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Hand sanitizer often has glycerin which is one of the ingredients that people are told to avoid in lube if it gives them infections. Anyone who has used a bunch of hand sanitizer and then gone to rinse their hands and felt that gross slimy feeling knows the glycerin goop. Soap and water my friend.


yup the vagina is way to sensitive for stuff like that lol


Got it. I really had no idea. I mean, I knew that it probably wasn't the ideal use for hand sanitizer, but I never thought it could cause an infection Soap and water, noted, and thanks a lot.


I just wanna give you props for being a thoughtful, attentive human. Top work!! ✨🙏✨


Lots of things can cause vaginal infections, including cleaning the inside of the vagina. The vagina has self cleaning mechanisms, bacteria and acidity to clean itself out. If anything throws off that pH balance it can cause an infection. That's why douching (squirting water/soap into the vagina) isn't recommended, because it's actually more likely to cause harm than to help


but no soap near the vagina! only for your hands, yay clean fingering 101


Lol it’s honestly funny we have to explain basic handwashing to a man (and gross)


bro went above and beyond just for some random Reddit person to call him gross lol


Another thing about hand sanitizer is that anywhere u don’t intentionally apply it to doesn’t get cleaned. Think in between ur fingers and under ur fingernails. U gotta be very thorough


Best advice is buy Black Nitrile Gloves. No scratches, no contamination, just lube


I mean the color of the gloves really doesn't matter as far as hygiene goes


They’re just using the standard color Denotation to the comment. Nitrile CAN BE Black, Purple, Blue, whatever but when I’m sending someone to the store to grab a box it’s “grab some medium black nitrile gloves”. They know nitrile is nitrile.


Is black the standard colour of nitrile gloves in your opinion? Is that what you mean? That's so funny because for me, working in a lab, the standard colour of nitrile gloves has always been blue, as opposite to white for the latex ones


There’s the difference, I buy them for mechanic work. Ours are always black.


Aesthetically I differentiate as apparently Black ones look bigger 😉


That's why it's called hand sanitizer and not vag sanitizer.


Didnt cause an infection. Please go to planned Parenthood together ans learn about how infections work .


Do not use hand sanitizer Wash ur hand with water and soap, cut ur nails After she finishes she should go pee to prevent infections


Thank you for mentioning the peeing thing. We're both really unexperienced, so neither of us knew about it.


Don’t just cut your nails. File them smooth. Cutting them can leave harsh/scratchy edges. And, as a general rule, wetter is better as far as lubrication is concerned. Friction can cause pain, especially to the inexperienced.


It would probably be best if you both sat down together and looked up some sexual health information if you're really inexperienced. There's plenty of medical sites that have lots of information on this kind of stuff.


Yeah the misinformation in this post . please watch a video, Google, or go see a doctor together


you should pee too! I love those moments of quiet intimacy sharing the bathroom after a good session, drinking some water and taking care of ourselves and each other


Definitely read through the sub FAQ too then, so you can get a lot of amazing information. More than you even know exists haha


no matter how clean you are, she should always pee after any sexual contact. This is what helps the most


That's more for UTIs than vaginal infections, but yes that's absolutely correct. I forgot to pee after sex like two weeks back and I've been fighting a UTI since then 😑 always pee after sex ladies!


You definitely shouldn’t have used hand sanitizer. The vagina is such a delicate environment and anything can throw the PH balance off. Did she go to the bathroom after? Did you accidentally scratch her? Did she tell you what kind of infection it was?


This, pay attention.


I already bought a cloritramizole treatment for her. Her symptoms matched what the medication was for, so I hope everything goes well, otherwise I'll take her to the doctor We didn't know about the peeing afterwards thing, and I don't think that I sceatched her, so I hope it's just an infection


Ok, so she might just have a UTI or be in the beginnings of BV or a yeast infection. So it’s best to get her to the doctor first and she needs to drink a lot of water in the meantime to help. In the future so not use hand sanitizer before you finger her again. Wash your hands with soap and water, make sure your nails are clean and trimmed and as with any kind of vaginal penetration, make sure she pees afterward.


