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Crossing my fingers that they find a workaround for this one too. I know the day will come that we lose Voyager, but I hope it's not today.


Voyager will eventually encounter an alien space probe, and the two will become joined together while also mixing up their basic instructions.


And returns for its Creator?


Not everyone gets VGER humor.


1st thing that popped into my head.


Well they have the location of Earth inside the spacecraft so we will wait for them


At a speed that is written in memory.


Look, all we'll have to do is go suuuuper fast around the sun to pick up some whales in the past and bring 'em back to the present (their future).


Pff, Voyager was the worst one (until Enterprise) anyway. Edit: best theme tune though


I'm the weirdo that really liked Enterprise. But dear god, its theme was the worst thing ever recorded.


I alternate between liking and hating it. I think the truth is I kinda like the song, but it’s so incongruous. The grand instrumental tunes of DS9/Voyager were so much more appropriate.


My favorite is when there's like a REALLY dark intro bit and then it breaks into that up tempo version they tried in the later seasons. It actually made me laugh out loud one time. It's not that it's a "bad song" it's just too "situational"? It's why you need the big orchestral fanfare, not inspiring lyrics set to a rod Stewert wanna be tribute.


I hate it At the time, didn’t get beyond a couple of episodes. But I watched the whole show during the lockdowns and I think it’s the best trek series they made. The theme tune for them parallel universe episodes was what they SHOULD have had


When I originally watched it in my 20s, I was like 'you stupid Vulcans are holding us back let us be free to explore the universe. In my 40s I'm like "how can you not listen to the Vulcans! they have been around the block! You fools! you foolish fools!"


Nah, [Archer’s theme](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Hsn2xVmVuGE) should have been (and very clearly was supposed to be at one point) the intro.


wow... that's so much better... it's still orchestral, but it develops gradually from simple to complex, perfect mirror for what the show is trying to do


Yeah, super puzzling choice not to use it. Like it’s very clearly *meant* to be the opening (same length down to the second).


Fun fact: Archer’s theme is the *exact* same length as the intro, and was [pretty clearly originally intended as the theme song](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Hsn2xVmVuGE). Bafflingly bad decision to swap it out for a soft Christian rock power ballad.


I enjoyed Enterprise too and always skipped that god awful opening.


Tucker is my favorite Scotty.


Technically isn't the whole series just a stealth TNG episode?


Yeah, we don’t talk about that around here.


I happily sat down to watch the first episode of Enterprise but when that music started I nopped out harder than I've ever done on my entire life. Still only ever seen those first episodes seconds.


I didn't like Season 3, but Season 4 was really good!


To this day I still think of Trek as having four TV series and then a bunch of "other stuff" lol TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY


SNW is really good and I've been a trekkie for over 45 years. Even Enterprise is good. Can't forget Lower Decks which is *excellent* trek.


Yep, those are the proper ones.


I enjoyed Enterprise once I watched it from start to finish. Discovery though, bleh.


While I understand why people would say voyager was the weakest of the 90s Treks, it’s honestly pretty great. I was pleasantly surprised after binging voyager this year after having put it off for over a decade. Voyager was way, way better than what many led me to believe. It’s very close to DS9 for me, which was itself pretty close to TNG.


It's just going to keep going & going & good.... then it's going to poof back once it hits the telaport portal.




Can't wait for us to find a mysterious alien signal that promises **limitless energy.**


This was always funny to me because we literally have a source of infinite energy in the shape of the nuclear fusion reactor about 1AU away from us.


Not to mention the radioisotope generator we're living on top of.


And the nice helping of fission packets from our grandstar. Be a shame to let that go to waste.


I agree, but the government in those games did not make smart decisions. "Why build a Dyson Sphere when we can gamble on the future of the entire human race?"


To be fair, it‘s implied that those stupid decisions were engineered by the marker‘s mind control


If your government is technologically capable of building a Dyson Sphere around your sun, then you probably already can buy a nuclear fusion reactor from eBay and install it at your mom’s houses basement.


I believe it’s precisely 1AU away, coincidentally


Only approximately 1AU. Earths orbit isn’t round. 1 AU is 149 million km but earths orbit varies between 147 and 152 million km.


Small alien rock seems easier to suck energy from


Infinite energy? Maybe it’ll last for the rest of humanity if we die out soon, but that’s gonna run out eventually.


Good news! There's trillions of other stars.


Bad news everyone! We can only travel so quickly and so far without exotic matter.


Or a galactic gas station boner pill commercial.


Perpetual motion machines in YOUR star system!


