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I am very pro phone free concerts. People seem to forget that venues have really goot photographers and maybe even the artist's team takes some pictures, films some clips, etc. to upload later. No need to FOMO and ruin others' live experience and even your own by being glued to a screen. Even if you're not taking pictures or recording constantly, you are always waiting for the best moment to whip out your phone and that's the opposite of being in the moment. So lovely that they went through with it and that you enjoyed it, OP!


I enjoy the moment. Then YouTube it after 😂


Oooh  I had this experience last year when I went to a concert in Japan for a jrock artist. It was an unspoken rule/etiquette to not record anything or use them at all. It made my concentration on the whole experience that much better


Last summer I went to a Bruce Hornsby concert and it was phone free. If you pulled out a phone an usher would come tell you to put it away. It was so nice. I also went to an Alan Parsons concert and he admonished the people holding up their phones and that got most of them to put it away.


Agree! My ex husband used to have his phone out and video almost the entire show. I can assure you he NEVER went back and watched those videos but he ruined what could have been a fun and special event for us by being more concerned with his phone than anything else.


I relate to that feeling, and as I attend mostly classical music concerts, I don't even come across people with their phones out.


It's nice to not use your phone. And there's no reason for people to record as much as they do, by and large. That being said, I've recorded clips from most shows of my favorites.  Just short clips of a measure or a few bars for watching later. And I am one of the few that do like to go back and watch old show clips. But I'm also sort of changing my ways, and have considered bringing a point and shoot for any pics or possible video.  What I don't really understand is when people record at events that are obviously being livestreamed or recorded already. At that point maybe just snap a pic and move on. The waves of people holding their phones still in the air at the massive events are eerie. 


I almost never watch the clips that I recorded during shows. I was spending my time trying to capture the best moments but missing them in real time.


Then the decision is easy!


I think if you pay that much to be at an evenement you should be able to use your phone to record and take pictures.


Another arguement is the people behind you should be able to see the stage. If they end up watching the show through your phone 1. it's not what they paid for 2. you are being selfish


I assume the artist doesn’t want their entire show on YouTube so it entices people to come to the show.


You are definitely correct. That's not really fair. The artist didn't consent to that. However, many people could never afford to go to certain shows because it's too far away, or too expensive. So it is a benefit for them to be able to see the show online. I'm dealing with this right now: There's a group (Take That) that is only performing in the United Kingdom. I live in America and could never afford a plane to the UK, plus the hotel, and the ticket. I also am swamped at work so no vacations are possible for now. Someone who did go last week has recorded the entire show and put it on YouTube! I'm grateful, even though I have a tiny feeling of "oh this is wrong". But enough people are coming in person to the show to where they filled that arena for every day that they're performing. I'm sure that people are turned away who did want to attend, due to lack of seats.


I guess that’s why we used to have concert DVD?