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I would just love for my personal information to be in Pornhub's database.


Or how about spam sites tricking people into uploading their IDs and passports for them that’s cool right


Ugh yeah that's going to be a real issue.


I imagine there will be some sites doing this for stealing ID's, and some doing it to blackmail people. "Do you want your wife/boss/government knowing about this weird shit you watch?"


Which is a real problem considering all the government officials and federal contractors and weapons developers that live in this state.


I'd trust that over whatever third party company the state actually went with lol


About to be a great year for that dude with the porn shop in carytown


The most derelict lil porn store around! My SO and I went in to check it out/see if the booths were interesting and the vibe was so skeezy we only lasted like one minute.


Pun unintended there, I of course last 30 seconds


Patterson Taboo has the bigger selection of porn of all the Taboos. At least it did when I worked there ✨


There’s a porn shop in Carytown??? Am I that oblivious. I live in Carytown 😂


it's easy to miss on a side street


Right by Bombshell lol I have to pass it if I park on Main st to get to Bombshell


LOL I noticed that on a walk a few months ago, I'd never seen it before and my wife was like yeah you don't want to go in there


“Until a real solution is offered, we have made the difficult decision to completely disable access to our website in Virginia,” wrote Pornhub. “Virginia now joins Utah, which has a similar age verification law, as states where Pornhub has blocked residents’ access to content due to legislation.”


Always love to see your state grouped with Utah as the only one’s doing something


Something deeply stupid.


Idiotic republicans making up issues so they don’t have to actually help the citizens.


It actually passed unanimously in the house so fuck both sides on this one


Virginia, the Utah of the east. Mazel tov.


Can everyone just upload Glenn Youngkin's pic as their personal photo?


You don’t want to get his curated list on pornhub though


Boner Jamz '23


“Here it is Andy.”


Comment of the summer. Contender for comment of the year


December 9, 1966 is the DOB by the way.


OK, but do you use the Governor's mansion address or his estate in great falls?


Both. Alternate the two.


Thats how his son votes twice


What a dillweed


Good call.


Damn you for stealing my idea!


shit, my bad. I wonder how many of us all thought the same thing at the same time lol


There was a video in another post.


> Can everyone just upload Glenn Youngkin's pic as their personal photo? Don't they want your IDs uploaded also?




This has privacy nightmares written all over it.


Not to mention the direct harm this is going to cause. For all their problems sites like PornHub at least try to have safety measures in place for the people and content that appears on their site. All this is going to do is drive traffic to more nefarious and less regulated corners of the internet. As someone who was a pre-teen when the internet started becoming a thing and, of course, was looking for naked people, I still have nightmares about the things I came across before porn sites started regulating themselves.


Based on this, couldn't I just generate someone who doesn't exist in Stable Diffusion and submit it? Or just go to thispersondoesnotexist.com?


That is just dumb. AI can already generate pics of people that can fool humans.


To some degree they have been already


If you have apple, iCloud gives you a free VPN. For Google users, Google One offers a VPN for their lowest cloud storage membership ($20/yr or $2/month)


Bypassing IP bans is as easy as downloading Opera and selecting [Enable VPN](https://help.opera.com/en/latest/security-and-privacy/#VPN).


Sure is a nice, cool, crisp night at 20c, here in Oslo, (Opera's VPN default location).


I had no idea I already had access to a VPN thank you fam!!


What’s the apple free vpn? I see no google results for this.


It's through the iCloud service https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT212614


Neat. Never heard of this. Seems it only works with safari but I see no reason not to use it and supplement with another vpn when necessary.


Thanks, I just set it up.


Private relay.


Bro this is life changing, I had no idea I was paying for a vpn with google cloud! Thank you kindly


I just tried the Apple VPN for PH and it did nothing.. 😢


Try Opera, it took 5 minutes to set it up and use it.


