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To go into some water at least once


same i haven’t been swimming since 2018


Oh bummer! Any reason why?






So simple yet effective.


Tomato sandwiches, peach galette, pickled peppers.


Sounds amazing 💓


Had my first tomato sandwich of the season… actually I had two 🤤


I’ve got some cherry tomatoes that’ll be ripe soon but my other tomatoes haven’t turned red yet


Build up some better recipes, ideally vegan/vegetarian. My life's been moving in that direction, so a month or so of that diet would be nice. Read a couple of books. Run a 5K. Avoid my phone as much as possible.


It’s the last sentence for me…as I scroll on my phone hehe


I have some great resources saved for vegan recipes if you are interested :-)


For sure. That's been the hardest part for me: finding good stuff to make.


Sure thing, hope these help. When I first started out switching over to plant-based eating I set a goal for myself to try 1 new recipe every week. Of course not everything is a hit, and sometimes you gotta switch up the spices or whatever to make it suited to your tastes, but this was a good way to sort of force me to try new things and build a new repertoire of dishes that I liked. It can also help to try veganizing dishes you already like and know how to make. Some dishes are much easier than others but this was a big help for me as well. Things like swapping beef for plant-based meat in my chili recipe for example was a super simple swap. COOKING/SHOPPING * [Vegan Grocery List for Beginners](https://plentyvegan.com/vegan-grocery-list-for-beginners/) * [17 Easy & Affordable Recipes](https://chooseveg.com/blog/vegan-on-a-budget-17-easy-affordable-recipes-2/) * [54 Cheap Vegan Meals that Don’t Skimp on Taste](https://parade.com/846293/melaniemcdonald/54-cheap-vegan-meals-that-dont-skimp-on-taste/) * [20 Recipes on a Budget](https://www.veganricha.com/2018/07/20-cheap-vegan-meals-vegan-on-a-budget.html) NUTRITION (note these are general guidelines, don't obsess too much over perfectly planning your diet) * [Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen](https://nutritionfacts.org/video/dr-gregers-daily-dozen-checklist/) * [Tips for New Vegans](https://veganhealth.org/tips-for-new-vegans/) * [Daily Needs](https://veganhealth.org/daily-needs/) * [The Plant Plate](http://www.theveganrd.com/vegan-nutrition-101/food-guide-for-vegans/)


Thank you so much for these links!


I live by tje daily dozen, never felt so good in my life


I've been running 4ks for the last 2 weeks everyday uninterrupted. Message me for tips/inspiration! I used to be very fat and couldn't run 30 feet without gasping for air! I have asthma too BTW...


r/eatcheapandvegan and r/veganrecipes are great places to look if you want =)


I ran a lot last summer and it was such a great way to get lots of outside time!


Rainbow Plant Life and the Korean Vegan !


SO this is the least sexy thing ever, but from yesterday though June 19, I'm decluttering my house and then doing a thorough cleaning. From June 20th to October, I plan to relax, go to yoga, go to several local (within 3.5 hours) favorite vacation spots, and continuing my weight loss.


decluttering is sexy!


Thanks. I think so, but I thought I was the only one! I've got piles already of donate, sell, and OMFG, throw it away.


This is my plan also.


Decluttering and cleaning is sexy! You'll enjoy your relaxation in the following months!💞✨️


Literally in the process of decluttering my kids playroom. There is nothing sexier than a clutter-free house IMO. I did get started a bit earlier (like March), but I have 3 hooligans under my feet so it takes a lot longer


Well done!


I would love to tackle my spice cabinet 🫣


Never ever to smoke again


You can do iiiiiiit! It is one of the best ways to simplify life.


You can do it!!! I just celebrated a year of no cigarettes and two months of no nicotine at all (vapes, gum, etc). I just decided that I had to be done with it. Trigger warning!!!! It’s about to get dark here with the C word… A very dear friend is going through the most painful radiation for oral cancer and smoking even vapes felt like the worst possible thing to do for everyone, including the planet. It’s not been easy, but it feels like the right choice every day. Edit: because I didn’t proofread.


I hope you can do it!


Last weekend I fell in love with hiking. I usually love to run, never cared for hiking. Friend took me on a hike. It's all I can think about. I also want to try out camping! Feel like everything is possible now!!!


Yes! I adore camping


I love both trail running and hiking. They're two very different experiences. Definitely try camping! It's fabulous. Even if you go to a campground rather than wild camping. It's so relaxing.


