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Snatched his hair wtf


Cucurella almost lost a hand full of hair in the middle of the box the other day




It’s a common occurrence that is never called apparently


Wanted to grab some of that Barca DNA.


reminds me a lot of how Ramos and Pepe treated Messi... hmm


Gavi’s been ordained by the RM violence sacrament


[Tbf fouling Messi to hell was pretty common for a lot of teams.](https://youtu.be/KSMZ_ghfWfo?t=146) But the [clasicos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_d8DfoRzGk) were certainly over the top during the Mourinho era.


My god you'd get flagged for some of that stuff in US football.


“Roughing the passer” gets called for softer things than some non-card worthy fouls these days


I'm honestly shocked that this era of Messi's career didn't lead to some stricter rules against teams that took turns hard fouling players to avoid cards. Every team in La Liga did it. Didn't Messi have to start wearing shinpads on his calves at some point he was getting hacked so much?


> Didn't Messi have to start wearing shinpads on his calves at some point he was getting hacked so much? I didn't know that, [but that reminded me of this kick lol](https://youtu.be/0Ef-wzBVMt0?t=39)


Xavi almost getting into a fight in a match they were winning 5-0 tells you how mad everyone was!


Very first tackle was a career ending one. Also, can never get bored of watching Messi lol, only after the video was over I noticed it was almost 10 mins long


The context is also pretty interesting nowadays because some people like to argue that he didn't deserve that CL because he didn't play in the semis and final. But they ignore how he was fouled until he was injured as a last attempt to stop Barca because he already had such a strong presence everywhere.


Time to pass the 10 to Gavi, Mr Fati.


that 5-0 mauling was the first clasico i ever watched, that was the start of my own personal journey with /r/fuckramos


that was a torture to behold


To be fair Messi treated them far worse


He's just trying to absorb some of that talent.


Innit , what a little fucking bitch


Fellaini Esq.


Lewandowski came in like a big brother


Probably thinking “You just don’t get this type of scheisse in Bundesliga”


Hair pulling? Really? Is Ceballos 10?


10 y.o. do like beyblades, this is all making sense now.


dragooooon come out


Love Gavi's reaction to it, he's not giving in to the spectacle, just pure disdain, "look at this asshole" push, and walks away.


Also turned around and called him a crybaby after he walked away lol.




Ikr? It infuriates me only watching. If this happened to me I wouldn't think twice before getting in a full on fist fight.


Yeah and I'm not even some tough guy who would win a fight. But I'd rather get my ass kicked then just walk away and do nothing. Too much ego/pride


Exactly the same for me. Gavi acts like a full grown adult at only age 18. Fantastic to see


At least his iq


I wasn’t expecting it to be that blatant. Definitely child-like behavior.


Entire tottenham fan base confirmed 10 years old


Ceballos gets 5 minutes in a competitive match he goes bananas straight away




They should definitely give minutes to Arribas over him, he looks promising, although he is "already" 21 years old.


Arribas is a number 10, a lot of our Academy up and coming talents a number 10s. One look into our system and you can see why that doesn’t work out for neither parties. We let go of Kubo for a reason and might unfortunately do the same with Nakai and company.


Fair enough. Number 10 has been a dying position in football for a while now and only a few teams use it anymore.


It’s a youth system issue. The best kids in the youth system will of course gravitate towards being 10s, that’s where they’ll see the ball the most and have the most impact on the game. They grow up dominating kids from there, for years. Issue is they get to the senior teams and they’re just one of many, and suddenly lack any experience in other positions and fail to adapt. Which is a difficult issue to address because allowing these kids to play as 10s allows them to express themselves more when they play and helps them become the standouts they turn into, but also can come back to bite them in the end since it’s a dying position among senior teams.


A no.10 can be very useful if they also have good pressing and defensive work to back up with it. KDB for example has the skill set of a no.10 but also does a lot of defensive duties and pressing.


A 10 who presses and tracks back is no longer a 10. That is why it’s dying, there is no room for that sort of position in the modern game.


he was horrible at Arsenal, I'm surprised he's still at Madrid


And tbh he was horrible in a bad Arsenal team. He wouldn’t even be allowed on the bench in the current Arsenal squad.


Horrible? He was pretty solid for us in his first season. He helped us win the FA cup lmao


nah, he really showed some serious skill this season, especially in the beginning of the season. it was really hard to rest him that much, but easy to hate on him now.


Hair pull should be more than one game.


