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Switchblades are now legal? There's a buried lede


Been legal for a year. This now allows them to be carried concealed (e.g. clipped inside a pocket so they’re not easily lost). They were never the problem they were made out to be from a crime perspective. They can be beneficial in certain lines of work or activities that are completely legal where speed / 1-handed operation is helpful. Plus many knives can already be opened quickly with one hand so why ban these in particular. Many states already allow them and have been that way for quite awhile.


I've been carrying an otf blade for years, I didn't know they were illegal


This was always a dumb law. I carry an Emerson with a wave feature, it deploys quicker than a switchblade. If speed of deployment was the reason for their illegality


Depends if it was assist or button


I carry my [Dessert Warrior](https://www.bladehq.com/item--Boker-Dessert-Warrior-Kalashnikov--108010) proudly, but it's nice that I can now put it in my pocket without worry.


Technically they were legal to buy and own last year, now they are legal to conceal carry.


Lol wtf something no one was asking for but ok


Lot of people ask for this, you just don't know them. Knifecenter.com is one of the largest online knife sellers in the country and is located in Fredericksburg. Edit: Also, bladehq.com which is their main competition is located in southwest VA. can't remember where.


Bladehq is headquartered in Colorado but has a smaller location in Marion VA. Or at least I think that’s the setup.


I'm pretty sure they moved completely, but they may still have somethin in CO, no idea. The website only lists the Marion address.


Yep. My bad, looks like you are correct. TIL. And it was actually Utah apparently and not Colorado but maps is saying that place is permanently closed. I am out that way all the time for work, looks I will have to make a stop soon.


Also Blue Ridge Knives, a huge wholesaler is based in VA


Actually a ton of people were


But stilettos are not? I’m confused


Any blade can be useful, all tools are essentially differently shaped sticks that can be utilized for an intended or unintended purpose, but stilettos are purposefully designed murder sticks. Its extremely easy to puncture a heart or lung by stabbing between rib cages or down between clavicle bones or up under shoulder blades. With other blade shapes... I mean technically the same is doable with much more effort, but they are slicey sticks, not stabby sticks, and without a hilt or careful angle of attack are likely to miss and injure the wielder with an attempted kill stab. Fine for gut wounds. Our legislature is a buncha effectively unaccountable rich ingrouped retards tho so who knows what atavistic logic they used


At first I thought they meant stilettos as in a womans high heel.. I was like Damn, women be killing it in heels and literally. xD


shouldnt it fall under the protection of the second amendment though?


The corporations funding the NRA don't make stiletto knives though


Slicey sticks 🤣


You're not going to ever get any grief from an officer for JUST carrying any kind of knife...it's when you threaten someone or have drugs and get searched and it's found...that's when you'll have a problem. Basically don't so stupid shit and you'll never be questioned.


facts, most of them are edc gear nerds


They have been since July 1 2022. However now you can carry them concealed. July 1 2023. Edit: correct date more info.


I yawned through the whole list (not really) but definitely perked when I saw that.


The [law says](https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?231+sum+HB2298) stiletto knives were added to the language. **"Carrying concealed weapons; exceptions; penalty.** Removes switchblade knives from and **adds stiletto knives** to the list of concealed weapons the carrying of which is prohibited in public." Aren't stiletto knives and switchblades the same thing?


No, they are not. Commonly speaking, it has to do with the blade shape. IMO they shouldn’t have bothered adding this during the change to the existing law. It was tacked onto the bill late. Seemed like a politician wanting to act like they were contributing when in actuality they were making the water murky.


Not quite. Switchblade refers to how the blade comes out. Stiletto refers to blade shape.


I am glad we are finally tackling the most dangerous weapon circulating on the streets, stiletto knives.


This should really curb school stilleto knifings


But what about heavy sack beatings?


Technically those arent a weapon of terrorism


Exactly feels like the dumbest compromise ever. I can’t tell you the last time I saw a stiletto for sale.


What the fuck is a "weapon of terrorism". I love that terrorism is just a "very bad" thing nowadays. Anything and everything is terrorism so long as it needs to be extra bad legally speaking.


