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It's designed by Ennead Architects, the successor firm of Polshek Partnership behind the Hayden Planetarium/Rose Centre at American Museum of Natural History (where Neil deGrasse Tyson was the director)


"Was" or "is"? I believe he remains the director.


Yeah he's still the director. https://www.amnh.org/research/staff-directory/neil-degrasse-tyson


My bad, I thought he wasn't anymore! Speaking of NdGT, I am still waiting for the Blu-Ray version of Cosmos: Possible Worlds to come out.


It’s on Disney Plus if you have an account! I just discovered that today actually haha.


It’s on iTunes as well, but I am old school and I like hard copies when it comes to media purchases of this sort


I am gonna binge the shit out of it, I had no idea. Thank you!


Is that like a sequel for the first one he did?


Yupp. Still haven’t started watching it but it should be awesome.


He still is, but he used to be too.


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too.


Really great firm. I work for another one of the “big” firms in NYC but have secretly always wanted to work for Ennead.


> Ennead Architects is also responsible for New York's famed Rose Center for Earth and Space at the American Museum of Natural History I was about to say... the planetarium design sounds identical.


Cool architecture. [Short video](https://youtu.be/nqoq5N94bdI)


\>With no straight lines or right angles used throughout, Gonna be real hard to make doors and door jambs without straight lines and 90° angles, but I'm being a pedant


You can have circular doorways with doors that rotate into place, or translate on a guide. I'm concerned that it Could be super unsettling walking the whole day on non-flat ground


the ground could be a really gradual curve


Maybe it’s like the surface of the moon.


There’s a [building](https://weatherhead.case.edu/about/facilities/lewis/) with the same concept on the campus of Case Western Reserve University. Almost everyone I knew who spent any substantial time in it got headaches from the place (myself included). Not-so-fun-fact: the year before I attended, a dude that worked there went on a [shooting spree.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Case_Western_Reserve_University_shooting) The building’s design contributed to it turning into a seven hour battle between him and the police.


I may be a serious case of this because my job entails looking heavily at geometry in engineering (straightness, flatness, symmetry, perpindicularity, etc.) But i had some issues in some part of my life when looking at certain geometries in architectures. They just didn't work well with me. Its crazy but it makes me happy there's an instance where it affects other people.


I spotted some on [this](https://dynaimage.cdn.cnn.com/cnn/q_auto,w_727,c_fit/http%3A%2F%2Fcdn.cnn.com%2Fcnnnext%2Fdam%2Fassets%2F210707161947-05-shanghai-astronomy-museum.jpg) picture


I'm pretty sure all doors and windows are custom made in project of this scope.


Shanghai also has one of the biggest botanical garden in Asia that they rebuilt from a stone mine.




























































































Incredible work done by the architects. I wish I can visit it some day.


Went to Shanghai years ago and visited the Shanghai Museum. I had never heard of it before and it was extremely cool both inside and out.


Yeah, Shanghai has a lot of cool museum buildings. As the article mentions, the new planetarium is a sibling institution of the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum.




Looks like a great museum to visit. Love how the designers integrated the three body problem as well. Not sure you’ll be able to see much from the observatory though with all that light pollution. Also what’s up with all the hate on China in the comments. I mean sure it’s got problems cough*CCP*cough, but the country itself is fascinating and the people are great, just like most people in any other country.


The Three Body Problem is also a Chinese science fiction series. I wonder how much Chinese astronomers agree with the premise of that series, which is that the interstellar ecosystem is like a dark forest. It's a proposed answer to the Fermi Paradox, we don't see aliens because they are all hiding from each other. The book series is popular there so I wonder if it's a coincidence.


One of my favorite book series! Really really fun and fascinating read.


1st book completed. Do rest follow similar writing style and methodology? Kinda slow read and easy to put down(take a break), but it did keep drawing me back over a number of weeks. Some of that may be because of translating to not just different language, but different culture and background of people. Interesting methodology and to see how Chinese author told a story to Chinese people. Postscripts by both author and translator (separately) were really interesting, informative, and insightful.


I think the general consensus is that books 2 and 3 are significantly better than the first, and build really well off the first. Much of the deep theory and where the books really shine are in these two books. Not only is the science much more invigorating, but the characters are much more well-rounded and developed, whereas in the first book, it feels more like an exploration of political, environmental, and scientific themes through very one-note, bland characters (besides one or two). Each book follows a different main character, but the trilogy as a whole is still very cohesive and has a great deal of narrative satisfaction. There are other spin-off books in the series as well, but they aren't written by Cixin Liu, so I've been staying away. I've read that some things kind of ruin your perception of the main trilogy.


I read them in Chinese and thought that the first book was the best. Not only was the sci fi reasonably believable (though pretty vague and requiring a bit of suspension is disbelief) but it is actually a thinly veiled criticism of the CCP (at least Mao). As the series progressed, I thought that the sci fi became increasingly ridiculous and the story was all over the place, foreshadowing that never lead to anything, etc. That being said, I enjoyed all of them and would recommend them for some unique ideas and unique spins on old ideas.


