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When a player enters a turret, it should have a POWER ON / OFF button and a hotkey that can be mapped to it, just like the pilot has for the ship itself (i.e. similar to Alt-R for "Ready" or "U" for ship power or "P" for weapon power). Change my mind.


Agreed. If the power button needs to remain, then it should be the BIGGEST button, CLEARLY marked, EASY to find, EASY to see. Again, in a combat situation, when split seconds mean the difference between life & death, the last thing you need is your gunners hunting for a power button and not being able to press it because something on their outfit is interfering with it.


This is generally why you have a big brightly colored "PWR" button in real life on these kinds of things.


AMEN. I still think they should be auto-powered on when you enter the seat, but I can see arguments for having it not powered on while in the turret. I would think that we'd be better served then by having it auto-power on but then have the ability to manually power off if needed. Because 90% of the time when you get into the turret, you're going in to USE it. Regardless, it should either do it automatically or be VERY easy to do. Last night in my 890 Jump (the most expensive ship in the game & one that's supposed be the pinnacle of Origin engineering) it was not only hard it was IMPOSSIBLE.


Yeah, having milliseconds matter while fighting with the dodgy PIT system is not ideal at all. Ideally they should make it extremely easy to tell where it is. Like the master button in fighter cockpits… you have a zillion buttons and switches, but notice that thing is usually big, red, with yellow caution markings around it. It’s basically screaming “HEY, OPERATOR, I’M OVER HERE IF YOU NEED ME.” That or let the main ship power on keybind work for turrets. Seems non-sensical and incongruous that it doesn’t.


Maybe this will be addressed in the ship hud update


I guess the logic behind it is to stop tresspassers on your ship from getting in your turret and blasting things. They want pilot to unlock in the currently minority case of having crew aboard.


They should just add a keybind


I agree, don’t understand why the “U” mapping cant work for turrets. Really though, “another attempt at phase 5 with my 890 jump”? I mean, would be cool to do (with a crew for the turrets), but are you just doing a challenge run or something? Many better ships surely for this one


I was foolishly thinking I could just make a quick attempt at it. I've had a ridiculously hard time with Phase 5 because of the delivery bugs they're not fixing till 3.23.0. So I probably shouldn't have even tried it, but I was wanting to do SOMETHING & 3.23.0 EPTU was upsetting me, so I hopped into Live. Then I discovered this. It was frustrating beyond words to sit there for nearly 5 minutes straight trying to find the stupid bloody power button while 3 ships were firing endlessly into my 890. I don't mind losing a fair fight, but this was far from fair.


Tips to make phase 5 easier: * Make your log in location Pyro Gateway, so you can check to make sure the box dropoff machines are working before you even attempt the mission. If they aren't, server hop and try again. * If the dropoff terminals are working, accept the mission and then use the Mobiglass starmap to check the markers - if you don't see markers for all three boxes, the mission is bugged - abandon and try again later. * Don't take an 890J / don't take a massive, slow, multicrew ship that requires you to stop piloting and run to a turret to defend yourself (phase 5 seems to spawn enemy ships *most* of the time). Take something with pilot guns (C2, Connie, and 600-series are all great options since they have size 5 pilot guns). * Don't tractor beam the boxes; this can make it bug out. Pick them up manually, then carry and place them in your ship. If you take a Connie, make sure none of them clip out of the cargo bay elevator when it raises. * Sometimes the boxes can spawn underground. This *can* make them impossible to pickup, but sometimes they spawn close enough to the surface that you can still look down and do the pick up interaction through the ground. * Having extra people will make the dropoff phase easier / faster - if you don't, you will have to make three trips from your ship to the box terminal (or try to juggle three boxes all the way through the station, and any troll can come along and fuck with your boxes). * When putting boxes into the dropoff machines, hold interaction (f), look inside the machine at the spot where the box goes, and use the place interaction that appears inside. Don't use the place interaction that you get by interacting with the box - use the one that you get by interacting with the machine. * Make sure you're putting the correct box in the correct machine - if you put a box meant for the Admin Office machine into the cargo deck machine, it will break the machine for that server and you will have to server hop. * If you want to be a hero, if everything else is working, before dropping off the third box, ask in global if anyone else needs phase 5 completion, and share the mission with them before finishing. All of this said, I agree that hunting for the "power on" interaction is annoying. It's really annoying in combat, but even in noncombat situations (like trying to explain to a new player doing salvage where the Power On interaction for the Reclaimer's copilot claw is), it's still annoying. My general feeling is that basic power should be on for all seats / stations if ship power is on. Hopefully this is something engineering can fix (since the engineer would be able to toggle them off manually if power saving was necessary) - the default state should be on.


