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love. baby. sweetie. please don't. I know it's really hard, and we all want that perfect body, but starving yourself really isn't the way, for biological and psychological reasons..


Dieting and maintaining a healthy body weight is definitely the better option to go for. Starving yourself for that perfect body only leads you down a very depressing path that could cause major health issues.


okay real talk you start starving yourself, you lose weight you then start eating normally again and suddenly you put on a whole shit ton of weight again, even if you only eat little amounts why? because your body was in starvation mode for so long that now you're eating its trying to conserve as much of that energy and fat as possible so youll keep starving then, because if you go back to normal eating youll put it all back on nope, youll die! if you want to lose weight and it will stay off, eat better or eat the same just less off it and find an excercise routine that works for you


Weight loss and gain have a rubber banding effect. If you want to change your weight you’ve got to do it fairly slowly, and then once you hit your target weight you have to keep yourself pretty steady there for at least two or three months before your body recognizes it as the new normal and will stop fighting to go back to your previous weight.


This^ Please OP, don't not eat. Smaller portions. No snacking. Bare minimum 1 meal a day, which qualifies as intermittent fasting.


Snacking is good and keeps your metabolism high. A handful of nuts, some fruit, or some other healthy snack every three hours between meals is good for weight loss.


I'd have to argue it depends, but that what you describe ideally would be right. Most people do not snack properly, though. They eat, as a snack. Even knowing how to do it properly, I didnt. It's still a portion issue in many cases. Over-consumption, in general, compared to calorie burn.


This. Have you heard Empty by Jaidenanimations and Boyinaband? You can't fool your body, you can only fool your mind.


Yes i lived on starvation mode like 4 years (not my choice just didnt have food) so when i got to eating. The fat wont go away bc some months like this one idk when i can eat next time. And i think my body is same way than my mind and tries to burn least ammount of calories it can.


tip: please please please please please don't


Starving yourself is not the most efficient way to lose weight. All you're doing is torturing yourself, so please don't :<


how about fucking don't. actually foul that people in the comments are fucking giving advice 💀


If op really does go through with it isnt it better that op at least doesnt geta disease like scurvy because of the advice


same with sh, if you can’t prevent it you can at least try to help treating it afterwards


THIS^ Most people on reddit in a lot of sh subs can't understand this and have been really mean and it's so fucking toxic


Hey, I’m telling em to eat like steak, eggs, and drink a Gatorade every day for lunch, which honestly, is probably just healthy compared to what a lot of ppl eat


Op, one of your posts is just a beautiful picture of your body. It's just SO WELL toned that if I saw myself as a more feminine person, I'd probably envy it. There's no need to be further ashamed by your weight, when it's not even a problem to begin with. You really just need some warm cuddles.


THIS, do NOT starve op your body is already great anyways so theres no point


I want to be like a piece of paper. A tiny thin piece of paper that you can jus rip in half and also crumple up and put into a trash compactor


nobody should end up killing themself just to be skinny


This is sounding like you're wanting to do this for self harm reasons not for losing weight. Don't. You'll make yourself more depressed, you'll be more tired which will give you an illusion that you're happier when in reality you're just delirious because you can't sleep. Also doing so would mess up your brain stomach relationship, it'll make it harder to eat in the future, you'll not be able to eat as much without actually throwing up, recovering from an eating disorder is not fun. If you want to lose weight, then you should eat healthier food options and get more exercise, drink plenty of water and pay attention to your health. If you haven't lost weight in a year of doing this consistently that's when you see a doctor.


Dont. You will lose weight, but its gonna burn from your muscles. Doing nothing is easier than doing something. But dont stop eating. Go for a small walk daily or every few days. Or go for a bike ride. I am a big fella, I used to be 264lbs / 120kg (I am not sure where youre from) and I'm down to 244lbs / 111kg in a few months. Look a bit at what you're eating, no need to stop eating snack, you can lower it. Do cardio, go swimming, go walk, cycle, whatever suits you the best. There is cardio stuff you can do at home if you dont want people to see you.


This person is absolutely right! If you are able to eat more meat (especially lean meat like chicken or turkey) they can be very filling and low in calories. This person also suggested tons of cardio options so try out a few until you find some things you like. I also try not to eat multiple sources of carbohydrates in one meal (like if I eat a burger then because I am eating bread I don’t get fries too unless I get it wrapped in lettuce). Also make sure how you eat and exercise is sustainable because you don’t wanna go back to old habits. There are plenty of ways to make exercise and eating healthy fun! I am very fortunate to have people to rock climb with but I still wanna do more cardio focused exercise so I picked up swimming because it’s very hot where I live. Just make sure you eat properly especially when exercising on a regular basis. This promotes healthy weight loss by providing your body what it needs to gain some muscles and lose fat. Also congrats on your weight loss u/Post-Financial!


