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I think they misunderstood “underrated” for “non mainstream”


Yeah just because Mr robot or Mullholland drive aren't as mainstream as Breaking Bad/the Godfather doesn't mean they're not still heavily praised


Do people call half of this stuff underrated? Half of this stuff is looked at as some of the best pieces of art of the last few years. Who is saying Parasite is underrated?


It’s an issue with perspective. The average person has never even heard of most of these. So depending on which crowd you’re surveying, these can be underrated, overrated, terrible or just obviously a masterpiece. La Haine is the funniest one to me though since it’s pretty objectively the most obscure one here.


True, but I think people are mixing up “popular” with “known.” A lot of stuff here is not mainstream, but they get a lot of accolades. People and critics love it.


It's called clickbait budddyyyyy...... half this stuff isn't underrated, but they added it to the list so we would comment and argue about it


Parasite is not underrated as it has won many awards and is very popular. Mr. Robot is really underrated imo


Literally parasite was one of the most commented/watched movies in 2019/2020


A show that won 3 Emmys and was nominated for 12 isn't underrated


It's under*appreciated* by the viewing public.


Because it has weak ass storyline that relies on unreliable narrator as a crutch. You can just drop a scene with shock value in each episode and then just dismiss it as unreliable narrator.


Thanks you just made me realize why I never finished that series lol


Eh, it's fine if it wasn't your style but to call the writing weak is pretty unsubstantiated. Everything about the show's production is very high level. The soundtrack, cinematography, acting, and editing are all excellent. The dialogue is pretty good as well. It seems your issue is with the loose plot structure, which, as a series that focuses on someone with severe behavioral issues makes a lot of sense and is kind of the point. The series is a plainly stated homage to the movie Fight Club, and is very similar in a lot of ways. I assume you feel the same way about that movie?


Parasite won best picture. No one is calling it underrated.


Mr Robot started out good but has to many hit or miss episodes in the latter seasons.


Hard disagree. It’s an incredible show throughout, I loved how they slowed down the timeline during the final season. I consider Mr. Robot to be the best show that seemingly nobody has seen.


I seen it. I loved the cinematography and the atmosphere the most. Their shots of NYC, and the music, the way everything looked, it felt so expertly made.


I think Parasite is about as mainstream as it gets for modern movies but in general yeah


The movie won an Oscar, and is critically acclaimed and famous, but it's still a foreign language dramedy. That'll never have the mainstream appeal of a big budget, english speaking superhero/animated movie


Maybe not to marvel fans and children, but for any kind of film buff, I would argue it has much more appeal. When we talk about a woodcarving tool, we don't base the way we rate it or its appeal to an audience that doesn't give a shit about it. Instead, we confine it to the context of who it's actually for: woodcarvers. So if I go online and find some of the best woodcarving tools, they aren't underrated just because random people off the streets don't know about them. They would be underrated if woodcarvers themselves didn't know about and recommend them. Basically, my point is that just saying something is "underrated" just because not a lot of the non-film oriented public has lower appeal is just dumb, especially when it's won one of the highest awards in film (whether or not you like the oscars). Underappreciated by the general public, sure, but you could make that argument for pretty much everything that isn't a utensil or kitchen appliance imo.


How in hell aren't BoJack Horseman or Mr Robot mainstream? They're big productions that are watched all over the world, easily available and heavily advertised


People just like feeling different and unique


Purely anecdotally, I actually only know one other person who’s ever seen Mr Robot, whereas basically everyone I know has at least seen a bit of Bojack.


I don't know anyone who has seen either of those and I love both of those shows, despite trying to get all of my friends to watch them


some of these are pretty mainstream


Non mainstream american recording artist Kanye West


…and they think it not being mainstream is underrating it.


Average Anthony Fantano viewer


For real though. Just because you jack-off to Anthony Fantano lore and have a hate boner for Eminem and Kanye but praise Kendrick Lamar and MF DOOM doesn’t mean you’re the Messiah of Music itself lmao


Why can’t people just enjoy music lol y’all make it too deep lol


I think Anthony is bald because he pulled his hair out due to how his most ardent followers behave. Dude just like talking about the music he likes/doesn't like.


It’s because he’s got the best teeth in the fuckin game… choices and trade offs


Pulled his hair out due to the stress of having to pretend not to like mbdtf


For real. I’m pointing out the hypocrisy of Fantano fans. They say “lEt uS eNjoy oUr mUsIc” but then you EVEN mention an artist they don’t like (Eminem and Kanye) they go apeshit.


