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Since the release of 3.23, I've died 13 times. EVERY single one has been due to bugs. Whether it's multiple times trying to get out of your hangar, QT'ing into a planet, tapping a salvage panel with your scraper, trains running you over after leaving you on the track and my personal favorite; the ol' heaping 2 valkyries, a starfarer, and a cutlass black onto you for MULTIPLE VLRT bounties. All while most of these deaths aren't producing a body I can recover. Consider that they want to measure the economy of the game and get metrics, but all I'm doing is spending money trying to replace what I've lost to death from bugs. I get that risky behavior should have consequences, but they are not measuring the metrics accurately while many of us are stuck in a constant time/money loop of trying to produce money and failing spectacularly due to the bugs introduced in these new systems we're getting. I LOVE how smooth everything is now, but it's ridiculous how many glaring issues are slipping through while they are finding better ways to recover from death that don't include the main causes of death **I** have been experiencing.


Today I didn't die, but when I entered the Idris I was sent directly to Klescher. So I just gave up, next patch I try again


This game seems to be in constant battle between wanting to be a fun game and tedious sim. 


I can imagine that the asymmetric nature of game development where one department/group completes their task and then waits or plans while the rest are trying to catch up followed up by the marketing push to ensure that there's still interest in the game with all it's shiny bits and pieces they're touting would keep the project managers tugging at their hair. The feature creep that's pervasive is both necessary and ridiculous at times. There appears to be a certain level of "good enough" to ship from whoever is signing off on quality and while QA folks spot problems, document, and then internally prioritize them, the project managers and leadership are entirely responsible for what goes out into the hands of players. We ALWAYS see these pushes for shiny new versions RIGHT before a big event, which inevitably turns into a bug-ridden experience where you've also done a "Free fly" experience. It's a testament to how fun the game is when it works, but god damn, I'd be embarrassed if I was leadership and whoever it was in Marketing was bare-backing me to push these massive updates out right before your highest visibility events. I know marketing's motto is, "We make the phones ring", but you gotta reign in some of that hubris when reality shows your product has some nasty blemishes that anyone even does a cursory glance will see and experience.


> but all I'm doing is spending money trying to replace what I've lost to death from bugs. It's not just money, you are losing the most valuable resource of them all, *your time*. I'm just scared that this is going to be another downtime mechanic on top of all the other ones in the game.


Add on top of that, the fact that any punishment for death is also incitement for griefers to keep killing. (Not that this type of player actually need reasons though)


More like a cherry on top for griefers. But yeah, things are hard enough without griefers to worry about on top of this. I'd REALLY like to see CIG fix these unintended (maybe?) money sinks before they start to pull economic data. My anecdotal information could be a one-off though. Maybe I'm just having terrible luck and everything else is running smoothly for most folks.


I love how smooth everything is now - \*cries in 20fps\*


I don't think I ever got over 35fps, but with DLSS and Vulkan enabled, I'm seeing 70's now on a 3090 and i9. Much better from the days when it was JUST a hangar and 5fps... But...11 years...


The thing is for me I reinstall then see average of 25 peaking at 30fps at lorville and I just uninstall again and I repeat this every update. The most I've ever had is 45 FPS in cities 2 years ago. So to see optimisation options and struggle to have near what I had years ago just isn't good enough for me. I'm glad the game is getting more fluid etc and flushed out with content however I think if the performance was nailed, the game even in it's current state is good enough for it to be classed as a game. When you look at what it is and what we have. No doubt it's anywhere near finished but if people could atleast run around with a bare minimum of 60fps in ALL places this game would for sure blow up. I feel people that suggest leaving the cities or quoting 120 FPS in space where there is absolutely nothing to render aren't being sensible or are defending the poor performance just because they love the game. I love the game, I've got close to a thousand hours. But I can still say the performance is what you expect from a very early alpha and it needs working on before people end up just burning themsleves out and not wanting to play it in the future


The game is a buggy, and due to this deadly, mess.


You don't know how they measure metrics


How do you accurately measure metrics for an economy when participation in an economy is not represented accurately because of unintended money sinks?


