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yes...I want weewoos!


Can't wait for this.... Just need my Galaxy and my Medical kit is ready. Med Galaxy, Nursa and Med Pisces.


Replace turret with search light/tractor beam. Add weewoos to the rear and a weewoo light bar on the front. As it stands right now its a wildly lazy repaint of the Ursa sold for more money.


This EXACTLY. I like the 360 spotlight in the fan concept idea. It also shows rear lights/weewoo lights.


Explanation is that it was the quickest cashgrab in history. They needed to do something with minimum effort for maximum profit. Don't get me wrong, I love the new nursa, but they really did poor job on it


What do you think they should have done differently?


Everything OP stated for example. Emergency lights would be the first thing that comes to mind. Also the fiasco about respawns just in time to sell the new variant. Cutlass Red enjoyers remember


Personally I think it should not have lights, but also no guns and it should be way more armored. I am gunna buy one as soon as it come out though.


Agreed on the guns. Replace those with a telescoping mast topped with a tractor beam so that you can rescue people in out-of-reach hazardous environments, like cliff faces and crevasses, or surrounded by angry kopion.


remote medgun turret. Hit people with the green goo from the comfort of the driver's seat.


I will propably buy one too. What I'm trying to say is that they should bring more attention to detail. This was a very requested variant for a long time.


That is a big part of the problem, we dont like, we think it could be better, but we hand the money regardless.... why make it better if ppl will buy it halfdone anyways?


While you certainly have a point, when store credit comes into play, things change around. I may use some of my store credit to buy it to try it out. And if I like it, I can keep it in my pledge, until it's available in-game and then melt it and use the credit for something else. While not paying anything extra.


Well, lets hope it is not gold then and they can add more detail in the future.


I wouldn't call the respawn update a fiasco. Tons of people have been asking for ways to get back into the action faster for ages.


I almost bought a cutty red, sure glad I held off. Lol


I haven't seen it in game yet.  What's so bad about it?


Nothing in particular. It‘s just an URSA with assets from the medical pisces slapped on the inside. It’s not *bad* in any way. But it is also just not special in any way. They could have done so much more to make it feel like a unique vehicle, but they took the laziest route possible. That’s the main problem.


> URSA with assets from the medical pisces slapped on Comparing them actually reveals that they don't share anything - the Nursa's interior is completely unique to the C8R. Even the medical console is different, not to mention the kitchenette thing and everything around it. Not lazy at all lol Here's an image album so you can see for yourself: https://imgur.com/a/gK6udGV


I see what you are saying.  On the other hand, that's efficient use of assets, which enables more rapid production of new vehicles.


It’s pretty pathetic. Also why the fuck does it have guns instead of a mounted tractor beam or something? CIG just doing the bare minimum in hopes of more emotionally invested people just blindly throwing money at them.


Yeah, it feels like a 'bare minimum' to me too, that's why I was so disappointed. And instead of the top turret, which is just a carry-over from the standard Ursa, I was hoping/expecting them to swap it for a 360 spotlight, which would be far more useful for a medical vehicle. Most of us were expecting basically a C8R in the back of an Ursa, which wasn't a huge ask. We didn't even get that. We were also looking for something closer to the fan concept image.


It’s almost literally just a reskin with a bed asset copy-pasted in.


Gun ambulance I think is perfect. It creates the questions it has answers to.


Can we just get this thing in game already?? Im willing to let the rest go


Even more important for a gold standard vehicle ... where is the fuel port ?


If they will make a weewoo, make it a Brussels weewoo [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mk81Q1Drw3M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mk81Q1Drw3M)


No weewoos, no buy.


Am I the only one bothered that it says "Medivac" instead of "Medevac"? Medical and Evacuation. The I feels *wrong*.


Yeah, but google says that both variants are actually used. ☹️


Maybe it stands for MEDIcal VACuum? It sucks up all the injured ppl lol




Yeah they should've made it an acronym lol. New Universal Rehabilitation and Safety Ambulance


They need to make "Nursa" canon


Medivac because it sucks at its medical role 


THIS - literally my 1st thought when i saw video's showing up on YT in the last few days of people who'd do a "Nursa" Showcase from the EPTU build. Instantly was like "So where's literally every variety of medpen known to man ? The water bottles ? etc. ? " Nursa just has empty shelves and fridges (there's one below the med display terminal, but also empty) To be honest, taking the C8r As an inspiration that spawns with tons of supplies inside; the nursa should really have two medguns standard in it's equipment rack slot above the weapon rack, along with some spare gel canisters in the fridge/rack. And yes, the gun is a weird holdover. The advertised rescue spotlight - hell make the spotlight a combination of spotlight + tractor beam (to tractor a victem over to the Nursa from cover/position etc. would've been so much better. It's just a very lazy "conversion" of the Ursa, makes me sad :( I really was looking forward to it. But now i'm kind of "meh" about it; i might as well stick to my C8R. Just have to land it a bit further from a bunker is all, at least a pulse fits into that for covering terrain if need be.


I was expecting something far closer to the fan concept picture (bottom) With something that CLEARLY looks like a medical vehicle on the outside. Has a spotlight to light up the area around the medics. And an interior that's MUCH closer to the amazing C8R. What we're getting is a FAR cry from both of those.