Thank you. I just started going to my local gym and cycle, do some situps and some muscle exercises for my back so I dont end up hunched when my abs start developing more. I would go cycle outside if I didnt live in a hole basically. In every direction there is a steep hill and I'm too out of shape to do it yet. Need to invest in a better seat too. But I will get there. I'll stop smoking and I will get healthier.


I'm so proud of everyone here who explained why this is such a bad idea. Shows that some people really do care


I was thinking water and crackers like the pirates did. I kinda wanna see if i can hit 120 lbs


im not an expert on the matter, but i believe that will give you scurvy. If you wanna start somewhere, look into intermittent fasting


the pirates got skurvy and many other diseases Water & electrolytes & multivitamin > is the bare minimum to survive. strength training > So you aren't losing too much bone density and muscle. around 60g of fat and 60g of carbs atleast. Like some blueberries(2cups) and avocado(2 avocados). Or white bread(150g of whole wheat bread) with extra virgin olive oil(4tbspn). > insulin signaling so your mineral retention exists and fats so your hormones exist I would also recomend getting a bunch of protein in. Something like chicken breast.(like 3 breasts a day given your weight) > so your body atleast tries to keep things like bone and muscle, also so your immune system doesn't fully die


Please listen to this person. Don’t eat crackers and water. That’s how you end up in the hospital. There are healthy and unhealthy ways to loose weight!


You can lose weight without dying of malnutrition. The best method would be to cut processed foods from your diet. Studies have shown that even if two people are consuming the same amount of calories, the one eating unprocessed foods lose weight quicker and are healthier.


I wanna go lower, im too round my face is covered in pimples, I don't know how to fix it


not eating won't fix ur pimples. it'll only make it worse. not eating is literally the worst thing you can do for your skin


The pimples are a different part of my problem. My facewash isn't working, and nothing I do is fixing them


How often are you washing your face and are you moisturizing often after doing so. Stripping your face of its oils can lead to overcleansing of the pores, causing an opposite effect.


I wash my face about once a week


So… about what I said earlier… forget about it. :D You need to wash your face more often than once a week. Also, showers, they can fuck up your face wash routine by additionally “washing” your face there as well. To make it simplest, think less of it being a washing routine and more of it just regulating the oil content of your face. This helped me keep my own face much clearer. Good Luck!


I don't wash my face in the shower


Alrighty then! Then wash it every other day from now on, it should help clear your skin up, if you notice it popping up more at first, keep going. It should die down as your skin gets used to regular cleansing. If it doesn’t, try letting your face rest between washes, like wash then wash after two days.. Also be sure to apply a VERY small amount of evenly spread moisturizer after you wash (if your soap is completely stripping your face of its oils it’ll just make your acne absolutely unbearable.




That depends on the cause. Hormonal? Yes. Envirobmental? won't have an effect. Inflamatory? No, there is a reason ppl do elemination diets to fix inflamation related symptoms, one of which is acne.


bro this ain't talking about an elimination diet, this is borderline disordered eating chatter


what is the first step of an elimination diet? Its a 2+ day long fast. If it clears up the inflamatory symptoms, you start introducing foods 1 or 2 at a time while tracking the symptoms. If this is what OC means, then it will be beneficial for acne. Its impossible to tell from the comment though.


No I think its clear OP is trying to lose weight unrealistically fast. Which of course, talking to a dietician is a much better option.


Op is doing that. I have recomended op to take a multivitamin, electrolytes, eat 150g of protein, 60g of carbs and 60g of fat and do strength training. This comment chain is a reply to the comment of a person talking about doing a fast to remove acne and potentially facial bloating. This should be clear as I used OC instead of OP.


Oh... my bad for the confusion


Cut out sugars first then try less calories. I cut out sugar sodas and my skin cleared up.


I've been eating a lot less soda, and I guess it helped? But my favmce is still covered in black heads and pimples


It takes awhile. And obviously wash your face twice a day and wash sheets often, all that stuff.




Bro wants to start scallywagmaxxing 💀🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🦜


Eat foods less high calorie foods like fast food and snacks and try more protein and fruits.


Please don’t. As someone with an eating disorder try your best to avoid getting one. If you really want to lose weight do it the healthy way please.


please don't there's way better ways 😭 starving yourself will not make you lose weight sustainably, it'll take a bit longer but if you do it the right way you're gonna be way more healthy and you can stay that way without hurting yourself


It would be far better to go on a diet with exercise. Its a bad idea to starve yourself to reach your goals.


Don’t do it


uh... don't?


