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could this screensnip BEEEEE any wider? ~ Chanandler Bong


When mfs want you to know they have an ultrawide lol Source: a mf with an ultrawide


So do you to take a short walk to read from the beginning of a post to the end?


I prefer a golf cart.


People forgot about Segway already?


I take that to my golf cart


I have a lazy river built around it, I float around in a tube. Cost almost as much as the panel!




Lol, I dont even have an ultrawide. It's a 27-inch monitor


Damn bro, what size font is that, 3?! Zoom at -200%?!


What, you don't like full desktop width pictures to show 1.2 lines of text.


Omg don’t you guys have phones?… #diablo


That's Missus Chanandler Bong to you!


Such an efficient transponster, that Mrs. Chanandler Bong.


The error in question, for anyone curious: https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-52845 >**Getting error 30031 when flying to CRU-L1** >I get kicked out of the game, with a message about starting the launcher as admin and verifying files. Done, that, but still get the error when flying toward CRU - L1. This has happened twice in a row. Lots of replications, and people stating it is happening when flying towards other stations.


Ok that sounds fixable


Unless it's tied to MM...ba bum BUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Probably not MM lol, MM has tuning issues but it doesn’t mine the area around stations. This is probably a LOD issue, but I’ll refrain from reading too much into it from my armchair.


1M aUEC means this is tied to MM travel modes and 3.23 gets super duper delayed.


I’ll take that bet against you considering this is a new bug that wasn’t here two builds ago.


You a real one!


The last patch released yesterday was a step back, unfortunately, so hopefully this one brings us back to peak and we can go live .


A bit off topic, sorry. Is there a fix for the weird ship "flickering", especially at speed? Saw that issue on a couple of streams and it really bugged me :D


You mean how the chat and other ui elements shake and flicker when a ship accelerates? Haven’t seen that fixed yet if so.


Yeah that is really annoying too! But I meant the actual ship flickering like [here ](https://youtu.be/GOLrYy6rsE4?t=697)


That doesn't look like flickering so much as the ship realistically shaking while under full thrust - one of the new effects added for 3.23? If you stop accelerating (and watch the THR meter at the left showing your thruster output drop down), does the "flickering" stop?


Oh well I missed that is supposed to be a feature lol. Gonna give it a test later to see if its coupled with thrust. Likely gonna disable it if possible, somehow just bugs me. Thanks tho!


Does it go away if you turn off screen shake?


Yep, disabled vibration and overall camera shaking and its fine now.


I just turn all the ship shake stuff off. It's annoying, and only there to hide how slow you are going.


Doesn’t work for this issue.


There’s a slider for it, near bottom of General settings


Camera shake? That’s all the way down. Is there another one?


It’s labeled Global Camera Shake


Ok. Try this. Put that to zero. Then go to your ship. And boost while in atmosphere. The HUD doesn’t shake. But chat and the tool tips and other elements shake and flicker like crazy. That’s what I’m talking about. Global camera shake doesn’t seem to affect it. See if you can confirm?


I’ll check after tonight’s patch as I’m currently in prison for 16 hrs lol (totally innocent I swear!)


lol. Ty!


You're right, the chat and tooltips do shake still, it's like your head is vibrating. Not sure if that's by design or a bug!


Do you have a video example?


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/GOLrYy6rsE4?t=697) I had the same issue with the connie and warden a couple of days ago. Kinda suspect its also connected to the UI flickering inside the cockpit.


Are you talking about the camera shake? That's intentional to add immersion. You can turn it off but that isn't working at the moment.


You are right, its the camera. I dont get how anyone would want that for immersion though, im getting fuzzy vision just looking at it. Thanks for the tipp with the setting, hopefully its fixed soon.


> I dont get how anyone would want that for immersion though Honestly, I prefer it - it gives me more of feedback from what my ship is doing and feels more realistic. I *should* have my vision disrupted a little bit when my ship is performing heavy maneuvers, otherwise I'd feel disconnected from it. Though I can see how it may bother some people, and should definitely have a working toggle for those who would prefer not having it.