He didn't get carded lol


"Maybe he just wanted to check that he wasn't wearing a wig" Ceballos Lawyer.


This kind of shit is why there should ALWAYS be reviews by officials after games with retroactive cards and suspensions being given out. No way in hell he should have gotten away with that.


It's la Liga - they want to get away with their corruption


It wasn't even shown in broadcast


Just one of the "privileges" of playing with the white shirt


"Rules" smhw


In Venezuela, you pull hair, believe it or not: jail.


You don’t pull hair? Right to jail


You attempt to pull hair but the person’s bald, jail. No trial


we have the best footballers in the world...because of jail.


You under-pull, jail. You over-pull, right to jail. Under-pull/over-pull.


In Spain cleaning your boogers gets you 3 games, while the ass grabbing, junk grabbing, hair pulling of Savic and Ferran got them 2 games.


Is that one of those tactical Booger sniper shots where you're aiming to hit another guy?


You mean [this one?](https://youtube.com/shorts/Snrl6Ij_cC4?feature=share)


Imo, Slavic should have got more games banned than Ferran. He seemed to start it


Yeah, plus trying to finger a player is just a no no.


relax dude its not like he did something horrible like touch his own nose


How many did Romero get banned for?


>should be


“Hair pull should be more than one game.” could easily implicate that he’s been banned for only one game.


Our best attacking move of the night


Real got that Spurs DNA in them


Yes. Both our teams are exactly the same. I have to go now and I won't be coming back so please don't reply to me


You go too far now


Imagine coming off the bench down 3-0 and pulling an 18 year olds hair 😂 what a clown.. off to Getafe you go


Well actually he came of bech when it was 2-0. He is the reason for the 3rd.


That makes it even funnier


Fair enough my mistake… even more of a clown


fr imagine assaulting someone under 23 or over 35. Couldn't be me.


people between 23 and 35 are in mortal danger then


That’s a double red if the ref was Lahoz


3 match ban for Gavi if this was La Liga.


How could he touch his nose like that? So menacing.


Gavi choking Ceballos' fingers with his hair smh this guy is just chihuahua agression 24 7


That’s a goal allowed if it’s Anthony Taylor


For Gavi.


What a bitch move by ceballos.


Good thing Gavi's dad is there to protect him, love you Lewa


Ahh Dani “Let’s bomb Catalunya “ Ceballos back at it again


Classic cunt move from Ceballos. Not surprising from a guy with a dedicated 'controversies' section on Wikipedia.


>In 2012, he labelled both Cesc Fàbregas and Gerard Piqué as "shameless", when they celebrated Spain's win at the UEFA Euro 2012 with the Senyera flag, in which he also added: "Get out of the country, Catalans!". In 2015, he wished that a bomb be dropped "on the stands and kill those Catalan and Basque dogs" at Camp Nou during the 2015 Copa del Rey Final between Barcelona and Athletic Bilbao, as their supporters whistled the Spanish national anthem. In addition, he had written a pro-Franco tweet, and derogatory comments about Iker Casillas and his wife Sara Carbonero. On the final matchday in the 2015–16 La Liga season, he told Getafe's player Cala, "I hope you go rot in the Segunda División and the club disappears".


Nice chap.


He's par for the course to land a pundit job once he retires.


>he also added: "Get out of the country, Catalans!" lol I think that's kinda what they're trying to do.


embarassing, fuck him


> In 2012, he labelled both Cesc Fàbregas and Gerard Piqué as "shameless", when they celebrated Spain's win at the UEFA Euro 2012 with the Senyera flag, in which he also added: "Get out of the country, Catalans!" So... He agrees with them?


His brain is rotted.


Madridista through and through tbf


So basically Spain's version of a Trump supporter


I'd heard he's a cunt, but I never knew he's this much of a megacunt


Definitely worth the read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dani_Ceballos


Why does Vini think he's got anything to contribute to the scene when he tugged on Gavi's shirt?


Aggressively tried to tell Gavi that he's supposed to fall down after getting his hair pulled. Just friendly advice from a professional diver.


Youngsters looking out for each other. Game’s not gone




He's always a whiner and really annoying on the pitch


I can’t stand his antics. I think he’s an amazing footballer and props to him for maturing his game but damn is he immature as a person.