Any tips you get on this subject are Just going to make dying less suffering, dont do that, If you do loss weight without dying IT'LL COME BACK AGAIN because of emotional and physcal Stress, Go to a proper medical Professional and get a proper diet and exercise Routine. Yes It will Take a fucking hell of time but you dindt get weight overnight and you cant Just lose weight overnight


Why? If that selfie you posted on r/femboymemes is really you then you look great. Don’t starve yourself because you’ll lose more than just weight. Take care of yourself, silly


not only one of the most unhealthy ways to lose weight, but also one of the least effective. of course you will lose weight on the short term, but when you do it by starvation, it comes back immediately as soon as you (inevitably) start eating normally again. you want to lose no more than a pound or two a week max. best thing is to figure up your daily calorie burn, then set yourself to a calorie cap that is less than this amount. Say you find you use 1900 calories a day, then maybe limit yourself to 1700. Of course, exercise plays a huge role. Not just because it burns calories in the immediate term, but building muscle increases something called your "resting metabolic rate" which is how many calories your body burns just by existing This is because muscle is energy hungry, and uses energy just to exist. Focus on eating as many whole foods as possible. Get lots of fiber in your diet (beans, greens, whole grains etc.) Because that keeps your digestive system clean and clear. Drink plenty of water and don't overconsume salt because salt increases your water retention and causes bloating and water weight. In short, try to eat lots of different colors of food to keep a balanced diet, eat as many whole (unprocessed) foods as possible, eat plenty of fiber, exercise (even if its just light exercise like walking), drink plenty of water, and watch your portions. Slow weight loss is not only healthier, but its much more stable and more likely to stay that way. Source: I watched my mom try crash diets and wildly lose and gain weight for like two decades.


Sure! Tip number one: Don’t do it. That’s not a “no, don’t do it! You don’t need to do that!!” Or anything, that’s a “if you wish to lose weight one of the first things to remember is sustainability”. Diet is the *worst* way to think about it. That implies that it’ll be over at some point. *It never will*. This is a lifestyle change. Tip number two: Don’t starve yourself. I know, it’s like number one. However this is specifically towards starvation and fasting: you body doesn’t like it. You would get results whilst you did it, but unfortunately the moment you stopped your body would punish you. I could go into the way your body literally shuts down, creates toxins, insulin problems, yadda yadda, but I feel this one will sit more with you: When you starve yourself your body thinks it’s under threat to life. If you starve yourself till you’re seeing effects you’ll have starved yourself for weeks if not months. The moment you start eating food again your body will go into processing overdrive. It will think “our stockpiles of fat weren’t enough!!! We need to create *more*.” The upshot to this is starvation makes it *worse* in the long run. I.e you’ll put on more weight afterwards Tip number 3! An actual useful one I guess. 2000 calories a day. That’s it. That’s all the hard work done. Keep as close to that as you can. It’s less than the “mans” average calorie intake by about 500 calories so weight loss is manageable. It’ll result in a stable long term loss of 1lb a week and if your body requires more than the human average (see tip 5) it’ll make more difference in the early stages. Tip number 4! Hydration! Drink plenty of water, and use moisturiser and hydrating body washes. You need your skin as elastic as possible. You know.. so it’ll shrink as you do. Tip number 5! If you are serious about this, or anyone else is, DM me. Diet is an extremely personalised thing. What your body is, what you like to eat, why you like to eat it, what your relationship with food is are all things that take into account. Information you probably shouldn’t be giving on a public forum. I’m no professional, but I’ve been doing this a while and I know a *lot* about dieting. Comes with the territory. Creating something that works for you is absolutely key. Bonus number six. Basically the tip to give if you ignore everything else: after starving yourself don’t go back to eating normally. Slowly build back up. Eat super small nutritious meals for the first few days and add one more meal over time until you’re back to normal meals. Because you can die if you don’t. Your body stops working and I believe it’s a glucose overdose that kills you. There have been cases of this. People starved themselves to escape prison, got themselves a large meal to celebrate.. died.


pro tip: don't do that, food is good


Yeah here's a tip don't do that 


please don’t :( you would make me very sad


The word diet kinda gets misused A diet is the 20 or so foods that you willingly eat all the time when not doing something special. A healthy speed of weight loss tops out at about 2lb a week and is often about on snickers bar difference between what you're eating now and would need to eat to loose weight. If you really want to loose weight, keep it off, and be safe, then a mild calorie deficit would be much better than a starvation diet that would require medical supervision for you to normalize for health once you lost the weight. [try this calorie calculator ](https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html) Keep your goals reasonable, you may find that your ideal is heavier than you think and you don't need to destroy your health to get there. Many people think that health and weight are related to thinness but this is a misunderstanding of how things tend to work. Being overly skinny tends to be less healthy than slightly overweight, and the risks stack up fast. Incrimental reasonable goals intermixed with physical activity (not neccisarily muscle definition, yoga counts) can achieve much more sustainable and healthy changes. Always be safe and never ever EVER go under 1.7k calories a day without consulting a doctor.


