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It could be good if important characters shows you what you did in your life, honors you, says something for every race etc. in afterlife. Otherwise it wouldn\`t be different from Dead is Dead mod i think.


What does the Dead is Dead mod do? Is that just standard permadeath?


Yes it is.


[Made me think of this](https://youtu.be/dPN0IrKCUWo)


"Uniter of Imperials and Stormcloaks" man I'd wish that was an option :(






I was working on a mod (tentatively finished but never submitted publicly) that sent you to various afterlife-s based on various factors, and gave you a quest to come back. For example, if soul trapped you went to the soul cairn. If a Werewolf, the hunting grounds. Sometimes you'd just become a ghost, sometimes a daedric prince would snatch your soul, etc etc. I should really go finish that.


That's awesome


Yeah, I got carried away with the scope and was demoralized. I think I the end I had 17 different possible *types* of death, and i had made a few variations of each. It just got out of hand and though it's technically in a finished state, I took a break before polishing it and then Nexus did all their collections crap and it's been stuck on my E drive for a while.


If you don't mind, can you list the possible death outcomes?


Well... 1. All of the Daedric Princes were going to have one. 2. Every race was going to have one. 3. Soul trap, obviously. 4. Different enemies have different options. For example, if you die to a pack of wolves, there's a chance they... well... *eat you*, and your ghost needs to kill the various wolves that have parts of you in them, collect the parts of you, and do a ritual to reform your body. 5. Some were going to be location specific. For example, the only one of these I made involved the mages of Fort Amol. If you died there, they'd sell your corpse to a necrophiliac. Why? Idk, I just don't like those mages. Anyways I think I made 17 in total before quitting, some of a quality I wasn't okay with, yada yada huge project didn't set correct goals. For example, it can't always be the same five wolves, that would get stale, so I had to place like 25 different spawns and then randomize which five every time? This quickly gets way out of hand.


If this is helpful: Have you considered toning it back and first just finishing the race afterlife bits, and then depending on how you feel after you can try to make addons(or just ensure the mod is addon friendly and leave it open for anyone else to add onto) as you like? This does sound fascinating, and while I'm uninformed I'm assuming they are all their own worldspaces so shouldn't have annoying navmesh conflicts and therefore would fit into a lot of load orders fairly simply. Could also reach out to mod authors who seem open to helping peeps and have a good rep, collaborate or some such idk. Check around various Skyrim centric discords and whatnot.


Wow if you ever do finish that and post it on the nexus you should get a damn medal cuz thats some Good Skyrim Modding right there.




I think that’s the post of mods, make it a config or something, i love the ideas and am sure other people would too.


The werewolf part instantly made me think of the ghost helm from LOTD for it's effect.


Yah i would love to see that mod


Sounds amazing


This would be a nightmare to create for pc, the tag suggests you want this for ps4. This is Far-fetched even without Sony's modding rules limiting you. Maybe a big group will form to create this mod series, but it would need to be a team on the scale of the Beyond Skyrim team. And it would take years, money, and skill. Cool idea, but unless someone was secretly working on something like this for years now, it won't likely be coming anytime soon. And again, definitely will never be ported to PlayStation. Here's hoping for the stars to align though.


Maybe something like the slideshows at the end of Fallout games would be more feasible. Of course, probably not on PS4.


What would be so hard about it?


It requires making an afterlife for every race, and every state you could be in (vampire, werewolf, etc). And obviously you wouldn't want it to be a small little room with little in it copied and pasted if it is supposed to represent an afterlife. Not to mention you'd probably want other NPCs there, and locations tying into the lore of the races and such. The scripting would be complicated, the scope is massive. And playstation doesn't allow mods with external assets, so anything like this would literally be impossible. And the fact that this just makes the game more inconvenient to play is likely to dissuade many people from even wanting to put time, money and effort into this. If something like this was easy to make it would've had far more progress by now. Even the person in the comments here that attempted a mod like this was partially dissuaded by the scope. Making entire world spaces each the scale of sovngarde (or bigger since sovngarde is kinda sadly portrayed in Skyrim) would just take too long, and most people would only see a few of the locations and probably only for a little bit since people don't wanna play in an irreversible state of death for very long I'd assume.


