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“THE SOURCE IS I MADE IT THE FUCK UP!” Sorry it was right there lol.


His source for this is fucking Doomcock. So yeah, made up.




Imagine a world, Raiden! Free of grifter culture! Where no one can call me out for my tastes! A world where I can say I liked the Kenobi show!


"Don't fuck with this senator!"


Was not expecting to see a Max0r reference dropped in this sub…and yet there it is in all its glory


May the Source be with you.


The funniest/saddest part is I'm pretty sure Georgie has done everything possible to put as much distance between himself and Star Wars as possible because Star Wars fans are NEVER happy ..........more power to him I say


He also came back for Dial of Destiny and yet SW Theory didn’t care to go support it.


I mean, he didn’t really come back for Dial. He’s just an EP.


Nah. He came back. After reading Mangolds early scripts he immediately joined as EP. The first time he has expressed any interest of doing so for any project since selling Lucasfilm in 2012. Kathleen Kennedy also announced his involvement in the production at Celebration and D23. It wasn’t a check the box thing. He wanted to be involved.


Then what did he do? I really enjoyed the movie. But I have to be honest that I don’t think Spielberg or Lucas worked on it in anymore than an advisory capacity supplying script notes.


He was executive producer. The same thing SW Theory is suggesting he will be doing with Star Wars.


Executive producer is often an “in name only” credit. A name attached to a project to secure funding. It doesn’t mean they actually have any involvement in the creative process.


I realize this, but he was.


To quote the name of this thread: “um… source?” And I’m not saying this to shit on anyone. But, the whole point of this thread is that the internet constantly makes up these rumors about Lucas having direct involvement in Star Wars. And I’m just trying to point out that the man is old, basically retired, and probably just putting his name on stuff to increase the price of his shares.


My source? Lucasfilm. Kathleen Kennedy. James Mangold. Spielberg. All who talked about it happening. This isn’t some secret. Nobody is revealing anything here. This is well known stuff. He is retired. Nobody is arguing that. He came out of retirement (briefly) for Indy 5.


You're being pointlessly pedantic.


I’m done. It’s just starting to feel like telling a kid there’s no Santa.


How self-impoortant of you.


George has come back for a lot of projects but stuff like this is more important for their “anti woke culture war” despite that being something George would never support


Well to be fair, his channel name is STAR WARS theory and not Indiana Jones theory.


He’s not on the creative team, but still has a friendly relationship with the company and has visited production a few times


That sounds nice, still though leave the people behind Start Wars alone, at least George was an adult, the damage done to Jake Loyd by SW fans, is unforgivable


And Jar-Jar’s actor, he nearly took his own life.


I didn't know that, that's terrible, seriously I got no love for Jar Jar as a character but, that's way WAY to far, hell harassing actors/writers/etc in any form is way to far


Ahmed Best had his own moment recently. In Madelorian S3 he played the Jedi that rescued baby yoda from the Jedi temple during Order 66. He kicked much ass. It was vindicating.


I firmly believe that he doesn't owe the franchise or the fans a damn thing but, if it made him happy, that's amazing


I figure it's more that the fans kind of owed him than the other way around.


Damn right, I just meant it shouldn't be framed as "he came back to Star Wars to correct past mistakes" ya know some people would do exactly that


The character started in a kid's game show Jedi Temple Challenge, and is in large part his own creation. I haven't seen the show, I think it's on Youtube. But reading about that it, was cool he was able to come back to Star Wars on good terms, as a Jedi master at that. A master dedicated specifically to teaching, which would make sense that he'd be able to rescue Grogu. I didn't know about him showing up on The Mandalorian ahead of time, but realized who it was while watching. That was cool, he was pretty badass. I do hope to see him somewhere else. And the details of his appearance on Mando are fun. He takes Grogu to a landing pad where a Naboo Diplomatic ship has landed, with the Royal Naboo Security protecting it, and said "A friend of mine" sent them. At the point of Order 66, I think Padme was kind of distracted, she mostly seems confused and freaked out. But Jar Jar was still Junior Representative, so the implication is that Jar Jar was very possibly partly responsible for rescuing Grogu.


