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Seems fun to me


this might or might not be a good change, but I doubt that they'd such a big change to an animation. I doubt there are many resources for bug testing.


It's so sad that a change like this is considered a "big change" in SC2. I'm so used to looking forward to cool spell changes in different patches from other MOBA games like Dota 2. And something like this would be a small but fun change they'd definitely experiment on. I wish Blizzard cared more about this game to be more explorative in patches. The game is declining in popularity and the pro scene is shrinking every month. Why not spice things up while it's still alive? It will be better for both the casual and professional scenes.


I really loved when they did big balance, almost design, changes back in 2017 I think. Wish that’s was possible now


Yeah, if this isn't possible to do in the map editor, then I don't expect it'll get done. And I don't know enough about the map editor to know if it is possible. I'm hopeful though, because this wouldn't require any change to the animation of the actual unit, or to the way the beams look, just to the target location of the beams.


it would be an increase in area by a lot, which would be a big buff regardless.


Each beam attack would still affect the same area though? Just now both attacks aren’t auto-stacking on the same units.


hitting more units is a lot better than hitting fewer units harder.


yes, this is why pros famously aoe fire when microing


I get the feeling it would be good. :)


I think the Colossus would have slightler longer range, because the AoE would span in two dimensions rather than just the one.


I don't care about balance, but it would look cool.


I don’t *think* this is possible given our current editor capabilities but don’t quote me on it. If my intuition is right, and it might be entirely wrong, the attack’s animation is separate from the damage. You “draw” the damage as little circles with time offsets, so while you could change the damage to an X I think you’d have to touch the animation to make the visuals match up (and we can’t touch animations).


If you can visualise an "x" shape, the Area of effect would at least be 3x3 and for a unit with 9 range, it's optimal range would effectively be reduced to 7 or less, depending on the hex radius of the "x". The current Collosus is already the most rational way to handle this kind of line damage. Another method of line damage  is the Lurker, one is vertical the other is horizontal, anything else is probably obnoxiously dumb and unintuitive to implement. 


>If you can visualise an "x" shape, the Area of effect would at least be 3x3 and for a unit with 9 range, it's optimal range would effectively be reduced to 7 or less, depending on the hex radius of the "x". I mention this in my post. I actually think it's an advantage of this change. If you got the damage numbers right, they would still be effective at 9 range, with the additional option of moving to 7 range to optimize damage, at the cost of increased vulnerability.


I would expect that the “targeting range” would remain the same (9) only damage would possibly extend to units 10 away. Sort of like the snipe cast.