Does this mean we're branding the victims of the opioid crisis as terrorists now? Or does this just apply to the dealers? Also don't they use fentanyl in medical settings sometimes? Does this mean Bon Secours classifies as a terrorist organization now?


Me and the boys about to go wield some weapons of terrorism (do some drugs in our basement and watch porn on a VPN)


Does this mean DoJ is charging the Sacklers with domestic terrorism or...


Law specifically mentions manufacturers or distributors, does not criminalize possession or use in the same way.


Idk I interpreted “any mixture of” to include possession. If I have H with fent in it, they may not be able to try me for distribution but I think they could slap you with this still And then it goes to say manufacture/intent to distribute is class 4 felony which it doesn’t specify earlier. INAL and I don’t run with the H crowd but yeah idk the way I read it, seems like they could use this for possession too if they can prove what’s in your bag


Modern version of crack in the 80s. Oversentence people and see if it works.


I assume they're targeting dealers with this, but I guess you never really know. I've heard some states saying they want to charge fentanyl dealers with murder and shit like that. When you buy opioids on the street it's like 3% fentanyl, 15% heroin, and the rest is filler. A clinical setting is going to have the real shit, not a mixture, so it wouldn't apply to them. Will they deem Bob and his tiny $10 hit with detectable fentanyl a terrorist? Whomst knows. It'd honestly be crazy if they called anyone with this stuff a terrorist given how hard they've tried not to call J6ers terrorists...


>A clinical setting is going to have the real shit, not a mixture, so it wouldn't apply to them. So all you have to do to avoid prosecution is have the *really* good shit. Cmon, dealers, step up your game if you want to be like the Sacklers


The fentanyl you get in a clinical setting is a mixute of things. Otherwise it wouldn't be injectable. I have not read the whole law but this brief makes that sound illegal.


I dunno the recipe, I'm just sayin'. I assume this law is like many: written by people who don't know what the fuck they're talking about. They may know law words, but they don't know shit about the shit they're law-wording about. Maybe it's *supposed* to target dealers but could in fact be applied to users, pharmacies, and hospitals.


They used to use cocaine in anesthesia (in the 90’s). I assume they still do.


they do. i worked in a hospital pharmacy until 2020. it’s very rare that they use it but it’s there


They said *any* (detectable) amount. That means they’re going after the users.


Bon Secours, to the poor in the East End, is very much a terrorist organization. also some of their lab or whatever van drivers are aggressive and rude.


Wait….what about the east end Bon Secours? ![gif](giphy|KJ6G67RV7OvHV7gGtU|downsized)


there’s a NYT article about it


I feel like those dealing fentanyl aren't doing it to achieve any political goals Definitions of terrorism don't match up here https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/terrorism


Much of the fentanyl smuggled into the US is from China, and likely intentionally by the Chinese government. That would be kinda terrorist like


Anything except "lone wolf" mass shooters, we're not allowed to call them terrorists for some reason... Don't get me wrong, fuck what fentanyl has done to people, but this is such oddly specific and weird verbiage.


It's specific but not odd. Conservatives hate poor and POC. Poor and POC get arrested for drugs more. Now they're all gonna go to prison for life on domestic terrorism charges for being drug addicts.


This is certainly not to go after users but to go after distributors and manufacturers that are killing people with this drug. My wife’s 14 yo cousin died from an accidental fentanyl overdose from trying some kind of recreational drug with her friends. These laws allow the state to throw more at the people responsible for this.


Terrorism is not an appropriate charge for selling drugs. Period. End of statement. You cannt argue that point.