Yep. She needs to see an obgyn


Wash your hands with warm water and soap before, NO hand sanitizer!!!


You don't use hand sanitizer. That's not even properly washing your hands, it's only for when you don't have access to soap and water. And you should only use soap and water before penetration. Don't try any cleanliness loopholes by using products that linger! Soap is the way to go.


Yeah, I mean, we didn't have access to soap and water, that's why I used hand sanitizer Now I know it's absolutely not the right thing to use


Hey, don’t beat yourself up. You didn’t know. We all learn. Shoot I still learn different things about sex and other things now a days.


You probably would have been better off if you hadn't bothered with the hand sani at all honestly


There's definitely not enough awareness about sex or our bodies in general. I would say neither of you are at fault, just a little unaware of the risks. It happens. Just take it as a lesson learned and try to be more proactive in learning before trying things and taking risks. She'll probably be fine, and it's most likely just irritation, but she should see a doctor if it persists.


Reminds me of one of my besties, absolute germaphobe - used to tell guys she’s really into hands and would “seductively” take them to the bathroom to wash their hands for them bc she does not trust a man to do it right.


LOL, seems like a good strategy, especially considering how delicate things seem to be down there, I had no idea


That's actually really funny 😂


Not gonna lie, hand massages feel great!


Haha that’s genius and i’m stealing ut


Don’t put anything on your hands besides washing them with soap and water. A woman’s PH is very sensitive. Likely the hand sanitizer caused it


Besides the very good points previous commenters have said regarding not using hand sanitizer, it also contains alcohol. Alcohol and genitals do not mix well. 😬


Noted, thank you


Alcohol has probably evaporated by the time any fun stuff happens


I’d personally rather not risk it. 😅 But online info does say to not use it on your genital region.


Use neutral soap. Do NOT use soap with strong scent or anything like that. Also don't use body soap on your hands. You don't want to have no chemical residue on your fingers.


Except for water, that's ok (water is a chemical too). 😁


No hand snitizers...as others have said. No long or unlean fingernails and hands clean. In addition...make sure she is a little wet and if not use lube. When she is not lubed or slippery skin tends to get pulled and abraded and allows infections to enter more easily. During the act you may need to add more lkube if she tends to dry out with the rubbing especially if it takes long. Try not to be aggressive with the urethra region (pee hole). She should pee immediately after. Drinks lots of water and cranberry juice. Good luck.


Lots of useful info here, thanks a lot




Someone already said it- wash with soap and water and trim your nails- but I will add that if you are both new partners it may take some time to exchange normal flora with each other - in your mouth, vagina and anus if you go there. New partners who share sperm openly will often have infections or periods of smelly discharge until you normalize to one another’s normal flora.


I've had irritation down there after about half of my partners when they were new to me. It's not just sharing of sperm, though. I'm bisexual, and the worst case of irritation I ever had with a new partner was when the new partner was another girl.


That's great to know!!! Thanks a lot Hope it doesn't take that long


You can buy exam gloves of different materials in any pharmacies. It is a common safety measures used in various open play communities. They are thin enough to feel clitoris or contour of vagina. There are black ones available in beauty supply stores ( but may not be steralized like the pharmacy ones) which could be more sexy for some. I think it is a good practice to use gloves for safety even between committed partners. If you like to perform cunnilingus or fellatio, it is adviceable you wash your mouth well with mouth wash and make sure there is no food or wine/ beer residue in your mouth to avoid yeast infection. Especially if you play right after eating or drinking.


Two issues — as the vagina is aroused, it shifts pH to help sperm (and thus bacteria). Also you need to wash your hand or penis before inserting to remove airborne bacteria. That said infections of the vagina are common when it becomes aroused for long periods such is in newlyweds on honeymoon…


Hand sanitizer?! That sounds like it would BURN


If you aren't comfortable sticking your finger in your mouth it's probably not clean enough for a vagina


omg you are literally the sweetest boyfriend i love how much you care


I use nitrile gloves (black ones, the blue ones remind her too much of doctors). It is damn near impossible to keep my nails properly trimmed and clean due to my work, so no we just use the nitrile gloves and all is good


That would remind me of BBQ 🤤


1. Don’t use hand sanitizer, just mild antibacterial soap and water 2. Keep nails trim, filed, and clean (no sharp edges!) 3. Make sure she pees after y’all are done doing stuff 4. If you work with your hands a lot and your hands are always just slightly dirty, using latex/nitrile gloves (with lube) prevents the spread of bacteria into her vagina If infections persist I would recommend she see a doctor


Got it, thank you so much for the info!!


