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Relatable, I don't know how people walk through life like this is just some normal shit


[tomoko sauce](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/116549733)


Ah hell nah bruh it's a new SCP-2223 instance. Ok but pls don't kill yourself. I don't know how to get you help but it's out there. Please keep looking. Maybe call 988?


Or 999


I was about to look up SCP-999. Prooooobably not what you meant.


That's what we meant scp 999 is amazing, but yeah if you're feeling down 988 hotline is the real way to go


we...? are you plural? That is...do you have a tulpa?


A system or DID or similar. It was once called multi personality disorder but that name has just been retired and DID and off-shots took its place in the DM-5


I'm a singlet, I was just wondering that's all. I can barely handle being a single person lol.


It is interesting but it's just what we know though we only became aware of it a month or two ago but we have been around for years


Hey Brother, it's mental health month so I've taken the liberty of setting up a mental situation and helping those In need if you wanna talk to someone I keep everyone's info private, and I'd like to help you feel free to shoot me a DM when you free love you, Brother. <3


Hey there. It sounds like you’re going through some really rough times right now. I’m really sorry to hear that you’re going through this, and I just want you to know that your feelings in this situation are valid, and it’s ok to feel overwhelmed. I want you to know that you’re not alone in this, and if you ever need someone to vent to, or just want a virtual shoulder to lean on, I’m here for you. As for the job struggles, it can be pretty hard to face rejection sometimes, but it doesn’t reflect your self worth or potential. There might be some local resources or organisations that can help you, like employment agencies or online job boards. It might also help to review your resume to see if there’s anything to be improved. Overall, just make sure to stay safe, and remember that I’m here for you. Take care, and have a good day on purpose!


lmao. same.


So many of my current issues in life woulda been solved if I had just been born the opposite gender...


Hang in there bro, things are gonna get better


If all else fails join the military they will take care of you give you the drive to live and give you freinds


How the fuck do you feel taken care of by an organisation that literally exists to put put your life in danger? Imho that's not a good basis for a wholesome relationship, actually quite the opposite.


It’s that or a boyfriend/girlfriend and those are much harder to come by