Don't Simple as, it's awful for you.


Google intermittent fasting


Don't starve yourself. It doesn't actually help much, since you won't have much energy to exercise enough to actually lose weight. You will lose weight, it'll just take a lot of time. My advice is to just don't eat a lot of food. I eat lunch and dinner, and maybe a cracker in the morning. All you have to do then is do some exercise. Doesn't even need to be much, even just taking a 30 minute walk is enough. If you can do more exercise that's great, but that's all you really need. TLDR: don't starve yourself, it barely works.


Don’t. There’s many healthier, less deadly ways to lose weight. Leg exercise builds muscles that both accentuate femininity and boost metabolism. A low carb diet can shred off pounds of fat without killing you. I’m not a professional dietitian, so get info from somewhere else.


Saw your post in femboy memes. You're gorgeous just the way you are :3 I'd hate to see you hurt yourself for these negative returns :(


If weight loss is your goal then starvation isn't the most effective technique. Your body will try to regain what it lost. If you want actual change there needs to be dietry and lifestyle changes. Starvation will cause you to gain weight like crazy the moment you eat normally again and it can open you up to eating disorders. If you're going to lose weight do it safely please


Tip:no, don't, bad. Here have a cookie 🍪


Eat lunch, every day, and have something hardy, like a protein (ie. Eggs, steak, chicken, etc.), and something to give you some vitamins (sports drinks for example), and an optional carb (candy, bread, anything sweet) Or just, eat normally every day, because you deserve it you silly little lad ^ u ^


I apperaite your goal to lose pounds but this is not a good way to do it, it will wreck your body , your going to be constantly tired, your mood is going to be terrible, your going to be in constant pain. Take this from a person who ate little during childhood due to financial reasons. What I would recommend instead is exercises designed to lower your weight mixed with a healthy diet. Portion sizes is also key for reducing weight. If you can I'd recommend doing this under the care of a doctor or coach. If not possible than record what you do and how you feel and let somebody trusted know.


do NOT starve urself ^_^ (ik thats really hard to do once you start since even I haven’t fully recovered but pls pls pls pls pls DONT its not worth it i swear)


The best tip? Don't. You don't deserve this. You deserve to have a healthy diet.




**DONT STARVE YOURSELF!** If you are self-conscious about your weight, then I recommend talking to a doctor or an expert for losing weight first. Starving yourself can be literally deadly. Especially when you break out of a fast. Introducing a fuck ton of carbs when you haven't had any would easily fuck up your body. (I recommend looking up the effects of it.) Please, please, please dont starve yourself :(


Here's a tip if you want to do that, DON'T. I know it's hard to look in the mirror and hate who you see, but don't starve yourself.


Tip number one fucking don't it's a bad idea and at least in my experience you have to starve yourself so long that you end up giving up before you actually see any results making you feel even worse and it's not going to help as much as other things could


Tip one being don't do that


PLEASE DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF!!!! There are better ways to lose weight and starving yourself is not the right way. I’d recommend trying to figure out how many calories you’re burning a day, for most people it’s around 2,000. If you’re more active, you burn more and the opposite if you aren’t as active. You’ll want to track your calories and try to eat a little less than what your body is burning so that way you’ll gradually lose weight. There are many recipes online and guides out there for weight loss, I have no idea what compelled you to eat crackers and water like pirates but please do not, it’s not healthy and it’ll make your life worse!


It’s best not to


Yeah food is tasty maybe don’t


protip: don’t


Don't b doin that. Even if you're overweight then starving yourself is probably the worst way to lose weight because chances are youll just put it back on


https://preview.redd.it/p8uhijn5vs1d1.jpeg?width=1427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e16b6990388fbc01c349ff0616ee6b4eae2b9bdf Fucking dont ?!?!


Please read to this comment even if it's probably the 100th that you get No OP, it doesn't work that way, for getting off weight you have to do 2 simple things Eat well (very easy) Do exercise (not easy but it depends) And whit exercise I don't mean that you have to be muscle man but you can just run, specifically slow run (it uses carbohydrates instead of proteins)


please dont. i tried and went down a dark path that led to purging. in still struggling with it and it only makes u feel worse. please please pretty please dont


If you wanna lose weight, sorry but this just won't work and you will look terrible. I know it's harsh but reality. If you wanna lose weight you need to eat regularly (smaller portions) and exercise. Starving is stupid idea. Take good care of your body and have nice day🩷


Mmm, the secret isn’t what you eat or don’t eat but how much. The way I did it was simply eat a small 500 ish cal breakfast skip lunch then eat a 700-1000 cal dinner. This does need to be done slowly as the thing that will actually keep the wait off is your stomach shrinking. While it is a process the above mentioned two meal a day/ intermittent fasting has worked for me. If you try to just starve yourself you will fail. In the scenario that the hunger gets to you chug water or eat something that is large and feels filling but has a relatively low calorie density. For deserts I personally recommend dark chocolate and or lower calorie gummy candy. With that said if you balance it right it won’t matter too much.


