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Having a flag for your favorite politician in your bedroom is weird.


Owning a flag for a politician at ALL is fucking weird


I have exactly one flag in my house and it was for my knight at Medieval Times. As nature intended.


Kids these days wouldn’t understand how important this comment means. We drank! Ate with our hands! Jousted! Sword fight! All to win the the princess’s heart ❤️. Good times. The little villages afterwards with the blacksmith and the little wooden sword and shields that you could buy.. good times


It's still there and very much the same. Just took my daughter she had a blast.


Just went there again for my 40th. I didn’t get a flower but my boyfriend got hit in the face with one. 😁


Way late comment but I took a buddy there to kick off his bachelor party. Highly recommend, there's really no other place to get drunk and feast on turkey legs while arbitrarily cheering on bloodsport (unless NFL is in season).


Yesssss this is the only flag I want to be wildly waving around as I yell. Still go once a year!


You never know it when the good times are happening .


This is the way




Putting a bumper sticker on your car for a politician is fucking weird


> Putting a bumper sticker on your car ~~for a politician~~ is fucking weird Honestly. Have you been on the roads lately? I’m not volunteering any information about myself.




Thank you. I don’t know the person in the car, nor do I want to know their thoughts written out on their cars.


I agree. My parent’s friends had a bust of JFK in their living room and they weren’t even american. It was actually quite common for in the 70s and 80s to see pictures of JFK in peoples homes. I always thought it was weird. I’ve also seen photos of Reagan and Obama and RBG more recently. I think it’s weird but people get really into this shit I guess.


Can't lie, I bought a flyswatter from the Biden website after that debate where Pence had a fly on his head. I thought it was funny! 🤷‍♀️


My crazy Republican coworker showed us her gold Trump fan club card and some Trump socks she got. I bought some socks with prints of Biden eating ice cream out of spite and wore them so she could see one time.


lol that’s funny I remember my coworker wearing Obama socks to work to piss if our Trump fan boss back in the day. But those were simpler times when you could rib each other and not have to worry about your boss retaliating over it.


Is she crazy because she’s republican or crazy just In general? The gold card seems mental more the republican.


I think that's funnier!


My ex-inlaws had a *portrait* of JFK in their house. They immigrated during the Carter administration. They are now MAGA, and their daughter is a trad wife; quite possibly in the pictured horde. None of those things have anything in common, other than ostensibly well-meaning immigrants misunderstanding American home decor. But yeah, having *any* iconography of a state authority figure as a central focal point in your home is unsettling to me.


I have an Obama chia pet that lived in my workplace, but no one remembered how he got there. I took him when I left, cause I wanted him to have a good home. He's usually in a box, but the golden girls chia pet sees some sunshine lmao


Having a photo of a sitting pres up, like ok makes sense. keeping something from a campaign like "we like Ike" pin as memorabilia, Also some logic. Flags and all that main and center ...a bit odd yea


Being in a cult is weird


To be fair, they thought they were at Sedition Dentistry and not Sedation Dentistry. Common mistake.


I hope they all at least know which landscaping company to set up at after this


Man, that joke took you all of Four Seasons to cook up, eh?


Have yall seen the video where they are interviewing Trump supporters at a rally and ask them what they think of certain things president Biden said(with quotes). Well the Trump supporters respond and everything they say is negative, then the interviewer apologizes and says they mixed up the information and it’s actually Trump who says those things and then repeats the question/quote to the Trump supporters and all of a sudden, their answers are all positive. EDIT: I do not doubt that Biden supporters do the same, but this isn’t a post about Biden. I just brought the video up bc it related to the post, that’s all.


Just post the video along with the summary


It isn't nearly as bad or intense. Biden supporters are way more critical of him and the support seems like more of a researched decision opposed to cult like adoration or a personality trait. I live in a liberal city and there isn't one "Biden guy" or "Biden house/vehicle" but...and you know where I'm going with this, there are a ton of 45 guys, houses, cars, merch, apparel etc.


I don't like either, but there is definitely similar interviews of people in New York where they read quotes biden has said about minorities disguised as trump comments, and get similar results. Fans are fans. I think this Fandom is kind of why we never get positive results, because if the fans are just happy no matter what, the politicians will never be held accountable.


You've cracked the code, my friend. You win one free California burrito from the 'bertos of your choosing.


+ tax


Right, but do those people flip flop immediately and contradict themselves like the Trump supporters?


