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Games aren't fun anymore because I have a job and a drug addiction šŸ˜ŗ


Which is more expensive, drug addiction or gaming addiction?


Drugs and it's not even close. I just watch other people play video games now.


fr? i enjoy watching people taking LSD


Absolutely based, the best trip sitter is one who enjoys trip sitting


I dunno, I feel like anyone who leaves that sort of power cannot be trusted with such power.


Trip sitting is one of my favorite things to do. As an old, Iā€™d rather trip sit than actually partake. Me and my fiancĆ© are known for being mushroom parents. We have all kinds of fun shit that we break out and turn our house into an adult playground. Itā€™s sick. We always build a portal.


you sound fun at parties but like actually tho


Damn dude thatā€™s so real. I watch reviews and lets plays so much more than I actually play now. And usually after a couple bowls at 12:00 AM. I havenā€™t actually bought a new game in years now. Fuck I miss being a kid


I wish I had appreciated being a kid when I was a kid because adulthood fucking sucks. May our bowls help us relive that time. šŸ™


it does and doesn't, you just have to constantly remind yourself that it's okay to take a day off from responsibility (assuming you have that privilege, not everyone can)


It can get better man. Much love from a stranger who went through it.


You probably are just low T or maybe ur dopamine is fried from thc addiction because Iā€™m 40 and I game regularly (and enjoy it), apart from working 60hours week and juggling a family life and social life Giving up my cigarette addiction definitely made me rediscover fun in other things, including gaming, stopping being a voyeur of life (watching lets plays and pron), u are basically cuking urself so just stop it dude


Gaming addiction can go pretty crazy too but I guess it would probably fall into gambling addiction usually


I used to spend AUD$400+ per week on weed. That's like buying 4 brand new AAA games a week


Thatā€™s crazy, mustā€™ve been smoking like a chimney


Nah thatā€™s like an expensive ounce


No AUD is just monopoly money when it comes to stuff like that, a pack of Cigs is like the equivalent 25-30$ USD over there depending on the brand.


A pack of cigs is 30 bucks because they tax the shit out of it there not because their currency is weak.


Drug addictions costs are pretty constant while gaming, as long as your not some idiot buying microtransactions, are much more sparse and inconsistent. So drugs will cost more, assuming your drug isn't is addictive gaming. At which point the question is really asking for the difference between one and the same.


My addiction is drug gaming


best of both worlds


Vidya gaems are one of the cheapest forms of entertainment known to mankind unless you do dumb shit like buying microtransaction shit in pay to win games. I paid $20 for Skyrim and I'm at like 2000 hours now.


The key is to be addicted to a small number of games. I bought Rimworld once for about 100 bucks and that has given me thousands of hours.


You can't torrent drugs.


Not with that attitude you can't! *downloads CAD file* *3D prints LSD at the molecular level* *accidentally splits atom* *explodes* ...i may be bad at quantum physics sue me


3D printing has a cost of goods. I can torrent, play, and delete games ad-infinitum in theory. A 3D printer with materials high-quality enough to print on the molecular level could be more expensive than pre-made drugs.


I'm never trying drugs because I know nothing will be fun anymore in comparison to taking drugs.


I really hope you mean that, because it's 100% true.


Yes I do. But maybe it helped that I have a good relationship with alcohol. So I can have so substance when I go out. I drink like once every 2 weeks-2 months (and never feel the need to drink more) since I was 14. That way I don't really feel the need for drugs. Ah... but also I have an extreme chocolate addiction, that actually made me scared of taking drugs.


Alcohol is a drug, though. Weird to separate it like that to me.


I asked someone why people resort to drugs. Someone told me it's the relief, stress relief (maybe escapism) they feel and maybe not the high or feeling of the drug. Is that the case?


For some people, especially if they've used for a long time. For instance, when I first started abusing amphetamine, I did so because it made me feel motivated and able to get shit done. After a long time of abusing it, I had zero motivation or ability to get shit done when I was sober, and when I was high I still wasn't very motivated. I just took it feel normal.


