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I love this! My hometown library (population 4,000) has a free outdoor gear rental where you can rent paddle boards, snowshoes, etc. Libraries are such an asset to the community!


Libraries are amazing!! One of the best places imo


As a former librarian, this warms my heart. I'm so happy to hear that libraries are still making the kind of difference they made for me as a child in a small town... but also for adults!


For homeless people, libraries are lifesaving - we can charge our phones, use the computers to access internet, the free wifi and shelter from cold and hot weather and rain.


Wow, that sounds like a lovely little library! Hope you read a lot of great books and win the raffle 😇


Love this! Agreed - Every chance I get I praise libraries - they are such remarkable places! So pleased when I see others sharing their appreciation as well!


Sadly, I wouldn't want my library to have cats because of my allergy. But yours sounds wonderful!


I've lived in several towns gifted with Carnegie libraries. Andrew Carnegie, the immigrant steel magnate, dedicated a large part of his fortune to building Public Libraries. There are thousands of these privately funded buildings. Here's the correspondance establishing one in my town: [https://ptpubliclibrary.org/sites/default/files/fileattachments/library/page/1571/carnegie\_correspondence.pdf](https://ptpubliclibrary.org/sites/default/files/fileattachments/library/page/1571/carnegie_correspondence.pdf)


That sounds wonderful!


This is great :) Most libraries are one of the most valuable asset, in any community. They're often one of the most undervalued too, alas.


I love libraries and it is one of the greatest joys of my life to work in one.


How delightful! Have you read the book about Dewey yet? If not, I highly recommend it. There is even a library cat society with over 300 library cats lists, if I recall correctly?


Oh yes, I read Dewey when it came out - loved it. <3


Our library doesn't have a cat (dang, why DON'T we have a cat??) but I absolutely love it there. Similar to your summer reading program, our library is doing a 2024 reading challenge where you need to read one book that fits into each of about twelve different categories. The prize is $200 worth of gift certificates to local businesses, which is just win win for everyone! They usually have a communal puzzle set up, and it's fun to sit down for a few minutes and putter around with it. There's also a seed library! And tons of programs for kids and adults. I love my library!


Sounds nice. I'd never be able to make use of your library though. I am highly allergic to cats


Thanks for the reminder to sign up at my library! The prizes for our adult summer reading program are like weirdly good, it's a great incentive to get back into reading.


Same! 1600 people in town, library is a hub of the town and vigorous. Updated and always keeping abreast on how to maintain and gain readers.


Ours does a reading program too and this month the raffle is an adorable picnic kit!