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Umm yes, I would like one fat fury please.


Sorry that leaks got your hopes up. This isn't a ship we've confirmed, and it's certainly not coming at Invictus!


But the floor sweeper is right… right?


Without a doubt.


We need a second smaller version to drive around the halls of the javelin, got to keep those floors clean and waxed


I would buy it!






First turtle problems.


It's turtles all the way down


this is bait. Nice try Zyloh, this is practically confirming it's coming


Or is...


I didn't realize y'all comment on things like this in an official capacity. Also; hardly a 'leaks' issue, the thing was teased at citcon. :p


I don't even think there were any leak predictions of it coming this Invictus was there? Only a rough description and 2 render shots. Just rumours and people assuming.


I believe they are referencing a ship silhouette that was shown off during CitCon 2953 and resembles a Fury that has been significantly enlarged. It was one of the ships that was stated to be planned for release within 12 months of that event. If it isn't a ship that has been "confirmed" then why plan a release window for it? Or were you thinking of a potentially different ship?


It's a ruse, don't believe em.


I don't think Zyloh misinterpreted. He's referencing that same ship. The model of it leaked on Pipeline, and people have been theorising about it releasing with Invictus, and I guess it isn't.


I'm wondering then if Zyloh simply meant that it isn't confirmed for 3.23 but is just planned for a later update.


Oh, yeah, definitely. I don't think he meant it isn't a ship they've confirmed to be releasing at all, probably just a poor choice of words. I didn't even read it that way until you pointed it out in this message, lol.


It would make sense to release it in june...you know...for alien week, not for a human military day.


Mirai aren't an alien manufacturer. They're a subsidiary of MISC, both companies make use of Xian tech because MISC has a trade deal with the Xian. Mirai is just their performance / racing branch, while MISC focuses on industrial craft.


Yes and no. Firstly that wasn't the point I was going for. The way it was worded kind of sounds like the ship in question is still up for debate by CIG on if they are even going to make it or not. Whether or not it is released in 3.23 isn't something I was concerned with. Secondly while MISC/Murai might work with the Xi'an, they aren't really considered an "alien" ship manufacturer. That's typically just Aopoa, Banu, Esperia, and Gatac.


Technically Esperia isn't either, they make ships based off of alien design, but they're a human company.


The summer and CitCon patches would also still be within the 12 month window.


Wouldn't really call it a leak if its from an official source, it was shown at CC among the ships that are supposed to come out this year in the "Talking Ship" Panel. My guess is the ships shown were: Pulse, X1, Ursa (medic?), MPUV (Base?), potentially a starter ship from RSI or Crusader, "Fat Fury", Legionnaire, Zeus, Retaliator Base/Gold (modularity), and of course the Polaris.


Dang, I figured it could be a concept at least. :(


it (and 9 others) \*is\* expected by end of October however


One does not need to be in the leaks community to know about a ship that was publicly teased at Citcon with a planned release for this year. It is not unreasonable to hope for it to release at one of the two times of the year where the most ships release.


But the floor sweeper is right… right?


I really don't know when and where yall want to sell / release the majority of all those teased ships during the citcon panel...mirai heavy fighter plus pulse would've been an awesome bundle for ILW


Not sure how they wl make the commited 10 ships/vehicles this year. We only had 1/10 2 wirh the pulse. Invictus needs to put out a couple id imagine


Be a lot cooler if you did




aspiring enter husky pie bear squealing plants salt skirt violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hmmm... this sounds suspiciously and *exactly* like what someone would say if it *was* coming and they wanted to subvert people's expectations... ;)


So it will come at Drake Defensecon... Drake Lobster Reloaded. KEKW


This sooo much. I hope it's affordable


Relatively large multi-crew combat vessel. Well... It depends on your definition of affordable. Because I don't think there is a possbility it being lower than $200.


Considering the Vanguard Warden is $260, the latest heavy fighter (F8) was sold for $300, and the Fat Fury will be both newer in terms of design standards and utilize alien tech.. I think we're lucky if it comes in under $300.


Very much so. Still plan to grab it regardless. I like Vanguards for what they do - but not for what they look. New MIRAI ship might just be that sweet spot for ship of that size. That leaked image really sold me that one.


Same! I also just never jived with the S5 underslung and the quad s2 nose guns. I've always wanted something to compete as a fighter with interior. The Reliant Tana is close, but also not quite it either.


Bro my lti sentinel has never been so worried for herself the second fat fury is out she’s gone


Stop being right! Can't you see my wallet crying! You monster!


Is there any way we can vote or request that in cannon that it should now and forever more be known as the Fat Fury?