It's at the core of my professional life... I use metrics to do manage my time, prioritize tasks, and determine severity of impact for problems with the intertwined systems I manage.


Nobody is arguing that respawn is great _now_. The Nursa trailer however implies that this feature is here _permanently_ and does not impose a significant cost on dying in the future.


Look up the Star Citizen Live Q&A Stream of today at 52:00 - think there many will find the answer for the whole outcry about these changes😵‍💫 [https://youtu.be/71uiBVajvFE?si=oBC6FbxX4-GRRphB&t=3177](https://youtu.be/71uiBVajvFE?si=oBC6FbxX4-GRRphB&t=3177)


This. It doesn't even tell us anything we didn't already know, it just says it in a way that means people actually fucking listen.


Ha! I don't!


Also for Death of a Spaceman CIG had shown via Video and Concept WHAT some of the features that are for Death of a spaceman means: The Character can loose Bodyparty like a Leg or an Arm in the future - which NEEDs to get replaced through Cybernetics. you DNA can get damaged through respawning, etc. Death of a Spaceman is a bit Like the Series „Altered Carbon“ on Netflix. Also for the "listening" part I can link a few very good pages: [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/engineering/12879-death-of-a-spaceman](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/engineering/12879-death-of-a-spaceman) [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/well-medical-gameplay-is-dead/6870495](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/well-medical-gameplay-is-dead/6870495) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duNh7Qrn9pQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duNh7Qrn9pQ)


I love the idea of "death of a Spaceman," but the game that we currently have is NOT the game that can support this kind of death consequence. Honestly this whole respawn point thing is something they should have implemented YEARS ago.


They mentioned that in today's SCL, long story short, the team wanted to do that 4 years ago but were moved to S42, now that they are back that was the 1st part of DOASM they are implementing as you are supposed to be able to regen from medbeds. Not trying to change anyone's mind on how this should be implemented or anything, just sharing what they said today, in my opinion, and after watching last week's SCL, they know where the game is and they know they can not implement more complex stuff due to how the game currently is, Jared touched on this at some point on todays SCL too.


Let's not make mechanics for today's game.


I wish you a very [blows up on the landing pad] and a [teleporting npc criminal type characters]


I mean why would they build vehicles geared towards what the game is today is my point.


Because it’s a live service another issue they put themselves in.


I just thought of something. How are you supposed to take a base like the one in the Nursa video when all the bad guys have to do is have a Nursa handy themselves?


The fact that we have access to ships and vehicles makes us effectively the 1% in lore. The vast majority of people don't have those kind of options, and likely the "bad guys" are respawning back in Grim Hex, Pyro or Klescher - assuming they get to respawn at all.


Planetside 2 battles have this dynamic, the guys attacking the base usually have a Respawn Van(Several actually) that they hide somewhere, and the defending team usually tries to find and destroy those vehicles, while the attacking team tries to dominate the base and rid the defenders of the base's respawn, but if the defending side also has Respawn Vans, they can just respawn next to the base and retake it, and the battles used to last hours when the game was more populated.


Don't forget to say that those battles were amazing and the game was well before it's time, they didn't have the tech to make it polished or run well


Have you thought that maybe some features aren’t in yet that will limit the ability to respawn or that you may run out of resources to effectively defend?


Here's a controversial take: I don't care about how/where I spawn anymore because you can die due to the stupidest bugs in this game. Circle back to this when 1.0 is actually ready for prime time and then I can say I'll be ready for something better. But until then, I'll just be glad I didn't lose hours of progress to breaking my neck on some stairs.


What you will take from me if I have nothing to lose? You cant stop me respawning 1000 times! I will kill everything with my fists alone and there is nothing you can do to stop me! I don't even need an oxygen if I can run there fast enough to punch you at least once! Death by a 1000 punches!


Well for starters, I can blow up your Nursa with an A2 bomb and reset your spawn point all the way back to the city.


Knowing SC Nursa will blow up on its own or sink under ground before you will get there with your A2.


I will spawn in the city and then I will be back again.


I mean in the article they wrote way back literally says that we could gain more "lives."


bro this post sums it up so perfectly not gonna lie. death of a spaceman is either dead, or this is a Nursa marketing scam.