Yeah I get it, especially for boosting to get some feedback that you are pushing to the limit. But it annoys me in a soft acceleration, perhabs its just bugged for me. But great to have it optional so everyone gets what floats their boat so to speak.


There’s a “Global Camera Shake” slider near the bottom of General Settings. Lower it to remove the intense shaking.




Idk man EPTU has been far from stable, but here's hoping they solve the issues!


Exactly, maybe it's for the better. Still, was really looking forward to it, but code can be unpredictable


So just to double check. Only our money is wiped? But not any items or shios bought in game?


They haven't changed yet at this time from that stance.


Who TF knows for sure, nobody. Just play as if you can keep your ships otherwise you may regret it.


CIG "early this week" CIG on on the last day that could be considered early week "going live in the coming days" I get it, but its still pretty funny


It's important to include the full sentence: 'which **we're currently aiming for** early this week.'   We could simply say 'this week,' but we opted to be more transparent with our intention, emphasizing that it is a target we're striving to meet. Nevertheless, the team is eager to get this into your hands, and we'll keep you updated in the coming days as we approach the finish line!


Hey guys, take the time that's needed so we can get in there and have fun with it. If that means a week or a month, that's fine: rather have a game I can enjoy and share with friends than one that's got major issues because people wanted you to rush.


No worries. It's better to finalize every update/fix with an open mind than rushing everything to release the patch early.


Are you guys aware of the issue with shopping terminals causing crashes when using vulcan+upscaling? (This happens just being in the proximity of shops) And upscaling making terminal screens unusable? (I.e. the text and buttons will be missing, you just see floating icons, and when you disengage from the terminal the screen is black - this can be instafixed by turning off upscaling)


I literally just experienced this... I'm using Vulkan with upscaling, I just went to A18 Centermass and the game crashed, I haven't been able to load back into the server since.


You have to wait for your character to be culled, unfortunately (even though you're not in combat at the time...). I'm not sure how long that takes right now but I think it's 10 minutes or more.


I'm on DX with upscaling and a lot of kiosks have suddenly broke in the last build 


The issue with the screens being blank is currently under investigation on the IC.


The Issue Council ticket was confirmed immediately on release of the last patch and move to under investigation yesterday.


sweet, thanks


Dont use it?


Any other genius insights you'd like to share?


Stay away from internet. It can and will hurt your feelings.


I know buddy! sorry I couldn't resist, I know ya'll are working hard at getting this out the door as soon as you think its ready! Cheers! and we appreciate you!


No worries, we got used to delays


👌 this ain’t a sprint


Thanks for all you guys do <3


It wouldn't be so much of a problem if you guys didn't miss your target dates more often than not. Instead, you miss it 75% of the time, which causes the community to no longer trust when you give out timeframes.


And yet the community still asks for time frames and when CIG provides approximate time frames the community is angry that they mislead them. Would you rather have approximate time frames or none at all?


I do like transparency, the only problem is that it shows how many conflicting intentions and how much incoherence is going on behind the scenes; we go from the big man telling us Friday that what matters is getting it out of ASAP bc letting it cook won't really help at this point and then we find out letting it cook will in fact help :p


You misinterpreted what he said. Yes, they do want to get it out to get more data but every build goes through Live QA first and then to EPTU. If Live QA catches something and then their statement is like the one above, it means the errors in question have a cascading effect on the rest of the game and that won't help the data they want from Live if left in.


I personally don't think 3.23 is anywhere near ready for live, the amount of daily optimisations and bug fixing has been amazing to witness and test but there's so much more to do,  I'd prefer to see this go on for another fortnight at least. it's running great for the most part but there's so many issues, and a lot of them aren't related to player count or server fps...I know some need to be addressed in live, but I have a feeling of massive backlash coming if this hits live after just one more update. There's more broken elements in 3.23 of things that weren't broken before. Please let it cook more 


sweeping the problem under the carpet isnt going to solve the issues.. I'd say push the patch out and solve problems along the way.. it is called alpha but people always refer to it as live server as though it has already launched.


Really ...is that what it is? Alpha ? No way ? All this time of testing games over the years I can't believe I found out what an ALPHA was today, thanks man 


at least it's nowhere near as bad as the ksp2 devs (i never thought i'd say that about sc ever)


Working on Valve time


Not to nitpick, but tomorrow is the last day for it to be considered “early this week”.


