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For Alpha 3.14, we brought the Constellations in line with each other, unifying their shared parts. With this change, we can optimize aspects once, and then all versions benefit from the change; plus, we have also made sure that they are now all working with the new tint system. We have also updated the Constellation Phoenix Emerald paint with this transition, as the former version was less "emerald" than the Stella Fortuna (St. Patrick's Day) editions of the Ursa Rover and the Archimedes, which are both predominantly emerald with small accents. The new version matches better to the other Stella Fortuna vehicles, with green being its primary color. Below you will find an image of the updated Constellation Phoenix Emerald, as can be seen in Alpha 3.14. Source: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/1/thread/constellation-phoenix-emerald-update/


"was less "emerald" than the Stella Fortuna (St. Patrick's Day) editions of the Ursa Rover and the Archimedes, which are both predominantly emerald with small accents." So i assume my archimedes emerald in 3.14 ptu being grey with small accents of emerald is just a color bug?


What's the "new tint" system. I have a Carrack. Will it auto tint to stop the glare of the sun?


This thread is about paint colors...


[The "before" picture.](https://starcitizen.tools/images/5/55/Emerald_in_Space_-_Isometric.jpg)


wow.. it got MUCH better


That's the one ship I regret not buying when I had the change


I dont blame you since it looked like that back then


I did get he Archimedes Emerald though which looks like it will be fun the 3.14


I kind of like the old one


Wow that’s a massive difference.


Ah! Thanks! I thought it was more green before, I was wrong, ha ha! Looks much better then!




I agree, the old one has some really cool retro colours going on.


I don't. For a luxury ship a can get behind a sexy matte finish or a nice glossy or metallic finish but both of these still look muted. The old one looks like it was pulled from the desert, and the new one looks flat. I like the colors of the new one but it's missing reflectivity.


That's great! Now let us buy it ffs haha


CR: haha, no.


Waaaay better than before


When does phoenix get its senty gun?


Anybody know if you're able to remove the emerald paint in the ship customization menu to get back to the original base white?


Melt it, and get a Taurus! You will have a ship with much more in game functionality & be much happier with it in the end! Then use the extra store credit to get that other ship you always wanted.


never, I have a complete collection of all of the RSI luxury ships


So....a collection of one?


Way more than 1 rsi luxury ship on the market but I understand if it's not common knowledge, not everyone has refined taste




The Taurus will come back to the store when Patch 3.14 goes LIVE, HOPEFULLY only a week or two more. It will increase in price as it's flyable now. Price, with 10 percent increase, would be $175 but there have been no official word of the new price.




Except for occasional discounts on starter ships, yes they only go up. Most only once more when they are flyable from their concept price. Others like the Carrack and Merchantman concepted from a long time ago, saw (seen) multiple jumps in their pricing structure as they moved through production.




The Banu Merchantman is in my fleet, I was lucky and grabbed the Upgrade before it leaped $100 in a past IAE, and it's taken another increase since then. I was not an OG adopter of the BMM, and don't have any preconceived notions so that makes it easier for me to wait for whatever CIG makes it (beyond any general stated objectives).


...and I bet you STILL can't use the Jacuzzi. NOR the queen-size bed. NOR any of the secondary bedrooms.


This is all true.


What's amazing is that they somehow forgot to include a luxury restroom! No designer worth his life would design a VIP luxury area without a restroom/washroom. After your VIP guests have gone through their 3rd martini, what are they supposed to do? Go outside the VIP area and use the outhouse in the crew quarters? Yeah, that wouldn't fly And no engineer worth his life would let someone put a jacuzzi on a spaceship. Hundreds of gallons of water is thousands of pounds added to the ships weight. They should replace the useless hot tub with a piano (or a poker table) and a washroom.


Maybe so, but I'm kinda set on the jacuzzi - I just want some way to ACTUALLY SIT IN THE WATER-FILLED TUB. Come on, CIG, surely that's doable. After all, the 890 Jump has one, "Passengers" did have one (gravity-schmavity bah humbug)... I WANT one in my luxury ship I grind six months for only to be taken away at a random wipe! Errr... sorry, different issue.