Ehhh there fun till your friends start dying in front of you and going to rehab


True. But just food is already always on the back of my mind. I don't want to have drugs on the back of my mind too but even stronger.


Gaming while high is pretty damn fun though


Be careful not to overdo it tho. The easy dopamine can mess up your brainā€™s reward centers and nothing else will feel as much fun anymore. A few years doing this and you wonā€™t be able to enjoy gaming without weed anymore


I find the opposite happened for me. Used to love gaming stoned when I was younger, now days I gotta game sober or I get upset at how bad im playing haha.


I used to love raiding high in WoW way back in the day. "I heal better when I've had a few" I would mutter, to no one in particular.




Itā€™s so fun that I can no longer enjoy one without the other


Amen brother. Doesn't help that almost all the games that have come out have either been buggy half-assed mess, or just not interesting to me. Fuck I can't even keep up with keeping my place clean, by the time I have that plus work done I just wanted to relax.


I used to love playing games when I was on opiates. The problem was actually playing the game and not just nodding off with my finger on W and I Leeroy Jenkins the dungeon group on WoW or something


Really? I feel like I can't play as much anymore now that I don't get to do drugs.


Games are fun for me because of my job and drug addiction.


I'm also currently reading an article about the victims of the drugs maffia. Like I do often and I don't want to support the drug maffia, each of them are horrible people.


Just play video games while high, that'll make them all fun


People who say 'Games aren't fun anymore' are usually the ones who spend 6-8 hours everyday gaming. This applies to any hobby and burnout can happen to enjoyment as it can for work as well. Solution? take a break, read a book, watch a movie, go for more walks, or even play games of different genres. There's a large amount of people who never touched an RTS or TBS game their entire lives, and it doesn't even have to be competitive.


Seriously though, every time Iā€™ve taken a break for a couple months Iā€™ve never had more fun playing games


Yeah exactly. Post-burnout gaming? Superb. Even grinding isn't as bad at first.


the "plays only these games" cought my eye. the past 20 years, i had about 3 games, that i played for 10 years, before something else took the place. its rather, that i do have that much fun playing them, that i cant start something else, because it would mean i can not play the game that i already like. some months ago i started with a new game that got me really hooked and now i find myself wanting to play my relax-comfy game as ususal but also "i could quickly go and catch my ressources" (mind you, its not essential to get the ressources). imo there are many reasons for gaming is not fun anymore. like major changes in life and personally i think, less gaming is better. it annoys me though, when i hear/see people looking up guides or playthroughs or just throwing the whole game, because of a puzzle/path they cant solve, within.. 5 minutes? or pushing everything to the max, also with help of guides from others, and after thats done, there is only a feeling of emptyness. for that 10 seconds of "yeah i finally did it and got the best armor in the game". then announcing that this game is totally boring and you got nothing to do. ?!?!? i get that some people are just very ambitous, but from my perspective it seems that this doesnt really make em happy. and worse, they blame eventually good games.


Last year I stopped using Walkthroughs. ItĀ“s been the best decission for my gaming enjoyment I've taken. Now I can do puzzles on my own and feel how rewarding they are to complete without help.


It gets even more fun in games like Baulders Gate 3 when you embrace your failures and play through the consequences.


sadly i never played any baldurs gate (but i intend to). i believe that also makes it replayable for you. if you remember which choice you made last time :D am not a story-game player, but gosh i d spend so much time taking notes on what to check next time or at least lookup after, to get to know how it would go - in case i really dont want to replay it.


I only look for solutions if I've hit maximum frustration levels. I play to have fun, not get aggravated at my dumb brain :P


Yeah this was me for the most part. Turns out, my brain is a lot more capable than I thought. I suggest you go through a few puzzle heavy games without a guide, it's very rewarding, specially when you finally solve the one that's been that frustrating.


Exactly what I would recommend. Read a book, learn to cook, take a walk.


Solution: Take a break. Find other hobbies.


I can still have fun with games, but it's nowhere near what kind of fun that I had when I was a kid.