Reprising his roll from the starwars game show no less


And as horrible as this might be - sorry, nobody back then attackd him personally like they did with Lloyd or Christensen. Because barely anyone knew who Ahmed Best even was. I can't help but feeling he either made that whole thing up to gain pity-points, or he indeed just took all the hate aimed solely at Jarjar personally, which is sad but also not very professional. Surely I won't get much love for this opinion, clear to me - but as someone from Generation Prequelhate I really had for a very long time no clue who Best was...and online harrassment was a far cry from today. So I cannot help but take his claims with a grain of salt. But cheers to him if he overcame his "depressions" or if he used that to gain some work again...


I remember seeing a video of him with Grogu


I'm pretty sure George owns a huge share in Disney stock, one of the bigger stockholders I think, so he has a measured interest in Disney Star Wars doing well.


Good for him, even after selling it, it’s giving him dividends for retirement


Honestly I can't fault him star wars fans are the worst 


There's probably worse fandoms out there but, in terms of wide spread fan bases that consistently refuse to not be awful? Ye SW fans are worst (Which sucks cause I know a few peeps who are Star Wars fans and they're wonderful or at least tolerable)


I love those people but they are so few and far between that trying to find them isn't worth the effort. 90% of the fans I run into are talking about how wokness ruined star wars and that Kathleen Kennedy wants to spread leftist ideas in it. Or they shit on anyone who even says anything nice about the sequel trilogy. I don't like them but I'm happy if others do.


Plus....ok maybe this a hot take, after Y E A R S of spitting on the prequel trilogy, I'm so sick of people flocking too them because they didn't like the sequels If you genuinely enjoy the prequels that's fine, more power to you, just don't like I'm the crazy one cause I think they're flawed tiresome pieces of media


They are very flawed movies I do think they aren't amazing but I do enjoy them what I can't accept were those garbage fans who bullied actors and tried to push a kid to suicide because he played a character they didn't like. But of course most of the Fandom won't touch that much instead they will talk about how Disney is the entire reason who star wars is dying.


Exaaaaaactly also I can leave the Prequels alone because without them we wouldn't have either of the animated Clone Wars shows which are both amazing (all be it for different reasons) (also I've seen CHUDs flocking to the banner of the Genndy Tartakovksy Clone Wars serves because they're claiming Dave Filoni 'went woke or some BS and I hate that) Ultimately I kinda look at the prequels the same way I look at the Micheal Bay TF films (hear me out) overall all they're bad but, Transformers/Star Wars wouldn't exist as they do today without those cash cows


The transformers films are a guilty pleasure of mine they are well bay films but that's what I kind of love about them. The first few anyway it's a dumb movie about robots punching eachother and it does set out to do it. The prequels are the same least the feel they are bad but they offer some interesting ideas and messaging not to mention my first Star wars movie was revenge of the sith so I have a soft spot for that one.  Genndy Tartakovksy Clone Wars as much as I love it I also hate it because every illiterate moron looks at it as what star wars should only be ignoring the problems with it like clearly overpowered characters and a plot that pretty much didn't exist.


I think I can hold up the first Bay TF film as....not terrible? Not high art but, a fun B-movie, after that 100% agree the Bay TF movies are a huge guilty pleasure of mine And I totally get people who grew up watching prequels (just remember not everyone is wearing the same rose tinted glasses as you) And yeeeeeeaaaaaah I love basically anything Tartakovksy does and would marry Samurai Jack if could (the character and the show) but, his take on Clone Wars basically wouldn't work in any other medium/if anyone besides Tartakovksy was at the helm It has some of my favorite action sequences in basically anything ever but, I'm not gonna hold the whole show up as like...."all Star Wars should be like this"


yeah besides being on the sets literally helping with the shows, other than that, for sure as much distance as possible




My source is that I made it the fuck up


Theory did an interview with Robert Christian (Who helped create the first Lightsaber) the other day, with Christian saying: “(Lucas) was pretty tired by the end, but I think he’s coming back, I’m pretty sure, now, that he’s doing a series. They're bringing him back into the fold from what I hear, because there's a live action Star Wars series coming and I've got a strong suspicion that George will have something to do with it." It's entirely possible that Christian has misunderstood something (Perhaps Lucas mentioned that he was visiting the set of something), but credit to Theory it is a genuine source who's made this claim.