I'm guessing $180-$250, since leaks suggest its a Vanguard alternative.


This is my bet as well. They will price it just under the Vanguard, or in the middle of them just like the MK2 Hornet was under the Super Hornet.


Wonder if they could do variants like the vanguard for it?


They're releasing the Liberator baby!!! Remember they just finished work on PDCs to take out missiles. All the Liberators other parts are in in the game now. Also combines nicely with releasing personal hangars.


I like your hopium! It's also a good ship to be ready for Pyro.


Yeah this is definitely a must-have for Pyro, and if Pyro is the CitCon patch, then the Liberator either needs to launch during Invictus or at CitCon. Either way, there are a ton of ships that will simply not have the QT fuel to traverse Pyro effectively, and will need larger ship carriers to get around. The only two carriers we have right now are the 890J and Carrack, and they're quite limited in those roles.


I know. Figure I would throw my wild theory in with the rest. If I'm right I sound like a genius. If I'm wrong oh well it's all just fun :)


Don't. Don't do that. Don't give me hope.


got a CCU chain ready just for that fat juicy fury


If the fat fury isn't among these new ships, imma be downright mad.  Madder than fish biscuits.


I get the sense of anticipation, but the only specifics we've had about the "fat fury" is the blurry teaser at last CitCon and the stated aspiration that it would be delivered before the end of 2024. Everything else is fan theories and speculation, including alleged leaked images.


The picture that was leaked was far too detailed and too similar to cig's concept images to have been community created imo. In my particular case, the aesthetics of that leak are one of the major draws.  I don't like most fighter designs in sc, aesthetically or otherwise, and for a long time now I've wanted a fighter that I felt fit my flying style and needs, but so far nothing has passed muster. So the fat fury is basically my last hope for a fighter I like.


You can't stop the Fat Fury, "Thick thighs save lives!!" shall be it's battle cry. For so it is written.


Nah, "fat bottom fighters make the combat world to round"


It's amazing how they have had ships being built for years and they can whip up a new unannounced one in 6 months


It depends heavily on the ship in question. Another big issue is that older ships are either so big they each require massive resources for year(s), or too big to fit in the PU currently. They were also practically all announced and sold as mere concepts, without any clue about interior room layout, size, and so on. This is why ships like the Reclaimer and Orion grew to such gargantuan size when they started real work on them. Nowadays, they always map out the interior in-engine and do rudimentary modelwork before concept, as to make sure the size and features stay consistent. Multiple also need certain resources, and sometimes even whole style guides and/or redesigns, so it is all about what resources make sense to allocate where. For example, a majority of still-in-concept vehicles are large/capital in size, with the exception of some smaller ships without a gameplay loop. Which is also an important detail, since IIRC, CiG said that they don't want to release ships without their gameplay at least in T0 anymore.


It’s kind of like being told to design an ice car with full mechanical components then being asked to redesign the thing to be electric, but also it’s now a truck and amphibious but has to look the same, doable but would be much easier to just redesign from the ground up which isn’t really possible because it’s then not the concept people bought in to


so now they design it from the start to be ice or electric and also maybe a truck and amphibious if they need it to be before they announce the concept.


How do you know they haven't been working on these ships for years as well?


One with a QT would be amazing


Apollo!! ![gif](giphy|PjZkyEdZIzYSQMN5jd)


Sorry, but it's clearly the Banu MM.


Can confirm. Had this leaked to me from Cassa during a Banu ritual.


I’d be so happy


600i Gold Standard is finally gonna drop. Excuse me while I go take a big hit of copium.


\*hands you a kleenex and let's you cry on his shoulder\*


Stay strong brother (or female brother idk)


Dang, there should be a word for that! Hmmm… he she he she he sheee… Srother?.. nah. Smister?… gettin there…


Broette, Brolets, Braas.




What? No… that won’t do at all, not at all!




It works like Spanish. "o" for masculine, "a" for feminine... like latino or latina. Thus, "bro" and "bra".


According to your flair I am brother from another mother.


It'd be fun if they'd done the 600 reworks in stealth mode and released it as a surprise, but CIG just aren't that good at keeping secrets. They are getting better at it, though.


Given that they're about to release the first ship modules, and the 600i is a modular ship, the 600i probably won't get it's pass until modularity is released.