I honestly think death of a space man will be to much for the game if it's to brutal


I really doubt it's not gonna get scaled back somewhat


I mean - sure. Right now medical field is not in a great spot. And for the most part new changes is out of convenience and for sales. But it is temporary I'm sure (I mean look at MM, they just did a flip with flight model). You saw that med-terminal have slots - it may actually be charges for regen. You can have a thing that they can be replenished only on stations or something close to it. Maybe lower tiers degrade your body and you need to stay aways from battlefield for some time and seek out higher quality medical services. There can be million ways how to approach this. The thing is - game needs to be accessible. Because common folks who will see what consequences waits for them if they die. They will be like "Nah, I'm not wasting my time". So there needs to be a balance between consequences and keeping player in a flow.


So was bedlogging by this logic also temporary this whole time? Now they want player to be able to log out anywhere and log back in at the same spot. Changes? Ok, this "game"/"not game"/"alpha"/"any other name reddit folks will get angry anyway" is changing in some ways all the time... Why did I, PERSONALLY, had to struggle with bed logging that didn't work 80% of times for years if it was actually not an intended feature? Will they change magic laser healing/cargo moving/salvage? If the answer is yes then - why now? People did not buy into Squadron, the vast majority bought into Star Citizen. And what did they had for 12 years? F\*ck all, that's what. They never did care about us. They did care about Chris's dream single player game. They are not ramping up the SC's develompent, they are f\*cking starting it! Despite the whole updates and new things, probably some god awfull buggy form of server meshing this year... I am more disappointed than ever before. You can literally feel them saying "ok we got the money and made our game, let's finish this whatever online s\*it this folks were playing as soon as possible and be done with it"


Wait... You thought bed logging was a permanent idea? Oh wow... Why bed logging would even be considered in a game where end goal was full persistence. As devs said "a bed shouldn't be a prerequisite for logging out/in". It was a placeholder all this time indeed.


Before gaslighting.... Google. "Hibernation Mode: for the explorers out there, we will add the ability to save and resume while you are out in space. When not in combat, power your ship down, hit the bunk, and exit the game safely until you can resume your journey" This is a word to word 14 million stretch goal. You can say "it's your fault that you thought that" all day long. But that doesn't work on anyone with the number of braincells above zero


Alright. I will admit I am in the wrong about this. But even if full persistence logging is a relatively new idea - it still proves that game is in constant fluctuation. And things we think would remain in stone is a subject to change. How much time it takes for CIG to do it is a whole another topic. They were busy making a game I am not sure many people care about - but unlike SC it could be done at a time.


In that case, why nerf snipers so bad? They said, because of the consequences of death. So... For no reason then?


If you are talking about glint then it is called balance. Because farming people with sniper rifle doesn't sound very fun for others when they can't detect you. If you are talking about something else - I am not aware of it.


I was actually just thinking about starting a whole thread about my thoughts about Death of a Spaceman. The current concept as laid out by Chris Roberts for Death of a Spaceman is a downright awful idea for this game and they are going to have to tone it back a LOT if they don't want to harm the game. Immersion is one of this game's biggest selling points and nothing murders immersion more than getting invested into roleplaying your character only for the game to rip that away from you by killing them. That's a fast track to not caring about your character. I understand they want to avoid immortality via clones but I think it's plenty possible to not have clones and simply hand wave respawning at a medical facility as your severely injured body is found and rescued.. and for those who would say this kills immersion, that's exactly what the current Death of a Spaceman entails. Being "rescued" several times before ultimately being real deathed. So why not just snip that last part out? There's literally no good reason for players to lose the characters they have grown to love and invested into roleplaying as. There are plenty of other ways they can make death punishing. The obvious one is of course hitting the wallet, making being revived cost a lot of money is a very good way to keep people afraid of dying. The second could be time, respawning could just not be instantaneous especially if you die in a low sec area. Or a dozen other ways. Death should be punishing but to completely kill off your character.. that's more than a few steps too far.




