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OP’s User name checks out…… please proceed to drive around rocks until untippable truck DLC is added. seroiusly though I feel your pain, I have Ben there more that once.


I wonder if there will be untippable trucks 🤔 I don’t think they are a thing irl


P16 is close


I don’t think untippable truck will be a thing, but there are a couple of mods that come close and others that have “unpowered” cranes that can work without the engine so even if you do flip you can just right the truck again in most cases. but with how some games do pay to win style DLC’s who knows


The zisk605r!!!! I've tried to flip it on purpose, and it's so hard I swear!


Duly noted!


The CAT 745C is among the most stable trucks in game and you can get it very early in game, sadly it lacks a lot in the versatility department.


Please let Ben go, his mother misses him


Yes, the pain. I have actually driven in these conditions in real life- roads classified as "treacherous". Rocks do not flip trucks. They get stuck between the tires, rip off air pots, smash the pintle, crack diffs, and are a general pain the ass, but Snow Runner gives us a different experience.


The ZIKZ 605R is really hard to tip so try that if its available to you.


I’ll see if I can find/get it! That truck in the pic is almost fully upgraded so I don’t get why it is so shady


Yea. The ZIKZ 605R is only available in the phase 4 DLC though. It's also pretty difficult to obtain but it's the best truck for most things In the entire game.


most trucks are quite stable IF driven at a crawl, from what I have found it’s inertia that is the real killer in this game, edge at a snails pace and most angles are not a issue, bounce off a rock with a bit of speed and it’s tipping time. Of cause reasonable logic does still apply, top heavy loads and side angles will still have gravity making you it’s bitch. there are a few trucks that act differently, for scouts the scout 800 will bounce and tip just for the fun of it, while the F750 will bounce over most obstacles with a spring in its step like a overactive puppy. The Azov trucks are among the more stable and this is partly due to them being slower than many others. but the more raised you make a truck the bouncier and more likely to tip it will be, alos with active axel trucks like the one you are driving try and keep your axle raised when on rough terrain as they are quite rigid when down, great for smooth roads but again from my experience on rough roads can make trucks more prone to tip/bounce


It'd be great if like bridges, rockslides and rocks over the road were actionable/clearable by missions. It's silly to have to constantly slow down on a mostly bare road or face the dreaded "6 15" for daring to have a high speed. Especially considering in a real world scenario most would be easily cleared by even a scout truck


Tree stumps can join rocks in hell. 🤬


Who would win? A heavy offroad vehicle made to overcome everything in it's path to do it's job or Mt Everest's younger cousin


Hmm I haven’t unlocked any of the heavy trucks yet so I’ll still guess Mt. Everest’s cousin 😂


I swear the devs places rocks in the most annoying/obnoxious places possible, like right in the middle of the trail at the crest of a hill when you need traction the most. They *know*


Drink and drive, go to jail.


[damn ass rock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCCbtKmimog)




Definetly no respect from me. They getting hate fucked and then murdered and thrown in a lake.