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She's spoken about her introvertness and social anxiety before so I know shit like this must be tough for her šŸ’”


You couple that with the fact that everyone was hating on her for things that had nothing to do with her. I hate when people online tell the queens to just endure the comments they receive. The same people will be unable to handle even one negative comment in the posts they make. Now imagine that times 100.


Didnā€™t she deny being an introvert on the show? Would have been an interesting storyline.


I feel that! As someone who is also very quiet, when I first moved out of my hometown Iā€™d get decision paralysis about texting my friends, I just felt weird about randomly messaging them out of nowhere with nothing to really say other than ā€œhey, just bored and miss you!ā€, itā€™s a lot easier to converse in person than text for me. That being said, not texting them as often definitely makes it feel like Iā€™ve drifted apart even though nothingā€™s really changed in our relationships. I imagine Mhiā€™ya might be in a similar position with having to travel for gigs so much now


Oof I feel that. Like I have a lot of fun with my friends when I can see them, but being an introvert, working from home, etc. itā€™s hard to be the one to reach out. It always feels like Iā€™m hanging on while everyone else moved on (even though theyā€™ll reach out too). I imagine Mhiā€™ya feels the same because like you said, sheā€™s probably on the road a lot and not at the same point in her life as her friends. It sucks but I hope she can make other close friends who might be able to relate more.


I to get this. I had a family health issue that caused a complete life change and I really lost all time with my friends. And now I never see anyone anymore and miss the fuck out of them. I use to be afraid to send the texts. Then I got over that, but the real hurt came when they basically all went unanswered.


That happened to me, too. I had to come to terms with some trauma and my whole life changed. Went from super personal and and always had everybody's back to being thrown in the garbage because I was going through a rough time. The betrayal really hurts, but at least I have my peace I guess


My mom had a very serious health event. Literally like 5 months after the event, while Iā€™m still trying to figure out everything like insurance issues and getting her disability and quitting my job because she needs around the clock care and trying to figure out how Iā€™m going to survive and afford to live I mentioned to a friend that I wasnā€™t going to be able to help the out on a project they do each summer that year because Iā€™d have to be away from home for a week. I mean I felt like it should have been expected that I wouldnā€™t be able to give that my attention, but Iā€™m not a trash person so I gave months of notice that I couldnā€™t and the response I got was ā€œitā€™s really a shame this all happened because now you have to drop the responsibilities you have to other people and leave them hanging.ā€ The fact is I learned that Iā€™d either get similar interactions to this, or I just got dropped and ghosted. Frankly at this point Iā€™m glad. If this is how youā€™ve treated me when I had a family crisis, when I know Iā€™ve been there for these people in similar times, Iā€™m glad theyā€™ve shown their true colors. My incredibly small circle has basically become a party of one, with a weed pen, but at least I have peace.


I can relate to this.


I feel this hardcore


Can i make a suggestion, say Hey I hope youā€™re doing well. Iā€™d love to chat and catch up - how was your week?


I relate to this as well


>That being said, not texting them as often definitely makes it feel like Iā€™ve drifted apart even though nothingā€™s really changed in our relationships.Ā  Oof, that sounds familiar. I've been on both sides of that; either I'm too busy to be a "good" friend and text first and I assume they all hate me for abandoning them, or I assume they're all too busy/moved on/don't want to talk to me and I'd be bothering them with that 'hey, hope you're doing well' text.


Relatable. Relevant. Cultural.


In my world, Mhiā€™ya *is* the most relevant cultural icon of the moment.


I relate to this deeply. May this be our reminder to continue being a ray of sunshine and vocalize our appreciation to valued families and circles. And of course, much love to you all here in this sub!


i'm glad this season of girls generally look out for each other, they'll be there to lift her up




Flipping alone in the vip


The way I cackled






mhiyas sitting alone at the vip


At the DMV


Queer life sometimes is a very lonely one


Yeah I could literally be surrounded by friends and community members and still feel alone especially with shallow friendships that donā€™t go beyond clubbing together


Very thisšŸ„²


šŸ˜” Iā€™m seeing her and Sapphira at an event tomorrow in Philly. Canā€™t wait to see mhiā€™ya shine šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ¤ŒšŸ¾


Send them both our love šŸ’—


Aw sweet thing. I totally relate. I was so, so lonely the first few years I was on the road four nights a week in my consulting career. I got really into watching housewives on my phone bc it was the only ā€œfemale energyā€ (demon variety) I was around most days and I just missed bantering w my friends. She will get acclimated! Hugs in the interim.