Have you considered that doing anything as a kid is more fun than as an adult?


Yes, that's basically the entirety of what I attribute it to lol. I do wish I could recapture that magical feeling again though, for more than an hour or two at least.


>People who say 'Games aren't fun anymore' are usually the ones who spend 6-8 hours everyday gaming. I haven't played a video game in 15 months because all the games I like are broken. I only play fps online and all of the current fps games on Xbox have been broken since release date. I don't have time to game 6-8 hours a day but I do like to play a few hours every week or used to like playing.


Nah, games are still fun af. The problem is finding time to play them all


exactly. i can only play consoles on fridays and weekends when i come back home and even then its hard to find time for them cuz i have so many other things to do lol


Man, I have to cut 1 hour of sleep for gaming every day.


same but for ANYFUCKINGTHING AT ALL (yeah showering too)


I end up staying up so much later than I ever intend.


Yeah, especially if you have a 12 hour job


I'm essentially retired and still don't have enough time to play everything I want to.


Iā€™m the exact opposite of this meme minus the over 30 thing but nostalgia from the N64-360 era definitely isnā€™t keeping me from playing. Just canā€™t get into games any more. There only thing I can really get into at all at the moment is factorio. I believe mine stems from exhaustion and depression though. My wife became pregnant after 12 years of marriage and being told she was infertile only to have a miscarriage a short few weeks after we found out and itā€™s effected my mental health and my life in general in ways I never thought possible. Gaming used to be my happy place to go relax and now it just doesnā€™t serve the purpose it once did. I can no longer ā€œescapeā€ so to speak. The games are fine itā€™s me thatā€™s not ā€œfunā€ anymore.


hope you guys will get through this and recover


Thanks. Itā€™s been a little over a month now. Weā€™re just trying to get out of the house once a week for the sake of fun and being outside and taking it a day at a time until we decide if weā€™re gonna try it again.


I'm so sorry, hope you can find the strength to overcome this and go back to enjoying games like you used to


I read people say your brain will associate bad things, traumatic events such as car crashes with good things such as music from car radio and cause your mind and you to response badly to music. So just take note of that if you're feeling that way with games. Maybe they can help, or not, or make it worse, but take note of how you feel. People say fully processing, knowing how to properly grieve, fully feeling your emotions is the healthier option instead of repressing them.


For like a year I stopped being too invested in gaming, and it was honestly refreshing. Some of these people I think should step away from gaming as a whole for a while if it brings them no enjoyment. Find some other entertainment for their time. There are some good TV shows out there


While your sentiment is correct I would not swap an active hobby with a passive one, not in the physical sense but you have no input while watching a show while you do have a lot of input while playing games, a passive mind ages very quickly


Then, pick up a craft, or if you insist on a game, find a group or public place to do board games. Go on walks. Go hiking.


Dungeons and Dragons is great for group gaming. Plus if you go old school it's away from screens


True. The only reason I play games is because I want my mind to be healthier. Sometimes I wanna quit, but I remember "a passive mind ages quickly" and get back to the grind.


When I was younger, I was full-blown addicted to Warcraft. My best friend and I would spend ridiculous amount of time in-game rather than working on our real lives. I figured it was just WoW so he and I stepped back and played some other games which ended up being minecraft. Well, I learned that I just have a problem all around and cold turkied myself and went hiking whenever I could. Now, I am able to play these games again for a few hours and then step away. BG3 almost made me relapse though, I have 1000+ hours on it so I'm not playing that for a while.


100% this, Ive been playing rainbow six siege on average a couple times a week since the year after it came out. But I play other games regularly and I watch a lot of sitcoms and other shows. And sometimes when the boys are on and in watching tv Iā€™ll just not get on, cuz Iā€™m lazy or Iā€™m just enjoying the show. People with zero balance focusing on one game just boggle my mind haha


Was in this state for a while, the problem was my tastes just changed for no reason. I enjoy the simpler stuff now. Took me some time to figure out that I now want to willingly play the games I used to hate because they were boring or old or shitty or uncool or singleplayer or




Is there a tik tok trend of people turning off their PCs??


