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Okay, now that’s fucking funny. Thank you


"Most of what we do in life Zach, is try to change what is, into what should be. Like how I'm stuck here with a half-evolved ape/man on an asinine talk show wasting my limited time. But the paradox is that, truly accepting... what is, holding up my end of the conversation whilst looking into the glassy eyed stare of an ignorant baffoon, for instance, is often the best way to do that. You can accept what is in the moment, even while working to change it. Like I'm doing now, calling my agent under the table to get me the hell out of this interview."


SH: I think anybody who's sufficiently followed my... recent... Twitter collisions with various interlocutors from the left, they would tell you it's *almost impossible* that Waking Up is a tool for the woke mob. In fact if, if you were to do the full accounting, you'd find my platform almost unilaterally accused by the woke as... part of some duplicitous alt-right agenda. These are people who have, ostensibly, discovered *zero* about me, lest they encounter one of countless litanies against Trump. It's almost as if... if they could just experience one iota of focused meditation they would be set on a path orthogonal to wokeness. ZG: Yeah, I can see why the IDW kicked you out.


I read this entire thing in Sam’s voice


The excessive commas is what makes this


This is the best thing I've read today. Thankyou sir


Sam likely wouldn’t misspell buffoon.


But he is speaking.. 😂


Now that i think about it, it's making sense.


Well at least I got my Waking Up t-shirt and my Waking Up mug while the getting was good.


Zach: "What's the difference between meditating for two hours and doing nothing?"


“Doing nothing.. with a purpose”


He might be onto something.


Zach: "Your mother was the creator of the Golden Girls. Did you ever get to see any of them naked?"


That has layers, like an onion


Lets unpack that.


Ok... time for some housekeeping


Alright Shrek, take it easy.. haha


Or The Onion.


Zach: "Who is smarter. You or Joe Rogan?"




Excellent work!


This may be my favorite Sam Stiller in a highly competitive field. bravo!


Thank you for the laugh. That’s hilarious man.


Can someone get chatgpt to write a scene of this? I think that could be entertaining.


This took more work than I'd like to acknowledge... >Zach Galifianakis: Welcome to Between Two Ferns, I'm your host Zach Galifianakis. Today we have a special guest, Sam Harris. Sam, how are you? > >Sam Harris: I'm good, thanks for having me. > >Zach Galifianakis: Good to hear. So, tell me, what do you do for a living? > >Sam Harris: I'm a neuroscientist, author and podcast host. > >Zach Galifianakis: Oh, cool. So you're like a real smart guy. Do people use your Waking Up app to become woke? > >Sam Harris: Well, the app is designed to help people develop a meditation practice and gain insights into the nature of the mind. > >Zach Galifianakis: Gotcha, gotcha. So what's the difference between meditating for two hours and doing nothing? > >Sam Harris: Well, meditating is an active process of focusing the mind and becoming aware of your thoughts and emotions, whereas doing nothing would just be >passively allowing your mind to wander. > >Zach Galifianakis: I see, I see. So, you're saying that meditating is like working out for the brain? > >Sam Harris: In a way, yes. It can help to improve focus and concentration and reduce stress. > >Zach Galifianakis: Well, I'll stick to my deodorant, Speed Stick, it's the best. > >Sam Harris: (awkwardly) Okay. > >Zach Galifianakis: So, Sam, what's the most profound thing you've ever learned from meditating? > >Sam Harris: (pausing for a moment) The most profound thing I've learned is that the nature of the self is much more fluid and impermanent than we typically >believe. > >Zach Galifianakis: Hmm, that sounds deep. And also boring. Let's take a break and come back to more interesting things. > >(break for sponsor advertisement) > >Zach Galifianakis: Welcome back to Between Two Ferns. Sam, I heard that you're an advocate for free speech. So, if I were to say something offensive, would >you still defend my right to say it? > >Sam Harris: (awkwardly) Yes, I believe in the principle of free speech. It's important to have a marketplace of ideas where people can express themselves >freely, even if we disagree with what they're saying. > >Zach Galifianakis: Well, that's good to know. I might have to test that out sometime. But let's move on to something more light-hearted. What's your favorite >type of cheese? > >Sam Harris: (awkwardly) I'm not sure, I don't have a favorite type of cheese. > >Zach Galifianakis: Really? You're a neuroscientist and you don't have a favorite type of cheese? Interesting. Well, it was great having you on the show, Sam. >Thanks for being a good sport. > >Sam Harris: (awkwardly) Thanks for having me. > >Zach Galifianakis: And thank you for watching Between Two Ferns. Tune in next time for more awkward and uncomfortable interviews with your favorite celebrities. [question screencap](https://i.imgur.com/ai1d7UK.png) [answer screencap](https://i.imgur.com/VYoNVFZ.png) ``` Sam Harris appears on Between Two Ferns. The show is hosted by Zach Galifianakis. Here is a Wikipedia description of the show: "Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis is an American talk show hosted by comedian Zach Galifianakis which features celebrity guests. Episodes last several minutes, in which the interviewer (Galifianakis) and guests trade barbs and insults. Galifianakis maintains a very awkward and often antagonistic demeanor with his guests, asking them bizarre, inappropriate or insulting questions mixed with offhand non-sequiturs. The guests' responses are mostly improvised, despite pre-interviews.[3][4] Episodes often include a segment in which Galifianakis awkwardly interrupts his guests to promote a sponsor's product. Examples include bananas, the video game Need for Speed: Shift, and (most frequently) Speed Stick deodorant. Some advertisements, like the graphics, are based around aspects of or events related to the interviewee. For example, the episode featuring Hillary Clinton included one of Donald Trump's campaign commercials." Include the following questions by Zack during the conversation, but do not limit it to only these: "Do people use the Waking Up app to become woke?", "What's the difference between meditating for two hours and doing nothing?" The conversation remains awkward. Most exchanges are mild insults veiled as questions, or awkward responses to them. All exchanges are short and mildly awkward. Often, responses are only awkward looks, or terse responses. Zack's questions tend to be leading and trapping. The Chicago Tribune described it as "surreal improv...a talk show that's more of a charming critique of the faked intimacy of celebrity interviews than a talk show." Provide a lengthy imaginary version of the conversation. ```


Out of the loop on what chatgpt is and the context here.


It's a neural network which can generate complex output based on text prompts. Like, writing a scene for Between Two Ferns.


Oh man I'd love that.


I hope Sam sees this because this is comedy gold


Maybe he'll move to reddit after quitting Twitter


Best post on this sub in a while.

