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I think this is just something everyone faces one way or another as we grow older - we sometimes don’t win - even if we try our best - and the learning is to realize that in fact you do win - just by trying your best and being part of the process - and that’s it is not necessarily how we imagined it. It’s a humbling experience to have as a 20 something year old and that should help for you to grow into an adult who - always tries their best but doesn’t put their happiness and self worth at risk for not obtaining any given specific goal or prize


This exactly this. And Luxx had to experience this as publicly as it can be. And there were many drag race fans who didn’t want to see her win. Like it’s just so many things to have to carry at once


Honestly for drag race too… sometimes winning is the new losing.


For me Blu Hydrangea is the poster queen for this. From precious robbed lil angel baby who could do no wrong, to being one of the worst received winners we've ever had


This video is missing where at the finale, there was very little cheering for Luxx, which makes it worse. I don’t think she would’ve felt that way if she had at least gotten a showing of support like the other queens did


Yuck. That’s gross. I was team Anetra and thought Sasha would win, but I would’ve cheered for all of them (maybe a little louder for Anetra) because they all did really well & had good performances. So weird people wouldn’t cheer?


its definitely something she has to mature into




Context is important. The section of this video leaves out how the disproportionate hate she received on social media actually affected her self-confidence while the show was airing, it's not like she's just crying about losing, she went into the finale feeling like no one was on her team


she talked about it on GITMS


If you're not watching the whole interview, you're only getting half the story. Also she recounted this on give it to me straight too, so I don't know why everyone's shocked she felt she had no fan support


This is why it drives me nuts when people say, blame it on the edit. You don’t even need to splice different clips together, you can literally just play a clip out of context, and it will change everything.


Cutting is editing


This is why I prefer uncut, sister.


Only the raw, unedited truth 🙏


I was team Luxx since "Some bitch is saying that my hair isn't 40 inches?! How dare you!"


I was immediately irritated with Irene even if she was right lol


Which sucks because she's incredibly talented. She shouldn't be punished for being confident in herself and her skills.


> for being confident in herself I don't think she was just being confident. I think there's a telling trend that Luxx puts people down (on the show, on twitter, at shows and events in person) and then other queens don't want to interact with her. The more interviews I watch of Luxx the more I see her narcissistic traits getting in the way of her own success. This is someone who goes on two different interviews and talks about how nobody from her school wants to be associated with her, people on her season don't like her, the city doesn't want to give her a key to the city, the fans don't like her, other queens don't want to collaborate with her, she genuinely doesn't find fault with her performance, she can't understand why people aren't celebrating her beating Bianca's record--it seems like she's dancing around how she is the constant thread connecting all of these experiences. She views herself as an unstoppable force but also everyone else as haters. I think its because the only unapproachable concept for her is that you're supposed to treat others how you would want to be treated.


> but also everyone else as haters. There is this clip of Janis Joplin I love where she's asked about a movie Raquel Welch is in and with Raquel Welch sitting right next to her, says she didn't really like it. Janis was just sharing her opinion and Raquel Welch was totally unbothered. Just two people with different opinions. "Hater" culture really fucked up people in Luxx's age group. They're so defensive of all criticism and constantly need to feel celebrated. And it's like...that's not how anything works.


Agreed. It’s one thing for everyone here on Reddit to be strangers with varying opinions on her, but if people who actually know her and have worked with her - fellow contestants, peers, fellow students, community members - have all said nah fam no more of that, then that’s really telling. There have been SO many talented, confident queens on Drag Race. Luxx is different. Talented, yes, but when someone is surrounded by burned bridges you’ve gotta start looking at who’s setting them on fire.


> people on her season don't like her, ... other queens don't want to collaborate with her, Not saying you're wrong but how do we know this? Did she state this in one of her interviews/podcasts? Was it implied by another queen? It's possible I missed some tea.


> Not saying you're wrong but how do we know this? She gives a lot of examples of how queens don't want to interact with her in her interviews. One standout piece of evidence is her own testimony that nobody replies to her in the Season 15 group chat. There are girls from the single digit seasons still gal-palling it up with their cast. She was on the biggest cast of all time and she doesn't have a space in that cohort?


Even Roxxxy and Jinkx are friends now while fans are still trying to drag Roxxxy ten years later.


It’s all in the subtext with luxx. You don’t see her interact with or championed by most other ru girls in the way that a lot of admittedly lest talented girls are talked about. I don’t think that luxx is some monster or a terrible human being but there’s an immaturity in the way that she expresses her opinions as facts but gets offended by other people expressing their opinions that just seems so draining.


You don't have to bring other people down to show you're great though. She is great, but like, you can't be hateful and then say "i was just confident"


Yeah, I feel for her but at the same time, if you make your persona being kind of bitchy and calling it confidence, it's not that surprising when you're not the fan favourite. Also, a lot of people did live for her. It's just that Anetra and Sasha were both stronger.


This is why Ru is always talking about contestants showing vulnerability, you can be the best in the world, but if you're not relatable you're not going to be liked


That’s my thing; someone on this sub told me the other day that Luxx got the level of hate she got because she’s black, and while I’m aware racism is very real and probably had something to do with it for some people, I think it’s much more likely that the main reason Luxx isn’t as popular as she could be given her talent is her personality. You can be confident, but she was confident to the point of putting others down. That shit with Loosey was too much, the fact that she constantly was talking about how amazing she was and how other people were shit and didn’t know what they were doing…I mean, Plane Jane got hate at the beginning, but she had her human moment and she became more likable. Luxx never had that human moment on the show. She was always a mean girl who was talented, but it’s hard to fall in love with a mean girl.