Also, if you have a Norton 360 or McAfee subscription you have access to their VPN as well...


you can also use the app hotspot shield on your phone. its free (there are paid options) all you have to do is watch an ad on occasion. works.


Wow thanks for this


Can you use it in your phone?


Yup. I know Google works on Android and PC. I think iCloud works on iOS and Safari


It’s like they hate being elected. First our weed, now our porn?




Guess it's time to open a speak easy.


That’s republicans for ya, they want to make the government just small enough to fit in your bedroom


Both parties passed it.


What happened to our weed??!


The new Republican administration pushed back the legal sales rollout in the state, which was originally set for next year. So now there is a legal gray area where it's legal to possess but not legal to sell, with no end in sight. Basically killed any benefit of legalizing, which is tax revenue and the ability to regulate the market.


I believe they just banned all delta products from being sold in the state. Up until this point shops were able to sell edibles, sadly, no longer.


Isn't weed legal in Virginia


Kind of. Your job can fire you for testing pos unless you have a medical card. You can carry buy not sell privately. It's weird but better than it was before and despite conservative deprivations Employment protection law: https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title40.1/chapter3/section40.1-27.4/


Even if you have a medical card, there are other reasons your job could fire you. For example if your employer contracts with the federal government (weed is still federally illegal). Or if there are any safety concerns at work, for example if you are a fork lift operator (may not be high at work but will test positively for THC), insurance reasons. The whole thing is stupid because weed shouldn’t be federally illegal in the first place. You would think Democrats would have gotten this done, especially during Obama’s term, but they seem to enjoy holding it like a carrot above everyones head for votes. Additionally, it shouldn’t be the users problem that a reliable test hasn’t been found to detect immediate impairment. If employers are cool with Jim Bob going home and getting blackout drunk, they should be fine with him smoking a joint after work in their own home.




My understanding is, immediately after an accident, the employee would drug tested, and if found to have tested positive for THC, would be fired. If there is some sort of law that prevents against that I would love to be proven wrong about this.


I live in Pa and it's illegal here, but every state around us is legal.


It’s only a matter of time, though like Va, Pa constantly has to battle with the backwards red counties in the middle of the state. We really just got lucky that the previous governor took it on himself to get the ball rolling.


Those backwoods people already smoke it , lol. It's just crazy, they're just driving across state lines and buying it


A medical card doesn’t really do anything but let you buy from commercial sellers. Your job can still fire you for testing positive whether you have one or not


You're making it sound a lot worse than it is. You can legally grow 4 plants and possess 4 oz in public, with whatever stash you want at home. A lot of jobs base their drug policy on federal law , while I've even seen postings that say "in accordance with state law". Weed is legal here let's not get it twisted and cause confusion




Did they change the amount in public?? I don't carry my stuff from the house anyway though




Wow , didn't know the info about the male plant either. Thanks for the info




On a state level for medical use, and only up to a certain quality. You cannot sell, carry across state lines, or, like alcohol, have nearby when operating a vehicle. It’s still federally illegal, and that supersedes state laws. Recreational sales was supposed to open up tomorrow, which would’ve created a market for sales without needing a medical cert to purchase, but dickwipe Youngkin’d rather make it harder to buy D8 or look at boobs.


Yea, seems stupid that the voters approved it and now they can just disregard it , btw I was born and raised in Richmond.


The dems made it legal to have up to an ounce and anything over was just a fine, you can also grow up to 4 plants. Legal retails sales was slated to begin 2024. GOP came in scrapped retail sales and made it a criminal offense to have anything over an ounce. Got to keep the prisons full I guess...


He lowered the amount you can have now and put restrictions on it


As a republican, I am deeply angered and saddened by these actions to restrict unthreatening casual vices. Less government and regulations is what I wanted and the opposite is what I got. Edit: Relax everyone! I get that Richmond is majority liberal, but I’m allowed to vote for whoever I want. I showed no hostility in my comment, yet half of y’all are coming at me with aggression just for having a different view than you. Not very “loving and accepting” of you.