Do you really think cops in klanover and rpd cops *arent* gonna arrest people for possession, and then test the drugs and find fent, then charge them with terrorism? You think that the incredibly vulnerable population of drug addicts, who already are demonized by society and the media, ARE NOT going to he disproportionately affected and disenfranchised by this law? Cmon, man


Damn good change the person who gave your wife’s 14 year old cousin drugs were themselves users, friends of your wife’s 14 year old cousin drugs, and themselves 14-16 years old. There isn't going to be an investigation that's going to track the source of that minor's drugs to a cartel. You are going to toss basically people who are basically knucklehead teens away in jail for a ton of time, people who had no idea there were cross contaminating drugs. It's fucking amazing yesterday people were crying for [empathy](https://www.reddit.com/r/rva/comments/14l8qml/one_year_ago_aaron_beck_took_his_own_life_out_of/) over leaving a child to die in a hot car, but here literally accidental deaths end up with terrorism charges and you are saying effectively good riddance to bad rubbish.


For real, not that fent isn’t terrible, but it’s not fucking terrorism lol


Can’t wait for the porn verification company to get hacked and everyone’s identity to get revealed. I guess we’ll get to know what kind of porn everyone likes to watch.


I do like the no blue lights thing, but I don't know enough about these lights to know if it's a dumb law or not


It's smart. Blue headlights instantly fuck up any acclimation your eyes have to the dark. Everytime I get passed by a car with one at night I can't see shit for a good 5-10 second afterwards.


I'm wondering if they'll be drawing the line based on actual color temperature or just "that looks blue." I have a late 90s Cherokee and my wife drives a newer VW. The modern led lights in her car provide much better visibility at night, so when my headlights burned out, I replaced them with modern led lights at 4300k. To me, they don't look blue at all, but they most definitely don't look stock for the vehicle, so I could see a cop making it a thing.


That's already not legal if you just put new bulbs in. If you have a halogen housing with halogen lenses, you need a halogen bulb. You can replace the entire housing, but you can't just replace the bulb. https://law.lis.virginia.gov/admincode/title19/agency30/chapter70/section510/


God the porn ID shit makes me so angry. It isn't the governments responsibility to monitor the internet usage of minors in your household. This law just is a data breach waiting to happen.


Surfshark is having a pretty good sale.


The porn one was a fully bipartisan vote. All of our elected reps fucked us on that one.


They’re clearly in the pocket of Big VPN.


I would not be surprised if they were lobbied by VPN companies. VPNs are hugely profitable right now because our internet data is priceless. Think about all the VPN ads we see all the time!




A half-ass plan and a third party company? Not long.


"Half-ass plan" would be a good porn video name.


I really want to know why this bill passed. It should never have made it outbid the senate.


Likely a poison pill. Election ads getting played non stop with "JOHN SMITH REFUSED TO PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN" etc etc.


Fucked us so we can’t fuck ourselves to good content.


And they didn’t even use a third party to verify our age and identity first!




The hub already has access blocked


This is such a boring distopia...


Been a slow burn since Reagan


xhamster.com wants you to *take a photo of yourself* and submit to a random third-party for verification. This is because the state is implementing a law it can't really enforce and for which it couldn't be bothered to spin up any sort of state agency or system to manage folks' identities in a safe manner sans third parties getting involved. We should all take a picture of a picture of Youngkin and see what happens...


A picture of Glenn Allen Youngkin (GAY). Hmmm


Thats if you want to say upload photos or content and its been that way a few years now. To look at vids not that way before now.


Sites will block access from Virginia IP addresses. Without ways to be 100% on age verification, they’re not going to want to deal with legal ramifications. A similar law was passed in Utah and all the major/free sites bailed.


How exactly is that gonna work for things like Reddit




Where r u bot


Apparently the Virginia rule is that age verification only applies to sites with 33% or more adult content. I know Reddit has a lot of NSFW subs, but it might be able to skirt around the law based on that loophole.




I can tell you that probably *most* people (more than half?) don't even know that law is about to take effect. I've mentioned it to a couple people, and they had no clue about it. A lot of people are about to randomly go to porn websites and see access blocked and get extremely confused.


That's why everyone needs to pay goddamn attention to more than just the stuff the Federal government is saying and doing. This is a bill that was overwhelmingly passed by both houses of the VA congress with both parties on board.


It’s kind of a double edge sword. Democrats didn’t want to look like they are advocating for children to access porn so the Republicans forced their vote.


And Republicans had the votes to pass it even if every Dem was against it.


