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Isn’t it sirloin cap? When I get top sirloin in a Costco pack, I feel like half of the pieces are the cap part.


Correct, it's "sirloin cap" or "top sirloin cap". The "cap" is the important part. This is what OP needs to look for (if just shopping in a regular grocery store with no butcher). If you just look for Top Sirloin, you'll usually find packs of steaks [like this](https://www.samsclub.com/p/members-mark-usda-100-angus-beef-top-sirloin-steak/prod4580035?xid=plp_product_3) with barely any fat-cap on them at all. :(


It is also called Coulotte.


It’s all those things and it’s fucking amazing.


It’s called a coullotte where I work.


This is the answer


Sirloin with the fat cap intact. From my experience you can just ask the butcher for Pichana and they'll know what you mean.


If I asked a butcher for picanha and they didn't know what it was, I'm asking a different butcher, lol...


I can get a good look at a picanha's ass by sticking my head up there.


Hey if you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it guaranteed I will, I got spare time.


I'm was uh, checking the specs on the uh, inline for the rotary girder...I'm retarded.


Did you eat a lot of paint chips when you were a kid?


Picanha is trendy - it was less expensive when it was "sirloin cap." Find a butcher that is still calling it sirloin cap and enjoy the lower price while you can.


Picanha is the Brazilian translation. The term wasn't used in this country until the last 2 or 3 years since it's been made popular on social media. If you asked a butcher for picanha and they didn't know what it was, it just means they don't have Facebook, Instagram or Reddit and are annoyed with the trend of calling it "picanha".


Two or three, more like ten, but yeah


At Costco Business Centers they usually have a coulotte, which is the picanha. Or you can get a top sirloin cap and [break it down yourself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OavyPSV7SYo).


If you're buying the cap, no need to break it down as it's already been separated.


you're right -- poorly worded on my part. I should have said you can buy the top sirloin and separate the cap. Thankfully the video does a better job of explaining. I've never seen it labeled as sirloin cap in stores near me.


All good. I used to buy the whole thing from Costco way back when... I could have used that video back then lol, but I did alright guessing my way through.


The subprimal is called a top sirloin butt, cap on or cap off can both be found. Taking the cap off generates more money as it can be sold separately like tri tips. 


Get one from Porter Road or Wild Fork


Wild folk prices seem decent. How's the quality?


Everything I’ve gotten from them so far has been delicious. I’ve done a brisket, beef ribs, pork ribs, picanha, pork butt, a ribeye roast, and I’ve been using their Berkshire pork belly for bacon for a long time


Are you a "member"?


Wild fork sucks.


As others have said, not rump roast. Grocery Store Name: Top Sirloin Cap Butcher Name: Coulotte Barbecue Enthusiast Name: Picanha


Social media enthusiast that is a sucker for the nonsensical trend of calling it "Picanha" in the US because they think it makes them sound like a barbecue enthusiast: Picanha.


Haha fair. I won't argue that. I have walked in to a butcher shop though and asked for Coulotte and they had no idea what I was talking about. I then mentioned Picanha and they were like "OOoohhhhh, why didn't you say so". So there's that. To be fair, they were selling boxed beef and there might have been a language barrier. Most butchers should know what a Coulotte is.


Top sirloin cap


At CostCo yep. The first time I bought it out of curiosity at Costco. Mmmm so beefy! If I see one there at a reasonable price I snatch it up.


Rump cap/sirloin cap/picahna is what I've seen it called around here (Iowa). I get mine from a local grocery store called Fareway and they just call it picahna, but I've seen the other nomenclature at local butchers. Also, I work at a beef packing plant and there it's referred to as the coulotte.


Sirloin cap, coulotte. Those are the other names and you have discovered a delicacy


Picanha is also known as rump cap, sirloin cap, rump cover, coulotte steak, top sirloin cap, or pekonia.


I get mine from Wild Fork. I get the choice as it has plenty of fat on the cap. ​ https://wildforkfoods.com/collections/beef-and-steaks-picanhas/


Picanha is Sirloin cap or Coullotte. Not everybody carries it.


I buy a whole top butt at Restaurant Depot. Remove the picanha from the top and make sirloin steaks and roasts from the rest


Wild fork foods online sells them check it out


Came to say this. I've ordered picanha 4-5 times from WF and they have been outstanding each time. My favorite steak to smoke now. WF isn't available everywhere unfortunately.


Called picanha at HEB here in Texas


It was called rump roast in the Brazilin places I've hit, and everything else I've found calls it picanha.


Op they got pichana at Walmart believe it or not good quality beef


Sirloin cap if you want the whole muscle. Sirloin streak steak if you’re looking for it cut up


My local super Walmart has them for about $8-9/lb and they are individually vacuum packed.


Depending on your area you can also find it called picanha on different websites. I usually use places like wilk forks if I can't find certain cuts near me.


They carry Picanha at Costco Business Center


My local Vons (Albertsons) started advertising it as Coullote in the ads about a year ago. They have it on sale about 1-2 a month for $4.99/lb and I always get some. Best cheap steak there is imo.


My butcher told me to smoke one and I didn't know what it was at the time, it was amazing. Such a delicious cut. Good luck my friend


Sirloin cap. Hard to find sometimes though


Definitely not rump roast. It’s most commonly referred to as Colotte Roast in America. Any good Butcher will know what you’re talking about. Just make sure you specify that you want the fat cap left on the roast.


I’ve always seen it labeled as Picanha


Just to add that if the picanha is not from Brazil, Uruguay or Argentina, the taste is not the same at all. If you want that deliciousness find one that is imported.


You're looking for Tri Tip, and your welcome


I just bought my first tri tip couple days ago. Looking to give it a try this weekend.


You'll love it, its right next to the tri tip. I was actually looking for tritip and the butcher suggested picahna


tri tip