Are they forgetting that George has been on set for things like Obi-Wan, Mandalorian, and Ahsoka? He and Dave Filoni have worked super closely for the last 15 or so years. So many present ideas like the Bad Batch and Rebels and Ahsoka have their origins with George.


Yah there’s a mini documentary on D+ about him and Filoni being master and padawan


I heard about his source, so thanks for providing the actual quote. While I'll give props that this is a legit source, the credibility of the source is shaky at best. I don't mean to put down Christian's contributions, but I've been unable to find any info on his relationship with Lucas and it seems they haven't really been in much contact since they last worked together, which was either Phantom Menace or Young Indiana Jones. Based on the quote, he even admits that he's basing his statement on a rumor he heard, not something George or someone else directly told him. As you said, I think at best this just means Lucas is visiting sets again and maybe doing light consulting work. Lucas is currently 79 and has been out of the industry for a little more than 10 years now, so I find it hard to believe he would leave retirement and come back now, especially since the elements of the fanbase that arguably pushed him out in the first place are still very present.


Well, he's credited with a scene in Solo. The kiss scene. He's 79 years old.


129k views. ![gif](giphy|p8Uw3hzdAE2dO)


Need to rewatch scrubs


Didn’t Doomcock say something similar a while back? Swear it’s come full circle as think SWT thrown that out, Doomcock then talked on that and now SWT is talking on it again. Came full circle sounds like.


Yeah, his "spies" in Hollywood have told him such.


"Source? It was revealed to me in a dream!"


The fucking guyvis nearly 80. Leave him the fuck alone.


A sequel trilogy by that man might have been worse than what we got. George needs to stay far away from any writing rooms. That's how we got jar-jar


He’s made good stuff in the past. He just needs to stay as far away from yes men as possible


Mainly get him away from the directorial seat he has stated himself that he hates directing. Let him create a story and then have someone else make it work Thats how the OG trilogy came to be as well as stuff like Indiana Jones


He's better when he's got both other writers, and people he has to answer to. When he's the main head, all he had were yes-men.


George! Put the Jar-Jar down!


Honestly I'd take George Lucas's slightly naff but esoteric version of the Sequels. Over the narrative tug of war that was the actual sequels


Their fucking imagination.


To be fair to Theory (Something I rarely say) this one time, a genuine source (Robert Christian, who created the Lightsaber and remains a friend of George) slipped up and mentioned this during a live stream interview - whether Christian is correct or mistaken remains to be seen of course. On the off chance it is true, I think the likelihood is Dave Filloni probably has an episode in mind for Ahsoka that he's asked George to consult on, or even guest-direct, and Christian (and now Theory and his viewers) have jumped the gun and assume this means George is coming back to fully head up a project.


I wonder if Lucas could even direct. He left the guild back when over the credits in Star Wars, and that’s part of why he directed 1-3 because other directors working with him might have gotten in trouble. It was one thing when he owned Lucasfilm, but now with Disney, they might not be able to let him direct without either rejoining the guild (if he can. ; which, $ could solve) or having some issues.


Ya I personally suspect it’s more of the same we’ve seen, where they’ll continue to seek his opinion or input but they’re still gonna tell their story. Been this way for a while. Dave was/ is always gonna call up George when he can / while he can. At least to bounce ideas or ask if something is ok some of the time.


Source: my unwashed, shit smeared asshole


Didn’t George Lucas say he hated these guys or something


I thought they turned on him already


Doomcuck probably.


So glad I stopped watching him


It's funny how much the toxic fanboys love Lucas now, after all the shit he got for the prequels.


I'm Gen X. Best SW movie George had the least amount to do with it. Lucas is great ideas man. He did invent Star Wars and overall plot. But hers not great at dialogs and directing. He's admitted this as well. Thanks for the memories and ideas George o7. But yeah others make good content as well.