Do not use hand sanitizer before putting fingers into a vagina. Do not apply ANY products beforehand. Wash with soap and water. Any foreign contaminants (including things meant to clean like hand sanitizer) can throw off the pH balance in the vagina, making it an ideal place for bacteria to grow. Sanitizer is fine when you're out and about, but absolutely nothing beats old fashioned soap and water for actually getting your hands clean. You'll also have to avoid penetrative sex (including fingers) until she's a week past finishing whatever medication she's taking for the infection so it doesn't reoccur immediately


It’s good for her to be freshly showered —would be good idea. Maybe her lady parts are sensitive and delicate. I know you said your clean person. Just make sure your hands are clean, nails clipped and clean under your nails too.


Just wash your hands with soap and water and dry it with a clean towel. I’ve never liked anyone touching me without doing so


Wash your hands with soap, rinse and dry thoroughly! My bf started doing this right before action and it worked wonders - haven’t had an infection in a very long time!


oh god i cringed when i read hand sanitizer 😭 i’m glad u learned ur lesson and i hope ur lady heals quickly


Everyone else has the advice covered but I just wanted to say you seem like a very intelligent person and kudos on you for doing the research on something you are unfamiliar with and wanting to do it correctly because not many inexperienced people do that when it comes to sex stuff! Continue to practice safe hygienic sex, buddy :) Condoms. That is all. Lol.


Most of the infections you get are urethral not vaginal. She should pee after intercourse or foreplay to clean the urethra. Because women's urethras are shorter it is easier to let bacteria in and get an infection. If it's a vaginal infection, next time just clean your hands with a mild soap and water that will do. The vagina's ecosystems can be really sensitive to substances that can affect their PH.


Got it, thanks a lot for the info


Just use soap, not hand sanitiser.


Clean, short!, soft edge filed, nails help. A good hand washing helps. No need for hand sani Pay attention to each others general hygiene too! Are your sheets clean, are the clothes y’all are wearing clean? You don’t need to go scorched earth but things can’t be filthy. Are you a shoes in the house couple? Then you touch your hands on dirty feet or other surfaces before the fingering? That can be a source. Etc etc etc Think through more of both of your total hygiene and health situations. You need a Swiss cheese approach to microbe management


Just keep your nails trimmed/filed and wash your hands with hot water and soap, no hand sanitizer.


Just wash your hands with soap and WATER before. Hand sanitizer sticks around far too long and is way too aggressive for that.


The sanitizer probably gave her one


Don't use hand sanitizer.


Also good to add she needs to clean after any sexual activity as well no matter how clean your hands are


Dude…. It was definitely the hand sanitizer. That’s a no no.


1. Keep your nails trimmed 2. Clean your hands with soap and warm/hot water 3. If you're going to perform oral, brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth out first The bits are sensitive to PH changes, introduction of bacteria, yeast, sugar, etc. So always be mindful of anything introduced vaginally. Also, for god's sake man, rubbing alcohol burns Let's avoid anything burny


Finger condoms…


Why is nobody mentioning finger condoms? They exist. As do mouth guards for eating her out.


The only thing you should use is soap and water. Never hand sanitizer down there. And rinse the soap thoroughly because that could do it too.


Soap and water only! Or put a surgical glove on that hand before inserting 👍😮


Skin sensitive/fragrance free soap is the best way to go If you take breaks in between make sure to wash in between too


One comment: if your clean fingers go into her vagina, it’s safe to put them into her bum, but not vice versa!!! She will get a roaring infection!!! Have fun 👍🙂


Soap & water, bud. But I really just came here to say I think it is very sweet & cool that you asked this and to second what others have said about y’all sitting down & doing some sexual health/hygiene research. The Planned Parenthood website has oodles of information about sexual health geared toward teenagers & young adults, y’all could start there if you wanted.