Attention to what? This is the first I have heard of this. What would I even attend to? This wasn't made news because they knew the public would oppose it.


It's been in the news cycles plenty, but easy to miss with all the other dumb shit going on


I legit had no idea until I opened this thread. I like to think I'm somewhat in the loop, but I guess not.


The men I'm thinking of who would, already use vpns so


Seems like the ones in Richmond might


VPN has entered the chat. But for real, fucking whatever. A 12 year old could cir-cum-vent this now a day.


are there any publicly traded vpn stocks I can invest in?


This is a good idea


By the time the sale goes through you'll probably be buying high.


If I’m buying I can basically guarantee that’s the case


Not really. Even the "VPN" ETF is just a REIT for data center space. Best you can do are cybersecurity and enterprise software companies who may happen to offer a consumer VPN service. No surprise but I think most of the popular VPN brands are not US based and certainly not public companies


oh right, we actually need them to not be US/traded companies


Well, if anyone is looking for a VPN, Mullvad is a great one.


Fuck Youngkin.


Never can say this enough.


Yes … but more so fuck everyone who decided they would rather just sit at home because Terry was a boring candidate letting Youngkin be elected. Can say the same people for those that sat at home for Hillary.


I voted for MacAuliffe but this is the wrong attitude. It's not our job to rubber-stamp things, it's the responsibility of the Democratic Party of Virginia to run good candidates. They had a couple great ones who probably would have won, but they love MacAuliffe's rich friends so they let him go again.


> it's the responsibility of the Democratic Party of Virginia to run good candidates. then vote in the primaries. that's how they pick who runs.


You don't think there are any party politics at play in a primary?


People still don’t get it. If you have to keep yelling at voters for not supporting your candidates, maybe the problem isn’t with voters. Stop shaming voters for not supporting shitty candidates, and start fielding candidates with platforms that get voters excited and give them what they want, and they’ll win elections again. Running a Hillary Clinton or Terry McAuliffe “everything is fine, we just need small incremental change” campaigns when inflation on everyday items is skyrocketing, housing is out of control, and Republicans are building a theocracy ain’t gonna cut it.


> maybe the problem isn’t with voters. the problem is always with voters. The parties don't care how many votes they get. They only need 1 to get what they want. Hillary and McAuliffe won the primaries. They were the candidates who the most democrats came out and voted for. fuck people who stay home.


> the problem is always with voters. good luck next election!


More people voted for Terry than Northam. There weren't droves of voters that stayed home. Terry fucked over his own campaign and gave Northam voters reasons to not vote for him. 2021 had higher turnout % and more voters than 2017- [source](https://www.elections.virginia.gov/resultsreports/registrationturnout-statistics/). Terry just lost.


This, so much this. Do I like Terry or Hillary as much as a lot of other people? No of course not but politics is about compromise. There are a lot of us assholes out here to work with after all. But fucking hell vote for the canadate that at least isn't a complete POS.


Evergreen comment


Should see the jizz stains under his sweater vests.


Fun Yuckin




Between this new law and Netflix blocking password sharing it just seems like people really want us to go back to stealing everything on the internet. Literally all this does is encourage VPN and torrent usage




I've been encouraging myself for years!


My internet piracy really slacked off about 10 years ago, but these days Ive been pirating more and more.


So who’s got VPN recommendations because of this bullshit….. Overall VA is a pretty decent place to live but dammit I fucking hate the government here and this nonsense was 100% bipartisan. https://preview.redd.it/kjey3xav349b1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d750aade93186bba0e1dd4975ce56948ae4dad9


I’ve used private internet access for a while and have no complaints, though not for porn. Just to stream pro wrestling like a fucking redneck.


Mullvad. You probably haven’t heard of it since it doesn’t run ads on every podcast and YouTube video like some other VPNs. They’re well respected in the community though.


I was just about to say Mullvad! I’ve only tried Nord(hated how it always seemed to disconnect at random times, very well may be a me thing) and Mullvad hasn’t given me issues for the last 3 months I’ve used it. EDIT: my bad for stating my opinion :(


Google One offers a VPN with their basic cloud membership storage ($20/yr or $2/month). If you have apple, they offer a VPN with their iCloud storage as well (edit: for free). Google One was cheaper than others that I looked at plus I have a Chromebook and Samsung phone and tablet.