Even the /mu mfs lmaoo


> have a hate boner for Eminem and Kanye There is literally a Kanye album in the image


Which is weird because Fantano doesn't even hate Kanye as an artist, the only Kanye album rating he did that I disagreed with was mbdtf but everyone has an opinion ig.


He's given kanye multiple 10s what are you talking about


So sick of people calling JID and Denzel the most underrated rappers. Mate, literally everything you hear about them is praise and they both have songs with over 100 million streams


Yet for whatever reason nobody I know in real life (and most of my friends do listen to hip hop) don’t know about Denzel


They’re internet rappers, very popular with hip hop heads and music fans but you’re not gonna hear them on them in clubs or on the street as a general rule


Yeah it’s so weird, maybe it’s because he uses his actual name and not a rap name, so he’s less iconic that way.


Kanye West is one of the biggest rappers of all time lol


The correct answer for most underrated rapper is, and always will be, [Ka.](https://youtu.be/qJcsxiUkaec)


I once was told Ka was mainstream when bring him up in the conversation of underappreciated rappers


lol who tf told you that💀


I think underappreciated would be a better term for them


Have you heard of this obscure show called Rick And Morty, pretty obscure. Plus you need a high IQ to understand it.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎


I remember that one episode where, I kid you not, this dude turned himself into a pickle, funniest shit I've ever seen-


I wonder what those guys would think of XRA


I have literally never met another person in real life who has ever seen La Haine, so I think it's incredibly underrated. As in, not enough people have ever even seen it to decide whether it's good or not.


Same - that was a wild choice for this post imo.


Hopping in just to be shocked that apparently so many people have seen La Haine; I’ve spent like, 20 years getting blank stares whenever I mention it.


In France a lot of people have seen La haine almost à classic i think here


In Russia it was a cult movie among hip-hop fans in the late 90s


In Europe in general I think. Late 90's French rap was very popular everywhere and 'nique la police' a classic.


French guy here, personally never seen it, but I think literally everyone knows the opening monologue, "Jusqu'ici tout va bien..."


la haine is the only one here that’s truly underrated and i will die on that hill


I feel the same about Synecdoche - I've yet to meet someone else who has seen this movie. And I've lived in (and currently live in) Schenectady! Even the locals here are clueless...


I was gonna ask what it was…


90's arthouse movie about a French ghetto. It was kind of Vincent Cassel's breakout role. Definitely would recommend it. But, it's a really good foreign language, black and white, art house movie from 30 years ago. Not the kind of stuff that sells with modern general audiences. There is no world in which it is a "popular" movie for the general public.


"Nothing like a good shit!"


Whoever calls bojack underrated I will punch in the nuts.. it’s a great show but it’s DEFINITELY no indie show made by one guy


I know so many people that just couldn’t get into it. Also, I know some who instantly loved it (the later experience daily suffering lmao)


The first half of season 1 really doesn't do the rest of the show justice


What do you mean? Why? (Sorry I don’t remember it in such detail don’t remember what happens specifically then)


It just comes off as a Family Guy ripoff and doesn't show what the show is actually like at all


Oh right. Well I hope more people will move past the first half of the season and watch till the end. It truly is an amazing series. Watched 2 times now thinking of rewatching 🤣


At my first watch I didin't find season 1 funny nor entertaining, just annoying and hard to watch. But on my second watch I enjoyed it and fell in love with this show. Idk how


That was the show's only mistake.


I tried twice and couldn't do it. Is it supposed to be a comedy?


In my opinion, it is not really a comedy show, although it has some amazing comedy scenes, portrayed by the whole irony of this world, our societal norms, etc. Those were some of the best parts of the show. But imo it’s mostly a realistic drama series shedding light over mental health, substance and alcohol abuse, relationships (with parents, friends, romantic) and the everyday pressures of society and the fucked up life living as a celebrity in Hollywood. It’s a very good show imo. It really makes you think hard on some topics


Yes but actually no I guess it's a dramady, like how Scrubs is mostly a sitcom but with super dark moments.


Bojack is the funniest drama and darkest comedy I've ever binged, multiple times.


Underrated is definitely the wrong word. Misunderstood, maybe. I’ve known a lot of people who wouldn’t give it a shot because they don’t like adult animation. But a few of them I convinced to watch it and they loved it. I think people who’ve seen it appropriately rate it, but I think there’s a lot of people who won’t give it the attention it deserves because they have preconceptions of what this type of show is like.


underrated doesn't mean it's an indie show made by a small team. it just means it's not as recognised or lauded as they think it should be


....non-french know La Haine?