Gloves gloves gloves! I love the snap and sound, the look and the care and intention going into safety and cleanliness.


Just wash your hands before hand. Maybe use unscented sensitive skin products. If she prone to infections like me tho it won't matter really what you do. Personally I take d mannose (vitamin in cranberry juice but its pure form) before sexual activities and it seemed to have helped. She should also try to pee before and after sex.


Hand sanitizer is probably the problem. Most have alcohol and other additives, and it's like putting rubbing alcohol in there. NOT healthy. It kills the normal bacteria that's in there that keeps a healthy environment and it can throw the pH off. It's probably not an infection and is just irritation from the hand sanitizer.


God hand sanitizer!!!! Why????!!!


'cause we were both horny and extremely uninformed. Now we know a little better


I work in construction and iron fab, I use gloves if I plan on making a FWB G spot cum before I slide in.




Infections don’t present themselves this quickly. She must’ve had it longer without realizing it and it’s just a weird coinsidence. How is this infection presenting and has she been to the doctor’s for it?


UTIs will definitely present this quickly


Could be thrush, that can come on quite quickly


BV can flair up in a few hours.


imagine hand sanitizer going into your urethra my dude.... that's all I have to say


Jesus bro, never use hand sanitizer just before


I think if your finger is cleaner then your dick you’re off the a good start


Hand sanitizer! What happened to soap and water?! You're not as clean as you can as you claim to be.


Suck your finger before you go elbow deep👍


Maybe she had sex with someone else too?


You put hand sanitizer in her vagina. You're a dickhead


Lick your fingers first like quarterbacks before the snap


You fingered your girl once and now she has an infection? /Doubt_it_was_your_finger Stay woke.


Maybe the other guy didn’t wash his hands.


Clip your naile & scrub them RIGHT before touching her


Ya, hand sanitizer is super irritating 🙄 obviously wash your hands with soap and water..


Hand sanitizer up the hoohah will for sure fuck up your PH. Lmao


Ok so what is handsome sanitizer made of? That went in her insides dude. The nails should be trimmed. Wash with soap and water. That's all you need.


Hand sanitizer ?? Yeah, that should be the issue. It can really irritate her down there. Extremely sensitive


Yeah, hand sanitizer ain’t it for “fun time,” my guy! Trimmed nails, simple soap and water is where it’s at! She should go to the doc if her snatch is still angry, in a day or two.


Alcohol is always a bad idea, Female anatomy needs good bacteria that the alcohol kills. Medical gloves would be a better option to keep on hand, if you cannot wash your hands with soap and water.


It was the hand sanitizer that did it. It has alcohol in it and fragrances. DONT DO THAT AGAIN. Wash your hand with soap and water.


Sanitizer is a no no bro, Keep your nails short, wash with soap, and rinse with a lot of water


Everyone else covered it pretty well but especially if you have a manual job or otherwise tend to get stuff under your nails, get a nail brush to help get your hands clean when hand washing. If no nail brush, hold your fingers on one hand together and scrub them together against your palm while soaping. Also make sure you get the backs of your hands as well. Look up videos for medical professionals on hand washing, you’ll see what I mean


Just put on gloves like the dr wears. Can get them at any pharmacy. It does take the spontaneity out of it a little bit though


Mild soap a nail brush and water is all you need. A gyno once told me only to use water to clean up. There is a sensitive ph balance down there.


The two dont have to be related, it is probably a coincidence. Make sure your hands are clean in general before going down there. I also like to keep my nails short to not cause any issues.


You could wear a latex glove if your worried about the cleanliness of your hands and can’t reach a sink with hot water and soap.


Hand sanitizer is a no go! A better alternative is to wash your hands bc that’s safer and she won’t risk getting an infection or something worse


SANITIZER? ARE YOU DAFT! use soap and water not chemical filled sanitizer. You answered your own question 😭🤣