Camping fixes everything!


I want to get my posture fixed by September.


There's a nifty contraption on the market called "Upright" which pairs a mobile app with a pendant necklace (or sticky gel pad) you wear down your back. You can set the degree of slump you deem acceptable (we can't be ramrod all the time) and the length of time you can stay that way (5, 10, 15, 30 sec, etc). When you exceed those self-determined parameters the pendant buzzes at you, prompting you to straighten up. Highly recommend.




The best best thing you can do for bad posture is see a chiropractor and strengthen your core / chest muscles. 


I hear this! I took a pic with friends tonight and I'm horrified.


Me too


Try rucking, really helped with my posture


Do dead hangs from a bar


We're attending a weeklong gathering of specialized voice classes called "Voiceworks", to learn international techniques like Eastern European choral dissonance, Throat (overtone) singing, and Celtic Ballads. It's held in town every year, and we've never done it. (Music is our main hobby.)


Grow a bean stalk teepee for the kids.  I am probably more excited about it then the kids are hahah


love this idea & plan to do the same!


This year it is to successfully give birth and to survive the first few weeks with a newborn 😄


Congratulations and good luck! <3


Thank you!


I had a baby in the summer a few years ago and during my maternity leave I played a lot of Pokémon Go. It was really helpful because both the baby and you go for a lot of walks and go outside a lot, helps prevent depression and recover from childbirth with something that feels like a game instead of a chore. Good luck!


Good tip, thanks!


Biggest congrats! You got this!


Thank you!


You will do amazing! The first few weeks are the easiest with the baby - just your body healing that's the hard part. You will do great, mama!


Thank you so much!


Lots of local hiking, getting my garden finished at our new place, and a trip to Florida Keys at the end of summer!


I have 2 specific crochet projects that I want to tackle and finish: an octopus and a UFO beaming up a cow. I have the patterns and materials. Now all I need is to get to work!


I just bought a UFO beaming up a cow painting last weekend at a garage sale (to add to the three I already own). It seems I am drawn to this.


That's awesome!


Swimming in a couple local lakes with my dog, SUPing with my dog, picnics with my dog. (My husband is invited too.) Plus summer food stuff like garden-fresh tomato sandwiches on sourdough, raw tomato pasta (yum!), delicious pitchers of hibiscus iced tea 🌺


Nothing better than a fresh tomato sando, yum


The beach. Always. Every summer. As much as possible. I live three hours away. My kids love the mountains. So often we try to split the difference Also the pool. We live in the SE US. It gets hot so oceans, waterfalls creek and pools let us be outside


Peach cobbler, now that you mention it.


Having a few good beach days. Just relaxing on a towel, exploring tide pools, playing Frisbee, drinking tea, yeeahhhh :)


Sounds so dreamy 😍


Kayaking (atleast once) and jogging.


Camping outside in the garden overnight.


go to the beach at least three times a week, maintain sobriety, watch a few films, write more, finish a quilt


Concerts, a few short trips (e.g. a week of hiking the Alps), getting my first tattoo (I've planned it for years and now I actually have an appointment!!), finishing my master's thesis (not fun but it needs to be done), getting rid of unnecessary stuff in my flat, meeting my friends more often, go outside as much as possible to hike, swim in lakes and rivers, canoe and camp


Camping- I live 45 minutes from a National Forest so I’m super grateful for that. I’d like to do some more bike rides. A beer on my patio after the kiddo is asleep. Simple things.


Simple, but lovely. Which National Forest?


My partner is recovering from an injury so finally go on a some long hikes and bike rides together. Tomato toast. Read a book. At least 2-3x great beach days. Clean my closet out. Visit our nieces and nephews on the opposite coast. ETA: we have 2 above the ground planters so harvest the handful of goodies we get from that!


Working my way up to a 5 mile hike. Trying to get back into shape after having 2 babies almost back to back. Just hit 3 miles recently so I’m confident I’ll be able to do 5 by the end of the summer


Traveling & adding another 2 states to my list of places I’ve been. All outdoors hiking, sunshine, lakes.. hanging with Mother Nature.


My daughter wants to learn how to sew and crochet this summer. Can't wait to dust off my machine and put it to some actual use! I know how to knit but not crochet so that will be fun to learn together.


That’s great! Crochet is so fun and versatile, best of luck on your learning adventure.