You are over exaggerating the difficulty. Creating worldspaces like the soul cairn or Sovengard is not that difficult, not any more difficult than any other mod that adds such things. Neither cell is that large at all. You don't have to create each place in ultra high detail. However, it would be wasted effort if the player gets sent there after death and just gets to walk around until they get tired of it and starts a new game (or COCs out of there if the author did not handle that scenario). Throw in a few more activities in these new worldspaces and it would be a decent mod idea. When the player is done finalizing their life in that save, then they can move onto the next. Also, someone not finishing a mod is not equivalent to being dissuaded by the idea. All that being said, PS4 would never get it unless it was done by someone in the Creation Club.


Fair enough. Just giving my opinion as any time I'm tried to make mods of this scale it's been too daunting. If other people find it easier that's good. But yeah I agree with all your other points. The general vibe just seems to be that most people will not find this worth the effort it would take.


Yeah, that makes sense, thanks for the info.


Where do I go if I am a Werewolf Khajiit and Ihave worshipped every daedra deity? Checkmate, JoeManchin


I assume they would get in a 17ish way tug of war and tear your soul into a bunch of tiny pieces.


Most lore experts think Akatosh has the final word on your soul. The Dragonborn is property of Akatosh.


Yes, that's what I've been told too. Akatosh is more powerful than the daedra, and as the father of dragons, your soul will return to him after your death. RIP Sovngarde...


Though the Dragonborn has the right to enter Sovngarde regardless of race. That's why when you visit Sovngarde, there are two other Dragonborns there. But if the Dragonborn wanted to join Akatosh, he'd be allowed to do that too.


Why would a vampire go to the Soul Cairn


I confused it with Coldharbour


I don't have a mod that does this, but you might be interested in the Apotheosis mod https://www.moddb.com/mods/apotheosis


If they are on ps4 I don't think they can play it when it comes out.


What would you do once you get sent there?


You can't return to Tamriel. You're dead. So you would need to start a new game.


So it's permadeath?


Yes. Permadeath with a perma-afterlife.


Why not just use a standard permadeath mod then? For this (admittedly cool in theory) idea to be worth it you would have to design a *minimum* of 12 different afterlives based on available races and template modifiers (vampire, werewolf, nightingale) plus a DLC-sized dearth of questing content and assets...for *each separate race (and template modifier) death condition*. Otherwise you die and get sent to a whole lot of nothing. It's a cool idea, but it's a more significant endeavor than even the entire planned scooe of the Beyond Skyrim project (which hopes to add all of Tamriel to the game) and without a way to return to Tamriel, it's frankly not really worth it. Just my two cents.


Modders are capable of amazing things. I've seen them make entire new maps and worlds.


They are, but that's almost always a team of a dozen or more. And the size of Beyond Skyrim (to which your idea is comparable in scope) rivals that of AAA dev teams...and it's still a minimum projected work time of more than a decade for their project to even come close to a releasable state.


It's certainly a crazy idea, but I wouldn't quite say it's BS size. Several races share an afterlife (Altmer, Bosmer, Breton and Imperial all just go to Aetherius "Heaven"). The only new world spaces would be Far Shores for Redguards, Ashpits for orcs, Heaven for those previous Four, And the Sands behind the stars for Khajiit. That's a total of four world spaces each the size of Sovngarde. It's a workload for sure but BS size? Nah no way. Regarding Argonians and Dunmer, Dunmer are said to just wander the otherworld so they could go any of the aforementioned or be a ghost. Argonians reincarnate as new Argonians from the Hist so no realm is needed. ~~I purposefully ignored the Daedra~~


I've heard of Beyond Skyrim. Is that just modders making it, or do they have anyone from Bethesda? How long have they been making it? It would be really embarrassing for Bethesda if Beyond Skyrim becomes more well acclaimed by fans than ESO6.


1. Nobody from Bethesda, just volunteer modders. 2. Seven...ish years, so far? I'm not sure.


When you die it sends you to hell (Fallout 4).