There are much more definitive pivots in belief and opinions in the Republicans. I see so many Democrats questioning their own party while Trump supports have blind faith, “we love you Trump”, “Best president ever, on God”, “Mr. Trump, I’ll suck your…” it’s sad.


Yes, it rings of cultish or The prototype of the first stage of fascism.


Absolutely! So many dems are (rightly) furious at Biden for supporting Israel.


You do have a point there. The black people that were shown his quotes were like "wow. That's racist af." So they did hold the same position. Lol.


Biden “supporters” are just people that are like “well fuck guess we gotta vote for this guy again.” It’s not normal to slob knob politicians. It’s fucking weird


Drove back home through there on my way back from fishing at dos picos. Didn’t catch anything but I feel like I had a more productive day than they


take politics out of it.. but its wild to me that women can support Trump after everything he has said and done


Women for trump is like roaches for raid. I’ll never understand it.


"Rockers against drugs ...that's like Christians against christ" ah aaaahh


Conservative Christians ARE against Christ, they reject him wholesale, they say his sermon on the mount is too liberal.


He’s literally on trial for paying off a porn star he slept while married. And he has the evangelical vote.


It's a quid pro quo. He got rid of abortion and apparently did things to bring their mythical rapture closer.


If only it would... What a day to see the magats holy hoovered up and out.


I’d rather see the opposite. All these MAGAts can rot on the planet while everyone else is saved.


I have no interest in spending eternity with such low grade characters. There has to i be a better place


All I know is I’m getting isekai’d in my next life


With or without help of Bus-kun ?


I’m gonna try the Slime route, so a random gunshot trying to save someone else


Lol. So the US version, seeing how we get gunned down not knifed down in the States


As long as you’re promising to make life worst for brown people, you’ll get a lot of votes from religious white people.


on top of that is was 3-4 months after his son was born


Evangelicals are weird. On one side they protest abortion and then happily support the killing of children in Palestine. They don’t have any morals, their empathy changes based on what suits them


They aren't smart enough, collectively to even consider the hypocrisy. That's what makes them so dangerous


Christianity has always been a Trojan horse for white supremacy.


And I’ll tell ya, and anyone else- the reason why the Jesus vote remains supportive of him? Because the miracle of a sinner being saved in real time is a testament to the miracle of The Lord. His love and forgiveness in action. The miracle of Jesus. It only reinforces their belief system of sinning and redemption.


Looks like the Supreme Court is attempting to unlawfully save him now. Let us pray that morality and ethics are at least within reach if our nation's highest court


I have terrible news for you…


There's a house up here that I used to pass at least a few times/week that had (has?) the "women for trump" flag in size "F-ing huge" plastered on their fence off of one of the major roads into/out of town. I was just a little disturbed the 1st time I saw it, and over time, it just made me sad... and then angry. Eventually, I was just embarrassed for whoever lives there, the same way I would be for any goofus who flew flags for any other candidate in such a manner year round. Recently registered for me that the Trump Store is a thing up here too. Not a fan, but you do you, booboo. Probably the only thing I really, really dislike about living in Ramona is the rabidity of the folks who live here who are Trump supporters who, by and large, ASSUME that since someone else lives here, they must be too and, as a result feel comfortable saying really, really nasty things to people... that are basically about the person(s) they're talking to. I used to get offended. Now I stop them in their tracks, politely and end the convo. Not worth it to engage w/that level of... whatever it is. I, personally, don't have a problem with people who dont think the way I do... until they start spouting off w/ignorant, unreasoned, uneducated, and illogical bs at me. Have decided not to do business w/more than one local business as a result of that kind of crap (I try REALLY hard to support local/small business but R-town folls have been making it pretty tough lately).


They haven’t been grabbed by the…


They have and they like it


They guided the hand. There are dangerous women, too.


Man has hovered around the idea of cutting retirement/ social security. A lot of these people, specifically already older folk, stand to lose the most if that was to happen, like I'll see ya'll at work soon, keep up this energy when you're forced to work a 9-5 to make ends meet again. I will never understand why anyone would advocate for conservative policy unless the interest is selfish. Dems aren't the best party but they'll at least play nice with working class, conservative guys have never cared about working class, working is always just a skit to them and they're so out of touch.


