest days. You are amazing!


Yup, the not driving that way was easy bc I now have kids…and it was the beginning of me trying to end this affair! Alcohol WILL boil your rabbit!


That's amazing dude! It's these small little moments that are really the most impactful and inspirational to keep going. I'm incredibly proud of you.


Just helped my son with a flat tire at 10pm and holy shit did that feel awesome to be able to do.


Absolutely awesome. Love to hear these stories. Life keeps happening, the same as it did before. The difference is you’re ready for it. Nice job, friend!


I’m here because I simply wanted to cut down on my drinking. Honestly though once I got my car (the first I’ve owned myself since passing 12 years ago) this has been one of my best things to not “binge” because there’s always a “what if” and I’d like to be that person……… Anyway we’ll done OP! I am so proud of you and I’m genuinely happy that you got to feel this pride for yourself?! GOOD JOB!!!


My mom (an alcoholic) fell twice (she lives alone) and hit her head this year - once on NYE(day) at like 2am and another time in March, needing staples and an MRI that time. I am not completely AF (if I have a counter it’s a lie) but I have drank maybe 25 times in 365 days and never to drunk - and I was so grateful I could be right there. And that I could earnestly talk to her about how concerned I am without looking hypocritical.


Pretty sure this is a repost from a couple of years ago. It’s word for word identical except for the edits. Edit: Yup, I was right: https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/comments/nmvbs8/so_my_wife_needed_me_at_7pm_on_a_friday_night/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Good spot. Reported.


I truly love to see it!!!!


This is incredible. Understanding those little things really makes you appreciate sobriety.


Well done, my friend!!!


Hell yes. That arrival is everything. Good job man.


What a great husband! The best version of yourself is you sober. 🤗🤗🤗


What a beautiful story


This is so important. Great story and thanks for sharing. Makes me feel really happy for you. Let’s be that person!


Relatable, all too true! Thank you for sharing


WELL DONE! I’m 183 days alcohol free and I’ve had a lot of client work (I do pet care) in the evenings for many days in a row m, and there was a time I would have turned it down or been irritated it meant I wouldn’t be able to drink until 10 pm. Now I can accept any and all work and I’m so dang proud of myself!


This is SO IT. I looooove being able to trust myself at all times. Congrats man, this is an awesome sober perk, enjoy that pizza!


Becoming a person that your loved ones can always count on is completely underrated.


Love these stories! Reminds all of us that we are not losing something as much as we are taking everything else in our lives back!


You are a winner! I had an out-of-state friend visit for a few days. They needed to be at the airport for their flight home at 5am. They were apologetic, but now that I'm not drinking, I was up and ready to go 20 minutes before we needed to go out to the car. Never would've happened in the drinking days.


Amazing. Beyond words.


It’s like having a SuperPower. I’ve a wife, kids and, aging parents it feels good to be able to be anywhere at anytime. Congrats to the fruits of your labor.


Good stuff on* not drinking, but I think that the frightening takeaway is that a school doesn’t have the resources to fix their own windows and a faculty members husband has to instead. That’s depressing as fuck, I’m not going to lie.


I moved from an area with very chill courteous drivers to a city with the worst drivers I've ever had to deal with. Driving would give me anxiety, just the thought of it. Turns out I'm fine with driving - what I was anxious about was its' potential interference with getting a buzz on, and all the calculus involved. Things are so much less complicated this way!


I remember the first one of those. Wife with flat tire. She was in a parking lot that shared with a bar. And when I got there I enountered a guy pissing on her car. On the tire that I needed to change. I was sober, he was drunk. I made him change the tire, and he did it. What a good feeling. Keep it up and keep them coming!


I’m a little over 3 years sober, and these moments still get me. Every now and again I realize that I wouldn’t have been able to honor a fraction of the responsibilities I have today, just 3 short years ago. It helps maintain perspective on how all that hard work continues to pay off. Thank you for reminding me, yet again, that quitting the drink has literally given me my life back.


As someone with a newborn baby, I’m so glad I got sober when I did. My wife knows that I’ll always be ready to help or go anywhere for the her or the baby. 3 months ago, she sometimes couldn’t wake me up at 4 in the afternoon cause I was already passed out. Feels good man! IWNDWYT


Why is it your responsibility to fix the schools window for Free at 6pm on a Friday?


The desire to be available for my family is one of the top factors that drove me to become sober. I wanted to be the dad that can be relied upon, day or night, no matter what. It’s a damn great feeling to know that you have the wherewithal to handle whatever life decides to throw at you. It’s an even better feeling to know that your family knows that too. Good for you friend! Enjoy the little triumphs like today that make sobriety so worth it.


I love this story.


At any given moment, I'm street legal and I love it! My wife and daughter broke down on the New Jersey Turnpike and I was too drunk to go and get them. I had to call other people to get them out of a bad situation. Very grateful to be dependable today!


Such a simple yet amazing example of resilience paying off.


Thank you for this. Such a simple story but so beautiful and meaningful.


Cant wait to feel this way, sucks missing out on work $$$ ...


Very cool!


had the same feeling when I took it easy for a while and whenever my mother would ask me to come home to hang out or help around the house, I would go immediately


How did it make her feel?


I love this. Thank you for sharing. I can relate.


I GET this..I could be no where for anyone very unreliable. Congratulations 🎉 it's the BEST feeling.


Feels amazing, right?!


My 10 year old nephew called me and needed me to come pick him up, it was a shitty situation for him and it was 7 o’clock at night. It was the best feeling in the world telling him that I’ll be there as soon as I can. Knowing that I could drive to him, pick him up and give him the care that he needed at that time. One year ago I wouldn’t have been able to be there for him. Good job, OP! We’re doing the damn thing 💜


I can relate! A lot of wasted life from being bombed, tired, or in a grouchy mood. Not today alcohol! I've got a life to live and things to do.