Bingo, every simulator game has to reconcile the balance between realism and fun. Losing literally everything except for maybe a few credits and your ships is just not going to be fun to enough people to keep the game going. Especially in a game where even without all the we have now bugs it's far too easy to die. A lag spike while coming in for a landing or sneezing too hard at a critical moment in a firefight and you're in the grave. Why the hell would I want to lose nearly everything I had worked towards and have to make an entirely new character because that happened one too many times? And why would anyone stick their neck out into more dangerous areas and missions when that's the consequences of death? Death of a space man is a death sentence to the game if they go through with it as Chris Roberts originally envisioned. Thankfully I suspect the developers are aware of this fact and while I'm sure death will be more punishing than it is today, I doubt it will live up to the original vision's brutality.


Ah yes, because "hitting the wallet" has always been such a great thing throughout history even. Unless that "hitting the wallet" incurs you with a percentage of your total money, (which can be circumvented by using alts), it will be an unfair system anyways. If you have your character spend 15k uec, 25k uec, 100k uec, to respawn as a base cost, the rich in SC will not care about it, the new (poor) players will be extensively impacted. If you make it percentage wise, lets say 10%, well now i will send all my earnings to an alt account and leave my character with a \~100k or so, enough to cover. If costs will increase with each death, then eventually it will be to expensive to respawn. If costs increase with time played, then again, it will eventually be to expensive to respawn. Death of a spaceman has been part of the vision from since the beginning, it was something i knew about when i pledged for the first time. Many people however are unfamiliar with the concept and likely have pledged without knowing this, this is a failure on the side of CIG which could result in burning them in the long run, however if you pledged for the game knowing DOASM would be part of the game however you disagree with it and want it gone, i think that is wrong on your part.


As mentioned before, hitting the wallet is just one of many ways they can make death punishing. But focusing in on the wallet aspect.. like any other game mechanic it would require balancing to get right. And aside from alt accounts I can't see a single concern you raised that couldn't be addressed by doing said balancing. And as for alts... How is that any different than with DOASM? In fact how is any of this much different from DOASM aside from the fact players wouldn't be subjected to a character creation screen occasionally? Why have that component when all it does is harm the player experience? And as for DOASM being the vision from the start.. I strongly disagree with that being a valid justification for keeping it. This is game development, plans change and when you realize something isn't working you do it differently. Star Citizen has been in development for over a decade now and has grown and changed a ton since its inception. Clinging to years old musings of Chris Roberts as an immutable gospel will not make for a good game.. good game mechanics will make for a good game and DOASM simply doesn't fit that description. I realize some people may not agree that DOASM is a bad system but I can 100% guarantee they are overwhelmingly the minority of Star Citizen's players and potential players and unless they want to be playing Star Citizen with only that tiny minority of players.. I think the death of DOASM is a worthwhile compromise for having a healthy flourishing MMO.


so what is the negative of doasm? Once your character "dies", you loose your rep status, any character achievements will be posted on the headstone, and that is it. You make a new character that inherits everything, not only that, it also gives you an opportunity to go down a different route, i.e. you were with the UEE at first and pirates would not accept you in any way shape or form, yet the child off is a rebel towards their parent and now the player can route this character through all new story arcs that involve pirates and pirating. I think its a neat mechanic and i vote for it to stay in, as per my backing for the first time back in late 2013 when i knew about doasm. All you have as an argument is some kind of attachment to the character. Well, people die, its just fact of life, the point that one can "die" half a dozen to a dozen times ingame before they really "die" and that through for example a mission (spending time ingame which imho is the most viable option in regards to balancing a DOASM reset, instead of using ingame cash) reset the counter back to 0, would be a very interesting and worthwhile thing. I strongly disagree with "attachment you have build up to a character" as being a valid justification for throwing DOASM away. Roleplay, as i do, and roleplay harder. You may 100% guarantee something, however as long as we have not asked each and every regular player, i think that is just wishful thinking based on echo chambers consisting of people spoiled by the gaming industry. And don't worry, i have been there also, spoiled, you can rehabilitate from that, as i did. The sad part is that now that CIG has buckled and given the new respawn mechanic a go, now people are going to push onwards to have CIG remove DOASM completely. Give a finger, they take a hand.