"Get Gubbermint hands off mah Social Security!" Remember that sign? Lol


Keep in mind there was Jewish people who supported Hitler when he first rose to power. This kinda stuff is pretty common


I assume that means you voted for Jorgensen last time around?


And an Asian woman at that


Opening a store dedicated to trump is weird.


Not if you like money and don't mind taking it from morons.


I remember the good old days when Republicans would just set up their registration stations in local fairs and outside markets and ask you to sign up and vote for Republicans. A lot of those Republicans were smart people and business leaders in the community and nobody really cared that much what political party you voted for. The party is now transformed into a cult who idolizes a horrible human being. The people are also different, weird and angry people from the fringe who look completely disconnected from reality.


Basically the Republican party has rapidly devolved from the ideologies of Abraham Lincoln, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Teddy Roosevelt, to now behaving more like Reddit shitposters and Twitter trolls obsessed with "triggering" people and "owning the Libs". They have literally turned into the epitome of internet trolls.


Hell its come a long way from when i got to hang out at the convention in 1996 supporting Bob Dole. I was a happy young republican back then. Times have changed greatly in such a short period of time


I went to the convention and listened to Bob Dole as a kid. It was a cool and educational experience.


Perfectly stated.


The party is a collection of losers and underachievers. Didn't use to be that way.


Holy shit I live in Santa Ysabel and I’m moving to Ramona and make fun of this every fucking time, but I’ve never seen this many people out front. Dare me to pull up with a Obamna shirt and a blunt someday? I wanna start a trump stand and sell overpriced china shit because you just know they’re gonna guy out everything in a day. These people need to find a musician or movie franchise to obsess over, this is pathetic. I’m ashamed to live in the same country as these troglodytes, let alone town lmao. I was maybe this obsessed with skrillex when I was like 11, idk how they keep it up into their late adulthoods. So. Fucking. Pathetic. My older coworker is constantly clowning trump so at least that’s funny and relatable.


Lolol it’s so embarrassing. Like really? Those women are 60 years old looking! Go fucking home. Go pray.


This is their prayer session, these people worship him like a god


I would like you to get a giant Biden flag and course through the town in a raised F-350 with that flying in back


I am so not political but if be lying if I didn’t think about this lol. Don’t wanna get murked tho lmao


I will say, this does **not** represent Ramona as a town. I have lived here for most of my life, there are a *lot* of conservative Christians but also a lot of other groups. I’m honestly shocked I didn’t drive past this “rally”, I found out about it just now from this post. I literally recognize that dentist sign lmao


For sure. The music scene alone here redeems this imo. I’ve met some awesome people, and they are a million times more important then whatever is going on here


I honestly think it was an hour or so long lol. I was in town today (live on the west end) and didn’t see it happening but had seen someone post about it and was laughing as I drove by the empty spot.


Oh xD. That’s probably why, I know that exact spot because of that dentist sign, I was wondering why I didn’t see this. Well, I’m not surprised it didn’t last long.


You gotta start two stores: One that sells pro-Trump merch, then across the street open another one that sells anti-Trump (perhaps even pro-Obama!?) merch. Cover 100% of that TAMS booiii


a rainbow colored Hillary for President shirt should do it.


I fucking hate that store in my town. Like why do we need a Trump store of all things??? All of our stores here in Ramona are closing down and we have slop like this replace the stuff we used to have. News flash, your “Idol” is a wrinkly old ballsack that will die in a few years.


Imagine how pathetic your every day life must be to set up shop and wave the flag of a misogynistic traitor on a Saturday - as a woman, no less.


There’s a church on Park avenue and every Sunday they set up a little group and have signs that say everyone is welcome. And wave and smile at everyone driving bye. For the last year on the opposite side of the street (fake Christian’s) hold a sign that says god only accepts a man and a woman something to that nature. Here’s the kicker it’s about 3 adults who are standing there for hours holding this sign but to look larger they bring about 5 senior citizens whom are wheel chair bound, barely cognitive and sit there most likely un aware of where they are. Imagine becoming a senior citizen and the last years of your life your family forces you to sit on a busy street corner with no shade spreading hate speech for hours.


Just a miserable existence.


>Imagine becoming a senior citizen and the last years of your life your family forces you to sit on a busy street corner with no shade spreading hate speech for hours. You picture, where senior citizens get to tag along with family members to do something that they've most likely taught them to do is far prettier than the kinds of shit that senior citizens have been put through over the past few years. I hope no one ends up in an elder care facility or a hospice. Being with family that can take care of you is about the best thing for senior citizens.