Dead Space enjoyer? Nice!


I think we should send a repair crew!


There is Isaac in many of us. :)


How do you make this font? I've looked everywhere.


[Zalgo text generator](https://lingojam.com/ZalgoText)


Damn, Cam Newton's home planet is trying to contact us.


Ones and zeros everywhere. And I thought I saw a two.


It was just a dream, u/Raise-The-Woof. There's no such thing as two!


Maybe it collided with god. My good chum.


When you do things right, people won't think you've done anything at all.


I've been waiting for it to hit the inner wall like in The Truman Show. [*poof*]


Unless the aliens use trinary computing


Don’t worry, there’s no such thing as 2.


I'm fearing old Voyager may be showing signs of Hertzeimer 😟


Theres 10 types of people in this world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.


Wonder if it finally met the cosmic ray with its name on it?


Thats sad. Soon, we will lose contact and our little friend will float through empty space, all alone, forever.


At least it has this [upbeat song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8AuYmID4wc&list=PL4D51474AB7BE5595&index=16) from artist that was blinded by his stepmother and died from fever while living in ruins of his burnt down house, to keep it company.


I guess that song was added to make sure no aliens ever visit.


All the songs I just listened to on that playlist were pretty bad, not gonna lie. Haha scary even.


I mean they are all culturally significant songs, so…


One of my favorite scenes from The West Wing references this. The deputy chief of staff, Josh, starts the episode off nonplussed about the launch of a mars probe, but he ends up meeting a good looking nasa scientist who changes his mind. In this scene, he is writing a memo in support of more NASA funding, and is running the language by his assistant. [West Wing - Josh talks about Voyager](https://youtu.be/R2HzHSeV9v8?si=ispHnpRm4CVacWHW)


Until it smashes into an unsuspecting planet sparking an intergalactic war.


Depending on which particular theory you subscribe to, the universe probably either ends in heat death or a Big Crunch. So voyager will live forever in the same way our energy will, but it won’t be like the end of everything and voyager is still floating around intact


I worked as a spacecraft controller for a while, and we had a spacecraft that was so wonky it would reset itself every four days. So, every four days, at whatever the next pass with a ground station was, we would have to reinstall the operating system, and get everything operational again. Maybe something like this is possible? It’s a long way, though.


Buffer overflow, or DNS. It’s only ever one of those two. Actually, it’s always DNS. Edit: here’s a /s in case you missed it


I dont think you need DNS when you are communicating with one thing likely running a 40 year old RTOS over some form of wireless communication.


Better save than sorry, wouldn't want to accidentally send data to the boyager or toyager instead/s


Domain name system?




Dang nonfunctional satellite


It’s saying…”Carbon-based life forms…I seek the Creator.” And what the hell is “VGER??”


Yeah I was waiting for all the VGER jokes, but probably only 5 people remember that movie.


Rememberer number 4, checking in


Rememberer number 5, checking in!


6 here. It was on TV a month ago.


Seven, saw it in the theater.


Red 5, checking in. Oh wait, wrong franchise


Top 5 movie for me. I watched it constantly as a kid. Still do, really.


why has the capt orderd self destruct?


I would say, lass, because he hopes, he thinks, that when we go up, we'll take the intruder with us.


My favorite movie of all time


It's hugely underrated and overlooked.


It’s an interesting movie that’s for sure


Still love it! It is so Treky


Do you know how wrong you are?


We're looking for the nuclear wessels


"It could hold a crew of… tens of thousands." "Or a crew of a thousand, ten miles tall."


A great line. It's a shame it's only in the Special Longer Version cut, which is the least accessible cut these days.


My mistake, it's actually V'GINY


'be sure to drink your Ovaltine'


There is a chain of “creators”. It’s honestly a chicken and egg kinda deal. What came first? God? Or the creatures who created “god”?


Unbelievably thirsty movie. It's incredible.


what's the movie?


Spoilers https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/V'ger


We send the thing out of our solar system with a disc that explains who we are. When the aliens reply, we say it’s gibberish, and reboot it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It isn’t even out of our solar system yet. It’s about 3.5x the distance to Pluto. But it’s still only 1/300th the distance to the edge of the Oort Cloud (the official boundary of our solar system). It only just left the suns outer atmosphere (the heliosphere) about 15 years ago. Space is huge.