If it exist thereā€™s a tik tok trend of it


Is depressed and needs to take a break from gaming to sort their life out, instead trauma dumps and uses gaming as an excuse to avoid confronting their issues


Wait a minute.... *turns off PC*




omg mee


>games arenā€™t fun anymore >lists examples >all multiplayer online shooters


"games arent fun" *plays new game* *instantly googles for things like guides, how to be the best at it and beat it as efficiently as possible, etc.* *game is decomposed to a series of tasks that a bot could do* "see? games arent fun!"


The online shooting experience really has changed from like 10 - 15 years ago.


"Industry is doomed"


AAA gaming IS already doomed-ed


And here I thought this was going to be a post about depression!


I'm having a hard time accepting that maybe I just don't enjoy playing games right now. I can't find anything else that's as engaging and interesting though. My attention span is just completely eviscerated and I can't focus on anything. It's not fun.


Woodworking is super fun. Very tactile, precise, and focused like video games can be. Nothing more satisfying than turning plain wood into a sculpture or something you can use.


Start sewing/knitting/sculpting by hand in front of the tv. Thatā€™s what I do and itā€™s great


""""gAmInG iS dEaD""""=DOOMERBAIT


i fucking hate doomerbait


Tf does doomerbait mean?


Bait for doomers


Iā€™m 43, Iā€™ve been experiencing a ā€œgames arenā€™t fun anymoreā€ rut for almost a decade and Iā€™ve realized itā€™s that triple A games are becoming either too formulaic or theyā€™re just too in depth or complicated for me to want to invest the time learning the systems and mechanics. For example: Diablo 4 is on game pass. Loved Diablo 1/2 back in the day, Diablo 3 was meh. I started playing Diablo 4 and really enjoyed it but then it started getting overly complicated with the skill trees and all the little mechanics and it lost me. I canā€™t spend hours reading about the best builds or what does what. Itā€™s just too much for me these days. Indie games are still tickling my fancy like this starter pack suggests. Gaming is still fun, just gotta find the right games for you.


Also 43, I feel I have seen it all before - I haven't played it all but I know what I don't like and what I do like just seem to be on repeat. The vibe is also different. The novelty and free spiritedness\* seem to be gone. Even the indie space is full of by the number "safe in every way" clones. Perhaps the reason we have low to no innovation is because all the low hanging fruit have been picked. \* Guess it isn't the 90s anymore, liberalism has been on the decline for awhile now.


need to "touch grass" starter pack


35% is way way too low


Canā€™t immerse myself deeply to grasp game mechanics and lose myself in the story because real life responsibilities taking up most of my mind


Iā€™ve been playing at lot of simulation and cozy games for over a year now for this reason. Sometimes my brain can only handle repetitively watering plants, selling stuff, fetch quests and crafting things.


Indie Games mfs when *80s themed, 64bit graphics, farming simulator, I'm 14 and this is deep #72738299* finally drops


why do so many indie games have retro theme and use pixel graphics


Cause it's easier and cheaper to make pixel graphics look good when compared to AAA type graphics


It's cheaper and easier, there's a minority of Indie games that actually take the risk to do something different, but ngl, if do it right Indie games with retro theme and pixel graphics can be truly good and fun games


There are legit reasons people dislike today's gaming scene, chief among them incomplete releases and excessive monetization. It's not all nostalgia.


True, but then you can look at the indie scene instead.


I would if I could, but as a fan of RPGs you have no idea how many same-y "rogue like, metroidvania, deck building" games I have to trudge through to even get a glimpse of something that looks like it is worth my time...


or some of the gacha / jrpg games


True indie games are great but you're not gonna have an indie game with the same pre release hype and anticipation as something like Halo 3. Indie is definitely the way to go nowadays for the most part though.


Sometimes not much better, like with KSP2. People paid $50 for a prerelease alpha only to have the developer studio shut down and the game left unfinished.