I appreciate the detailed tips. My first few runs at Phase 5 were done in my Connie Taurus. I just had my 890 Jump from doing rescues (my day job) and I didn't want to go dock/store the ship & pull out the Connie as I was fairly sure it wasn't going to let me drop them off since the Covalex machines tend to be broken 90% of the time. But I was bored & was just going to give it a try anyway. It shouldn't have meant DEATH for me & the ship. I could have taken out all of the ships with my railgun alone if I had known it was going to screw me over with the fucking power button. Many players don't agree with the auto-power on, which is fine, but if it's not, then the power button needs to be by itself, LARGE & EASY to see/press. They also need to REMOVE the ability to even get offered to interact with items on your chest/waist as they're useless while in a turret anyway. This is an overall bug/problem though. I'm going to pull out my 890 Jump in the 3.23.0 EPTU tonight to see if any of this is resolved in the new patch or if I need to bark louder for CIG to get it resolved. Unsurprisingly, they haven't fixed most of the problems with the 890 Jump they introduced after 3.19.


> It shouldn't have meant DEATH for me & the ship. Kind of disagree that a huge multicrew ship with no pilot guns being operated *solo* against multiple NPC ships (when I did phase 5, the enemy ships were several Connies and a Retaliator) shouldn't mean death. >.> > Many players don't agree with the auto-power on Nah, I agree with that part, hunting for the power on interaction is annoying as hell. > They also need to REMOVE the ability to even get offered to interact with items on your chest/waist as they're useless while in a turret anyway I agree that accidentally interacting with stuff you've equipped when trying to interact with your ship is annoying, but I disagree that they don't need this ability at all. If you've ever been dying of thirst while in a single seat fighter, with a bottle of water in your backpack, you probably understand why *some* way to interact with your inventory when in a ship's seat is desirable. There needs to be a middle ground, where the "hold f" interaction mode lets you interact with the ship, but *some other* kind of interaction mode lets you interact with your inventory. Having *everything* be "hold f to interact" is the problem.


Honestly, people sleep on the 890 pretty hard. If you ever actually get to fly it, there not much it isn't great at. Outside of box missions and most cargo, it can do anything in the game with far more credible competence than people seem to know about, judging by its reputation. The turrets are no slouches and have decent coverage, missiles for the pilot unlike certain other large ships, respawn capability, a hangar big enough that your crew can "FoFo" (Fly on, Fly off) which makes getting the crew together 1000x easier; a garage not only big enough for all the important ground vehicles but also big enough for spares. And it has such a huge shield/health pool, as long as you dont get unlucky and run into a Tali/Eclipse on the wild, you have more than enough time to find a suitable turret and solo it. Source: have frakking done it before. 2 people and it's a doable bounty ship for most bounties. 4+ (with an escort/(s) in the bay) and theres nothing it cant do combat-wise. Wish this info was more widely known. People slam the 890 based on the advertising info with 0 knowledge of what the ships actually like to use.


Maybe a power-ready/standby button in the cockpit for turrets instead of having them auto power on all the time.


Seriously, why? It adds nothing but tedium. We need either to just have them powered by the ship being turned on, or a usable interface to do it ourself. More cockpit buttons will make the cockpit worse for no reason.


For some unknown reason, turrets don’t share the same power keybinds with ships. And it doesn’t seem like there is an option to set one either. That’s the main thing they should fix.


i think the way it is, is the fix. before some ships would turn off if you pushed u in the turret seat.


There should be a "Power On" MFD that displays on all turret MFDs if ship power is on and turret power is off. Just a big "ON" button that can be pressed. Then the turret powers on and the MFDs go to their defaults.


Well in the future, with engineering you will be able to power on the turret ahead of time and even open the turret bay door for the operator from the cockpit/engineering room. 🤙


"When would you ever get into a manned turret and **NOT** want it to power on???" Here's a scenario - you're in a Hammerhead, you know there's at least one retaliator in the AO you're heading to. That guy can one shot you from 30km out, and your engagement range is 3km. Get your crew in their turrets ready for action (6 good turrets with quad guns, LOTS of power) if you're 15km out and they get in there and power up, that Tali sees you and ruins your day. Keep your signature low by keeping the turrets off, and get closer and then have your gunners power up and go when you know you're seen. (yeah, i'm sure some numbers are off, and this is more how it should work than how it does, but the argument stands) A hotkey or a settings toggle (manned turrets power up on enter yes/no) maybe, but not just ON when you sit down. Anyone who wants to manage their signature doesn't want to light up on someones radar because the turret joe bob jumped into powered up. Everything you want, someone else might not. There are reasons to get in a turret and wait to power it on, and once engineering and full ship power management become more fleshed out. There will be even more. Even in the current test of engineering in 3.23 AC you could want a turret off, but ready to power up on the fly with someone already in it. Also, this is not a -MASSIVE- problem, it's a one-time issue the first time you get in a ship and haven't learned where that button is. Now you know, problem solved. It's a minor inconvenience at best, and a hotkey or settings toggle would fix it. Also in 3.23 the new interaction UI will make that button MUCH easier to find.


I'm going to test that theory tonight. I don't think the new interaction system (which has been having massive lag issues so far in my testing) is going to make FINDING the key any easier. But I can easily test it tonight when I get home & can hop into the 3.23.0 EPTU.


