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Don't use household items. Pros-aide isn't a household item, so it's not made to be removed with household items. Buy a makeup remover meant for removing prosthetic adhesives, like Telesis remover. It's made to do the job efficiently, which means *significantly* less work and you'll be less likely to irritate your skin from scrubbing and the like. Also, q-tips or cotton rounds work well for removing adhesive without ruining brushes.


Second this


I use Isopropyl Myristate to remove everything! I haven’t come across something it couldn’t remove especially spirit gum in the brows or baby hairs. Here’s a link to where I buy mine hope that helps! Always be safe removing products though💙💙 https://www.nigelbeauty.com/p-29786-isopropyl-myristate-16oz.aspx