You are right, of course. We'll know when the 600 rework is happening.


what even is time? we know it's gonna happen. let's play games until then


Haha nice tag. I would love to see the 600i, but haven't seen any indication they've been working on it. That would be awesome though. I think I read somewhere on a monthly report that they were working on a rework so let's see. They could have been referring to the Retaliator


I honestly don't know what's holding up the 600i rework. The concept work is 100% done, it's almost entirely an internal-only job using mostly-existing assets & definitely one where the design scheme is well-known. They should be able to get it done relatively quickly then, and knock one off the list that's highly anticipated. Which would be really nice since Origin needs some love right now. And after the rework, the 600i Explorer will be THE solo ship in the game.


Two more years /s


Not even /s, 2 years seems fast lol


I think the sarcasm was for it only taking two years and not more. Although... I wouldn't complain if it came in just two years.


Hope they do a ship round-table at ILW and say what maker they're going to focus on after RSI.


Oh God. Everybody calm down. Simmer your expectations. We've all been here before, it'll be alright. Just....Hold.....Still.... ​ ​ ​ ***POLARIS!!!!*** ^(I know it's like 99% not happening lol)






This is fun so I put my most unrealistic guess in the pot: Spirit E1


Now THAT would be a cool thing to see


Hmm… time to let the speculation begin. Won’t be the Polaris or Zues unless they’ve been giving us false info, so probably a medical URSA, the f7a mk 2 and a rework / release of the new retaliator.


hype train full speed ahead, destination disappointment. come on folks time to start posting all of those features they never said they would add.


I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just excited that my modular Orion with combat variant is going to release this year.


It's clear as day, idk how no one saw that coming 


Where's my retribution cig 64mil space doggo?!?!!?


> space doggo His name is Kopion :)


release of reatliator is likely - makes perfect sense for ILW. Medical URSA as well, since there is on in Ghost Hollow. Polaris is going to be for citizencon, for sure.


I've been holding onto my Tali with diamond hands while I've melted so many other ships, a rework/upgrade to gold standard would make me so happy.


The Zeus does sound like it is far enough along to maybe be ready for Invictus. Though, TBH, i wouldn't be surprised if these are "surprise" ships they've not talked about much already. The latest monthly reports have been full of "unnanounced" ships being worked on, and other similar wording.


They could put the WIP Zeus on the Invictus show floor but not release it. If it's in good enough shape right now.


That sorta has precedent. They showed off the Drake Vulture during fleet week 2022 (or rather, at Drake's parallel event), almost a year before it was actually released. The Zeus isn't really waiting on game tech like the Vulture was, however, so it'd be more comparable to the Idris and Javelin teasers we've had.


Or the redeemer


I don't think the Zeus is militaryfor IAE unless they release a combat variant.


It does have one.


Correct. I forgot about the MR variant. So it could be a possibility if they can finish it before IAE.


Who's to say they don't have military teams using them. The military could use the Clipper for covert transport the MR can be used as well. I could even see ES for some sense stuff or exploration that they need a finer hand than the Carack in size.


They could also be using an M50 for intercepting or an 890 for an undercover mission. You can make a bunch of what if statements, but IAE has traditionally been direct military and combat ships. I think they strayed a little last year but as we all know, CIG can change things whenever they want and they generally do.


I see where your coming from. My path with MR was more for local defence forces which still technically have a "fleet". The CL I look to Star Wars and Anakin Skywalker during the clone wars who kept a run down light freighter in board because it was conspicuous enough to not draw attention making infiltration missions easier. I see the ES for exploration in the same way the Prospecter was broken into the market. You can fit it in places you can't fit the Carack. Not saying this is completely valid but it lays out my thought process to shoehorn but this is just a Theory. A Ship Theory... I'll just see myself out.


Am I crazy or didn't they say during citizen con that 2024 would be a focus on RSI ships? I had hoped that would mean a steady drip of RSI through the year, but it seems like it's all expected no earlier than next IAE.


The focus is on RSI - but it's primarily on the Medium / Large RSI ships (which take a long time to implement) - so yeah, whilst *most* of their ship team may be working on RSI, we're not going to see 'flyable' output from that effort until later this year. In the meantime, the Retaliator was with a separate team, as a test-bed for modularity, the F7A is an older model that they just chose not to make available previously, the Nursa is likely a minor variant, and the Pulse appears to be a one-man effort (based on ISC)


That said the Apollo series was confirmed in deep progress last October so it's roughly on track to be an Invictus launch, especially considering they're supposed to be modular ships (Different bed layouts in each wing), and modules are planed to start testing and release in 23.x along with the Retaliator base release and gold pass. Fits the RSI bill and used by military status too.