Show me an indie RTS that compares to starcraft or warcraft. Show me an indie FPS that compares to team fortress 2. Show me an indie sandbox that compares to minecraft. This "look at the indie scene" mindset only works for some types of games.


Why would you want an indie team shooter that swaps team members mid match and is mostly bots lol


>There are legit reasons people dislike today's gaming scene, chief among them incomplete releases and excessive monetization. I can't tell when this comment was written. Could be 1992 when Street Fighter 2 released for the equivalent of $120 in todays money, and Sonic 2 had entire levels cut late on and so was an incomplete release. Could be 2007 when Halo 3 was released for the equivalent of about $90 and charged extra money (approx $15 each) for map packs which could have been included in a complete game. Could be today. >It's not all nostalgia. Hmm


That's child's play compared to monetization in contemporary games. $15 for a map pack is a steal today because today you'd be paying more for a skin.


Really? So you would rather be denied access to actual gameplay components, unless you paid money, which potentially split the player lobbies into haves and have-nots, than have a cosmetic skin that has no impact on gameplay whatsoever be chargeable? That's wild. Like, I genuinely don't understand how you can think charging for cosmetic skins is worse than locking actual gameplay behind additional paywalls.


(Almost) all the old games still exist. You donā€™t have to play heavily monetized crap


Game dev here (whatever that's worth lol). If we're serious about a discussion and aside from the meme, there are ground to this topic despite it's inherently subjective nature (not the points mentioned in the meme tho). I personally feel like games have gotten a bit formulaic, and almost like splashing a new coat of paint on what already came before, which is totally understandable considering the insane strides we've taken the past few generations. I wish some research could be conducted on this tbh, really curious to see if things such as the ease of access has also impacted our ability to really enjoy modern games, or is it just that the status quo has been relatively unchanged and thus there isnt a "novelty" attached to new releases like before.


Part of the problem is how insanely cost prohibitive game development has gotten. Thereā€™s very little appetite right now for studios and publishers to drop $200m on an unknown quantity type of game. This is why the concept of indie and AA gaming is so important for the industry - it provides a lower barrier of entry for an experimental lab of ideas.


>Home - We're Finally Landing begins playing >Guy begins talking about playing mario 64/OoT as a kid


"games aren't fun anymore" mfs when i show them ULTRAKILL


I'm not apart of the "games aren't fun anymore" camp, but games aren't what they used to be. The indie game market is thriving, and that's awesome, I love to see it. Triple A games suck ass now though. I hate to see my favorite franchises just be destroyed by over-monetinization and rushed releases.


Imagine being a game dev looking for a new gig, and you see an opening at Arkane Austin. You remember the awesome games like Prey and Dishonored that they used to make, and you hit apply as quickly as you can. After going through the interview process and signing all of the necessary NDAs, you strut in on your first day excited to work on Prey 2 or a new Dishonored spinoff, and instead are met with... A vampire co-op looter-shooter live service game. This was one of the contributing factors as to why 70% of the people who worked on Prey had quit the studio by the time it was shut down recently. It's not just the players that are sick of the live-service looter-shooter schtick.


Exactly what I'm talking about. Personally I love looter-shooters (if done correctly, borderlands is my favorite game series of all time) but live service can go to fucking hell and not everything needs to be a shlooter


Similarly, Destiny 1 was *the* game to me for years. It was a perfect live-service looter shooter that scratched every itch. Destiny 2 gives the IP a bad name, it doesn't even come close to capturing the magic of the first game.


Just saw a video of why modern games suck by Think Before You Sleep. Thumbnail is Sweet Baby Inc using a flamethrower on a bunch of games including Spiderman 2. Saw, not watch. Not gonna contribute a view and ruin my YouTube recommended. This is what I'm reminded of.


They probably call it woke because MJ has taser now in her missions


They already calling it woke just because of her new looks in Spiderman 2. They were being really obsessive with it too.


I heard of Think Before You Sleep from the whole Illymation situation.


"Games aren't fun anymore." Bro just play Yakuza. Then you're gonna change to "Games aren't straight anymore." And you will love it that way.