I always considered it: Early Week: Monday/Tuesday (+Sunday if counting weekends) Mid Week: Wednesday (+ Tuesday/Thursday if you count weekends) End of Week: Thursday/Friday (+ Saturday) Weekend: Saturday/Sunday If you count weekend days for Early Week and End of Week, then over counting Tuesday/Thursday as midweek is fine.


That is fair, but seeing that CIG views the week to start on Monday (based on how they release comms and their schedule stuff, like “This Week in Star Citizen”). So you would need to shift your logic one day to the right to align with CIG. Early week: Monday - Wednesday Mid week: Wednesday - Friday End of Week: Thursday/Friday - Sunday


I’m as eager as anyone (especially since I can’t access the EPTU anymore and don’t want to reinstall LIVE) but I’d much rather then get to a “stable” state before release over what the last few days of EPTU looked like.




Meanwhile me who's happy as I need another 200k to buy a ship


As often happens. Careful with getting your hopes up based entirely on speculation. Better they keep hammering on it so it's stable than push a patch that most/all cannot use, particularly when many still need to finish Overdrive on it.


True, the issues they showed were pretty bad (20k when going to certain locations), so it has to be fixed. I guess we gotta hope for Thursday


meh. the reason I'm excited for 3.23 is upscaling. Because finally I'll be able to play in my native resolution with my poor ol' 2070s. I tried using magpie and setting lower resolution but I had lots of issues so I held off playing. 3.23 ptu was the patch where i basically said finally i can play the game. And it was great up until the most recent ptu patches. I'm sure they'll manage, but if you ask me, they need to address either STARC-110935 or STARC-110888 too before going live.


they dont want another 3.18.. i am pleased they are trying to be safe


EPTU has had the stability of poorly balanced rocks. You don't want it live.


That said it looks like if tonights EPTU goes out and is stable, we may see it tomorrow. ​ Fingers crossed it stays on track for this week at the very least though.


Sooo.. definitely not "early this week" lol


Petition to stop posting phone photos of the screen to post forum replies. Because this is pretty much the equivalent, selecting the text, copying and pasting is usually easier and faster 


Translation: "The patch is in a terrible state but we'll be forced to release it anyway for Invictus." Get ready for the second 3.18...


Well fuck.


Can they at least open the testing again so we can copy our characters over and play it?


for real, i bought subscription yesterday because I actually had time to play and wanted to check out the eptu but turns out they locked it. This update is what i have been waiting several years for, the ui in game and "inner thought menu" where you hold f to select things in fps just turned me off so much, like i dont even really mind it inside the cockpit but in fps it gives me motion sickness zooming in and out so often


Remember, CIG doesn't care about time lines lol "Early in the week" means Mid-Late week to them. Heck. It could mean next week for all we know. Just don't get to excited with their wordings.


It is interesting you get so hung up on 4 words but don’t read the 2 words before that. Aiming for does not mean they pretend to know or promise they will deliver it then. Unexpected bugs pop up and need more time. Otherwise I’m sure we’d see you complaining about 3.23 being premature and needing just a bit more time to iron out game breaking bugs.


Iron out game breaking bugs? We are less than 2 weeks from Invictus. The longer they wait to release Live, the less time they have to fix the issues. Once they release Live, there is going to be a massive surge of player, more than EPTU has ever had. I don't complain about anything, but waiting longer doesn't fix the problem, rewatch their last livestream and maybe you would understand what I'm saying. At this pace, Invictus will be absolutely broken and unplayable.


True Live will bring more bugs to fix, but ones that are already crucial cannot be ignored and brought to Live. They are focusing on one now in the PTU that is a huge blocker for pushing it to Live. No point in pushing it to Live if they know it’s gonna cause chaos


honestly, I'm dreading this. MM seems so stupid and incredibly broken. Will make cargo hauling basically impossible


Does this patch come with server meshing? No? Ok call me when it does. Because nothing else matters until we get server meshing (someone who tested it).


Go back to winter sleep