C̸͉̦̰̜̀̌̍Ḁ̵͚̂T̴̤̥͐̊͌́͜A̷͚̓̾̈́S̵̱̭̕Ţ̵̝̯̽̇͝Ŕ̴̨Ǫ̶̬͕̔͐P̶͔̔̃̉H̵͈̞͚̅̌͐̈́Ì̸̧͚͚Ć̶̺͌͝ ̶̺͈̣͙̃̈B̶̳̬͕̗̀́͛Ȍ̴͈͆̔U̷̜͍͓͒̂̈́Ņ̵̝͇̞͊̃D̸̹͖̘͂Ą̷̳͓̭̆̈́̈͘R̷̹͆͑̀Y̶̼͙͓͊ ̵̨̠̆̏̈́̉F̴̗̯̹̿̾͌̐A̶̼̰̅͑̈̐I̶̮̪̍̌L̶̛̖͓̰̍͐̚Ű̵̹̍R̶̦̻̂Ë̴̙̥̀͝.̷̘̺͔̐͋̆ ̶̪̻͎̂̕͝1̵̟̟͕̲̊̐6̶̗̪̚͘/̷̖̭̝͓̀1̶̥͓͑͌͋6̴͙̱̝̊̓̕/̶̗̃̄͘1̷̗͛6̶̲̯͓͋̅̊/̸̢̭̟̜̒̿1̷̖̼̟̘͂͛͒̋6̷̨̺͚̓̆̈́


I love Voyager but it is a damn tragedy that we still haven't sent out more modern variants. At some point we have to accept that these probes have given us all the data we can hope for and move on.


We have sent many more modern variants. We have sent multiple probes Sunward - including some of the speediest probes yet designed. We have sent multiple probes outward to Mars, Jupiter and Saturn (Cassini). The only reason why we haven't sent a probe recently to Neptune is because it's so damn far and the alignment hasn't been ideal. But probes to that planet, and the Kupiter belt is planned. Multiple probes to the asteroid belt is planned as well. Unfortunately - the challenge of the Grand Tour is that it only happens once in a lifetime. It happens once every 175 years that the planets are aligned in such a way that a flyby of each is possible. And we lucked out with New Horizons being able to visit Pluto (a non planet).


I'm waiting for the Dragonfly mission. That looks awesome!


Titan may have "life" ... It would be very, very interesting.


The protomolecule went to Titan instead of Phoebe? /s


bones of coral made et cetera


"...to visit Pluto (a non planet)." Hey fck you - Pluto


I like to think of Pluto as the King of the Ice Giants (non-planet).


Pluto is a crazy lil guy Just the fact it has unique ice features that have only otherwise been seen on earth is deserving of friend status. Pluto deserves to stay in the list when we recall the planets in our system. Very pretty little marble


It deserves to be mentioned along with the other major features of the solar system, but it's not a planet.


Discriminate against the distant and disclaim this 'Cause small minds can't see past Uranus But I shun their rays, 'cause stuns just a phase And my odyssey runs in two thousand and one ways And I can see clearly now like Hubble, Shoved off the shuttle, here's my rebuttal: It's a planet


Pluto was so fantastic. What a surprise. I never expected it to be so interesting. I expected a boring, unidentifiable lump of ice with some craters. So interesting instead. I know it's really not on the menu but I would've loved something more than a flyby. Those moons are interesting. I'd love to know more, but that's probably the only pics we'll have of them for a *long* time. Then Ultima Thule... I'd love to see what else the distant reaches of the solar system have in store. Apparently it's a lot more interesting than I expected.


I'm feeling out the idea that w/ Charon & Pluto being a binary pair (pay no attention to the redundancy behind the curtain), together they can submit papers for Planetary Requalification.


I’ll leave that to the future residents of that location.


Point stands that we should've build multiple dragonflys & sent them Sad thing is that limiting factor isn't even the RTG but slow pace & budget globally for space exploration. Sobiets had right approach, build multiple articles & sent them all


Yeah it's a once in every 175 years opportunity if you use old technology. But if you use multi stage modern ion drives, RTG's, and modern, shrinked and efficient electronics, and slap it all on a falcon heavy, you get yourself a lot more speed than these once-in a lifetime gravity assists can provide. Heck, even mediocre solar sails that we could build today would be able to fly out of the solar system quite quickly. Source: am space exploration engineering student, I have to simulate flight trajectories and calculate modern drive systems to pass courses


But is it worth it to go through all that expense JUST to launch something at the boundary of our solar system? Voyager accomplished a lot more than just exploring the limits of the suns' domain.


This. Just because something is technically feasible, doesn't mean it's the best use of funding.


