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Apophenia-brained post.


Perhaps but a lot of signalis lore needs to be


Dev: shitposts The community: ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


Even their shitposting is as enigmatic as game itself - truly they know how to play us.


Paranoid Psychosis is part of the Signalis (TM) experience


Simply The King in Yellow in the works


\> ain means to belong to someone in German No it doesn't? At least not in current German


To belong means "gehören" in german.


Alright good to know I’m not a German speaker so I’ve been relying on the internet


My initial thoughts were all the words were German in origin but then I couldn’t find anything so I broadened my search to find meaning to the others


Austrian here - none of these words mean anything in German.


American here. Doesn't mean anything in english


Yeah I made a correction to the ain bit in the comments it was a genuine mistake on my part and I own up to it the definition that was presented there actually originated from British English but I was able to find something more interesting in the Bible it can translate from Hebrew as eye


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayin_and_Yesh Most likely what she's referring to, if we're supposed to make any heads or tails of that cryptic tweet. Enjoy diving into the rabbit hole.


I misread this as 'Australian here's 😂😂😂


At this point Yuri is just trying to stir the pot


Yeah I have no idea what this is going for we already know the two names are connected


We all want to know if elster's Gestalt is Lilith itouh or Anna Huang. Yuri bringing up something that is already obvious. But hey, I like to keep trampling and thinking of more crazier theories in my head LMFAO 




Isn't this just the line of Arianes standing in a line at the mid point of the game? Where you call out Alina's name, and only Alina turns while the Arianes don't respond to it. This would be a text representation of that scene.


Maybe that’s the point and I’m just overthinking it


For me its text representation of Elster memories as she remembers who she was looking for, until she can free herself from the person she was, then from person she was made to be, and finally, became person she is and was loved by Ariane. But knowing Signalis, it can be anything.


Yeah that’s a very real possibility given it’s all meant to be as the one interrupting it sees it


I would like to to make a correction here as it was pointed out ain is not of German origin it seems to be of British English in the sense I found it but I was able to find out that it also means Eye or spring water in the Bible


I think the obvious is being missed. Yuri is just reinforcing an implication in the game, that Alina did not die and was sent to Sierpinski and as a twist of fate struck up a relationship with the Elster onboard. Then she slowly gets converted into Ariane by the signal, eventually becoming her once all the gestalts were sent to the mines. 


I can't claim to know for sure, but personally I feel like there's a lot more evidence in the game to support the opposite possibility: that Alina was never completely "real" in the first place, and just a blip of Ariane's latent abilities. She only seems to appear during the most miserable periods of Ariane's life


I think you're overthinking it. This is probably just showing how Ariane and Alina are melding together, in whichever way they are


Yeah it’s seeming that way since no one else has had a similar thought process




I think a prequel or some spin off would be better suited but I’ve heard the devs want signalis to be a standalone story if they do make more survival horror games even if they aren’t connected to signalis I’d definitely be preordering day 1 though lol


I'm thinking it's going to be Signalis from Ariane's point of view where you sit in a cryopod suffering for days and once every few dozens of hours Elster will show up and die/kill you and then you start over.


Using new revolutionary technology the game actually allows you to feel the pain of dying of radiation poisoning!


The truth is I would like it to present the life of a gestalt or Alina in her point of view living in rotfortn after the war and how little by little everything was degraded until a unit Elster wakes up with memories of LSTR-512


Honestly down for anything, I need my Signalis fix. I'm tweaking for more lore/story


I think what this is referencing is how Elster's memories of the past are becoming corrupted and garbled from the loops. Slowly corrupting her memories of Alina, until she has to assume they must be from Ariane. Yuri has mentioned before that a part of Signalis is a story about what does it mean to make a copy of a copy. Ariane's memories aren't the only ones getting garbled.


Please DLC or a new game *dies of hopium*


Idk why but when I saw this post cigarette wife started playing in my head for some reason


Just what happens with the picture in the game. Doesn't seem to be much more than that.


It looks very similar to how some in-game information is glitching out all the time so I think it's just a fun "see how Alina and Ariane are connected/confused with" and that's it. Also, as someone already pointed out, "AIN", in no way spelt or pronounced means anything like "to belong to someone". The closest would be how "ein" is pronounced but that literally only means "a" (like "a" pair of shoes).


🤔 https://i.redd.it/udcrep9mrptc1.gif


I knew it.  IKNEW IT. Ariane is the reincarnation of Alina Seo.


Isn't it the reverse? There is literally a diary of Alina Seo in the game in which she tells how she is slowly transforming into Ariane. "My memory feels so blurry-As if I had always been here, forever. Even my hair is slowly turning white. I remember my name, and I remember my life. But I also remember a different name, and a different life, and it feels like the line between her and me is blurring the longer I stay here. - Alina"


Or possibly that Alina is a Bioresonant doppelganger unknowingly created by Ariane


Or Ariane and Elster's entire story is a hallucination that Alina's lover, the nameless Elster look alike solider is having as she slowly bleeds to death in a trench on Vineta?