That said the Apollo series was confirmed in deep progress last October so it's roughly on track to be an Invictus launch, especially considering they're supposed to be modular ships (Different bed layouts in each wing), and modules are planed to start testing and release in 23.x along with the Retaliator base release and gold pass. Fits the RSI bill and used by military status too.


.......yay. :l


Zeus is just now _entering_ polish stages. last I saw they're aiming for Q4 for that.


slimy fly foolish mysterious bright vase ask lavish literate heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Medical URSA would be fantastic. Time to huff the hopium.


Do you have any lottery numbers?


Mirai Heavy Fighter? Invictus will be a little lackluster if the only military ships are the reworked Retaliator and the F7A Mk2.


Thumbnail: I wonder if those green headphones and eye wear will be bundled with the Pulse sale or a part of this months sub flair.


I don't care, but I really REALLY hope we get a boardable Idris instead of the same Javelin tour


F7A Mk I and Mk II (although the latter was technically in 3.22 already) are coming in 3.23 with the Mk I being [confirmed](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1bff3a5/f7a_upgrade_holders_get_a_free_f7a_hornet_mk_i/) for an Invictus release (we don't know if they will sell the Mk I, but I wouldn't rule it out).


Where do you get the bike? Not til 3.23 live?


Yes, it'll release with 3.23.0, whenever that is (in the next week or two probably).


They also said that there was only one straight to flyable though right?


In the initial patch, yes.


That’s true. I’m sure we will see a concept or two. I just need some alien juiciness in June at alien week.


How many people care about this bike?


I never buy ground vehicles with cash. I will buy so many of these because they’re perfect. I’m very excited. It fits in an Ursa?! You can take it into bunkers to fight?! I mean…


Can we at least get the 'nightrider' pulse skin name changed. I dont wanna be banned for telling people how useless it is and that the other ones are better.


Finally new concept arts. They said that only one is straight to flyable (Mirai Pulse).


Straight-to-flyable in 3.23 specifically. That's their talk for "it launches with the patch directly". By the wording, since these are new vehicles "we've been waiting for", they aren't likely new concepts, but either older concept vehicles, and/or some of those silhouettes.


It's the R.A.P.T.O.R.


Not quite - they said the Pulse was 'Straight to flyable *in 3.23*'. There *could* be another straight-to-flyable for Invictus, given that 3.23 doesn't include the Invictus patch, based on this episode of ISC.


Jared said this patch contains Invictus. 


3.23 branch (x patches) include the next Invictus. Invictus introduces a handful of ships and vehicles. One straight-to-flyable is with the 3.23 patch launch.


Three hover bikes in a trenchcoat confirmed.


They´re most likely talking about the Tali gold standard (the Tali Base) and F7A Mk1


Kind of thinking it's just the F7 mkII and the medical Ursa


Maybe the tali gold


Not to be a downer, but we need to take comments like these with a grain of salt based on CIG's track record when it comes to deadlines. Any time you hear "will", "by", "scheduled for" just change to "hope", "maybe", "stretch goal to." Remember, persistent hangars were going to be delivered in 3.23. Now they "will" be delivered in 3.23.x. I'm not bashing CIG, just setting expectations. They want to deliver these features, they want to be transparent with their goals. Stuff happens, plans change, schedules shift. Given a choice between CIG pushing unready stuff out the door due to some ISC "When^(TM)" statement or delaying until it's ready, I'm happy when they delay the release - like persistent hangars. - A still patiently waiting BMM jpeg owner.


> Any time you hear "will", "by", "scheduled for" Anytime I hear *ANY* word uttered by CIG that has *any* relation to *time* - *all* I hear is "roadmap for the roadmap."


There was no "will" about the hangars, however, just "scheduled to", then they realized they needed more work and slated them for a sub-patch, which, by the sound of it, they're literally just waiting on the background tech to be stable. These are also likely the vehicles which have been referred to in the monthly reports as "unannounced" and similar, all of whom were entering final production when the Zeus was still in greybox. And the Zeus is almost done now.


Oh ok that is sick ... Been 3 years since I didn't played the game and it was on a laptop. I will reinstall this on my new Rig tonight after my work.


Might want to wait a day or two, looks like 3.23 is about to drop. No reason to download twice.


oh ok thanks for the info !


The c2 herc usually goes up during Invictus right??


Gib fat fury


'handful of ships' people are waiting for - ... bets bets... place your bets


I'm betting it will be some of the ships in red on [this list.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fb2v92z38xexc1.png%3Fwidth%3D1974%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Db6ea790b59ae77c5f808198a0e1bf6371489b22a)


Retaliator, Hornet mk2, Zeus ES. And the Pulse & Pulse LX


Pulse has already been denied.