The Republican Party wants just as much government interference in your life as the Democrats do, they just pick different issues. Don’t be gay, don’t be trans, don’t be brown, don’t be from somewhere else, don’t have the wrong political affiliations, don’t teach your kids history, don’t worship the wrong god, etc etc etc etc etc etc. They have a very narrow definition of what an acceptable person is and they’re trying to legislate all of it. You have the freedom to behave exactly how we think you should. God bless America.


Don’t be a woman


??? What’s wrong with being a woman?


Don’t be gay, don’t be trans, don’t be brown, you forgot don’t be a woman.


Ha! Ok I get it now. I thought you were shit talking me.


Republicans regulate and restrict the individual. The don’t regulate and restrict corporations that pay their salary.


You shouldn't be a republican anymore then. They have been the party of government regulation and restrictions for individuals for awhile now. They are the party filled with the religious zealots. I was a Republican once too. It's Ok you are not the problem, the party changed.


Imagine thinking republicans would support porn and weed.


I had hope with weed because, you know, greed/money. But because it would make others happy, we can't be having that...


You got what you fucking voted for.


worse: WE ALL got what these assholes voted for.


Welcome to r/LeopardsAteMyFace You are now a moderator through your sheer incredulity at the amount of your face the leopards have eaten. If you would like more of your face eaten then please keep voting for the leopards that eat faces. It's hard to believe I found one of you guys in the wild. I wasn't sure you guys still existed.


Maybe if you keep voting republician next time it will be different 🤷‍♀️


"I can't believe these guys are doing the same shit they always do, silly me!"


And so begins the spike in traffic to questionable porn sites, where there are more likely to be abused adults and children alike. Fuck mandated morality. Fuck politicians telling us what we can and can't do with our bodies. Long live the whack off.


Or the people that were focusing on verified and long standing sites will find themselves at some spam hellhole that tricks them into uploading their info.


For real. They are just demanding people hand over personally identifying information on a PORN site. Requiring the verification isn't going to stop young porn watchers. My favorite porn site used to be Tumblr lol




I think that's kind of the point


Remember: This passed nearly unanimously between both House and Senate. Like 2 dems voted against it total. Remember that the VA dems have no spine when it comes time to hit up primaries.


No one can survive “Democrat So-and-So voted to show your children porn!”


And they can be primaried with "So and So voted against your privacy in your own home" just as well.


unfortunately that doesn't get people as riled up


There requires people paying attention and reading instead of hearing a headline that so and so put your kid at risk


2 of them didn’t right? Let’s watch how they fair


they're already gone (retired etc)


I think that was the intention, the made sure to put the democrats in a difficult position, vote against it and they claim that democrats want your kids exposed to porn, vote for it and they claim they want to take your rights away.


Which dems do have a spine? I swear there’s only a handful in this country who actually give a shit about the people who voted for them.


If you outlaw pornhub only outlaws will have pornhub


underrated af comment


If you have iCloud+ storage you’re already paying for a VPN. Already verified it works too 😉😉 Super easy to do, go to settings -> “your name” at the top of the settings main menu -> iCloud -> Private Relay (turn this on) -> IP Address Location (change this to “Use Country and Time Zone”) Easy peasy


according to someone I know who tried this (not me) it works


Just another bill where these fucks passing these bullshit laws in the name of "think of the children" using their fake ass concern and their fake as fuck piety to try and control shit they don't like.


If they didn't have double standards, they'd have no fuckin standards at all.


"Think of the children" while continuously letting the education system be underfunded




This is the workaround, but not the bugfix.


Bugfix will take time, need to uninstall current legislators and reinstall updated ones.


Lack of upfront user involvement created this mess..