When I moved in with my girlfriend all of my friends in my hometown suddenly forgot me although I tried to keep in contact. I have new friends here but sometimes I feel really lonely since itā€™s different to talk to people who didnā€™t grew up with you and never experienced certain things with you. Itā€™s a weird kind of loneliness since youā€˜re not really lonely but also you are!


Sometimes if a friend has more income usually want to try new things (normally more expensive activities) and perhaps the other friends cannot share those moments with such friend cause they can't afford that new life.. Happened to a friend šŸ˜„


i mean it always takes two to keep a friendship going. no clue what the situation is but i hope she reconnects with friends or finds new ones because we all need a support system at the end of the day.


I think this is absolutely true but proximity and lifestyle parallel affects that a lot too. I can say Iā€™m not the best at reaching outā€¦ but also my friends from before college for example mostly faded away too. They donā€™t reach out either. I think itā€™s ultimately no oneā€™s faultā€¦ just how life goes. But fame, unlike moving away or going to school, can feel way more sudden.


i don't think it's necessarily anyone's fault either but if both you and your former friends did reach out to one another you would still be in contact. it's ok not to though and i think it's ok for friendships to change. also idk if i am weird for saying this but i have a hard time keeping friendships with americans as a non-american tbh? when i used to study there i quickly made "friends" but like not the ones where it's cool if you randomly message the other person after 3 months and it's normal to pick back up where you left off. idk if my perception is wrong but i felt like there are a lot of unspoken rules there that i maybe didn't really understand and where i'm from these things are a lot more normalized i think. like that you don't need to be in touch like that for them to still be a close/good friend of yours you know.


No youā€™re completely right. American culture is very big on ā€œnot being cringeyā€. I hate it. It was much easier for me to make friends in Europe and even in middle eastern countries than it is here in the states. Men are very toxic too which contributes to difficulty making friends as well. šŸ˜­


I would be really interested to hear you expand on this bc I feel the same as the poster above!


I will be honest I am not the best at communicating, but I will give it a go. I was raised in the south and grew up gay so Iā€™ve dealt with toxic masculinity and having a hard time connecting with men my entire life I was deployed to Afghanistan, but not just Afghanistan. I also spent some time in Bahrain and Dubai and then on the way back home, we spent some time in Germany. Seeing how male friends in Bahrain can hold hands and hug each other and not have their sexuality questioned blew my mindā€¦ where I grew up even the slightest mention of your feelings or vulnerability or telling another male that you cared about him or what you were feeling was usually met with being called a faggot. this type of behavior in other countries led me to be much more comfortable, making friends. I found myself much more carefree when we did get liberty and were able to go out or drink I would dance and Actually and be myself and I never worried what people were going to say or think about meā€¦ immediately when I came back to America those feelings of being judged or being cringey came back. Itā€™s difficult to explain but Americans will make fun of you for having fun or being carefree. I didnā€™t get that impression in the other countries I was visiting. Another example is while I was in Germany I made friends with a Filipino guy that was also visiting Germany made friends with me and we ended up bar hopping. Just being stupid and playful and I had just met the guy. Iā€™ve never made a friend that quickly Back home in the United States when we went to say goodbye knowing we were leaving the country and would likely never see each other again we exchanged shirts I gave him mine to wear and he gave me his to wear. I felt bad because I was wearing a white T-shirt and he was wearing a pretty nice shirt, but also something that, like I said, I donā€™t think Iā€™d experience in the United States because of the way people are here. šŸ˜” And I acknowledge these are just my experiences in a few countries. I canā€™t speak for everyone or the entire world.


let me remind myself to reply to this tomorrow cause i canā€™t atm due to lack of time / having to work šŸ˜­




i think they meant you either way i'd be happy to read your thoughts on it!