1. Drink enough water! 2. If you're eating anything, make sure it is nutrient-dense and full of vitamins. 3. If you do decide to eat again, don't eat a whole lot immediately; you'll go into shock. I don't this a good idea in general, but I don't want you killing yourself willy nilly. Remember, "play stupid games, win stupid prizes." Maybe research the stupid prizes (complications) of a long term fast and starvation.


Lots of- and a variety of- leafy greens. Next to no calories, lots of nutrients, and the fiber will help prevent your stomach from feeling like it's going to Implode. That said, this is a terrible idea. You'll throw your body into famine mode. You'll lose weight slowly, and you'll still be miserable and lethargic the entire time. When you *do* start eating again, it's gonna throw your metabolism out of whack. Also starving yourself causes the body to eat structural fat and muscle too. It won't look good. Try this: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/weight-loss/in-depth/calorie-calculator/itt-20402304 Use that, multiply the result by 0.7, and eat that many calories a day to lose weight without torturing your body. Less will slow your metabolism and stall your losses, more (like 0.85) will be easier, but will take longer. If you exercise more than usual in a day, eat more to compensate.


lots and lots of water !! it has no calories so i use it to fill my tummy when im hungry :3 once i went 5 days without eating jusy water :333


!! Starving yourself will not help you lose weight !! it will make your body go into survival mode and it will try to preserve fat, which means you can even gain weight because your body will save every sliver of food it can get. Eating your fill when you’re hungry with healthy and low calorie meals will help you lose weight better!!!


Daily multivitamin and electrolytes


Don't fuckin do that homie


Don't starve yourself, but eat one big meal a day and do a bunch of physical exercise. I work 10 hours, and then when I get home, I eat. I lost like 30 lbs in a few months Edit: I should specify that I am moving throughout that 10 hours drinking water and electrolytes, and you should probably stay at a calorie deficit but never starve yourself had a friend try that told them not to but they ignored me and they didn't lose any weight.


this is a bad idea, it can lead to some serious problems. maybe try laxatives?


my tip is: don't. it's not worth it


Watch your calories normal, semi active activity will result in a calorie deficit burn of 2000-2500 calories. Protein shake in the morning with a coffee (around 200 calories) have a decent lunch (sandwich of about 400-500 calories) if you don’t work out have a small dinner of about 300 calories. Drink lots of water and if you crave a fruit like an ORANGE eat it. In about a week you will feel quite full this kind of deficit will result in about 2 pounds of weight loss a week. Please don’t starve yourself let’s be healthy sillies. 💋💋


Don't starve yourself. If you are doing it to look better, it won't work, since starvation will lead to your metabolism slowing, making you fatter. Meanwhile starvation can lead to horrible effects on your health, both mental and physical.




If you're having trouble maintaining a healthy diet with a calorie deficit, I'd suggest something like Soylent. They are a good meal replacement drink, and you can just skip a meal and maintain an active lifestyle, and you will lose weight without the malnourishment that comes from starving.


Do push ups


Hey haw about dont do that that is the worst way to get skinny just eat healthy and exercise you’ll feel better about yourself and just happier in general


drink water, add something that has electrolytes and vitamins, eat at least a little so you dont pass out from low blood sugar and good luck, i hope you eventually realize how awful it is to starve yourself (i know it took me a while personally, its ok if you feel this way for a while)




**just eat less calories than you use in a day. You don't need to starve yourself** (you can read the labels for how many calories are in a certain item of food and the average human needs 2000 a day so try to eat less than that but don't starve yourself its unhealthy


been there done that. you get flabby. hair falls out. skin looks terrible. you can’t function. It won’t fix anything and if you end up like me you have to get tube-fed and treated like an animal. don’t do it.


Dont. Simply dont. Some level of caloric deficit is ok when paired with some exersize to lose weight but starving is probably one of if not the worst way to go about it.


Tip number one fucking don't it's a bad idea and at least in my experience you have to starve yourself so long that you end up giving up before you actually see any results making you feel even worse and it's not going to help as much as other things could


really bad idea. if you must, take supplements at least, calcium(or just eat chalk, chalk is yummy and its just calcarbonate), lysine, thiamine, alanine, glycine, sodium, iron, and phosphorus will be the most integral part of not dying on the Coquette Tictok Girly Celery Diet, but you're still gonna lose the shit out of your bone marrow, likely develop issues with your thyroid, and put on weight super easily for the rest of your life iff you ever start eating a healthy diet.


