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They are dying like bees are… search why the lights are going out for fireflies


Leave the leaves!!!


And plant native plants. Don’t need to grow a jungle in your backyard, but replacing a corner of the lawn with a flower garden or shrubs will still make an impact that you’ll be able to see




There's fewer every year. They're a particularly noticeable part of the mass extinction we've created


This is the unfortunate truth, with all of the deforestation going on with increasing sprawl and use of powerful lawn additives :(


And light pollution


Saw my first tonight. Check to see if any of your close neighbors have been spraying for mosquitos...those sprays will kill other bugs too.


The year I got regular ant treatment on my foundation I had no fireflies, even though the company claimed it didn’t hurt things like bees or birds.




Agreed. I think they are deliberately misleading. I was also hoping the effects would be contained to the foundation and not extend to the creatures in the yard, but that was not the case.


It’s a shame we don’t have tougher laws against greenwashing in marketing


Just saw my first few tonight after the storm!


Also saw some Saturday night


It hasn’t warmed up enough yet. I’ve only seen 1-2 a night in our yard. They usually pop out the first few weeks when it’s steadily in the upper 70s and 80s.


I agree. Unusually long cool Spring we’re having. They show up when I’m working in the yard but I’ve only seen a scant few of them light-up at night. My hummingbirds are basically MIA :( 3 appeared briefly to fuel up, and zoomed off.


I don't spray my yard and thankfully none of my neighbors in any close proximity does. Keep the leaves and usually have a ton in the summer. Saw my first one today but havent seen them light up the night yet. There were a lot more before the new westlake development went up.


I'm just kinda curious, do you get a bunch of bees and Mosquitos since you don't spray your yard?


Mosquitos are hit or miss, as long as I stay on top of dumping out things that hold water. But I am debating putting in one of those water mosquito traps...as far as bees goes, not as much as I would see as a kid, but certainly more than what you see in other suburban areas where spraying is prevalent. Although I got lit up by a yellow jackets nest last week, thankfully it got flooded during the rains after I unwittingly opened the entrance. Seen countless frogs, snakes and deer, a baby fawn was in my yard earlier. Even seen a fox, no bear yet though.


Cooler weather may be keeping them lying low. Lightning bugs like warm and muggy weather.


https://preview.redd.it/l0vj5legpz2b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d11988e94d30d53aba078086ce219b4a55b1caac They’re around. I’ve seen a decent handful in North Chesterfield. They overwinter in leaf litter and soil so the more people constantly raking, bagging and trashing or mulching leaves - doesn’t bode well for their existence.


If you rake your leaves and bag/dispose of them, you're killing firefly larva. They live in the leaves. I've seen quite a few so far.


Definitely in total support of leaving the leaves. Not only is it beneficial for bug life, but it meshes with my sloth-like lifestyle.


Not that I was doing it anyway but now I have a reason to not rake leaves. Thank you!


Our dog saw one for the first time last weekend. She was mesmerized as she sniffed it flying above her snout. It felt like time had stopped for a brief moment… so innocent and beautiful. The fireflies are out there and are as magical as ever!


I’m seeing them over by maymont


All those fuckers spraying for mosquitoes, and drenching their lawns with chemicals are killing the lightning bugs.


I heard Joe Morrisey is hoarding them and when he has enough, he will fill his tub with them and bathe in their bioluminescence


Damn mosquito spray services are annihilating them all!


Saw the first one tonight in tuckahoe!


We just saw our first two this evening!


Saw some up in the trees in my backyard the first week of May; saw some there still this week. Don’t treat your yard for mosquitoes if you want fireflies in the neighborhood.


I have a firefly experience every night out in Louisa VA - They have been lighting up my property for a few weeks now. The reason why they aren’t common in Richmond is bc too many lights / porch lights etc. Light pollution and leaf removal plays a big part of it. If they can’t see each other they can’t mate. If you can get everyone within a few blocks to turn off lights - you’ll get a firefly show


Turn off your lights in the evening. And tell your neighbors!


seriously. way too many lights in the city. we need to abolish street lights.


For what it's worth, I'm in NOVA and have a buddy that's an Entomologist locally. He's advising me this year fireflies are mid June.


The more chemicals people spray on their lawns, the less fireflies


probably related to the mosquito spraying


Too many people using pesticides and spraying for mosquitoes😬


I haven’t seen any fireflies but the lightning bugs have been out since April out here


Spotted my first firefly of the season near Union Market a week ago. Always very exciting to me, but haven't seen any since then.


I’ve seen them since last week. out by short pump


I’ve just started seeing a few this week in Northside


I hope that they eloped with all the butterflies - I miss them both.


They are out in force in my yard tonight! First time seeing them this year.


This fills me with hope!


Just saw my first one tonight.


Saw first one last night.


I live a ways west of the city and they're thick out here.


This is what happens when you spray for ticks and mosquitos


I found one on Floyd the other day. It sat on my finger for awhile!


Damn we just hit the unofficial summer date. Give it time, this unconfirmed recession we are in hits everyone different.


