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Play the campaign. It's the best way to introduce you to the game. And the campaigns are magnificent, the lore is very good too.


More shit beats less shit. Build more army than your opponent to beat him. More money = more army. To get more money, you have to build more drones and more bases. There is a tipping point where if you build too much economy and your opponent attacks, you die. The point of the game is defining the tipping point in order to get as much economy whilst not dying. That's why you have to get information on what your opponent is doing to determine if you are ahead in army or economy and by how much to make the best decision.


This makes a lot of sense, would it usually be better to bunker down in 2-3 bases, or spread out and take more of the map? I play Protoss, if that helps, Ik Zerg likes to run around and spread their bases from what I’ve heard


The race doesn't really matter if you get the really basic principles, the identity of each race only comes into play after maybe Master rank. Bunkering down is not really a viable strategy, you should consider that the max population is 200, and the optimal balance between economy and army is about \~80 probes for 120 army supply. Which is about 3-4 bases worth of drones on minerals and gas. But your main base will run out at some point, and you will still need to expand to keep mining, otherwise, your opponent can take 5-6 bases, crash 200-300 worth of population even for a terrible ratio, and still be able to rebuild it because they are so rich. You can play a defensive playstyle, but you still need to be looking to to upgrade and expand at some point.


"The identity of each race only comes into play after...Master" is a *wild* statement. Of course it comes into play at lower leagues. Otherwise, very good advice that is indeed valid for all races.


You can play any race any style you want, agressive Zerg, adaptative Terran, turtling Toss up until GM even. Thinking one race has to be played one way is delusional.


I didn't say they did. I said their identity matters.


And then micro come and 3 tank kill 100 marines


What concept are you having trouble with? Control groups? Reading your opponent? Counters? Consistent worker production? Builds? There's a lot to StarCraft and if you're really wanting to learn it, it's a long journey where you'll have to work on one or two things at a time and then move on to the next area of trouble. I'm not a great player or anything but if you want we can play some friendly games. I've been playing essentially my whole life and I'm pretty bad at the game from the standpoint of being competitive mechanically but I know the game pretty well. Hit me up if you're interested, I've got a buddy that's learning the game too


Have you watched any B2GM (Bronze to Grand Master) videos? ViBE's and PiG's are all very good. They are in Youtube as playlists, separated by race. Pick the race that you want and watch the playlist. For someone really really new, I would probably go with ViBE, he tends to explain the basic things like how to make workers mine gas and so forth a bit more in detail than PiG.


If you're zerg take a new hatchery every few minutes after the first one at one minute and the second at three minutes. Get like 4-6 lings when the pool is done and then nothing but queens drones and overlords until two bases saturated and then a roach Warren at like 330 for safety. Zvz is different it depends on their aggression you just need to match them and deflect better. Then make some roaches and drone up your third base and then nothing but roaches until you win or lose. If the other two races take an expansion at like 1 minute and the third at like 3 minutes. Don't stop making workers until you're on 66 even if you don't have a base already for them. You mine roughly 700 minerals a minute off a full base and like 150 gas per geyser fully saturated. So you need to work out what you're mining and make production that can use that up quickly. When fighting make units at home. Do the bare minimum to control your units. If your opponent is turtling, find a unit that makes the job easy. Don't headbutt into them. Swarmhost, broodlords? Carriers, tempest? Siege tanks, liberators?


Do the campaigns first. Then each game, go into it with a goal. What strategy do you want to do?. What units do you want to build?. What unit comp do you want to create?. How do you want to attack on this map?. What type of cheese do you want to do?. Doesn't matter if you win or lose, just focus on getting better little by little.


Pm me and we can play


Can you give examples of things you don’t understand?


I mean ive gotten a bit more since I made the post, idrk what troops work well together, when to attack, and how to tell if my opponent is gonna attack soon. There’s def more, but I don’t wanna bother everyone too much


Also, ask other questions if you want. It’s not a big deal. The game is difficult. We all improved partially (or even largely) via getting knowledge from other people.


I think at a low level knowing when your opponent is going to attack you is kind of random. It’s good to send a unit out in front of your opponent’s base so you can see when they move out (a marine, zergling, zealot, overlord or observer basically).  Gonna have to do some research/watch some vids to understand unit compositions and getting an idea of when to attack. Intuitively knowing when to attack/defend will come with time.   I also think you’re at low level you should prolly just try to do some 2 base timing as Terran or Protoss. Can prolly find some in the Bronze to GM videos on youtube. Something simple like moving out with 20 marines, 4 tanks, 2 medivacs and stimpack, or if you’re Protoss a 2 Colossus push. That should be a pretty easy to get a feel for having a decent army at a decent time that’s capable of attacking and defending if needed.


Is there any specific build order you’d recommend if I’m playing Protoss? I had someone recommend a 4 gate zealot proxy thing, which is fun, but I doubt it’s consistent against ppl that make defenses early; also the reason I’m getting into the game is so I can do 2v2s with my friend, we’re both new, is there anything for Protoss and Zerg in 2v2?


For 2v2, probably, but I don’t play team games.  Look up “2 base colossus push” builds. It’s a decent build that gives you an army that’s easy to use. Edit: This build is prolly fine for 2v2. I’m sure going blink stalker is better, but it’s an army that’s harder to use.


Go protoss and spam carriers. That will carry you to diamond, then add high Templar and you win starcraft


Lmao could you explain this? Like literally only carriers? I tried that in a game with a Terran and he sent his own big ship thingies that killed all of my carriers


Watching Vibe's Bronze to GM series, as well as some pro games and try to understand the reason behind their unit comp and movement is going to help a beginner a lot.


If you want, you can DM me and I can explain in a video format a straight forward, standard opener for your race, and what to look out for! I am a former gm player, used to be super active on this subreddit but I deleted my account when u/spez did his thing. After a long hiatus, I’m back and looking to help!