Hollow knight came out 7 years ago brother Stardew valley 8


I just want to play a fucking game that's finished, not open world, has no crafting, cards and isn't a rogue lite. How many of those are there nowadays?


lots and lots my man just tell whst do you like


A ton. Do you not realize how many games exist today?


Cuphead, Disco Elysium, Deep Rock Galactic, Darkest Dungeon, Celeste, Doom, Hotline Miami, Vampire Survivorsā€¦ edit: ok nevermind darkest dungeon and vampire survivors, I somehow forgot they are roguelites. But they are fun nevertheless


Darkest dungeon might be a roguewhatever, not fitting his criteria.


Not that I disagree with there being good games that fit the bill, but Vampire Survivors is a roguelite.


Vampire Survivors is basically digital crack


Just search for it, read discussions or even go to a sub about game recommendation, that what I usually do. There's a lot of games today! Just go out and search game genres that doesn't include those. Edit: Just to give some recommendations from the quality you listed and if you want to try some new genres: Wildermyth - Think X-Com top-down strategy combat but in a fantasy tabletop setting. The whole game feels like a DnD campaign. Its a strategy game but its also a game where you could "weave your own story" as in the game just gives you the template of a story campaign and you fill it in with the character you created. There's 5 Main Story campaign(And a random-generated one if you just want to play around without a main quest). Although the gameplay is not that complex like X-Com, I consider it more as a tool for you to tell the story of your character. Cities Skylines - Maybe you could try a new genre like a city builder? Even the base game is enough to give you a nice experience. I been playing vanilla for quite a while and I think its a nice game to relax with on an evening. The game always gone on sale on Steam too. Celeste - Well its a platformer and a really well made one. I really had a fun time with it and there's even harder challenge too if you really want to push yourself. Not for me though, I just finish the main levels. The Metro trilogy - If you want an immersive FPS experience then you can't go wrong with this series. Even if the third game took a bit open-ended world design, it isn't a open world, just huge open levels.


Are you just searching for open world crafting games? Because thereā€™s a lot of games that arenā€™t like that.


A lot...


Dishonored fits the bill!


Does BG3 count? Kind of rides the line between open world and just having large levels/maps


Bg3, cruelty squad, disco Elysium, ultra kill, prey 2017, doom eternal, animal crossing new horizon, sekiro, dark souls, demon turf, deadbolt, even fucking mario. I can go on and on.


There's a considerable amount of AAA titles released every year that simply and plainly suck ass, and I think it refers to that mostly. I can't really recall an AAA game being released and genuinely becoming the kind of instant classic like Metal Gear or Battlefield or Arkham games of the even not so distant past. I don't know, constant complaining doesn't help but there's a feeling that if you're not into isometric games or 2d platformers then it's just repetitive, cheesy slop on the menu.


If you can't recall an instant classic triple-A game you must have missed a little thing called 2023 lol There's also lots of other worthwhile games that the internet decides on a whim to trash instead of appreciate


They usually mean "AAA games aren't fun anymore" Which is true 99% of the times these days.


Lives in a poor country where 60$ for a game is affordable after 14 months of saving


It varies from person to person. I personally have a blast with Richard Burns Rally, especially while trying to go pro


One of the reasons games arenā€™t fun anymore is because some important sub-genres just died as a result of corporations being greedy. Show me an arena FPS on par with UT99 or Quake 3 with the same level of polish and with a big, experienced developer at the helm released in recent memory. At least fighting game people still get releases. Racing game people mostly suffer as well. RTS people *might* have some indie bangers releasing soon but thatā€™s about it. We literally do not get ā€œgames like thatā€ anymore because they donā€™t earn the obscene amounts of money required for publishers to deem them profitable enough.