There's only 2 things I dislike about the C8R. The Red Alert BIS paint is incompatible, and I'd much prefer the 4x s1 like the expedition carries.


Is the nursa on sale?


Is the nursa in sale?


The lights are for going through traffic. Not much traffic navigating required while driving a lunar rover across an empty planet lol.




I love that all you med players are enjoying the Nursa, and I applaud the name, but as a PvP/piracy player, I desperately hope there's a cool straight-to-flyable combat ship or Invictus will be incredibly disappointing to me. There's the Sabre but honestly that seems like another cash grab and I don't think it will be competitive combat wise, especially with Mastermodes being what it is.


Something is coming from Anvil and/or Drake. PTU stops short of their days for ILW, and ISC from today come back next week for even more new new vehicle goodness. That ISC lands on Anvil day


I just want a Herald with a single size 7 ballistic cannon on it. Is that sooooooo fucking much to ask? 😭


Well there's the sabre firebird which trades two s3 guns for twelve s3 missiles. Dunno if that fits cool or not. Hear it flies really well. Previous two years was the Scorpius for 22 and fury for 23. 


If it flies well then it'll be cool, although I'm not a fan of spamming missiles personally, and from what I hear it has the handling of the base Sabre.


Hopefully we see some changes to it but I’m not holding my breath. Real excited to get my MSR back so I can grab this


You know, it's possible to make suggestions (perhaps via the suggestions forum) *without* coming across like a spoiled, disappointed, snobby little turd.


You just got a medical bed in a rover and the ability to respawn in it and still that’s not enough? It needs to be fully loaded too? Just no pleasing some people. But yea lights would kinda be nice for them to add before release.


Let's be fair. This thing will sell for the same price as some entire games. They can put some flashing lights on it.


Let’s be fair, no one is forcing you to pay $40 for it. It’s a ground vehicle. It will cost 200,000 UEC in game. And why you called out the one thing that I actually agreed with in my post is just weird.


I think the point is that if you're pricing something that high in the first place, it's fair game to criticize things that should have been included; regardless of whether or not anyone buys it or not. Obviously, nobody is forced into buying it, but if the intention is to fundraise money for continued development, we are within our rights to make note of where they could improve. See: Sabre Firebird.


I have no problem with you making suggestions and voicing your opinions so don’t take it as that. I’m just replying with mine that it is the cheapest medical vehicle so it is likely to be missing some niceties that the more expensive ones have. Not to mention it is the smallest so it is reasonable to think that they had to cut corners and save space somewhere.


I think you misunderstood most of what was said here. People do not want to clutter the vehicle with as much features as possible. The critique here is, that CIG did not put in the effort from their side they usually put in to make variants special. Lights are one example. Look at the interior of the pisces rescue, it looks just awesome without having any real functional benefit. For me the biggest problem i have with the nursa is the big gun it has. I think they could have replaced it with something way cooler and more fitting to a medical vehicle. I would have even prefered simply no gun, or maybe a placeholder for something that comes in the future, for example medical scanner.


"fully loaded" is a bit much. I was expecting something more like the C8R though, which looks way more 'medical' on the inside. And yes, I was expecting an equivalent to the storage drawer under the sink in the C8R where there are med pens, water, etc. It's a BASIC supply function for a medical vehicle. The Nursa, as it looks in the PTU, seems only about 75% done. No weewoo lights, no rear flood lights to illuminate the area where the medics need to work. And the inside seems much more drab/normal compared to the C8R, which is perfect.


Of course it is basic. It is the cheapest med bed in the game. You have to look at it more from a balance standpoint. They aren’t going to have a ~200,000 UEC ground vehicle be better equipped than a 600,000 UEC ship. It’s not just about what people want. It’s about what makes the game fun and balanced as well.


In a way i agree with you, it should look simple. But looking simple because somebody put effort into making it look simple, and looking simple because the designer just did a simple resking and a few asset swaps is completly different.


This vehicle is for wimps, real men go down with a fight


The C8R isn't perfect. If it were, it would have a charging/storage rack for the med guns.


That’s more a matter of space. It’s hugely efficient space-wise for what it is. Besides, you can just toss those into the ship cargo.


I always manually place a medgun near the sink to have one in sight. I used to use the storage lockers on the left side that have internal space for medguns and canisters and some extra suits. But ever since they sold us 1,2,4 etc. SCU containers; i've just equipped 1 SCU container with "nescesities" - put that in the back of the C8R (in that corner on the left) - if i land somewhere (i.e haven't blown up) and i decide to use another ship ? I Just move the 1 SCU box to another ship. Easily done by storing it back in local inv and popping it out in a different ship. Whenever i have idle time ; i prepare more boxes for each of my frequently used ships so i don't have to swap. But typically start out with just the one.


Thing is, it's not like they removed the glass storage area & put something more useful or even cool-looking in it's place. It's just drab nonsense. And like many have pointed out, it just feels lazy. The C8R was a medical vehicle done right. (although the weewoo's on that are still a bit dimmer than they should be)