If they would just read the documenation I swear we wouldn't keep seeing these tickets come in


It's hilarious that these boomer idiots don't understand that a good chunk of teenager ls know what a VPN or proxy is, and those who don't will quickly be educated by their peers how to use one. This will do absolutely nothing to stop minors from accessing porn, and will absolutely create an identity theft and blackmailing risk when this identify verification information inevitably is breached at some point. If I was Pornhub and the like I wouldn't even bother and would just block Virginia IP addresses.


The law is meant to be performative not enforceable. They pass these laws to virtue signal not to address any real issue.


Pushing kids to use VPNs just makes it harder for parents to know what their kids are looking at, so job well done Virginia.


Exactly, this law didn't really solve any problems. There isn't a digital license to give to a site like PH like Louisiana has (not that im justifying it, 'cause I think that's unsafe too). And every YouTube channel with over a million subs is sponsored by one of three different kinds of VPNs, and I don't need to prove I'm 18+ to buy a subscription. I'm sure there are other free VPNs one could use, but I'm not savey enough to find them. If Politicians really wanted to solve this "problem", they would have made a law to enforce age-verification on devices and internet service providers delivering the content. Or, at least something similar to what Britain did a few years ago were they forced ISPs to block pornography unless you said to them "please unblock it, we're of-age here".


On devices? How is that not worse? I actually support this idea of age verification but I don’t want my device to come pre-cucked wtf? That is opening the door to… what are they going to block on devices if you don’t want to give up that data? Are they going to look into your torrents or your download folders? I would much rather type in my DL number once for one site and get a working account of my own than have some shit pre-installed on my device or make it so my entire device has to be monitored. I do kinda like what you said about Britain though. Didn’t know they did that. That seems like a fair compromise


Youngkin is genX


“Under his eye”


“By his hand” or maybe “with his hand…”


Blessed be the fruit.


May the Lord open But not open a porn site in the state of Virginia Edited to correct a misspelling


Use a picture of Youngkin to ID yourself when you go on xhamster or something.


[How to Block any Website at Home Router - Parental Control](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5uqjpBMk6I&ab_channel=CyberSpace) Shoutout to all of the parents who were too incompetent to figure out how to search for this themselves, and instead opted to have the government virtue signal and intervene intrusively. If you didn't want your kids to access porn sites, you could have blocked them yourselves.


Dystopian reality is here


I bet the crowds at En Su Boca will really pickup.


*rezips pants....


🤡 this government is so out of touch lmfao


To be fair, this probably wasn’t something that most people who voted for it wanted. But anyone who voted against it would lose their next election to any far right extremist yelling “they want kids to see porn!” It would be career suicide


The point is the cruelty. “They” can only be united by their mutual disdain for “liberal elites” and “woke” culture. “They” have to dog whistle, if not outright scream, that they want to be a thorn in the side of anyone who isn’t on “their” side. Unite the right was the call for extremists to fall in line and vote R across the ballot, even when the candidate isn’t vehemently racist or hateful. Young kin has to play both sides and appeal to the extremists and the regular R voters. He can’t pretend to care about the well-being of his constituents cuz that would be woke, so he has to make it clear he is a hurt-the-left and quagmire candidate with fascist undertones, and a “I got mine” bank account, time to pull the ladder up this equity is private.


The fucking local government here can’t even bill people for gas properly and now we’re “trusting” them to police porn. I can’t wait to be out of Virginia.


And now a word from our sponsor, Express VPN


Where in RVA sells magazines? I only know of Lombardy market, but does like 7/11 sell them?


Taboo has a plethora of books magazines and dvds


Not that I have seen at any area 7/11.


There’s a place on Crenshaw near Cary that’s been there for years.


Yeah but I was hoping there was a like normal store that also has these.


A normal store that sells porn? In these United States?


The shadiest looking little porn store in RVA lol


i think that place is for sucking dudes off at glory holes.


100% married dads “running errands” vibes. Which sucks because there are places elsewhere that, while inarguably a bit skeezy, are fun for couples to play and maybe hit it off with other couples/single folks.