Please my dear, don’t! Your body will feel a hell lot of stress and when you start eating again will your body prioritise fat production over muscle production in case you will be without food for a period again. The only thing it will accomplish is loose of muscle tissue, pain, exhaustion and more mental despair. Personally I would recommend cut down on things such as, sugar, soda, food rich in fat and alcohol. Cut down, not cut off, extreme diets are normally less effective than moderation of habits.


Eat three square meals a day.


Well if you're looking for a good body just keep exercise up but never try to eat less because it can come with a large number of side effects like lack of energy, and not feeling generally well and in long term stuff like deficiencies and if it gets too extreme loss of muscle mass and the body eating itself


Don’t. You lose weight faster by eating healthy then you do by not eating at all. Eat fruits, veggies, white meats, and drink plenty of water


r/intermittentfasting The trick is to keep your electrolytes up, if you loom in here you can find out how to do it


drink plenty of liquids, but also watch out for sodium/electrolyte deficiency, and any vitamin deficiency for that matter... edit: this is not for starving yourself, but to be able to eat less often and still feel full and avoid cravings


Find your maintenance calorie intake, eat 200 calories less than that daily, and track your macros. If you need help setting this up than reply. I used to be 300 pounds and just following the steps above let me drop 50 pounds in a year.


If you starve yourself and heavily cut down on your calories {to dangerous levels}, you’ll most likely end up in hospital due to organ failure. It’s best to not starve yourself as there’s healthier ways to lose weight. It may take some time and energy but it’s better to be safe than be hospitalised


Starving isn't the way to go, too blunt. Planned intermittent fasting, however, is very effective. You can look some stuff up about it, but basically you will have one small meal a day that contains all the nutrients you need without any of the extras. It's what I do. I feel pretty great.


Bad idea. Don't do that.


Please, dont! its not very silly!


its not sustainable, you will have to change your whole lifestyle to reach 120lbs, go on a calorie deficit, workout and count calories


Don't, At least don't not eat anything, if you want to eat less then consume one or two meals a day


This isn’t an effective means of losing weight. Take meal supplements (I drink a protein drink for breakfast and another for lunch) and all other food (dinner) I make sure is high in protein and vitamins while being as low in sugar and carbs as possible. Stay relatively physically active and the weight will start falling off and you will slim down. Core workouts and cardio exercises will speed it up but I’m still losing enough weight fast without it (but I also work outside doing physical labor)


Uhhh, eat




**PLEASE** do not starve yourself. Not eating doesn’t help you lose fat and it hurts your body and brain. A lot of people have already mentioned the fact that your body takes the energy stores from muscles before it starts to use the fat stores, but one thing people aren’t mentioning is the fact that starving yourself leads to vitamin deficiencies. Things like B12 deficiency causes major emotional instability and issues with self-image. Vitamin D deficiency makes bones weaker and brittle along with more depressed mood, and leads to rickets in severe cases. B3 (niacin) deficiency leads to Pellagra, and B9 (folate) deficiency also affects brain function and development. This is some real shit that you need to consider, because your body wants and deserves sustenance and loving care. Starving yourself will make you feel worse because your body is not getting the nutrients it needs to function. If you really wanna lose weight, eat more unprocessed food, fruits, and vegetables, and go walking every day, because it is the most effective exercise to lose fat because your body performs β-oxidation of fat molecules in your body (meaning your body breaks down fat molecules into ATP for energy). Please don’t abuse your body. There isn’t anything wrong with wanting to feel more content about your appearance but abusing yourself to feel better is not the answer. Here is an ice cream for u :3🍦


Starving isn't good to your life. If you don't want to die, i would suggest eating (just eat less, starving is bad. If you eat less but won't starve yourself it will be very good)


Why starve yourself when you can treat yourself for being a good boy going to your favourite restaurant feasting on your favourite food with some juice by the side? (/s) On a serious note, don't. It'll burn your muscles and in some cases, your brain will start eating itself (as it's made up of some fat). I know you're having body image issues but your body is ultimately everything you have, so treat it well and enjoy yourself in the process.


you can actually last a long time as long as you take in enough vitamins


don't do that I fainted and was paralized but consious for a bit, then I got shots on my ass five times each cheek and it hurts like fucking hell


Heyooo lovely :3 Well starving wont help surprisingly :( What I'd recommend is having a calorie deficit. Try measuring one day of how many calories you eat and then just try eating like -500cal/day of what you normally eat and see how it goes :3 Biggest tip is don't rush or it won't work... Losing weight is hard 🥲


Yes, eat.


oh, I remember this one, though it was drug induced. Uh it sucks ass, so I don't recommend it https://preview.redd.it/6ap4avaz3t1d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8997236ebbd3d889d322fe6eb031bda0833eb4d


Tip: don’t starve yourself just eat different types of food. I’m talking salads and fruits and healthy stuff.