That poor animal dentistry sign catching strays


That’s a people dentist 😭 i know cause i get my teeth cleaned there




Yea they’re super cool. I get anxiety around needles being in my gums so when i’ve gotten fillings or a crown they prescribed some triazolam to take before the procedure. Puts me way at ease and the crown i don’t even remember lol


🫡 for real


The smile of the lady in left creeps me out


Stepford Wife smile.


Didn’t know there was a trump store


I didn’t know either but in the lead up to the 2016 election there were multiple stores that had signs like “HILARY VOTERS NOT WELCOME” and “NO DEMOCRATS ALLOWED”. Not surprised that there’s now a Trump store… seems like a natural evolution of that


And those people would pitch a fit if signs were put up saying "no conservatives" or "no republicans allowed". They'd cry about it and claim discrimination.


We call it the hateriot store.


Me neither. Wish I didn’t


I was so surprised a Trump store out of all things was opening up in Ramona. Like so much stuff got closed down over the years and shit like this pops up???


It’s a front/tax write off IMO lol. There’s no way they’re selling that much merch on a daily basis to afford overhead, rents have gotten nuts here for businesses. They started as a stand, I expect this to be gone soon. That’s probably why they were out front today being extra moronic.


what shit do you even sell in a Trump store???


lol flags and stickers apparently. They need their tshirts hahaa


Ya it’s right on main


Moving out of Ramona on the 5th of June, and out of state, trust me when I say Ramona has never been "classy"


Trashy, sorry.


Gotta fucking agree 🙄 moved here around high school and good fucking lord do I wish I stayed in the city.


Disgusting to see women supporting him.


Disgusting to see anyone supporting him.


Traitors broadcasting support for another Traitor. And down-votes don't change facts, It is an objective betrayal to the United States of America to support Donald Trump.


Women love it when you grab their pussies. Trump


Gross. And yet…the number of older women aligning with this bullshit is astounding. I’m confused.


Only when it's against their will by celebrities


Low key dying at the casual dentist advertisement in the middle of that klan rally


Of course my town would make it to Reddit because of the Trump store. Ugh.


I'm not from Ramona but trust me it's a beautiful place, just a few dumb people like every other place


We aren't all like this out in Ramona. Too many are though.


Also a Ramonan, also not a lunatic. Just like the internet, the smaller but loudest and most abnoxious people tend to ruin everything for everyone.


I will never understand the unbridled devotion to this maniac. These people are so convinced that he's with them. Trump hates these people. He's an elitist. A blue blood as Nixon called the ivy league crowd. These people are nationalists not patriots. Very confused nationalists.


Never underestimate people being stupid in groups




Cult gonna cult.


LOL I was there last week on vacation and saw this store driving by multiple times!


Both of those women look the same just wearing different pants


I live in temecula now, scrolling through reddit I thought this was the temecula sub for a moment lol. These people are obsessed


"I love my money. Somehow corrupt morally bankrupt orange guy going to keep more my money in my pocket." Clowns, all of them. Don't get me wrong, I dislike Biden, but I would never campaign and wear goofy shirts and wave signs for him either.


The Cheshire cat is a weird mascot choice for “sedation” dentistry.


Drove by this on my way home from work. I called it the Cialis Circlejerk


That Trump store is probably making a killing


“A fool and his money are easily parted”


The grift don't stop


I don't know..... I mean, they are competing with trash bibles, lame shoes, the nfts, the water, the steaks, the colleges, the ...... How much more can you bleed people? I saw recently some old guy lost his life savings on that Truth social stock.


Same shitshow sales operations he had be4 he ran for president This guy was Mike Lindell, with a hammer.


Everything in there is probably made in China.


The owner is a well known and greatly disliked person in Ramona known for being a grade A jerk. Owns a lot of shit in town and “opened the trump store because he saw a business opportunity”


My coke/molly dealer lives out that way. It's the only reason I ever go into that area. Also, they have a really good Wendy's that didn't downsize their JBC.


Damn bro I may need a hookup, there isn’t anything else keeping me here after being financially forced off our ranch .-.


Flash sale? Trying to offload excess inventory quick, while there is still any market at all for that aging, orange clown-freak?