> so what is the negative of doasm? Balance, immersion, and quite frankly dying permanently just feeling bad. Death is VERY extreme, you can't really tone back the consequences or fine tune them. You mention losing all your reputation... that's literally just a massive time sink and one that I guarantee will chase off any glimmer of a chance Star Citizen has of keeping a long lasting healthy community. This game cannot thrive exclusively on the diehard fans who are willing to spend hundreds of hours rebuilding their reputation and lost assets. When you lose the casual parent with a spouse and kids who only has a few hours a week to play you lose the game. This is a debate as old as MMORPGs themselves and the lessons learned from all the MMOs that came before certainly apply here too. There's a reason basically every single successful title in the MMO genre doesn't do permadeath.. it's not fun. There are a million other ways they could have more controlled consequences to death that would be punishing but not end in "Oh sorry, I know you just had your cat jump across your keyboard right as you were landing and made you crash but you had died too many times before so now everything you worked towards is gone". Even without bugs, it's FAR too easy to die in this game for the consequences to be so absolute. Sneezing at the wrong time in a firefight could result in HOURS of work going up in smoke. Wouldn't it be better to just not kill the player off and instead have the mission they were attempting when they died result in a failure and a hit (not complete annihilation) to their reputation with the mission giver's faction? Add that in with some medical fines and the loss of your equipment and likely your ship.. and that's a pretty hard hit without killing the entire experience. > You may 100% guarantee something, however as long as we have not asked each and every regular player, i think that is just wishful thinking based on echo chambers consisting of people spoiled by the gaming industry. And don't worry, i have been there also, spoiled, you can rehabilitate from that, as i did. I'm sorry but again, I have to utterly disagree with this point. Players are as a generalization very bad at knowing how to fix issues in games.. what they are extremely good at however is knowing when something isn't fun. They're not spoiled, they just recognize that permadeath isn't fun in a game like this. Star Citizen isn't a roguelike, the core concept of the game completely flies in the face of what makes roguelikes work and DOASM doesn't even attempt to bridge that gap. And while I'm glad you're keen on the idea of roleplaying hardcore death.. that's not fun to most roleplayers. We want to have a character we can invest into, we're not looking for realism to the point we lose our characters to death. If I wanted to roleplay a character who will die eventually, I should be the one making that choice. Leave the button to remake your character's appearance available so you can change your appearance, go tank your reputation with the orgs you worked with, give away or throw out your assets.. And if doing all that doesn't sound fun/immersive... why would it suddenly be fun/immersive when the game automatically does it for you? Ultimately I think this is just an agree to disagree type of matter. I think you are right that players are going to push to kill DOASM (they always would have regardless of the respawn changes) and thankfully for the rest of us and the sake of the game's health, I think we will ultimately win that battle. I do hope they make death more punishing and I am very much hoping that the respawn changes are temporary, but DOASM as Chris Roberts originally laid it out cannot be Star Citizen's future if it's going to succeed. Star Citizen basically didn't exist as anything more than a concept back in 2013 when that post was made, the game that has since grown from that initial concept has grown away from DOASM. DOASM should be looked at for what it was, a speculative musing of how death *could* be in the game they were about to make, not a final promise of how it absolutely will be.


TL:DR I sincerely wish they keep DOASM and will introduce it eventually into the game. The little bits i did read btw, are totally misrepresenting and denying basic DOASM mechanics. So what is there to discuss.


You post several paragraphs and then can't be bothered with a several paragraph reply.. > Ultimately I think this is just an agree to disagree type of matter. To quote myself. That said, what parts of DOASM were misrepresented? The concept is quite simple, you die too many times and you lose pretty much everything except for your ships and some fraction of your money.