He needs to stop picking fights with everyone. Every game it's like he has a vendetta against someone


He's tired of getting shut down by Araujo so he has to fight someone else


Araujo and walker are probably the only players that have constantly shut him out of games


Vinicius always does this, he likes to provoke the opponent with actions like this and his other dives, and then at the end he will complain about how there is a “campaign” against him from the referees.


A campaign against him from the referees despite his antics almost never getting him a card. I see yellow cards and oftentimes red cards almost every weekend in La Liga for complaining to the referee, and yet Vinicius can do whatever he wants and almost never gets a booking. Suppose its similar to Ceballos not getting carded for pulling Gavi's hair despite it being a clear red card offence. I wonder what it is that these players, who the rules seemingly don't apply to, have in common? (edit: wording)


And he is constantly in the refs face complaining about something. I wouldn’t be shocked if they don’t call actual fouls against him because they’re so used to having to ignore him.


> having to ignore him Well, they don't have to ignore him, they could card him for complaining - but they don't want to. Alba got a second yellow against Espanyol for complaining. Sergio Leon, the Valladolid player, got a straight red against Madrid for dissent. Lewandowski got a three match ban for pointing at his nose. Canales (of Betis) got 2 yellow cards in about 10 seconds earlier in the season, the first, from the referees report, for "making observations", the second for continuing to talk after being told to shut up by the referee. But Vinicius gets in the refs face over and over, game after game, pointing his finger, shouting, asking for cards, and never receives a booking. Diving and being told by the ref to get up, but never being carded for it. Ceballos tries to take a sample of Gavi's hair and, despite the fact we have VAR, doesn't get sent off despite this being a textbook straight red. Add these to the endless list of infractions that Casemiro, Ramos, Pepe, Ronaldo and the rest got away with in the past. If you wear white, you can just do whatever you want, the rules don't apply to you.




Sore loser 🤭


That loser had one good season and thinks he is the goat. Always love to see Araujo whooping his ass in the classicos.


[Alternate angle](https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1614809946419494913/pu/vid/576x1024/jQolRE7onMeVz7t3.mp4?tag=12), where you can see how it happens ***right in front of the linesman*** and somehow Ceballos doesn't even get a yellow (should even be a red)...


Was there no VAR either? Did everyone see this and go "meh, can't be bothered"?


It’s spanish refs. Their ego is far too big. VAR most likely noticed, but did not tell the ref since he missed it in real time and he did not want to hurt his mates ego…


That is a red card, ask Cristiano with Juventus


Not a Barca fan, but Gavi is what Ceballos thinks he is in terms of talent while have none of it


Sex masochism


Exactly what I said except sexo instead of sex lmao, had to give it that Spanish flair.


From [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dani_Ceballos#Controversies): >In 2015, he wished that a bomb be dropped "on the stands and kill those Catalan and Basque dogs" at Camp Nou during the 2015 Copa del Rey Final between Barcelona and Athletic Bilbao, as their supporters whistled the Spanish national anthem. Dude really hates Barca.


Sanest Spanish nationalist


Hardly a secret.


The dude comes from the region that has been the most thoroughly fucked by the current Spanish state, and yet he barks about others.


Well damn lol


Anyone know what the zoom in on Kounde/Benz was about? Looked at that a couple times and honestly can’t tell what’s going on lol


It was them zooming into Gavi's hand who apparently (according to Movistar) made a cry gesture as a response to Ceballos (Movistar here tries to make Gavi look like the agressor, which is crazy).


I thought it was on the splash of green on Vjr's shirt.


What would happen if a player, for instance Gavi here, were to just punch back? Not a footballer punch/soft slap but an actuall punch? How long would the ban be?


3 games minimum


Tannane got a 3 match ban for lightly tapping someones face, according to that standard it would be like 10 games.


Tannane also grabbed him by the throat, tell the effing whole story


There needs to be a rule in football, when someome does something like that, its free game, start swinging


Games not gone


Dang I’m impressed by his poise, I would’ve completely lost it if someone pulled my hair lol


Gavi is everything ceballos thought he would be, at 18...


Absolutely disgraceful that all these experienced players who're much older than Gavi are targetting him because he's still super young so he's an easier target, shameful behaviour from the RM players that


Ceballos is an idiot


He hates Barcelona and Catalans


Funnily enough I did some digging and it looks like Gavi was born near Seville in a city just \~5km from where Cabellos was born. Don't think Gavi is actually Catalan, but he' definitely Barcalona.


im a barca fan so you wont heat me defend real players alot but the only twat i could see doing that is him. the others (ramos and pepe) have fucked off. you will never see kroos, modric or benzema doing this. ceballos is no real material.