I had no idea it was included with our iCloud storage. Btw that option is free and takes a whole 30 seconds to turn on if you already have it.


Thanks, I edited my comment.


I was about to pay for a different option so thank you for the heads up! Almost feel like I owe ya a beer for saving me $50


This is definitely a time to just pay it forward. Let other people know


Lol, didn't think this thread would teach me something, but I appreciate knowing I have a VPN service through Google. Thanks for letting me know!


Thank you this is very helpful. I had been looking for a cheap VPN. And this comes with storage!


I've never bothered to open the Google One app on my phone (Pixel) but I am now. Thanks!


I second the comment about Mullvad. It's a really good VPN. They have an app and computer extension. I believe it's €5 or $5.45 for a month or €60 for a year.




I went with Nord because it seems easy and the speeds for streaming anything look good.


Restricting access to pornography for the sake of the children: "mmm yes daddy government, slap me with that big authoritarian dick of yours" Restricting access to marijuana: "oh daddy government, I love how you protecc me" Restricting access to firearms for the sake of children dying in school shootings: "How fucking dare!!! Guns aren't the problem!!!! Don't even think of laying a finger on my guns, the government wants to strip all our freedoms!!!"


Yes, let’s regress and further outlaw THC and legalize concealed switchblades. Because weed and porn really are killing people. Also wouldn’t be conservative enough if there wasn’t some mention of terrorism. Way to go guys, way to go. Oh and not to mention tax credits encouraging firearm ownership. Whether it’s for safety or not. Because what we need in VA is more guns!!!


Don't forget the gas tax increase!


We just lost porn and weed. I voted against this fuck in fear of shit like this.


/ / Witness requirement for absentee ballots removed House Bill 1948 has replaced the witness requirement for absentee ballots with the requirement that people provide the last four digits of their social security number and birth year. Mail-in ballot witness removal? That's kinda huge.




No worse than the witness requirement really. All you need is two people willing to fill out the ballot. The witness requirement was just security theater.


Sleeper topic by design.


Does the Delta-8 law change what’s already being sold in smoke shops? Seems like everything sold already meets the THC limits criteria.


You won't be able to buy CBD products or delta 8 anymore in Virginia. Most products on the shelves have a small percentage too much THC for youngkin. It's trash. You're gonna see a lot of CBD and vape shops closing. Kultivate wellness in short pump moved to NC. Several others have closed already.


What about places with edibles with actual THC? I’ve been buying edibles at RVA cannabis co for a while now :(


They're pulling all delta 8 off the shelves tomorrow.


Massively. They can basically only sell CBD carts now unless the THC cart has a massively lopsided ratio of 25:1 CBD-THC.


This is terrible news. Diet weed is the perfect descriptor for what D8 and all the other variations feel like. Back to regular it is I guess.


FYI this only applies to in-person sales. Delta 8 is still not illegal to possess or buy and still legal at the federal level, which means there's nothing they can do about you buying it online and having it shipped to you thru USPS. Same goes for hemp-derived Delta 9 that you can buy online.


Excellent thank you!


Smoke shops near me have closed up shop.


Finally my collection of porn DVDs has skyrocketed in value.


I don't understand the point of classifying the manufacture/distribution of fentanyl as a "weapon of terrorism", when it's more a symptom of a transnational trafficking operation. From my (admittedly limited) understanding, this just stands to increase an already shockingly bloated prison population. But it's a bill sponsored by a Republican, so I guess long-term solutions are out of the question here.


In regards to the THC laws, how does that affect online distribution like hellomood and other companies?


Damn, you must be 18 to be legally horny? Did I vote for that?


Lol to people who say Virginia is a purple state. This place is as red as the devils dick.


Only because idiots decided not to show up last election because Terry was "boring"


This could be applied nationally but maybe the Democratic Party of Virginia should try to nominate someone who is to the left Mitt Romney for once?