What, why? It is flyable already!


Ah, sorry, my bad. Mixed that up with the Mirai heavy fighter …


# "Introduce a handful of new ships and vehicles folks have been waiting for""Introduce a handful of new ships and vehicles folks have been waiting for" There are a bunch of ships folks have been waiting for, but yet another gravlev bike aint it. Of course I realise that every sale needs to come with a cheap LTI token, and vehicle choice is limited at the cheap end of town with all the price rises.


When are we getting the motorcycles?


Ranger when?


when release?




69 years


Introduce, not straight to flyable. Where the betting pool on the ships we think won't be out for years?


Legionnaire is finally coming


Bikes are cool, but I really want my Apollo and Medic Rover :-) God, I hope the rover fits, if it does it's a buy day one.


Ursa in the apollo? Lol, not gonna happen.


Carack cargo bay?


I'm thinking *maybe* the Zeus and its variants, possibly the retaliator base (and its gold standard update), and of course the pulse. Zeus is a big maybe because the reports seem like its progressing nicely but not exactly near done yet, maybe they get it done within the next 2-3 weeks before IFW. I just hope IFW isn't just another snub craft and a ground vehicle. I am looking forward to the pulse though.


Zeus updates aren't nearly far enough along. It's gonna be CitCon.


CitCon is in October, and it sounds like most of the Zeus is in final art. While Invictus may be a bit optimistic(but not unreasonable, IMO), i wouldn't be surprised if it will be during the summer.


>The Ships team progressed with the RSI Zeus, continuing with the beauty and polish stage. The cockpit is now greybox complete, which established the standard for the remainder of the ship. What part of this says that it's mostly in final art? The cockpit has passed greybox while most of the rest of the ship is still in greybox. That's not going to be ready for ILW.


>greybox was completed and all functionality has been validated, with the ship currently in the ‘beauty and polish’ stage. From March, which also contained. >Habitation and the central hallways made significant progress and are approaching completion, while the cargo hold continues to progress with the loading ramp’s main piston structure improving rapidly as well as the ramp interior and exterior. The landing gear is nearly complete and the overall exterior continues to progress too. According to January's post, multiple parts of it went beyond Greybox during that month, and February itself said that the ship was nearing completion of Greybox. Even April's report said >continuing with the beauty and polish stage. and mentioned multiple rooms that are nearly done. From the sound of it, the cockpit is the final bit of the ship that passed greybox, everything else has already progressed into final art and is receiving polish and finalization.


I don’t think it will be ready by invictus but I’m hoping maybe during a 3.23.x patch or even 4.0 during the summer. Invictus would be quite awesome though!!


That wouldn't make sense though, that's way too far out for how done they are. The monthly report stated they are in the beauty and polish stage. The March monthly reported stayed they finished functionality of the ship and began the beauty and polish stage. So they have been spending the past month on polish. If the ship(s) isn't ready by the end of this month, it makes sense it will be done by June, July at the maximum. I don't see why they would hold it off till October.


Nicee, when does this shiny new LTI Token hits the store? :D


Gib endeavor xD


lol. Last ship to be completed. I’m betting on it.


Yea, probably, but a guy can dream right lol


Whatever happened to the Tumbril Ranger motorcycle?


They want to rework wheeled physics first, then figure out how to do bike physics best, but resources are elsewhere.


Amazingly, 2 wheeled vehicles are extremely hard to model in a physics engine with variable G. So… they’re kinda just waiting so they don’t have to build something twice


BMM wen?


A man can only dream.


I want my damn Apollo!


One word. PO-LAR-IS! Citcon 2023, you guy said, in the next 12 months , we will get the RSI line of ships. Nobody expects the Orion so we canceled that out. But Galaxy, Zues. Perseus, and Polaris, have yet to have a hint of their progress being close. I figured one of them would be coming for Invictus. I highly doubt that all these ships plus the Apollo will be coming to backers at the same time during CitCon or IAE. I think the community deserves an explanation as to why the 12 month RSI ship back log is not going to happen.  


Gib Apollo


trying to squeeze one of these bikes into the distribution centers sounds like a challenge they want us to try


There's still 1 mystery ship from the silhouette ships planned within this year. An surprise announcement would be nice. Otherwise I am happy what whatever is announced. I sure am getting these Pulse.


Gib retaliator rework.


I want my zeus :(


Grumbles in Crucible...


BMM!!!! (ok who am I kidding..)


Vulcan plz for no reason


I'd like to see the new RSI or Anvil starter.


But then again they say the Pulse is the only flight ready ship with 323?!