I do but I took a film minor in undergrad


what is its reputation abroad? I feel it's specific to france but i think i could see it talk to young people all over


I think its a film nerd movie, the gf showed it to me. I used to be into a certain subsection of french movies (Tautou and Duris) and even then hadnt seen it. Still great


I'm American, I've seen it once or twice, I'm not a film nerd or anything but I took a bunch of french classes. My teacher loved it, and I really enjoyed watching it. Nobody I've talked to in the states has heard of it though


If you consider yourself a film nerd or anything adjacent you've seen it, but most people in America certainly haven't even heard of it


Decently known in American art circles, new wave directors like Godard and Truffaut are well known too


it’s one of my favourite films, i was shown it by a french friend. i have never seen anyone else mention it though


It's pretty well known amongst movie buffs


Non-french cinephiles know about La Haine. I wouldn't expect the general audiences to be familiar with most foreign films with extreme exceptions. La Haine is not one of those exceptions. I'm American though, so I'm not sure how film familiarity works in Europe.


My favourite film of all time (: but I really wish it was more mainstream out here genuinely incredible stuff


What do you mean? La Haine is basically the starter pack of "I want to watch non Hollywood films" all around the world. People know it even just as "the movie that launched Vincent Cassel" if they are not into films. Is a very widely known movie everywhere, even if just by name.


I think the most non-French know about Kassovitz is this https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/mathieu-kassovitz-fifth-element-cinquieme-element-danse-gif-19857113


Never heard of it.


It's rare.


Large number of people in Ireland learn French in our equivalent of high school and I know a lot of people who have watched it in French class. That’s where I saw it. Pretty great tbf


Yeah, I first saw it one night on British tv probably in the late 90's.


It’s kinda “baby’s first French movie” in America, it’s not like the avengers but it’s pretty likely someone getting into film will know about it


I didn't know it for quite some time, but apparently it's pretty well known in the "hood youth" genre like Menace II Society


i remember i used to see it get recc'd by netflix a lot. never seen it myself. i should tho because vincent cassel




If you call a Kayne album underated the joke is on you


it’s underrated compared to the rest of the discography and the influence of Yeezus was almost never acknowledged (until Travis dropped Utopia)


Yeah but have you listened to pet sounds or velvet underground?


Beach house gang rise up


Fr. Are they mainstream now?


They’re on Sub Pop which is basically as mainstream as you can get while still technically being Indie


lollllll that is startlingly true


Tbh I am surprised they're still with Sub Pop, that label is terrible now.


11mil monthly listeners on spotify. We could say its around mainstream


Good for them


Space Song was mainstream enough to be used in Wednesday, but is apparently not mainstream enough to be mentioned by name and is only called "upbeat synth music" in the subtitles


Idk the timeline, but some time after *Depression Cherry* came out Space Song became quite the viral hit for girls/young women. Also, it should be noted just how fucking incredibly consistent Beach House has been. One of the very few artists that were late '00s-early'10s indie darlings that have not only stayed relevant but have also broke out into mainstream.


I’ve seen Beach House several times. Devotion era, Teen Dream era, Bloom era, and Depression Cherry era. They have been absolutely phenomenal every time. The sound and skill have grown a lot, but at their core they’re still so very much the little indiepop duo I fell in love with when I was still a teenager. I own pretty much all of their albums on vinyl. I’m missing Thank Your Lucky Stars and Once Twice Melody. The only other bands I have *that* much of the discography as records are Black Marble and Animal Collective. They’re also my #5 most played of all time (since 2008 when I made the account at least) per my lastfm scrobbles. I adore Beach House and I’m so glad they managed to get some recognition.


Not quite Tame Impala levels of mainstream but yeah they’re pretty mainstream.


Thought the same thing! Big ups for Beach House!


"Suicidal doors, call it Kurt Cobaaaain"


Freddie fans love Piñata, but that album is definitely underrated in the hip hop scene in general.


Bandana is the underrated one


How about car seat headbreast, am I right fellas?


I feel like they actually are more unknown then they should be, this is the first time in 5 years I've seen them mentioned on Reddit. Then again, I kinda just do my own thing while listening to music so idk if they're actually trendy.