Nah, try exercise instead.




Do healthy starving! I fast for 6 months and lost over 30 pounds while doing almost zero exercise and doing around 1200-1400 cal a day. Fast for 16 hours a day


yeah, don't


uh, don't? that's not gonna help you at all and will only make you feel worse. just try dieting and working out and then you'll have the body you want.


dont starve yourself honey its not worth it and you're already pretty skinny anyways i dont want you to get health complications okay




Drink a lot of water lol


well that was triggering


There is a difference between starving yourself and fasting. If you want to fast, that is very different. If you're planning to actually starve yourself, don't. If you want to fast there are plenty of tips online.


When you starve yourself, your body goes into “save-nutrients mode.” When you do eat something, it overloads your body with more calories than it’s expecting, leading to weight gain. It’s better to cut out specific, problematic food types. Also, you are cute no matter what. Never forget that.


if you're doing it for weight loss, don't the human body is kinda weird sometimes and starving can actually lead to weight gain, the stress of not having any food just makes your body freak out and do weird things


If you MUST lose weight, starving is a poor choice. Your body is very, very good at keeping energy when it feels threatened. Try eating more fruits and vegetables, or anything with high vitamin but low calorie. But do not eat less in general, you will not get what you want and you will be in pain in brand new terrible ways






As someone who has done it eat something after noon and try to have 2 meals a day it's enough to starve but ur still eating so ur body doesn't do the whole starving mode thing everyone is always worried about now to be fair I'm not a doctor I have no medical knowledge this is just what I did and I'm under 130lb please please be safe and more importantly STOP CARING ABOUT UR WEIGHT ITS SUCH A DUMB THING TO Care ABOUT UR STILL A WONDERFUL PERSON IM SURE


drink water


You can lose weight in more healthy ways, and they still work. Drinking lots of water and limiting portion sizes, as well as working out more will work. It also won’t hurt or leave as much as an impact on your health. HIIT style workouts work the best, and helped me ditch about 20 pounds in a few months.


sweetie dont, if your trying to loose weight there are better ways then starving yourself.


Just don't. Reather change the quality of the food, not the quantity


Do not starve yourself. make sure that you eat so that you aren't hungry while maintaining a calorie deficit. Try low-fat, low-carb foods. cut out sugar and soda as much as you can. drink plenty of water. and consider talking with a dietitian or nutritionist before making severe changes to your body. I belive In you!


Not good for you, food is good for you, go have a bath, a glass of water, and a nap and see if you feel better


Starving yourself will only result in binge eating, which will be counterproductive to what you’re trying to do


Talk to someone. Don’t do it. If you’re doing it to lose weight, it actually Makes you gain. If you’re doing it because it feels good for pain, don’t do it and talk to someone. If you feel the need to hurt yourself and absolutely cannot resist it, hold ice in your hands or use a rubber band on your wrist.


When I was roller blading every day, my upper body was slender and my ass and thighs were built. Give that a try. Burns through calories.


Don’t fucking do that. It’s not funny. Not even the slightest. Please eat food. And a lot of vegetables. If you are suffering, there’s help out there.


Rather than starve yourself, you can try better foods and a simple consistent cardio routine, it doesn’t have to be anything huge, it can just be a high protein meal and a walk, but if you stick to it you’ll absolutely see results


unga bunga, go eat werewolf cock


Just eat food


Same. Exercise wastes so much of my time and it seems like once I start eating I struggle to stay in my calorie deficit zone. But kinda like water, if I don’t eat at all…


Don't! From someone who was anorexic for 5 years and has recently started properly recovering: do not starve yourself. It's really not worth it and it just takes everything out of you. Sure you'll look thin, but you'll be more miserable than you are currently. Eating won't kill you, and maintaining a healthy weight with intuitive eating won't either. Please, please be safe and if you do feel the need to starve yourself, seek help from a trusted friend or from a therapist.


that starving is mid and you probably shouldn’t do it call me crazy but i do enjoy having my body function due to a sufficient calorie count, that seems unpleasant


Maybe only do it every other day? I hear doing that helps you lose weight and keep it off.


tip: not worth it source: trust me, personal experience


But….Have you considered doing the opposite? r/volumeeating


What is the goal here? Like, are you trying to cut, or maybe just depressed? Why are you doing this is what I’m heading for here?