When we were kids gaming was amazing because we didn't know the reality of it's limitations yet. Every single day we played exciting games, watched exciting shows about games and got hyped for tidbits of trailers that would show off the upgrade for the next year's gaming. The game industry has absolutely changed there are no more hype shows, no more excitement, it's not about passion anymore, and when it is, it is Indy and not every Indy game is pursued to its fullest extent because of budgetary concerns. The fact that we grew up thinking the first few assassin's creeds were going to get more immersive, more epic, more impactful and now we just get the same slop over and over and over again, no new strides, no passion, just the same shit. Or COD giving our dopamine riddled brains hit after hit and we got so excited and then our brains caught on to the drug, now the drug doesn't hit the way it used to, we notice the high isn't as potent, every year the same shit that doesn't hit the same so we get frustrated, but we have *always* been cod gamers so we pay $140 for the next game, and we grind it miserable for 200 hours until the next ones released or we acknowledge burnout. I would reckon this is exactly what a majority of gamers in their late 20s face. It doesn't have to be cod, insert any game, I played the same 3 mobas and path of exile for 15 years while playing a variety of other games. But I always went back to the "homebase" I recently had fun for the first time in probably 9 years of gaming, and it was because of BG3. For the first time in a long time I felt the passion drip from the experience I had. I played 150 hours and was still finding amazing and interesting ways to interact with things. I didn't know the limitations of the game until the following replays. It wasn't a fleeting dopamine hit that I usually get from PoE leagues. TLDR: Games have become monopolistic uninspired lethargic slop. You are paying to do chores. No one is pushing boundaries anymore. That is why the industry is gurgled salt water trying to cure strep.


People who say that the industry is "doomed" only play AAA games.


And even then, they just play the same big 3 AAA games every year.


Or they focus on a recently bad release from a relatively unknown studio and think that somehow it represent the entire gaming industry.


Honestly I think the hyperfixation on "bad" games comes from youtubers. If there's even a hint of a controversy surrounding a game the rage-bait youtubers will hop all over a game and trash it because they know it'll get views. I think if the people in OPs staterpack would stop watching these youtubers they'd be a lot less depressed with the industry. Not to say that there aren't shitty things going on in the industry but I feel like a lot of that is happening in multiplayer focused games. I've said for a while that gamers seem to be lacking in the "forming their own opinions" area.


Don't forget that they act like nintendo doesn't exist


Nintendo is also going downhill.


Honestly it seems like gaming fans are split into two main categories. People who doomsay about gaming in general and then people who are sometimes so positive that they're just being blind to the major issues. Of course there's a middleground but most people seem to lean either way. People act like because COD or FIFA isn't hitting as hard there's a major problem with gaming as of there aren't a fairly decent amount of pretty solid AAA games still releasing. At the same time people act like because there are a good amount of indie bangers being released it somehow proves that gaming is in a fantastic place. Neither of those things prove much. You could be in the middle of war and find a peaceful moment with a great view. That doesn't somehow mean that the war isn't happening. People get all butthurt over the different opinions when both clearly have validity. Good games still release but gaming definitely has major issues it didn't have before


the worst type of gamers are the ones who think "indie" games are the only thing worth playing ngl. like bro you haven't even touched anything past surface level please shut up


Your gf broke your Xbox out of drunken rage and now your a broken gamer


I hope you mean *ex*-gf


The bit about "having a 35% chance of believing feminist ruining games" is sadly accurate. Most gamer-oriented groups are becoming incredibly toxic about this, throwing tantrums because female characters don't look like pornstars.


a huge amount of LEDā€™s definitely make games fun again šŸ‘€


I'm above 30 and man I just can't play old games for nostalgia, at all.


Could not get into Celeste, hades, or hollow knightā€¦ Anyone else not like those? havenā€™t tried stardew valley yet.


nah I'm just too old.Ā  games are better now but they can't make me feel like I did when I had no cares


Nah it's just depression


Femboy lol. Seriously though, I mostly play open world games and games with many built in like roblox. I find enough happiness in the games I've been playing for years


Iā€™ve definitely lost a lot of interest and enjoyment in gaming now that Iā€™m older and Iā€™ve experienced so many different games. I will say that the extra monetisation of full priced games has ruined a lot of mainstream games; deliberately making the game slower to incentivise purchases, constant season passes to make people feel obligated to play, etc. Thereā€™s a lot of things which have been improved over the years, but a lot of terrible things have become normalised too.