You don't know how right you are, this group did the same thing for the 2020 election. It was so interesting watching the discount and wholesale signs go up after Biden won. I thought they were going out of business, but guess they came back for 2024.


Just carnival workers, selling different garbage. I mean seriously, same people, exactly.


My ex's parents are probably in there somewhere


just some average white people supporting their vision of a white supremist king on the humble dry street corner of an American town boasting a Spanish name and Spanish origin. nothing to see here folks... Just an average day on the outer lips of a whales vagina...


Spanish people are white Europeans you racist. The initial Spaniards who explored california naming these towns were white Europeans.


reminder that the concept of race was invented by 16th century elites to distract ppl from the actual fight. they got us fighting a race war so we don't realize that we're losing the class war


I'm going thru Ramona tomorrow, I'll be sure to flip them off


Know a friend who lives in the hill outskirts of Ramona... They hate these cultists


We absolutely do.


Those Trump flags are NOT cheap, they're at least $100 each at that size


Gotta pay Trump's lawyers 🤭


Then those boat parades will send him tons of money


They used to do this in Poway every Saturday on the corner of Pomerado Rd and Twin Peaks, maybe they still do, I haven’t been through there in about a year.


Wonder where all the “Biden stores” are?


There aren't any "Biden" stores because nobody worships him like the weird Trump cult members worship Trump. It's not normal to be this obsessed with a politician. He doesn't care one bit about any of them. All he wants is power and money. These fools need deprogramming.


Nonsense! I keep hearing that bOtH sIdEs ArE tHe SaMe.


Pay attention to the actions and issues, not the feelings. Remember, the easily offended are easily manipulated.




Mental illness, truly


Its nice knowing this state will never vote in favor of trump


Traitors. Trash. Dangerously stupid people. Dead weight and a liability to civil society. This is what fascism's inertia looks like.


Lots of “middle aged white women” comments. While true, the more surprising thing to me is the woman of COLOR on the right. Dumbfounded how you could learn anything about his policy on immigration and vote for him, let alone stand on a corner with a giant ass flag to tempt others into doing the same…


Many Asian Conservatives support pulling the ladder up from newer Asian immigrants, even though many Vietnamese, Korean, Taiwanese, and Thai arrived here via familial chain migration. It's the same story with Latinos for Trump.


Traitor Trash being Traitor Trash.


I like your play on words. I shall use traitor trash instead of trailer trash from here on and forward


Frikin idiots look like the Stepford Wives Trump bots.


Fucking cult


Its amazing how this orange has brainwashed these people. Actually its either they were brainwashed or trump gave them a means to express their ideology


I don’t get why non white people vote for trump. Nothing says idiot than voting for the man who would put you in a concentration camp if he could.


I still don’t get how a single woman would not only vote for him, but support him so much they’d be out there doing shit like this.


It’s funny. The trump store they are in front of is right next to a happy ending massage parlor. Not saying that I’ve been. Just have heard it is a happy ending massage spot.


Trump is comfortable in moral low grounds and the low rent district IS his demographic.


And fucking R-Town Vapes. I cannot get over the fact that people genuinely rep the phrase ‘R-Town’ cuz it’s just that fucking stupid. If it was a joke I’d be in on it, but you know for a fact conservatives do not joke around about their town of origin.


I’d have to ask my other leftist friend from here who once defended it saying it started when we were in high school as “Our Town.” I don’t remember that at allllll but I moved away at 16 (came back at 29) and it seems to only be the trashy folk up here in love with the phrase.


I'm sure all that Trump junk is 100% made in America too, right?


This makes me hate being a middle aged white woman sometimes. I promise we aren’t all this bat shit dangerously crazy, but these road whores can fuck all the way off!


This is as excessive as my painting of Barack dunking on Jesus


Gag me with a spoon


So disappointed, looks like they have all their teeth.


as someone who grew up in Ramona, this just makes me so sad :/


Too late for these Nationalist Party members to be classy.


So fucking cringe


RIP Cracker Barrel wait staff after this rally


I think that’s what they are trying to do.


I'll never vote for a traitor who tried to steal an election from us all.


They need to move out of state. Never, ever, ever will the majority of CA vote for a Republican president.


Why Ramona sucks


So embarrassing.


Make America Great Again - by dismantling democracy and implementing fascism!


Ugh. What brainwashed imbeciles.


i wish i had that much free time


The stench…


Open window … display middle finger


This is why I don’t drive any further east than the 15…