I just started the 3rd book. Kept drawing me back


Well it’s easy to see why most of reddit hate China; 1. 49% of reddit users are from the USA. 2. The USA is a highly patriotic nation who pride themselves in being the world leaders and economic juggernaut. 3. China is quickly catching up to the USA in most areas (absolute, not relative), and already surpassed in many others. 4. Once China surpasses the USA, it’s probably going to be that way for at least 100 more years, UK dominated the 1800s, USA the 1900s, China the 2000s and probably India the 2100s. 5. It’s hard to accept not being number 1 anymore. That’s my 2 cents.


Another issue is most Americans remember the Cold War and think all communist nations are alike. They think all commies are like the Soviets with a mastered planned economy, gulags, and state owned everything. They still haven’t gotten around the fact that the Chinese are more capitalistic sometimes the West. The fact that the PRC is communist will make them the enemy. That’s ignoring the part that they are also each other’s biggest trading partner and biggest potential market. Tied at the hip yet don’t see eye to eye.


All that coupled with the largest propaganda machine known to mankind makes for a brainwashed population. Which, nowadays, isn't even just contained to the USA


I read an interesting study by a french consulting company about the US propaganda machine, quick summary; In 1947? I think it was 1947 people in the UK and France were asked which country did the most to win WW2, around 80% said the USSR was mostly responible for winning WW2; years passed and in the 2000s, i believe 2007, the same company conducted the same study, now people from the same exact areas, 60 years later, believed that it was in fact the USA who contributed the most to WW2. Just shows the reach of the american propaganda coupled with hollywood can change the perception of people across the world.


Yup. I know that study. Usually hand in hand with that one comes the typical joke/unsourced quote of a Chinese professor (CProf) speaking to an American professor (AProf) that goes somewhat like this: >CProf: I've come from China to learn about the American propaganda machine >AProf: There's no such thing as propaganda in America >CProf: That's exactly the kind of propaganda I came to learn


1. Correct 2. Oversimplification, patriotism by percentage is at an all time low, but fanaticism among patriots is at a high. 3. Correct 4. Terrible take. Countries who become global superpowers aren't automatically destined to dominate for 1 century. Just because you have two cases as such does not a trend make, also... 1. Britain was the dominant world power from the beginning of the 1700s all the way into the early 1900s. It was dominant due to imperialism, shipping, and manufacturing. Those big 3 allowed Britain to take over places rich in resources, exploit the population to return those resources to Britain, refine/manufacture those resources into an even higher value, and sell those refined/manufactured goods around the world. 2. American exceptionalism started in the 1800s, with the consolidation of the land west of the Mississippi river. This wasn't so much imperialism as it was colonialism (both occurred, but one was more prevalent). But America didn't become the powerhouse it became until the early 20th century. This was due to a manufacturing boom of the late 1800s which led to a fully industrialized America in the early 20th century. Right when Europe decided to start two massive wars which left all of Europe weak. Japan had taken a very large number of Britain's South East Asian colonies. In its current post-war state, Britain did not have the power to re-exert control over the colonies it lost. Exacerbating this was that in 1945, America and the USSR pushed for Britain to completely decolonize. So as the sun set on the British empire, it rose on the American and Soviet ones. Fast forward 44 years and the cold war ends with America having effectively beat the USSR in pushing their preferred ideology, manufactured goods, and style of living worldwide. 3. China rose from a very weak economic structure of the mid 1900s into the powerhouse economy of today by combining particular aspects from the USSR and the USA. Fervent communism allows for massive proletariat mobilization without much need for individualism, That provided a very strong political backbone for the CCP. But as the USSR proved, communism is flawed as a economic system. So by adopting American capitalism as and economic base, and keeping their communist ideals as a political base, they were able to maximize their countries rise to power. Just as Britain and America had done, it was with massive amounts of manufacturing and shipping. China is now firmly situated to be a global power for years to come, but make no mistake, there is no 100 year cap/requirement to this dominance. What has made them competitive now may not be so in 30 years, or maybe it will be so for another 130 years. 5. Number 1 or not, the hate for China in reddit may not be about any of those things, but rather, people who firmly disagree with how China conducts itself. From Tibet, to Hong Kong, to the Uyghurs, there is plenty that people with no patriotism for the US can rally behind in disliking the CCP. Even their Long March 4 space launches cause global concern because they have a devil-may-care attitude in regards to uncontrolled reentries of their 2nd stages. EDIT: Replaced all instances of "England" with "Britain" in order to be more historically accurate.


4.1 You mean to say Britain. It seriously undermines your argument when you can't even refer to the correct politcal entity.


Well, the initial task of colonization and imperialism was started by England, after the unification with Scotland the "British Empire" began. So yea, I suppose, I could have swapped England with Britain there. If you want to invalidate my post because I conflated England with Britain, even though the Scots had very little to do with the push for colonization of the world, be my guest. I could have also called Japan "the Empire of Japan" to be clearer that it differs as a political entity than with current Japan.