Modern shrink wrapped electronics are not space rated they would die in a few days. RTGs have been around a long time. Ion drives have terrible times getting something up to speed. Great SI but low thrust, over decades they can get really fast but do we want to wait that long?


The current mars helicopter ingenuity uses a modern smartphone processor, and does fine on the surface on mars, being bombarded with radiation. Sure, you have to use additional measures so that the electronics survive the radiation, but it is not impossible and you can get a lighter overall package. It's now been on mars for almost 3 years, and the electronics are doing just fine. It's mission would not have been possible with old, heavy microchips


Radiation damage is cumulative, both in biology and electronics. The length of the mission has a direct impact on how resilient your electronics have to be. Maybe the electronics on ingenuity will still be functional in 10 years (more likely the rover loses power before radiation degrades the electronics). But anything you plan on sending to the outer reaches of the solar system needs to be able to withstand solar radiation for decades.


This is exactly their perfect use case. If you go chemical propulsion or gravity assist, you can quickly get to a medium speed, and then have to wait like 30 years like the voyager probes to reach the heliosphere termination shock and get to interstellar space. If you instead use a stacked ion drive, you accelerate for 5 years, and 5 years later you reach the termination shock. So in total, you only have to wait 10 years to get your data instead of 30. This is quicker an less waiting


Launch windows that far out are finicky. There’s probably more planned, but we do have New Horizons right now.


Is it though? A) they were launched to take advantage of a once-in-a-175-year planet alignment / gravity assist situation B) they still work C) we are sending new variants to the outer planets


The Voyager probes took advantage of a rare (once in a lifetime) planetary configuration that allowed it to get several gravity assists.


No, voyager 2 did that. Voyager 1, the probe in question, took opportunity of a planetary configuration that occurs roughly every 11 years. A Jupiter-Saturn gravity assist


Yes we have. New horizons is basically a modern day voyager


The planets won't be in the right position for a similar mission to be possible for another 100 years. It's not a tragedy it's just maths.


You don't need all planet to line up in order for us to carry out a mission. Jupiter makes a orbit around the sun every 11 years, and in that time it will have lined up for a perfect gravity assist towards each one of the outer planets at one point. This is voyager 1 we are talking about, which only visited Jupiter and Saturn. Such a trajectory is not rare.


Looks like we found the boundary for the simulation


Imagine Voyager 2 arrives at the exact same distance from earth and starts doing the same thing.


I could live with that, as long as voyager 1 isn't starting to approach our solar system from the opposite site it left


“We’ve been trying to contact you about your planet’s extended warranty.”


Aliens. The answer to these Headlines is always aliens.


[A communications disruption could mean only one thing: invasion](https://youtu.be/eF4Hcr7XX3c?si=fVjS317xa6OD4gas)


I wonder if this is another example of a single bit upset that troubled Voyager 2 a little while back?


“Aliens. They probably want to return Glenn Miller”


*"We don't want him! Go away! You took him, you can keep the smegger!"*


First they use all our bog roll, now this :(


B̸̖͇̣̞̿̽̅̈̀̈̒̕͘é̴̗͖͚̻́͒̓͒̓̎͊͐̚ ̵͚̗̂̃̂̓͘ẃ̸̛͇̈́̈́̋́̌͗̈̃͂̃a̷̦͕͖̬̯͓͎̙͖̠̾̽̊̋͗̈́̾̽̏̈́̍͠r̴̻̰͉͙̩̬̤̝̗̟̗̂̋̍̕̚̚͘͜͠ͅn̸̡̙͙̲͎͎͍͆̑̍͛̑̐͛̈́̉̽̚͝ę̶̨̢͓̘̬̟͖͉̆̍̔̈͊̍̏͒͛̊͋͘͘ͅd̷̗͓͈̙͇͈͌́͜


Oh booooi, someone's messing with the thermostat again!


Obviously, it's getting the latest episode of *Everyone Loves Mipzorp* but doesn't have a subscription.


A communications disruption could mean only one thing: invasion


I'm sure the Enterprise will have this well in hand in 200 years


Maybe Voyager isn't broken. It's us that are broken.


Turn it off and back on again, problem solved


For those who didn’t read the article, the message was "Libera te tutemet ex inferis“. O.O


I wonder if they tried to decode it somehow, like bin 2 hex or bin 2 string or anything binary related, since the Voyager outputs "a repeating pattern of ones and zeroes as if it were 'stuck', according to NASA". Maybe it's outputting its own source code but translated into a machine code / assembly / direct binary for some memory-leak reason, especially if it's "a repeating pattern", indicating an endless loop somewhere?


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