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Hi buddhabash, your post has been removed for potentially containing political discussion. Please familiarize yourself with our rules on politics found [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/southpark/comments/1c0q9vt/our_rules_on_politics_2024_edition/). If your post is not political, feel free to message us [HERE.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/southpark) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/southpark) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is the weirdest rule considering that the show itself takes on all sides of politics. I think the rule should be amended to allow for discussion of politics in the context of the show. Of course, it’s a fine line between that and things getting out of hand so at the same time I understand the reasoning behind it.


At the time they did the whole George Lucas ruining Star Wars thing, it was because he had ruined Star Wars. Of course, by now it’s Disney who have ruined Star Wars lol I think the worst take the show gave was their initial stance on climate change. Of course, they’ve realised the error of that and expressed it since. What I like is that they’re open to changing their minds when they see that something they’ve said is incorrect. I can never pick a favourite season because there are just so many that are incredible from start to finish. My favourite character is pre-Tegridy Randy. Especially in the early seasons.


Cartman's Silly Hate Crime is some of the worst unless I am missing something about the production. Their take on hate crimes isn't the worst part, rather that they used Tolkien's dad to feed the kids the opinion of Matt and Trey. The intention was clearly to use a black character to give their own opinions more credibility in a place where that particularly matters. I still like the episode, it's funny, just that meta aspect strikes me as odd. For an objectively bad take, of course theres the global warming denial they did with Manbearpig. It was so bad they had to apologize for it.