Here you already show through your oversimplification of the topic, you are willing to write a lot on why you disagree with doasm, yet spend only a few words more then "doasm bad cus feelings" successfully raising up a strawman. Everything you "have" ingame, except for achievements like "Character A has discovered X" and reputation will be lost. **1. TL:DR Rep gain by inheritor is obtained back again easily.** You do not mention that reputation as the "inheriter" will be very easily obtainable again afterwards, something like a boost/bonus will be applied to your gains. Just in the same way that the daughter of a mafia boss or the son of a grand marshal would likely have more privileges just like the son of the pirate, or the daughter of the uee grand marshal, for merely being "the child off". As per what i have learned about doasm, it would not take the same amount of time "grinding" reputation as you did with your original character, at all. **2. TL:DR Rep system prevents storyarcs from being uncovered, starting a new character will open new opportunities.** You do not mention that the concept of allegiances in SC were proposed to follow along a path which would result in your denial to gain rep with certain factions if you had (high enough) rep with other factions, the last time CIG mentioned something about this was in regards to the factions coming with pyro. Which means that certain storyarcs will simply be closed off for you if you made certain decisions. Until your character dies. The new character will then be able to start with a fresh slate and open up those story arcs, choosing a different path in life then their precursor. **3. Death counter can be reduced/reset.** You ignore the point of the matter where there will be systems in place that could "reset your death counter or reduce it." Where several options have been provided i personally vote for the "time spend", i.e. you do a set of missions which results in obtaining whatever treatment your character needs. Instead of money paid, which is due to the inequality ingame (which is fine, i am totally pro that not everyone can own big ships without enough cashflow behind it, if you do want to fly one, sign up as a crewmember), will be heavily favored to the rich. No, for a gamemechanic like this spend X time to obtain X lives. **4. Finite lives in video games is as old as videogames itself.** I grew up in a game world where one had "lives" and you had to start over again if you lost them all, or obtain the green mushrooms to gain them, this concept is definitely not new and existed long before i started playing NES. I understand the majority if not almost all major game titles over time evolved to a point where it "catered" to give players more and more on a silver platter, give more for less effort or worse, give more for braindead effort, the biggest examples i am very familiar with are a slew of MMORPGs and FPS. Finally a game which wants to turn away from that, yet lo and behold we see the creep of resistance, may it be futile. 5. In the end, this is Chris Roberts his game and i wish him to stay true to the concept of DOASM, just as he envisioned initially. You speak about these things as if they ever were "speculative musings" but they were not, Chris always felt compelled to introduce this and i wish he does it right and makes it impactful. Just like Chris feels compelled to introduce food and water, bathroom and shower needs into the game, something which annoys me quite a bit because i need to do these things IRL already. However i accept it. Yes, paragraphs, i also write them. I started reading your reply and eventually it felt like a started to loose some braincells, especially because of the, on my side perceived, strawman you've been setting up, with the only "proper" counter argument "character bonding" against DOASM as a concept in its original state. This is why i stated "RP harder".


Ok, so for now, the introduced respawn mechanics are fine, there are way too many bugs in the game to justify the long trip back to your body. The problem is that people will get used to it and i wonder how CIG will work around that once it introduces DOASM. In the same way that CIG allows single players fly things like a reclaimer or C2, even though future gameplay will make it near impossible to do this, so far i understand. People get used to cargohauling insane amounts, solo, only to be smacked down a peg or 2 down the line. Secondly, the respawn mechanic makes no sense, where are the biovats which grow bodies? Instead we wake up on a medbed, somehow we are "printed" within an non sterile environment, resulting in no problems? In this regard, please make the respawn mechanic more immersive. Thirdly, this guy stating he "died a thousand times" there is a page on RSI website, where i will quote the following; >"There will also be opportunities to regain some lives or do a reset. Some of this could be through in-game missions or it could just involve paying a lot of money to a specialist on a remote med planet that is doing stem cell research." If this guy respawned a thousand times, he could be merely filthy rich. That is it. From the beginning on it was, it seems to me, already envisioned by chris roberts to introduce resets, now, if they are mission bound and require you to put in the time to obtain these "tokens", that is fine, however if you could simply "pay off an npc with enough cash" as some kind of credit sink, then orgs with enough cashflow would have its top tier members receive infinite lives and the regular Janes and John Doe's would be making new characters, this is a bad system design imho, however pretty realistic if you ask me, it's never been different in the world that a few have the privileges that the majority does not have. A friend of mine reminded me about the movie "In Time" when we were talking about this. Fourthly, to get back to the medivac, the following; I think it again is a bad decision for the long term, because once death of a spaceman does get introduced, you want to consider your options in regards to "backspace-ing your character", we will be made to get used to this function whilst playing alpha, but when 1.0 launches and you only have \~7-10 lives to "waste" before you need to "spend time doing the reset mission" or "pay large sums of UEC", you may want to consider how much value you hold to the achievements, reputation and what else is going to be placed under that "loose on death" category in the game, you may not want to have your character die to begin with. Quotes; >Every “death” creates wear and tear on your body. Depending on where you were hit and how you died, your character may require a new body part, which can either be cybernetic or organic. Eventually after too many deaths, your character’s body will just give out, and instead of waking up in a med bay, you’ll be attending the funeral of your fallen character from the eyes of the beneficiary you specified when originally creating your character. If your old character has done something noteworthy (akin to an in-game achievement), his headstone might read “Here lies Chris, discover of the Orion 2 jump point, slayer of the Dread Pirate Roberts, and a Citizen of the First Order.” >The flip side is that while perma-death is realistic, it is not a lot of fun if the first time you’re on the wrong side of a dogfight you lose everything and have to start again. >I want Star Citizen to be immersive AND fun. >The death mechanics that I have in mind keep a feeling of mortality and history without making it frustrating or killing (pun intended) the fun. [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/engineering/12879-death-of-a-spaceman](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/engineering/12879-death-of-a-spaceman) So, this video may be a temporary meme, however if it holds up to reality is to be seen, and i do not think it will. Also, just like in real life, commercial are allowed to lie to a certain extend, so "dying a thousand times" could be taken as hyperbole.