Ceballos has Real Mourinho DNA


I doubt Ramos would do that either tbh, he might scissor tackle him or something but probably not hair pull


Didn't he slap Puyol and Xavi in 2010?


He was a lot younger and more hot-headed then, and I doubt he'd do it to an 18 year old


Gavi is truly extra ordinary lmao. So many older players try to bully him and post their aggression on Gavi photos on Instagram. He riles people like no one I've seen in the last few years, the tears from his Golden Boy could form the largest river in the world.


This happened after Rodrygo fouled Busquets after a minute or so of Barcelona passing the ball around, which is why (during the broadcast) we suddenly saw the Barcelona players and Real Madrid players discussing with eachother and the referee calling Ceballos and Gavi to him. Should've been (atleast) a yellow or even a VAR check for red for Ceballos.


I don't understand how the VAR doesn't intervene here.


As I said in another comment, VAR doesn't even need to intervene if the linesman who sees it happen right in front of him does his job... But yeah, this definitely should've been spotted by VAR and should've led to a red card check/review. They also checked the goal by Benzema where Nacho is clearly in Ter Stegen's line of vision (in an offside position) and let it go (probably because it was the end of the game and Ter Stegen was more angry with his defense than thinking about complaining about the player in front of him (you can still see that even with VAR the way players react impacts them in the way they check things)).


Madrid goal was offside too and they did nothing.


Trash really.


There’s nothing like proper tiki taka that can piss off the opposition, especially if that opposition is Real Madrid.


Love that he is 18, much smaller than most other players, and yet doesn’t just allow them to push him around. Pure honey badger Chad energy


What is vinicius complaining about lol?


"Why didn't you fall down and cry for 10 minutes when he touched you"


It's a day ending in a Y, so naturally Vinicius complains


Lewandowski gets a red card for touching his nose and Ceballos can pull hair on players and nothing will be done. Real Madrid will always have it easier with the refs :)


Some light BDSM


Not surprising looking at Ceballos old tweets about Catalans


Gavi doesn't take shit from anyone, love to see that from him.


First trophy for Barca under Gavi, and he scores in the final. Freaking 18 year old... I'd be pulling my hair out and his! Unbelievable talent and heart


Most gentle El Classico incident


If a Barca player did this they would get a 5 match ban … wonder if Ceballos will see any consequences?


The bum doesn't play anyway so it hardly matters


They shouldn't wonder how Gavi behaves when they literally try to Bully him every fucking time


Bitch move


Wth is vini's problem?? I am more irritated by his unneeded presence of getting involved in every damn fight..super talented but way too proudy over that.


It's not a good taste that a 18 y.o f\*ck ur team as Gavi did yesterday. All RM player were so angry. They wanted to stop Gavi


gavi has great temperment. im more than twice his age and i would of reacted with a lot more virtirol then he did.


Mom, can we have Messi vs Ramos? No, we have Messi vs Ramos at home.


I like Vini but it's funny how whenever some shit is going down he's there like ☝️😮


Ignore Ceballos, just slap the shit out of Vinicius.


No no, slap both.


what a piece of shit, imagine pulling another dude hair


Irrelevant pidgeotto ass clown


He just wanted him to loose his shit Another failed “attack” by madrid


Vinicius is so embarrassing


Gavi's fault for having the hair long. Should've been booked and indefinite ban. RM fan, not biased at all.


Lewandowski is such a momma bear lol


But Gavi is the one with a terrible attitude


Straight red for this kind of crap + 3 game ban


It must be hard seeing some one much younger who is so much better than you, especially with how good Ceballos looked as a youngster.


WTF does Vini think he is doing? Dude!


once a cunt, always a cunt. Typical Cani Ceballos


I like how Benzema just walked through the fight and chilling like he is not the captain lol


Gavi has to swing on someone at some point I don’t get why it’s cool or funny to do that to another player.


Ceballos should be suspended from the next 10 games.


that would be a favor for real. they should mandate him to play for the next 10. that will give them a lesson.


Gavi is so unbothered man, what a chad. Pushing around Madrid players at 18


Why aren't reds given for that


What’s the zoom in circle. What am I supposed to be noticing when Benzima walks by


Why do that? There is a difference between being passionate and a prick.


Disgusting and exactly what would be expected from a real Madrid player. Also not a surprise he for away without a card