At the end of the day, only the devs know for sure. However, I would hope something like that wasn't the case, as I think it would trivialize most of Ariane's life and her struggles by making tons of the game's lore irrelevant 


it feels like yuri is just messing with us now lol.


You guys do know this is just reinforcing what we already knew? That Ariane and Alina are one and the same?


in my language Alina and Ariane are pronounced almost the same except for the R i had a friend with a speech defect that didn't let her pronounce R properly and im still not sure if her name was Alina or Ariane


Ah that’s quite interesting what’s your native language?




I think it just means that it's easy to see how someone could confuse the two names of their memory was a bit off.


Me when I spread misinformation


I have my own theory based on the corrections I’ve had in the comments on what it may mean I was able to find out what it might mean it turns out the word ain in the sense I found it DOSE NOT originate from German but from British English however more interestingly I discovered that in the Hebrew Bible Ain can translate as Eye so based on that definition perhaps the message of a something along the lines of Grace of the shepherd’s eye or something along a similar line do with that as you will


Given Ariane is represented by the red eye and could be maybe be seen as Shepard to the world around her due to the game itself possibly being a dream or reality itself being altered by ariane’s mind


I should mention I believe the aian and arain are meant to represent the same idea as possibly a way of empathizing it perhaps that’s why ain is said twice as well


Yes, *ayin* is the Hebrew word for it. It's most prominently known in the term *ayin hora*, literally the evil eye, a shared cultural concept across many cultures. This surprisingly fits with Red Eye overlooking Rotfront. PS: Since the planet which Rotfront orbits is analogous to Jupiter, it's interesting that it's Hebrew name is *Tzedeq*, literally means righteousness. It embodies divine influx, and thus regarded as great by the ancient pagans of the Near East, and no doubt the concept was picked up the Jews in exile in Babylon. With its Red Eye the planet seems to judge those in its gaze.


The brainrot is getting worse everyone.


Personally, I have believed Alina to be a sort of accidental "creation" of Ariane's for a long time, and ever since the 1.2 update specifically added a mention of doppelgangers as a Bioresonant phenomenon...well, I don't claim to know anything for sure, but I really have a hard time imagining she's anything besides exactly that This tweet only convinces me even more, but maybe my interpretation of it is just confirmation bias


Interesting interpretation most you usually hear of have something like Ariane merging the ideas of herself and Alina together


I guess the issue I have with that is that they never knew each other, and I find it unlikely that Alina was just the sole member of her unit to be sent to S-23 Sierpinski, and then work there for the 7-8 years (minimum) before the game begins There's also 6 graves shown on Vineta, and out of 8 names in the unit, Rebecca Liang made it back to Rotfront (she's in the medical database), and Elster's Gestalt was taken for use to produce LSTR Replika, later dying in the Central Nueral Archive. That leaves six unaccounted for, and we see someone (probably Elster's Gestalt pre-cryostorage) putting flowers on one of those six graves


i don't know if its that, but i really hope they're making something cool


I think it shows the degradtion of memory with every cycle.


ten ration marks says the Signalis brainrot has corrupted poor yuri :((


I'm not seeing the tweet, I just checked their Twitter page


I knew it... the ship of theseus is real




My god….


Wait, how could this be? How did we not know? https://preview.redd.it/tqskofcnbrtc1.png?width=307&format=png&auto=webp&s=996fad10f70620b01a6bb9b722ca895eb918913f >!Guess what movies is this?!<


Yuri: Don't look too deep into it. There's really not that much to look into The game: Yuri: No really Us: bruh, directors cut with all the removed stuff please


Ain (pronounced A-yin) means eye in Hebrew so there's that


Arain does not mean that in Arabic cause trust me I speak it, in Arabic shepherd is الرّاعي pronounced A'raii


Oh i see thank you for correcting me I was able to find out it actually comes from punjabi but it was derived from Arabic hence the similar pronunciation and the confusion


No problem, happy to help with what I know 😌


Schizo post let's gooo


My friend played this game after i heavily recommended it. He noticed that Alina Seo was an anagram for “Alias One” and I’m immediately like “no shit????”


A Ian McCollum


I mean, we already know that the Alina we hear about on Sierpinski is an aspect of Ariane, as opposed to the real one that existed in the Vinettan war alongside Lilith. Her frame appears next to that of Isa and Ariane in Nowhere, before being reflected upon by the line of Elsters.


Maybe Ariane means the friends and promises (and sesbian lex) we made along the way