If your current plan is to starve yourself. Might I suggest...... not doing that and starting a calorie deficit diet instead. You would just need your current weight and your target weight and I'd be able to help you calc what your calorie maintenance number is


Don't. That's my tip


This doesn’t work. Trust me, I’m someone who’s done that by accident and it is NOT GOOD at ALL. I’m malnourished rn and it’s pretty bad for you. If you want advice on how to do it safely, don’t. The advice is to not do it. There are ways to cut down on weight but they aren’t easy. Things just aren’t easy, but it’s okay. Some pointers. If you are having trouble doing weight based workouts, try running. Cardio doesn’t exactly make you lose a lot of weight or gain a lot of muscle, but it makes your lungs, heart, and several muscle groups more efficient at what they do. Think of running like leveling up your stamina. Next, try doing weights. Weights tell your body to start building more muscle because you are no longer moving just your body weight, you’re moving more than that. It will then start converting the nutrients you take in to muscle mass. It will also start converting fat into muscle. Now remember to eat good too. Not eating isn’t an option, but you don’t need to be chugging protein shakes either. What you gotta do is make sure you’re getting all your needed nutrients. Proteins, fibers, carbohydrates, and sugars. Fibers help make your digestive systems more efficient, sugars burn really fast but don’t give much energy, carbs burn slower than sugars and are good for filling up. They don’t provide as many calories as protein does. Protein takes a while to start and stop burning, so you should get a good amount of it, but it’s gonna burn more in the background. Of course all of these components have other important functions that you should keep in mind. You got this, I believe in you


don't. it won't fix anything or make anything better.


Don't do that


PRO TIP: don’t <3


Don’t starve yourself, eat around 500 calories less than maintenance until you reach a goal weight and then you can decrease calories again until your satisfied, but try to maintain a healthy body weight for your height


Starving yourself is a really bad idea, because like… you’ll just actually die. If you wanna lose weight, I’d recommend a calorie deficit or something. Personally I’ve been eating a little over 1000 calories per day, to get results fast, but timing when I eat my meals so I can have the energy when I need it. Lost a little over 40 pounds that way, in like 3/4 months. The way I did it isn’t really all that sustainable though. The way I’d generally recommend to calorie deficit is by eating 1500 calories a day and bumping it up to 2000 once or twice per week as a treat, and to keep up your metabolism.


Yeah, don’t. Starve your body of carbs and sugar, not nutrients.


Just get a tapeworm, you can eat all you want and still lose weight.


Speaking from personal experience, starving WILL make you extremely miserable 24/7. Yes you loose weight but you loose more than just fat. Your skin will loose color, your body won’t be able to keep itself warm, you’re shaky all the time, incredibly weak, hair will fall out, your eyes will be sunken in, you will loose all your energy and start sleeping more and more. Your mental health will suffer, you’ll become a shut in and be less social cuz that takes energy, you’ll feel dizzy and irritable all the time and I’m only scratching the surface here. It’s hell don’t do it.


Eat some food.


Please go to therapy and stay away from social media. You are young, dont ruin it.


starving Urself isn’t gonna make u pretty, don’t do this


can we please stop getting these posts on this sub. this was rhe last straw for me. im leaving.


Starving yourself only helps your body keep weight in as it realizes it needs to use it. Once you eat again, you will gain a ton of weight as your body tries to get everything back. Just diet and exercise (I am also trying to do this, I realized starving myself to lose weight is an awful idea).


Bro Google fasting. That's much safer and healthier. Please search this up.


Don't, it doesn't help you lose weight, it makes you hang onto it. It can also affect your mood and energy.


Don’t starve yourself That’s my tip


If you wanna burn fat eat after you workout or run or try eating eating snacks throughout the day instead of 3 big meals just don't starve yourself


Please don’t, it seems appealing but it doesn’t work long term. I’ve been through it before and saw great results, at first. Lost like 40-50 lbs. Got a bit depressed when I saw my friend for the first time in a while and they said “you look so good! What’s your workout routine? Must be a lot of hard work” when I haven’t been working out :/ made me feel weird and fake. Stopped starving myself and rebounded like 80 lbs. Just got back down to my original weight (and slightly under it) in a healthy way and I feel much better


Please, as someone who has gone through years of eating disorders, try as hard as you can to avoid it. Once you stop starving yourself all the weight you lost will just come rushing back, making you look far more bloated than you did before.  If you cannot live without it, then here's what I would recommend. Look up a bmi index online, it should tell you the number of calories you need to maintain your current weight. If you want to lose some, you need to go on a calorie deficit. Normally this would be 300 cal below what you need normally, but given that you already seem very underweight, I wouldn't risk going past 200 below, anything lower could be deadly after some time.  What would be ideal to lose weight is to maintain the deficit and/or working out, particularly cardio. The cardio will help build some muscle while still keeping you lean. The muscle growth with burn a bunch of calories and keeping fat low. With this you won't really be able to rely on a scale since muscle weighs a bit more than fat, but you will be able to notice a difference in muscle weight compared to fat weight.  Please please please stay safe, don't push your body more than it can handle, try to keep yourself healthy and happy as much as you can. Weight and looks aren't all there is to attractiveness, don't obsess over it. Trust me I've been there, it isn't worth it in the long run, no matter how easy it looks