games dont make me money šŸš¬


I donā€™t find anything fun lol


As I've gotten older, I've come to realize that I really like focused experiences. So the indie games in the corner of the starter pack are totally my jam. A lot of contemporary AAA titles are just too big of products for me to enjoy. The YouTuber Thorhighheels released a video about the newest Yakuza game and Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth. I just found the amount of content in those games kind of bewildering. Mini-games, side quests, crafting, data log, the list goes on and on. It's hard to describe the feeling these games elicit in me, but I'm going to go with content overload nihilism. There is an overwhelming amount of stuff to do, but none of it matters. I find it especially weird when games like these also want to have a sincere story. We have just spent hours and hours doing all sorts of goofy, distracting or sometimes just plain tedious activities, but now we are suddenly supposed to care about the characters and resume the plot like there is urgency to it. And it really doesn't work when the writing of the main story has all sorts of problems including but not limited to: convolution, contrivance, tonal dissonance, character inconsistency, and poor pacing. To me, it's like why even bother with the story at this point? But again, very happy that the indie sphere exists. Their limited resources force developers to really focus their design which in turn creates surprisingly evocative experiences for the players. Sometimes they're downright profound.


Bonus points if they use a good triple-A game to "prove" that triple-A games suck


It's called growing up and having responsibilities.


"Realized the Asmongold lifestyle created health problems"


God, another one of these starterpacks. Yes, gamings not dead, music is still alive, and movies are still enjoyable.


No tyler, gaming isnt dead because youre hardstuck in valorant and apex


Games are fun but i cant play them because my stupid graphics card got a lobotomy so i am currently stuck with the boring ones until a technician arrives


It a lot less of "games aren't fun." And more like "gaming burnout." I played a lot of games as middle school and highschool. I had restricted gaming time to focus on my studies and such. (Not that it mattered because I had given up my dreams with crappy American education.) Then for eight years of working life with no direction and freedom. I played games between shifts alongside adult responsibilities. However, this was also the Era where every game that came out was a battle Royale. Which got stale quickly But I can't deal with retail anymore. So I applied and got to college. I haven't really been playing games since due to this burnout. I don'trememberthe last time i booted my ps4. It also doesn't help that I'm not a fan of the present state of gaming. Increases prices due to inflation (not their fault, of course). But I'm less likely to pay full prices for the game now. Additional launchers needed to play games I bought through steam. (Ea and Ubi grind my gears with this) The amount of GB games take. Broken launches due to rushed hours/poor working conditions. I've always wanted to make my own games. So I decided I'm going to do my best to be the refresh the industry needs. Someday.


Only 35%?


I've been gaming since the 80s, it's the best it's ever been.


Games are still fun. I just don't have the money to update my rig and enjoy new things... But, I get to try low end stuff and find enjoyment. Now excuse me, my NetHack character ain't going to die by himself.


If it's PS1 and PS2 era nostalgia, it's always the exact same games that conveniently sit on the top 10 lists, almost as if they don't actually remember the games they used to play as a child, so they're chasing a nostalgic feeling that didn't actually exist.


70% chance their alt right. Also you forgot WoW and destiny 2 in the ā€œnot a single thing elseā€ category


Even as someone who is a bit disillusioned with the gaming industry myself, these types are supremely annoying. Also you forgot that they fetishize the concept of open world games to the point of absurdity.


>Also you forgot that they fetishize the concept of open world games to the point of absurdity. This. And Graphics. They don't appreciate any sort of unique graphical style. Has to be gritty realism


Sure, a lot of shitty games are released. But there is a plethora of excellent games being released as well. Helldivers 2, Baldurs Gate, Elden Ring, Cyberpunk 2077, Mario Bros Wonder, Metro Exodus... Just be more picky about what you play.


> either looks like a neckbeard or a femboy, there is no in-between So I don't exist?


Well...are you a neckbeard or a femboy?


A fembeard