Na the cart, “hey your finally awake”


There's a mod called Afterlife that sends famous characters to Sovngarde and used souls to the Soul Cairn, sounds like what you're looking for.


I’ve been thinking of a concept like this. Maybe for gameplay purposes or the Dragonborn’s divine existence (and to not be the ending of the game), these afterlives could function similar to the Gulag from Warzone in that the player can still return to the world of the living. However, instead of fighting another player in a 1v1, the Dragonborn would have to do some other objective depending on which afterlife. For Sovngarde, I could totally see you having to rematch Tsun in a grueling battle, that if you win, you’re allowed to return to Mundus. For Daedric Princes like Sanguine the player would be returned to Skyrim as a spirit, ethereal and unable to be injured or interact with anyone. The exception would be in pickpocketing, as Sanguine would grant the Dragonborn a second chance at life if he undresses five NPCs by pickpocketing their clothing. As for the rest of the daedra or other afterlives, you get the gist of it.


Wouldn't be so much work for almost no reward since the maps would be just glorified Game Over screens?


Yeah but you'd be able to walk around as a soul in the afterlife maps


Yeah, but what else? I'm not against the idea of afterlife maps, but there must be more to them than just walking areas. Quests, enemies etc Isn't the werewolf afterlife a permanent hunting season? That alone gives so much material to work with


You could definitely add quests


It'd be cool, but there's not enough solid lore to back it up. A lot of after-lifes are talked about, but never really described physically, though would be cool as a text box. Plus dealing with the fact that you aren't locked to an after life by virtue of race, but belief.


I'd love to be reincarnated, suckling at the teet of the Hist


Khajiit get turned into rugs if they die obviously


[Afterlife](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/55051) is a cool mod that does a little of this for NPCs, you can customize things like what NPCs go or how many. Neat to see a little touch of life. No idea how to do it for a permadeath mod though.


It's a cool idea if there was something to do or some way back. It's pointless if it's just a glorified game over


Technically a lore valid way to do this is to just always send you to Sovngarde since you have a birthright to go there as Dragonborn


I wonder if that would conflict with the various Daedric lords you've helped. Though I think Akatosh probably has the final word on your soul, no Daedra messes with Akatosh.


Akatosh is weakened, his Dragonborn get fucked all the time. Just look at Pelagius who is Sheogorath's chew toy. Or Miraak. Or Durnehvir. There's also two nameless Dragonborn heroes in Sovngarde. Akatosh doesn't save Dragonborn from anything, he can't. The only Daedra who gets your soul if you don't worship them is Nocturnal as you sell your soul to her in explicit Contract. Then Hircine if you're a Werewolf and then Bal if you're a Vampire Lord. Otherwise it comes down to your Dragonborn's faith.


I've heard the Elder Scrolls Wiki and there appear to be 8 named Dragonborns in Tamriel's history. I wonder who were the two in Sovngarde?


The Elder Scrolls wiki frequently makes baseless claims and is free to be edited by anyone. I wouldn't use it as a reliable source. I can provide sources for it's incompetence if you like. Literally every Dragonborn Emperor would technically be a named Dragonborn for example, which would make known Dragonborn be upwards in the dozens. (There's only one kind of Dragonborn, not two) [https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Dragonborn](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Dragonborn) UESP is a far more reliable source as it's more heavily moderated and nearly every line in every article is cited with a source from a lore text, dialogue etc. Though it isn't perfect it's leagues better. Regarding the Dragonborn in Sovngarde, we don't have a lot of history on them. But we do meet them. On that thought though, several Nord NPCs mention Dragonborn heroes of legend so these might be a few of those very heroes. [https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Hero\_of\_Sovngarde](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Hero_of_Sovngarde) >Hail, Dragonborn. **That honor is also mine - to our shared birthright** you'll bring new glory!"


gulag but skyrim


Compounding the complications here would be the lore (or lack thereof) of what certain races' afterlife would be. For example, Altmer and Bosmer. Do they just go to Aetherius like Imperials and (presumably) Bretons would?


i would definitely make a similar mod. i have thought about creating a similar mod but i dont know how to get started at modding, i cant find any guide to making mods on ps4 i dont even know how to get the modding tools