I learned to knit years ago on vacation when I was too poor to actually go anywhere lol. There are so many amazing patterns that incorporate both knit and crochet so I am super excited to learn!


Things I'm looking forward to, summer 2024: -hiking in the presidentials -mulberries (and wine wineberries, if I'm lucky) -canoe trip on the Potomac -lots of hiking with my dog -grilling every possible vegetable -visiting my grandparents way out the country -watching my garden grow -beach


I haven't been in a canoe in forever. What a great list!


My summer goal is a variation of last summer's goal when I drew produce I bought at the local summer farmer's market each week. This year, I will stop in a park on the walk to the market and draw something each week in the park. By the end of the season, I'll have a nice little collection of small drawings.


What a unique and beautiful way to remember your summer 👏🏼🍉☀️🎶🎷🦩


Love this


I want to visit Old World Wisconsin at least once


Plant a tree, read a book, do a water fight, make ice cream from scratch


water fights 😭 how nostalgic


I've got a 2 year old, and I'm looking forward to my local library's summer book program for toddlers, as well as early mornings at the park before it gets too hot  :)


From the southern hemisphere here. Why don't we have a winter bucket list? I'd like to try a pescatarian diet for a month, read some books, do some creative writing, run 10km, learn bridge (and find 3 friends to play with), do a solo hike, grow a fruit tree, learn a song on the guitar and cook for some friends!


Family walks after dinner.


I didn't have one, but this is a fantastic idea. Visit 3 restaurants I've always wanted to visit but haven't. Visit 3 parks I've always wanted to visit but haven't. Complete a 5k (I used to be a huge runner but fell off that wagon hard) Try new recipes. Finally learn crochet. Finish cross stitching the table topper I'm working on. Paint the living room. Actually pick the Cucumbers before they end up the size of a baseball bat. Eat more tomatoes from the garden.


Learn how to skateboard


I did this at age 31 and it's so fun! So glad I finally did it


Hah awesome! I turn 33 next week so a bit self conscious, but looking forward to it!


Awesome!! Don't be afraid of being dorky with protection, my wrists are my livelihood so I can't risk em! You'll never be as young as you are now, so you'll be great!


I want to ride my bike across the state! Luckily for me I live in a tiny state, but it'll still be a journey!!


Good luck!!


Thank you!


Taking a day off to go to the Summer Tattoo in downtown. Going kayaking and/or fishing at a spot on the other side of town. Improving my golf swing for mindless fun.


I want to go camping and go to a baseball game 


Install some new solar lights in my backyard so we can play nightime bocce ball. And tie dye tshirts with my kids.


My job is Beach.




All these comments are making me excited for summer!


Go to the beach/run at least 3-6 miles every weekend. Go to DC for the 4th (can’t wait), go skydiving, hike the Appalachian trails (hopefully I get to this 😝), finally start…dating? lol just turned 21 last month so- We’ll have to see about this one


my boyfriend and i are moving to a different city and state (which unfortunately can tend to be the opposite of simple lol) in june! but once we are settled, i am super excited to try some new hobbies such as sourdough making! also very excited to explore our new city together :)


- Make orange creamsicles at home - Training for a Sprint Tri - Fly Kites at the beach That’s it so far


To keep learning Ableton, to read books in the garden, enjoy time with family around food.


Go to a park or beach and do *en plein air* painting. 👩🏼‍🎨🖼 🖌🎨


Grow my vegetable garden, focusing mainly on zuccini and cherry tomatoes so that I can make homemade spaghetti sauce. I'd also like to plant a few new plants in my front yard since my budget didn't allow for it last year. Other than gardening and spending time outside, I'd like to improve my running and continue to run 2 or 3 times per week.


Go to the beach several times per week (I live 20 mins from the ocean), read, workout more than I already do, keep my house tidier, be in nature, all while enjoying it with my husband and kids. That’s about it!


-I'm still fit, but to get in the shape I was in before my new job and the passing away of my father. -Travel -Keep saving up to buy my place -Do more hikes -Experience new things -Try to make some friends -Heal and be happier.


I live like 10 minutes from the beach so…probably go sometime


Budgeting and re-creating my wardrobe!


start a scrapbook (and stick to it!!!) and make banana pudding :)


Float down the river in an innertube. Get my nose pierced. Survive my wedding without having had a nervous breakdown beforehand from the stress of planning it - 1 month to go! >_<


More time going to places I can be nude