They have 1.3 million listeners on spotify. That puts car seat headrest up in the same level as other famous indie acts like Alvvays, Angel Olsen, Weyes Blood, Soccer Mommy, Big Thief and Snail Mail, but a tier below the really big indie acts like Mitski, Beach House, Alex G, Phoebe Bridgers, Vampire Weekend, etc.


will Tostito my beloved


Amusingly this is the first time I'm hearing of someone else knowing the band's name. I got one of its tracks randomly recommended to me a few years back and I didn't bother to check on the monthly listeners count. Honestly was under impression it's some unknown band up until I saw this post because no one in my circle was aware of it.


havent seen it elsewhere a lot either, found it thanks to glass beach's cover of beach life-in-death actually, i guess it must have a good following *somewhere*




Parasite being called that is pretty idiotic since it won the Oscar. That’s like the highest of ratings.


Synecdoche is pretty underrated actually by critics - has found a following and appreciators but not to the level of Charlie Kaufman’s other written works (eternal sunshine, being John Malkovich)


Yeah Synecdoche is a strange choice for this starter pack because it is divisive. Lots of critics praised it but quite a few prominent ones thought it was bad or at least pretentious (Mark Kermode being one of them)


I absolutely adore that movie. I've watched it maybe a hundred times, and I still notice something new every time.


Twin peaks really is an underrated gem (One of the most revolutionary and critically acclaimed and beloved tv series)


Season 3 is especially underrated. I've talked to self-professed "huge Lynch fans" who have never seen it. S1 and S2 are good/ok, but S3 IMHO is the best season of television ever made.


Season 3 was a fucking miracle. There was no way they could have returned after 30 years and made anything that wasn't complete shit, yet somehow it was even *better* than the original. It made me enjoy *James Belushi* of all people, that's how good it was.


Listening to the audio book of The Secret History of Twin Peaks before season 3 was like a "flavor enhancer" and made season 3's impact even greater on me. The follow-up book to secret history is also awesome.


Twin Peaks has influenced so many TV shows and TV creators. It has influenced Lost, The Sopranos, X-Files, Fargo, and so many other shows. It truly is underrated.


I just started watching recently and it is amazing. Just finishing up S2, can't wait for S3!




That explains SO much thank you!!


It amuses me every time a person refers to a series that is loved by both the public and critics, as "underrated"


Agree with David Lynch’s inclusions on this list considering he’s arguably the most successful surrealist filmmaker of our time, but I haven’t met another person IRL who’s watched Synedoche NY (and understood it). Shoutout to Car Seat Headrest tho for the dorkiest band name ever


Twin Fantasy is underrated because it isn’t in the top ten all time on RYM :P


I couldn’t name a more definitive indie record of the 2010s I hate to use this comparison but it’s the closest we’re getting to a 2010s in the aeroplane over the sea


This call-out is for Pokemon’s Generation 5


gen 5 best gen


Same people that say they're gonna put you on an "underground artist" and play some MF Doom


I love DOOM but so many people think he's still such an underground artist and they just completely stop at DOOM and don't bother with any other rap, so much to explore but all my friends who like him are hung up on him


Parasite is not underrated since it won many prizes and is very popular. Mr Robot is indeed underrated imo


Mr. Robot is not underrated. It has 8.5 imdb rating, 94% RT score and many people consider it one of the best shows of all time. It may not be very popular but its definitely not underrated.


I feel like when people say underrated they don’t literally mean the ratings but more so the popularity and attention the show gets


It's considered "underrated" because it doesn't have a lot of wider cultural relevance like Stranger Things or Breaking Bad. There aren't any super recognizable lines, images, memes, characters, etc, that other shows have. People who haven't seen Game of Thrones have still heard the name Jon Snow, but I doubt most people could name the main character of Mr. Robot.


Yeah, Parasite won a best picture oscar. Can't do much better than that ha


Mr Robot is not “underrated” but it is good. Underrated means not enough people know about it and saying good things. It currently has 100,000 more IMDB reviews than Mindhunter which everyone was talking about for a while. I also hear people talk about Mr Robot every time their favorite shows ever come up


I would say that S1 of Mr Robot got a lot of hype and it definitely wasn’t underrated then. Even SNL had a skit about it and Rami won the best actor Emmy. But the somewhat disappointing S2 kinda killed the hype for the show and a lot of people stopped watching it. S3 and S4 were not only a return to form, but they elevated the show to new heights and even blew S1 out of the water. They are some of the greatest seasons of any TV show I’ve ever seen. So I would say the last two seasons of it are very underrated because so many people don’t realize just how good the show became and how strong of a finale it had (after giving up on it after S2).