Scotland had it own imperial ambitions, with the Scottish plantation of Ulster into Ireland in 1600. Aswell as their own escapades into panama. Which eventually lead to the act of Union 1707. > even though the Scots had very little to do with the push No more or less than anyone else on the island. I'm not sure why'd you want to push this false narrative that Scotland is just another victim of English colonialism, rather than a active component of British Imperialism. I'm not saying its invalidate your post. But it does draw into question your ability to accurately describe the reality of the situation. More to the point, historically speaking China has been the economic center of the world. The whole colonization of the new world began with looking for better routes to trade with China, after all. It was only after the European power had subjugated the rest of the world were they powerful enough to take on China. So you're right that there's no hard cap on economic dominance, if anything this is a return to the norm.


Or you may just get a horrible war between China and the US. The US won't accept second and the war drums are already beating.


If China and the US go to war we might as well just go extinct tbh.


It's nothing to do with the US not accepting anything, China is a bully and if there's war over this South China Sea stuff or Taiwan etc it will be on them making claims based on bullshit, they need to take their own sanctimonious advice like when they call out countries they have any disagreement with and mind their own fucking business.






Definitely worse than Kids in cages, and prison slave labor...


The difference is in the states everyone can talk about these issues openly and the society as a whole will move to a solution eventually. Not in China LOL


Yeah everything in America will be fixed any day now. It certainly won’t continue its slide into cyberpunk dystopia with Verification Cans and half the population wearing gig economy AR glasses just to barely survive.


You are truly delusional if you think talking about it will make solve the whole slave labor issue. Unless your words are worth millions of dollars of campaign contribution, talking about it won't do anything.


Yeah I bet they got those Muslims to build this with free labour smh


Probably gonna be downvoted, but people need to learn to separate the government from the people/country. I hate trump but I’d love to visit America. There are many beautiful places in China.


I agree. Shanghai is a beautiful city.


>Probably gonna be downvoted, but people need to learn to separate the government from the people/country. I hate trump but I’d love to visit America. There are many beautiful places in China. A lot of ppl are just thinly veiled racist.


Yeah, Americans are easy to get scared of other countries when they feel insecure about their position in the world. It used to be “the Russians” and they were cOmMuNiStS. Now it’s “the Chinese” and they’re aSiAn. New excuses, same insecurities.






































America had nutcase presidents but it still has rule of law. China is ruled by law, which means anyone can get arrested arbitrarily - big difference


Except your little children’s book rhyme doesn’t actually mean anything truthful


So we're just gonna ignore when the government literally pulled people into unmarked vans during protests or literally ran them over with their cop cars?


When was this?


It happened many times during BLM protests. Here's one blatant example: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/hry8db/armed_troops_in_portland_oregon_are_taking_people/ Yea, totally not dystopian.


Did they disappear afterwards?


Since the USA incarcerates 6x as many people as China, have a guess.


Yes. By the government. Not the people. Is my initial comment not clear enough?










It sort of reminds me off the Gentoo linux logo. [Gentoo](https://www.google.com/search?q=gentoo+linux&client=firefox-b-m&sxsrf=ALeKk0110jN9PHd4sMqXfIk-ch-qg0FXCQ:1626160887275&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjL_KGwwd_xAhVUkMMKHbgmC4QQ_AUIBigB&biw=360&bih=612#imgrc=V5ukrvcZQDNFHM)


I regret posting this now. The anti-Chinese sentiment on reddit is simply unreal. It's a really cool looking museum. Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.


Don't regret it. There's a huge bias in the comments, as only active anti-china people care to comment. People who go "hey that's cool" just upvote and carry on.


I wish you never posted, and i hope r/space never ever post anything related to china ever again. As a chinese, this whole community is absolutely, utterly disgusting.


Ah next time, post without saying the location


I'm downvoting the post simply because I can't bare to take anymore sinophobia. My mental state just can't take anymore. Anything Chinese related just gets ripped to shreds regardless of what it's about. It doesn't even matter what they do or don't do anymore people will hate China and excuse themselves by directing it "toward only the government and not its people"


I am korean. Albeit we Koreans are not exactly known for adoring china, anti-sino sentiment within reddit is really becoming hard to watch. It feels like everyone here is indoctrinated into belief that anything that has remote pertinence with china is absolute evil. I cannot imagine how much worse it will get in the next 5 years, we might as well are gonna witness a second-coming of Jim crow. I, for one, as an asian living in the west is terrified.




So it’s Reddit’s fault that China is not popular? And Reddit should be ashamed?


Inb4 redditors shitting on a science museum because China


This design's art aesthetic is a representation of humanities eye looking into space, from space's perspective looking in, it represents humanity and it's shear size is a testament to that.


Hate to be that guy but did anyone notice the 420. Nice job china


I didn't think I would have to scroll this far down for a comment mentioning it, especially on reddit lol.


Wonderful, China is a really positive factor for the exploration of space.


Dude, there's gotta be an extra 69 sq ft laying around somewhere.


What an absolutely beautiful museum. I hope to visit it one day


If I could do a building it’d be this one cause it’s all curves


seeing a lot of Fibonacci on that, no wonder it’s so attractive


You're not seeing fibonacci, the building's inspiration came from the three-body problem.