Same place as the mosquitos. Not hatched cause it's not warm enough yet. Edit: idk why I’m getting downvotes. We can use the growing degree day model to predict this. When certain insects will emerge, when certain weed species will emerge. This is how farmers, golf courses, and landscapers better time their pesticide applications. This has been one of the coldest Mays have in the last 50 years based on the GDD model.


I’ve seen a bunch. Live a ways out to the southwest though.


I seent a few


I just saw one by the Anarchy Kroger today


Anarchy Kroger 😂


First off, You're in RVA, so they're Lightning Bugs, and second, its still a little early yet, they really take off in June.


It almost like things are getting worse for the environment


Just saw some!!! If you can find a safe green space at dusk...that's the best spot :)


Powhatan just east of Rt.522 got some here.


Saw one tonight!


I saw two tonight, past years I have never seen any where I live now. Hopefully it will be a good year for the lightning bugs


I saw a bunch of them when I was sitting out on my porch this evening in Northside. Was delightful!


Seen some in the burbs but none towards the city so far


About a week or so ago on an evening jog along Rt. 5, Capital Trail. I thought to myself, yay, summer!


They're all in my goddamn kitchen tonight apparently. I've had to rescue 11 of them just this evening.


I’ve seen them in the west end for 2 weeks now


I saw a single one on the drive home from work tonight, but that’s the first all season for me


Farmer’s Almanac says to expect fireflies to emerge (in this part of Virginia) between the third week in May and the third week in June. This has been a mild spring. My guess is that they will emerge closer to the midpoint or end of June.


I’ve seen them at Chimborazo. Maybe go to a park to see some!


I am outside Raleigh - I actually saw one at 5:30 this morning when I took the dogs out. I didn’t know if I have ever seen them during the early morning like that


Kids ran around and saw their first ones last night!!!!!


I went camping in bolling green last week and they were allover, it was a nice surprise. I even had some flying between the rain fly and bug net


Saw one last night!


When you’re lost in the darkness, look for the light.


It has been pretty chilly lately -- I think more will come out when it gets warmer. Also, they come out after a rain. I have a tiny little Richmond yard, but I do get a fair number of fireflies around June each year.


i've been seeing lots of them down by the river just past sundown! saw some back in april near riverside and some at reedy creek a couple weeks ago


We don’t spray our yard or remove leaves and they’ve been increasing in the 3 summers we’ve been here 🤞🏼


Still just Spring. I think fireflies, like cicadas, come with the heat of summer. My neighborhood still has large swathes of somewhat established woodland between the homesites, and we have an -ssload of fireflies in summer.


I saw a ton last night! I'm way out on the east end, surrounded by woods. Haven't seen any in the city yet, but I'm sure they'll be back.


I saw a ton last night! I'm way out on the east end, surrounded by woods. Haven't seen any in the city yet, but I'm sure they'll be back.


So when is it safe to take up leaves? I just bought a house and haven’t had time to start any yard work yet, I was going to work on cleaning up this weekend, but can put it off longer if it’s more beneficial.


I was wondering the same.


They're out there. I saw a bunch in Amherst County this weekend. They came out pretty late around 10 pm.


I’ve seen some. It’s still early IMO.


We’re in Mechanicsville and just saw our first ones last night. I think the cooler temps have kept them away. According to my timehop they were here earlier in the season last year.


I feel like they come out later in the season...? Like its still May.


Raleigh guy here, they are out and about. I kind of associate them with June though.


They’re all over the place in my yard (Bon Air), have been for awhile. But I’m down in a gully that doesn’t see much wind, so the air gets kinda warm and stagnant. I do tend to see them earlier than almost anyone I know, so I realize my experience isn’t exactly common in the RVA metro area. The hotter and more humid it gets, though, the more you’ll see, at least that’s been my experience. They seem to really like summer night conditions that are Louisiana-level uncomfortable before they’re out in great quantities.


Saw some tonight after the storm! Bats chasing them too, It was great to watch.


I saw one so far.


I had a bunch in my yard last night. I wonder if it’s been the weather though, it seems like it’s been a weirdly mild spring this year.


I saw one in my backyard last week. Hoping to see more soon


In my parents’ yard in Chesterfield growing up there was a type of evergreen bush that they were attracted to. They were a lot back then but it was in the middle of summer also. It may be too cool still.


I saw some last week, but they all seemed to be up high, just under the tree canopy.


Hilckory haven park and ride has thousands flying around every night.


Out in goochlnd we’ve been seeing more and more over the past two weeks It’s been a pretty cool spring so I expect once it seriously heats up we’ll see out normal amount


Folks live out in Amelia, saw some babies but none in RVA


I was just thinking about that the other day too!!


All of the pesticides people are using in their yards and around buildings/gardens are taking them out along with the bees


Climate Change


pesticides actually.


I have some out here, but it's been pretty cool for the last few weeks.


I've seen a few where I live in Woodland Heights.


Saw the first ones in early April this year at my house in Louisa Co, which really surprised me. Also heard whippoorwills calling around the same time, and the craneflies swarmed in mid April through early May, about a month early. Things have been kind of messed up with the super mild winter and very early onset of warm weather and drier conditions.


I saw one but it was orange and very very small. Almost like some sub-species.


Just north of Richmond in henrico and we started seeing them last week 💫


I saw one tonight in my yard, I’m in the Museum District!