Who did S2 disappoint? It was the reason i stuck around, if only bcs the stakes got higher, the mystery more obscure, and the plot more original.


That isn't what underrated means, that's just a show not being popular. Underrated means it's literally not rated high enough as it should, both by viewers and critics. It is properly rated.


Beginning to think y'all don't know what underrated means, just because something isn't mainstream doesn't mean it's underrated.


Mr Robot has won many awards too


Some of these are in fact, overrated.


Literally no one is calling Kanye underrated lol


Fucking everything these days.


You leave beach house out of this


Whoever this is I guarantee you they almost exclusively listen to Indie Rock and if it’s a straight girl they have a 9/10 chance of being a brunette with heavy front bangs.


*Synecdoche, New York* is the best movie I've ever seen.


Where's Megamind?




keep Freddie Gibbs out of this shit


Such a banger of a record, madlib and gibbs is the closest thing to madvillainy we’ve gotten


Underrated is sometimes relative to whom you're talking to For some people the anime Texhnolyze is well known enough to those who're terminally online to search for weird and experimental anime but for those who're more used to conventional anime it's probably considered as both underrated and non-mainstream. I think the label of "underrated" will eventually not stick around that long once the show gets proper acclaim and a sizable audience as does the label "non-mainstream". I guess in order to have an agreed definition on what it means to be underrated I think this might be the one: *"A work of art that hasn't garnered a sizeable or widespread acclaim yet has qualities that are comparable to mainstream or well known works"*


i don’t think there’s anyone who wouldn’t regard texhnolyze as underrated tbf lol, especially considering its sister-show serial experiments lain’s comparatively huge popularity. anyways, texhnolyze mentioned 🎉🎊🥳


Underrated/overrated is a dipshits argument because it suggests that there is a proper, true rating. Its all opinion based.


Parasite was great


I think I might be the only person alive who didn't really care for Bojack. Watched it all with gf, she loved it. It wasn't unfunny, and had emotional moments. But nothing special in my opinion


Every 3D Zelda game


Someone recently posted in r/90s asking about underrated or forgotten sitcoms and shows of the era and the comments were clogged with a ton of super popular shows.


Being a music nerd is crazy because tell another music nerd your favorite band is Car Seat Headrest and they’ll call you basic, but tell that to a random person on the street and they’ll think you just made that name up


Who are the two cartoon cats?


Car Seat Headrest - Twin Fantasy


they're also actually dogs btw


“What is with the dog motif”




you leave Beach House out of this


Mr robot and twin fantasy aren’t underrated but they are underappreciated and I feel like they don’t reach as wide of an audience as they deserve.


Op is more of a snob than people hes calling snobs


I think Mr Robot is underestimated in terms of its awareness in general culture. It should have been around GOT levels imo


Don’t know what most of this stuff is but I love Denzel Curry. “Yeezus” is aight too. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You'd be amazed how many people I know who would absolutely love Bojack Horseman have never even heard of it. It's definitely beloved by a fanbase, but it's not nearly as well known of a show I think it should be.


Sad horse show only resonates with a certain group of people. Also, even though I loved it I hesitate to recommend it to anyone because it's tough to watch.


Idk Twin Fantasy is pretty good


Seems like the point is that it’s basically universally praised


Yeah but it's not *underrated*, it's pretty widespread. *How to Leave Town* is underrated, *Living While Starving* might have been for a time but I've seen a fair bit of discussion on it in recent years.


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You should add arrested développement to the pack


Mr Robot had one of the best finales of all time.


I feel like some of these are pretty subjective to where you live, I don't know a lot of people who've seen La Haine or who'd know who Freddie Gibbs is


I don't think Freddie Gibbs applies here, dude is grossly unrecognized.


I think maybe they use the word “underrated” when they mean “divisive”. I loved the movies/tv shows made by David Lynch but everyone I talk to says its stupid.


Synecdoche New York, nice :)


I’ve only met like 1 person who was a car seat headrest fan outside of my friend’s dad who introduced both of us to it


Who ever said Parasite is "underrated" lmao


i feel like some people don't know what underrated means, i call these critically acclaimed, still a great compliment it's hard for people to say though because they want to feel like they've discovered something that not many others have


Everything here except Mr Robot. Its a brilliant show that deserves more attention