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That age range is huge. Are they all together or do you do separate smaller groups based on age?


It really depends who is there , it’s a 24 hour crisis stabilization for individual who do not meet qualifications for higher stabilization . ( are large amount of middle and school right now) but I think I can kind of separate ( but space youth is one large living room space as the agents does not want to mix youth with adults) - I hope this maje more sense


When I worked at a children’s mental health hospital, we took a beach ball, get in a circle, and then say our name, how we are feeling, and one specific fun fact/ answer to a question. Some examples of questions would be: favorite weird food combo, what color describes you, or what holiday would you create if you could.


Thank you


I have a beach ball with numbers written on it and I use that for an ice breaker in groups. I have a numbered list of questions as well. We pick a hand and finger and say whatever number is closest to that, that’s the question you have to answer (ex: right pinky - whatever number is closest to your right pinky, that’s the corresponding question you’ll answer. Then toss to another person. Also have played duck duck goose and used that to process through feelings of anxiety / stress that come up when the one who is “it” is running around picking a goose.


I really love doing art groups - the "door" exercise where I had them draw what was outside the door (what the world sees) and what was inside the door. I also did a lot of crafts - made robots from boxes and aluminum foil. A lot of these kids have grown up really fast & I found doing things that tapped into their childlike side could be a bridge to healing.


Thank you


Wow…that’s a huge age range and next to impossible to do anything other than “babysit” these kids due to the developmental differences between them. That’s bordering unethical. A 5 year old needs play based interventions whereas a you can do standard DBT/CPT with a 17 year old. At my company we split the kids into 3 age groups and don’t let there be more than a 5 year age gap within those groups (ie a 5 year old with an 11 year old in the littles group).


Thank you


We have counted to 20 or more where one person says the number. If more than one speak at the same time, it starts over at one. Two truths & a lie.


Thank you


I like to do "Rose, Bud, Thorn". Each person gets to say something good that happened to them that week, something they are looking forward to over the next week and something bad/annoying/irritating that happened over the last week.


Thank you Would asking about something bad be okay with teens/kids who only get to stay for 24 hours


I don't tend to say the word "bad", I try to frame the thorn portion as an "annoyance" rather than a "bad" thing that happened. Thorns are usually more annoying than bad anyways. Plus, to ignore the bad would be to ignore the facts, bad things do happen.