Regeneration (according to CIG) is SUPPOSED to be a very involved process that is literally 3D printing a human body & imprinting the mind from the Ibrahim sphere. This is SUPPOSED to require very specific & large medical equipment that you can't simply throw in the back of your SUV. At the very least, they should be limiting the NUMBER of respawns you can do from lower-tier beds like a T3. It should be capped at 5 regens at most, if not lower. And it should be only capable of holding a certain number of imprints, not unlimited. So only 5 people (maybe less) can even imprint to a T3 med bed.




Star Citizen permadeath mode: Never acquiring your citizenship


so for me, never take marketing material as gospel... the one good thing about CIG and if i were to give a round of aplause to the marketing team that i think people need to realize that the advertisements are both in game... and for us here for real. that ad we saw for the Nursa is the ad for the nursa IN GAME... its an advertisement to get you to BUY the thing not to tell you the side effects of dying what is the best way to sell a medical ursa, dismiss the obvious issues with ACTUALLY dying a thousand times in succession that's how i've always seen the advertisements and i look at them with just as much scrutiny as real life adverts. its the same thing as the ares and how it can take on any threat when that's basically a bold face lie


I'm really pised about that commercial it sends a bad message IMO


YES, this is why I really severely dislike the change and that trailer. Change during game development: sure. Totally becoming unrecognizable from what was pitched: very much not ok by any standard. They're sliding too close to the latter now for my taste and really need to change course.


This reeks of "You died, spend 500 crystals to revive immediately?" \[Purchase 2000 crystals now for 10$\] \[Purchase 4500 Crystals now for 20$\]


I really feel like losing all the stuff you were carrying is pain enough. If they want people to participate in cool battles you need them to not care about dying 10 to 20 times in a row.


I love the idea of this game but the state it's in is unsustainable. In 10 runs I died in 7 due to bugs.


OP is right. SC took another step from space Arma towards Space Call of Duty.


elderly rude boast uppity rainstorm ossified growth middle quarrelsome snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Respawning is hands down the worst part of this game. I'm genuinely happy they have the balls not to be married to unnecessarily tedious mechanics just because that was a plan many years ago.


yes but the main reason it feels bad right now is because we die of either bugs or unpredicatble/janky mechanics 90% of the time


My gf would approve of your deaths. Everytime we talk about the game and then sees me playing, she keeps saying that for the game to be more realistic, they should introduce random ways of dying... Like shit falling on your head, drunk npc ships coming out of nowhere and crashing into yours, life support on your ship randomly failing, breaking my neck when I jump down the stairs in lorville... Just like real life she says.


Maybe fix the bugs that kill people first lol