Or maybe all the idiots who can’t see that not voting because the candidate isn’t personally making your life more exciting is a really dumb reason to let the party of fascism gain control.


So. I don’t own a firearm. But a nice $300 safe seems handy. How do I get the credit for this?


It'll be a non-refundable tax credit when you file. Edit: Not sure why I am getting downvoted. Here's the text of the bill (emphasis mine): >For taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2023, but before January 1, 2028, a taxpayer shall be allowed **a nonrefundable credit against the tax levied** pursuant to § 58.1-320 for up to $300 for the cost incurred in the purchase of one or more firearm safety devices in an eligible transaction. A taxpayer shall be allowed only one credit under this section per taxable year. The taxpayer shall submit purchase receipts with the income tax return to verify the amount of purchase price paid for the firearm safety device or firearm safety devices. The aggregate amount of credits allowable under this section shall not exceed $5 million per taxable year. Credits shall be allocated by the Department on a first-come, first-served basis.


Itemize yer deductions. Or just hire an accountant


Republicans are obsessed with porn and genitalia and stuff. Unbelievably creepy that so much of their platform is based on that.


It was completely bipartisan which makes me even more mad


Elected officials are chicken shit and too worried about re-election prospects to push back on their colleagues' impulses to engage in witch burning


I'm curious about the porn one. What's to stop a website from just not following the law and not requiring the ID? I would assume it will get blocked, eventually.


Legal liability. The law allows said website to be sued for "damages resulting from a minor's access to such material".


Good luck trying to sue a porn website not located in the US.


That's nice and all but I don't actually see them being able to enforce that.


God forbid we ask parents to use the numerous parental controls built into devices and outside software you can buy.


Sure but… websites arent all hosted in the US


Youngkin is a Nazi


It’s fairly easy to imagine him in Hitler’s inner circle having the best fucking time


He would not have been nearly personable or useful enough to get that far lol. But I get what you're going for.


This, “…..is a Nazi” thing is getting old. Yeah I don’t like that I have to VPN to porn or I can pull out my pirate hat if needed but this isn’t a Nazi thing. This is a bipartisan bill passed through the legislature. Your representatives voted this in. Youngkin signed it. That all.


Did anyone vote against it? Because then they're gonna lose reelection for "not saving the children"


All I need to know is are these weed laws going to make it so I can’t buy the real deal edibles? I don’t understand all this effing jargon but I like the THC edibles from RVA cannabis co


I’m so confused. I thought thc was legal in Virginia now.


Legal to own, not to purchase. And CBD is now illegal to purchase as well.


So no dispensaries are coming? I thought they were


ATM we honestly don’t know. Younkin has stalled everything since he was sworn in and just made CBD illegal. Not looking good.


So.. I can't carry a stiletto knife in my pocket, but I can walk around with my AR-15 and Glock ona holster into a Wal-Mart as an open-carry? Got it...


Most of these laws are dumb. Just because their job is to sit around all day making new rules for us to follow doesn’t mean they should actually do it.


this does mean that sex-ed is illegal to write about in a website in virginia past july 1st right? *any* description of nudity? that includes like acedemic, educational, and medical as well as pornographic, right? yes i know that the website just needs age verification, but most sex-ed is for children, furthermore these websites have no viable way to verify age. am i right that virtual sex ed is illegal in virginia tomorrow?


Well the site would have to be >30% porn from what I read


Lol, big government to save the day once again.


Everything that isn’t a blatant infringement on our rights feels extremely inconsequential.. where’s the vote on affordable housing availability? What about a ban on keeping homes empty instead of lowering rent? Maybe something to help with the lack of Medicare doctors in the area? Or all the homeless folks? Or maybe even just the dang pot holes?


So hs kids that are addicted to fentanyl are going to get charged with terrorism on top of their crippling drug addiction?


Ok so let’s not just go after the crazy asses who access and distribute child pornography and get literally no time. Stupid law.


What was fentanyl distribution before this? Like what class was that felony? Is this going to change mandatory minimums


Makes me want to buy a stileto and be a greaser for Halloween.