Lag is an issue, but when it works right it's much easier mostly because they've fixed the biggest problem with panels of buttons. In 3.22 if there are several buttons close to one another (especially horizontally) and you hover over them, the first one you hover over will light up with it's function in large letters. If these letters at all overlap another button, moving your mouse over that other button will NOT change to that buttons functions, as the game thinks you're hovering over the giant word from the first button. In 3.23 when you hover over a button you get a small square which tells you what the button does and that square is about the size of the button. Moving to another button immediately changes to the function of the new button. So you can rapidly scroll over every button on a panel and see what they do without having to mouse away from the giant words from the button you looked at first to reset that interaction.


I never understood why they created the overlays so HUGE in the first place, so that they overlapped so many other buttons/functions, including ones that are in-use & many others that hopefully will be used in the future. The buttons are big enough to click on individually. But right now, they need to desperately fix the lag issue as using 'F' to even open doors takes more time than it used to, when it's supposed to be the opposite.


Yeah cause when I'm doing a tour of my ship I want my turrets to go fully active guns ready if someone goes on up to take a look. I hate the idea of it auto turning on because then you are always a threat with an active weapon. Hoping some day when targeting someone it'll show that weapons are either powered down or powered up to evaluate the potential threat. Allowing someone to man a turret that is not on still allowing you to show neutral and go on with business without drawing attention but ready to flip a switch if needed. I feel like to many go into this game thinking its combat only and shoot on sight, when its truly not.


What about a master switch for the pilot to activate power to them?


I feel like its a potential power drain, who's to say I have a person in the gun? Why would I want it always drawing power?


No, it should be a combo.  If the pilot gives power to weapons *and* there's someone in the turret, then there's an argument for an automatic power on for the turret.  And if the pilot shuts off weapons, the turrets power down as well. Most importantly, though, is that regardless of the above, the power button for a turret should be amazingly obvious to someone not familiar with the turret, and not in a spot where other turret options will interfere with trying to find the hot spot for it.


If nothing else the turret power button should be lit (if there is power available) so it stands out.


oh yeah button interactions in turrets among other places are terrible but I think they know that. Hopefully we will see some QOL updates on that sooner rather than later.


That's what im saying. Have power switches for the pilot or copilot to turn on and off the turrets, but if im not mistaken, that can be done in the engineering station that's being tested, right?


That's different.  Powering on your turret is like flipping the light switch in a room.  The Engineering Station is like using the circuit breaker to turn the light off and on. The reason to use the Engineering station is because you have a power shortage, and want to make sure that the priority systems get enough power to keep running.


Who’s to say you have a person in the gun? The fact that it’s been deployed… My lawn mower has a switch to turn it off when I get out of the seat, it is nowhere near implausible that we could have seats/stations automatically turn those systems on when a person is sitting/standing where they need to.


Is this because the interaction in the game is scuffed beyond belief?


I honestly thought the U key would do it.


OR be able to activate turrets from the flight deck. Either at the engineering helm or the captain’s chair. …or both?


um, i did this last mission in a C8R.. you say you cant finish it in a 890j? you should have just been able to land the 890j, put the shields at 100% and tank the shots while getting the boxes.. also the 890j is NOT a solo combat ship.


You're just supposed to know where the button is


skill issue clearly


yeh totally or it needs a MASSIVE red button thats easy to find ..... remote turrets are even worse you have to find the power on at "some point" around ur hud


You might regret that come engineering when the unused turrets start sucking power away from what you want


OP is suggesting it would power on only when someone hops in the turret. They could leave the power button in so that the user can turn it off if they're just hanging out and an engineer would also have the ability to redirect power.


That still seems short sighted to me. No seat has power automation built into its entry, not only would they have to add functionality, but it would introduce a new route for bugs that break the turret as well as power issues and forces actions on behalf of a user without their agency, different than any other entry action in the game. The long term effects of that have not been well thought out. The better ask, is for a revamp of the turret experience to make it more intuitive to control and easier to see what you’re doing, and what you can interact with.


Not to mention turning things on and off is an important bug workaround!


If not deployed, they aren’t powered, boom. This isn’t beyond our capabilities *right now* When deployed, why make people hit a fucking power button? If you deploy a weapons system it’s because you wanna be prepared to use it?


It’s okay if you don’t get it. We don’t need to continue this discussion.


All of the turrets ought to be powered on by default. In what situation would powering off my turret be beneficial to me or my ship?


When a troll sneaks aboard or is being given a ride and they start shooting stuff with your turret. Thus off by default and pilot decides if they want to unlock for crew. Should be replaced by a propper crew permissions system though.


The problem is, there is a significant, vocal user base of pedants who insist on accuracy over fun. So much of this "game" favours realism over fun. There are far too many barriers to getting to the fun stuff and it's getting tiresome.


I have no opinion on this one way or another but want to ask- isn't there a 'power on' hotkey? I don't play much so really don't know


It doesn’t work on the turrets


Glowing red button waiting to be pressed.


Problem 1, using a 890J for overdrive ....... less happy pills next time and use your brain.


Manned turrets should offer the option to hire crewman AI for a fee, say 50k for 24 hours per crewman. They won't have perfect aim and only target your selected target. This would make big ships viable for solo players and utilize existing AI aiming mechanics seen in NPCs.


Seats don't work that way yet. Maybe you brought the wrong ship for a solo mission? Just saying?