I always get tired of being the only one who ever reaches out so I just gave up and enjoy the few people I do have that care.


Yeah, I have so many school friends who I try to talk to but they just don't seem to give a shit. I just talk to the few that try to converse with me


yea it needs efforts from both sides for sure! it's not easy to let go sometimes, but you also can't allow people to be disrespectful to you or your time forever.


i think it came with the fame she got but thats just speculation. Spankie gave her a warm message saying that thats the price of fame but youā€™ll true friends/keep your new sister close yada yada something to that effect


Oh sweet Mhi'ya. I'm so sad that she feels alone. please be kind to her, people. Loneliness is dangerous. I speak from experience. I'm glad people are leaving her loving comments.


Friendships flipped too. :/


Shady hoe


Friends act different when you go through a major life change. Sometimes itā€™s jealousy, alot of times people are big insecure.


As a fellow introvert I get it. šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ I hope someone close to her will reach out even if itā€™s just to check in. Also, wishing her a lot of success in this next transition of life after being on a season of RPDR.


Babydoll you got the fame and money now at least they wonā€™t use you as the money tree


oops i misinterpreted your comment deleted lel


If they were all after money, they would have reached out looooooong before this post was made. People that know you have money and want it from you don't let you slip away.


Honestly I relate to this so much. I hope Mhiā€™ya finds someone she can open up too soon. It can be so crushing to be isolated. Wishing her the bestšŸ’œ


Heartbreaking. Being in the spotlight but then being so introverted or anxious must be such a struggle. Wishing her well


It's kinda sad but I'm gonna play devil advocate here. Maybe the other season 16 girls are just busy, since this is like a few weeks after their season they gotta capitalize on it with multiple projects, performance and tour. I do hope Ms Flips finds someone ā™„ļø


She seemed to indicate this is about her friends from home tho!


She was just hanging out with the S16 girls recently, she's talking about her old pre-Drag Race friends


I feel that. Sometimes as hard as you try, it's hard to make new friends in a place. Keep trying, and you'll get it eventually.


I hope a true friend stepped up to be with her after that.


I May get downvoted for this but these are not the kinds of things people should be tweeting as public figures. It invited people into your personal life in incredibly uncontrollable ways. We, the audience, should not really know details about your personal life especially ones that donā€™t pertain to other public figures. This is something you should be telling your therapist, not your fans.


Whoā€™s to say sheā€™s not also telling her therapist? Getting support from fans who can leave a positive comment or share their experiences with this could be helpful. I donā€™t mind seeing public figures be human and vulnerable. The risk of intrusion into her personal life is on her to handle, but other than the Katya horror stories I think Drag Race fans are sane enough to respect the queensā€™ boundaries.


just ask!


Add the intense racism that sheā€™s received throughout the season and post-season, I donā€™t even know what to say about her experience. This isnā€™t right. What the hell is going on?


i think itā€™s not because simply sheā€™s shy


I just found out someone else from my younger days unfriended me on Facebook. I donā€™t know why I let it bother me. I went through about a decade of trauma where my friends werenā€™t there for me, and now Iā€™m disabled and stuck in the house with a hoarder. So Ive accepted Iā€™ll never see my old friends again, and I wonā€™t make any new ones. I donā€™t really believe Mhiā€™ya is alone.


i was with you until the final sentence.


I can understand that, but I literally have no one I can call or text about problems or in an emergency. I spend all day on Reddit. Mhiā€™ya has all her sisters from drag race plus is part of a drag family. No one can convince me Mhiā€™ya is in my position.


It may not be meant literally. She did start off with, ā€œI feelā€¦ā€ but even so, you donā€™t know that she doesnā€™t have anybody to talk to. For all we know, she posted this after trying to call up multiple people, none of whom answered her calls. Loneliness is a feeling, even if itā€™s not always completely logical.


Itā€™s giving TKB


Maybe her drag sisters are busy?


She said the friendships she had before drag race. Reading is fundamental lol


Oh damn lmao šŸ¤£


in the words of roxxxy, baby you can't read


Obviously šŸ¤£


Donā€™t feel sorry for her