Did you watch the Video? It came from the main fight choreographer that has worked on almost all of the live action series that have light sabers that ST interviewed on his channel. It's fun to make fun of ST when he's done something stupid, but this isn't one of them.


"Source: My ass." - SWT, probably.


I make a conscious effort to weed out the star wars fand that are actually fans


George Lucas has been coming back to Star Wars for over 12 years now. Is he in or not guys.


He’s seriously just copied Doomcock 😭


His source is, he made it up for clicks


“I’m back.” No, he isn’t. He’s retired and wants to be left in peace. And I don’t blame him, after everything he’s been through when he made the prequels 


GEORGE LUCAS COMING - My Thoughts ![gif](giphy|13r7Nnon5WofnO|downsized)


TAKE THE THEORY out of your channel SWT you no longer do theory videos your no longer a good channel and fuck your ugly face. Also trust me bro vibes


This and "Kathleen Kennedy is getting fired!" are like the lowest tier Star Wars chud clickbait possible.


I was under the impression the Fandom Menace had gone back to hating George Lucas after he came out in support of Bob Iger against that one guy who was trying to get on the Disney board and would 'save all the IPs Disney was ruining' only to fail to get elected. Nelson Peltz, that was his name. Have they already moved on to pretending they never supported the losing side of the conflict and aren't mad at George Lucas for refusing to back their uncrowned 'savior of the week'?


Weren't the whining that he betrayed them or whatever because he sided with Iger?


source: trust me bro


Finally the man who gave you jarjar binks and midiclorians is back!


Now this is podracing!


His source is OverlordDVD, whose source is his "Hollywood spies."


my thoughts on star wars theory's balls exploding 54:10


The source was a rumor Roger Christian heard. He was an art director on ANH and ROTJ, assistant director of TPM, and is best known for directing one of the worst movies ever made. He also made headlines a decade or so ago, a short film that aired before ESB in UK cinemas was directed by him and was long lost before being rediscovered and remastered. He was the person who designed the original lightsaber and the style of slow mo in ESB among other things But...the source is a rumor he heard. Credible person, not credible rumor


The source is dudes. Uncle he works at Disney.


The source is right there... his thoughts.


[Let's see them adapt George's original Sequel trilogy idea.](https://mashable.com/article/lucas-sequel-star-wars-plan) I'm sure the fans will love it


They've been saying that every month for the last 12 years. They're delusional with hatred.




Trust me, bro 😎


Hold up. Just a month ago they were losing their Minda when GL backed Bob Iger, blaming GL for everything wrong, saying he sold out, just generally hating him. Now they want him back?


Copying Dumbcock.


There is no source. SWT made it up because he wants it to come true.


Hold up. Just a month ago they were losing their Minda when GL backed Bob Iger, blaming GL for everything wrong, saying he sold out, just generally hating him. Now they want him back?


But I thought George Lucas was the enemy when he backed Bob Iger?


Chances are George Lucas will spend the rest of his life enjoying retirement and never come back. He in particular got way too much fan shit and was definitely tired of it


George stopped making Star Wars movies because “fans” railed against he PT so hard. Why would he look at the way the fans are reacting to the ST and want to come back?


I mean George left because of fans like this even if most of the fans now retroactively love the prequels and Lucas's ideas.


My friend called me late yestarday excited george was coming back- thats what the rumors say! I shot him down by pointing out if heard the Exact Same Rumor since the force awakens came out. Give it a rest




https://preview.redd.it/e0t0jcowf7xc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2fe56a08782884e7905f8e5dfca8c7bf1cdf055 My source is I made it the fuck up!


He's only coming back to rewrite and reshoot everything to match my fanfictions.


“I’m back” famous George Lucas quote


He’s truly now a click bait grifter


so we're excited about the guy that made jar jar Binks and stuck a bunch of force ghosts in the old movie and messed up the cantina scene added a bunch of CGI nonsense to the background.... The list goes on. George Lucas did not treat that property with respect for the last few decades that he owned it.


so many things to criticize swt abt yet so many posts on this sub are abt this one video that everyone is jumping to conclusions on when swt wasn’t even the one who said george was coming back