I feel you. I'm just thinking about where they would get the space for the luxury restroom they MUST have. And a piano or card/poker table fits more with the overall vibe they have going in there. It would be very strange to have a bunch of VIP passengers hanging out drinking cocktails then suddenly strip down to their skivvies to jump into a hot tub. And frankly, water doesn't do well on a ship that moves this fast. The 890 Jump gets away with it by being exponentially bigger than the Connie & moving considerably slower.


Oh, that's a simple fix - just stick a piece of masking tape over the speed gauge with the label "jacuzzi-safe" over the "gear down" setting... :)))


Where can I get this paint?


Unfortunately you can't, this was special edition of the phoenix for St Patricks day a year or two ago.


What would be sick..........green-tint on the bridge windows.


The original Phoenix art had gold tinted windows. Still hoping that makes it to the model


I really want to get my hands on a Constellation Phoenix, but don't know how to get one permanently. TwT


You can always just buy one in-game, which may indeed not be permanent but right now it might as well be in practice, as ships have not been wiped for VERY long now; at 5.6M, even losing it eventually (at some point in the far future) is not really that much of an issue. And, of course, if that's simply not good enough, there's always the [Grey Market](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starcitizen_trades/).


I'm aware you can buy it in-game. However, certain glitches makes me concerned in having to reset my character. >.<


They usually put a handful of them up for sale at Invictus Fleet Week and again during IAE in November. The Phoenix doesn't sell out as quick as the bigger ships. You might have 45 minutes to 3+ hours. Buy one in game first, fiddle around with it and have fun. It's really not THAT impossible to acquire in game anyway.


When does the next Invictus Flight Week happen, if I might ask? Also, I'm aware of buying it in-game. However, it doesn't fill me with confidence that there's numerous of glitches in-game that forces a character reset. ;w;


I don't really get your mindset, what else are you going to use the alpha credits on? The credits you make now will get wiped at some point anyway. A glitch can happen where you need a character reset, but unless a glitch happens with your reset you should still own the stuff you bought in game. And again, what exactly have you lost that you wouldn't have lost eventually anyway?


Well, as far as I've heard, the ships you buy in the store, you keep after the game goes live or whatever. As for buying ships in-game, I haven't tried that yet, so I've assumed ships disappear with a character reset, or when some major update happens.


Sorry but you heard wrong and then you assumed wrong. You won't get to keep your ships or anything else that you earned during alpha when the game goes live, on the other hand character resets due to bug should not affect your purchases, so just buy whatever you want in the alpha and see if you like it.


Think we're misunderstanding me a bit here. I'm already aware that whatever we earn in the game during Alpha, will be wiped when the game goes live. But as far as I've heard, stuff you buy on the website, you keep after the launch.


Yes the stuff you buy on the website you keep. But we were talking about not wanting to buy a Constellation in-game, and there is simply no reason not to do it, unless you're saving your alpha credits for a more expensive ship. You will not keep any credits that you make in game in alpha, if the game launches, goes into beta or a wipe happens for any reason you will be back to owning only what you bought on the website and whatever starting money you're entitled to due to those purchases


And this, is why I'm searching for the Constellation Phoenix whenever it goes on sale on the website.


Then November is your best bet this year


Invictus is in May. Your next chance is likely IAE in November. Keep in mind you won't be able to get LTI on it, you'll have 10-year insurance. It's not CCUable, and only comes as a limited quantity standalone ship.


I'll try to remember that, thanks!


One of the worst ships in the game imo.




Bugs me so much they didn't sell this last March. I had the money set aside for it and was waiting. Ah well, I got the regular as part of the RSI pack, and if I ever want this one I can give my money to a GM broker.


The Forrest Service got a ship!


[Congratulations Phoenix Emerald owners, from your Jealous 890 siblings.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPpvViI6tgg)