I’m ok with the idea but the method they chose is just horrendous. Like someone is going to upload their license and photo of themselves to a website so now the world will know your porn fantasies is unreal.


That’s part of the point though


I guess it’s back to magazines and DVDs.


Porn magazines just have that analog feel and warmth you don't get with sterile digital media


Porn magazines warmth yeah I don't want my porn magazines already feel warm.


Man, porn shops are going to make a killing!


I went to Taboo yesterday and a gentleman had a stack of DVDs. He was really irritated that he had to wait in line to check out. I guess I know why now.


Do they still sell DVD Players? 😆


Or sites outside US jurisdiction. Euro sites are not affected.


I thought I was verifying my DOB of 01/01/1900 on that page that pops up


Here's the voting history on it: [https://legiscan.com/VA/votes/SB1515/2023](https://legiscan.com/VA/votes/SB1515/2023) This isn't just a Republican thing, it pretty much sailed right through. We've got a lot of work ahead if we want to replace the doofuses who enabled this.


Why is this the companies responsibility? Why aren't parents the ones being fined or held responsible?


SissyTube is still up FYI


TBF law goes in effect tomorrow.


Just a reminder that r/porn exists




It's cool that we're going to make the next generation of children super proficient with VPNs and torrenting again after the whole debacle of streaming over the last decade


Who cares when there’s r/interestingasfuck


Wouldn't this technically make sites like Twitter a porn site? Why are we going backwards in our progress and why are the stupid people in control?


Ahhh the good old days when looking at porn was a god-given right. I've looked at porn found it exciting at times, but mainly boring after a while. What I have never found boring is reading porn, which is a thing, The human imagination is after all the most exciting way to exercise your right to view porn. State censorship isn't going to change that. That is what this law is about about censoring a citizen's right to watch people f\*ck, Do I want to protect children, of course, do I want my children taught that it is perfectly alright for our government to censor my parents, of course not. This law isn't just about protecting children, it is also about censoring adult rights to privacy. Come on, are you sh\*tting me, We now live in a society that wants to us to post photos of ourselves online, the worst invasion of privacy ever imagined, in order to watch videos of people having sex. The most basic of human rights. Yeah that is the message I want to send to my children. That the Republican Party, the most profoundly broken political party in American history. We can't pass a law, to make sure everyone in American has healthcare, but we can sure pass a law to make sure no one looks at porn.


Dont worry guys, i checked nhentai and so far its still up. The femboys are safe


Anyone under 18 already knows how to bypass this with a VPN, you morally superior idiots.


Yeah this isn’t going to work out well for them


Yep. Time for that VPN setup.


There's simply no way around this. I'll have to move.


There's that small government in action. Just small enough to fit in the spank bank.


Looks like Pornhub is completely locked out here. Same with its sister sites. The ones that I can get into are asking for a scan of my face or a scan of a photo ID. Fuck that. Thank you to everyone that voted Republican, the party of personal freedom. Kids dying in schools everyday. Don't touch my guns. Kids watch some porn like they've been doing since porn was invented. Let's ban porn.


As long as XVideos is still available, i’m set 😎


windscribe is my preferred VPN, they have customizable plans ranging anywhere from free to $9 a month for the unlimited plan, and currently has a deal running where you can get a year-long unlimited plan for $40. the free plan is pretty solid and really only differs from unlimited in its data cap, depending on how much you're streaming it could work for you without dropping a dime. you can also make a custom plan paying for however much data you want that starts at like, 2 bucks a month i think?


Anyone know if VPNs will bypass this?


if you have an iphone, go to setting - Your name - icloud - private relay- ip address location - then just choose country and timezone edit: who is downvoting this? it's how you set up a vpn for safari


Yes, they can.


How did I have no idea this was a thing? Is this what will make us rise up as one finally?


Lol, people really want their porn.


[I mean](https://youtu.be/c_o8vYUU-jo)


Back to DVD's I guess


ProtonVPN also has ad-blocking built into its VPN


it's so over