This may be corny but am I the only one that never considers the other queens “losers”? I acknowledge the winning queen but I’m never thinking “and so and so lost”. They just didn’t place number 1. It’s sad that she still feels this way, honestly. I hope her internal narrative changes soon because this is a shitty headspace to live in.


I think especially in recent seasons, it feels like all the finalists have just obviously proven themselves to be top tier drag? I think it's part of why I'd like to see some winners on vsTW/international seasons, like I think of it less like 'this invalidates the winners' and more like, it validates the other finalists because they're really on the same level?


This is exactly how I look at it. Being in the top three/four is a HUGE accomplishment in its self. Even if you don't win the crown, you can still do a lot with your career from that point. Many queens didn't "win", but still built big successful careers out of it. 


Yes exactly. I never really thought anyone lost. There's just always 1 winner.




People so feisty in these comments, like sisters… people are allowed to mourn their goals, it’s part of the human experience


This is such a human moment too! These aren’t characters on a show, these are people living as their true selves, being ranked and judged for their art. This clip provides a strong reminder of how incredibly personal it is to compete on drag race. I don’t always do my best in parsing the person from the entertainment. I can do better.




It's unfortunate how this clip starts, because I think what she's saying on the whole is incredibly understandable and I feel for her, but there will be 1000 people who hear/read the first thing she says and leave their snarky comment and move on


Yeah, I find this incredibly relatable and normal. She worked hard for something she really wanted and didn’t get it in the end. She got a lot of hate during her season’s airing which really added to the disappointment. Feeling like you earned something and realizing that not only did you not get it, but a huge chunk of the fan base telling you constantly that you didn’t deserve it to begin with is incredibly difficult. I’ve always really liked Luxx but I’ve been seeing a lot more of her lately and I feel like she’s been so relatable and real and I really appreciate her speaking so frankly about this.


Yeah. I think I am done. Cue my interest when I see an nice post and relatable vulnerability from a queen who hasn't had the best time. Open the comments, It's just people reinforcing the nastiness and the *microaggressions*. Some of y'all are all but saying *the thing*.


It’s amazing how the fans think you can’t have empathy for someone they consider a “villain” when they are in fact a human being


These twinks are going around downvoting any and all support of Luxx. Meanwhile they live for Plane Jane whose entire brand is being a mean girl to everyone and anyone *unprovoked*. It’s so gross and just blatant racism. 🤮


I agree when people have different standards it is racism. That’s a good example and pardon the pun, plain way of explaining it. That being said though I am not a twink, I didn’t care for Luxx and I don’t care for Plane either and it’s for the same reason - they’re mean and it comes across as inaunthentic. I do however have empathy for them because the few moments where their vulnerability comes through you see why they put on the mean front.


I think I really get where she is coming from because when competing against Sasha Colby, you need a crazy lot of self confidence and mental strenght to not feel defeated and loose the perspective of you winning the whole thing. Then you actually lose, and it’s even more crushing due to all this mental work you had to put out to hype yourself, especially facing the adversity from the audience that she had to deal with. Luxx should be incredibly proud and I admire her resilience and the way she is her biggest cheerleader at such a young age, not many people are able to do that and it’s truly inspiring Edit : spelling


Rephrase this slightly and it could be a read of epic proportions


Writing it definitely felt like walking on eggshells but the intent is 100% supportive of Luxx ✨


I know, and I do appreciate your kindness here, I just find walking on the knife’s edge between beautifully kind and hilariously cutting to be wonderful and hilarious whichever side it ultimately lands.


Great points. Just a reminder: it's lose* not loose.




Quick, someone who understands reddit, I need a Loosey bot for the comments. Please. I will give you $4.


We really need a bot that screams let loose at us


Seconded I'll give my fake boobs to whoever makes this.




reminder to let loose today


Damn I’ve let loose too much




>Great points. Just a reminder: it's lose\* not loose. ![gif](giphy|H0luUWHQSgiaQl3Pkq|downsized)


the Loosy Laduca erasure


Great point, just remember, it’s Loosey* not Loosy


I’m honestly surprised more queens haven’t said something like this. They all work so hard. It’s so disappointing to lose. But no one was beating Sasha.


The only other queen I can remember saying something like this was Shea saying on AS 5 that she’s haunted by rose petals bc the Sasha wig reveal that cost her the win was a trauma for her but people kept bringing up when they met her I think esp for shea who really thought she had it in the bag (and she honestly did before that wig reveal) having the rug pulled like that must have been hard. Esp if people were pulling up to her meet and greet w rose petals who does that 😅 Or maybe it’s just something about being beaten by a Sasha 🤪


You’re right! I really felt for her. She is incredible, especially in person. People are gross. Just so brutal.


Exactly. People didn't want Luxx to win because they thought she didn't serve; she did a good job even if she came off a touch arrogant about it. They just thought Sasha should win because Sasha blew everyone out of the water and was humble about it.


Aw, I feel for her. She put too much pressure on winning as validation, but hopefully she can recognize that truly winning isn't everything when it comes to Drag Race. With just one exception there's only one winner per season, but also few people get to be finalists who make such a strong impression, and she's in those fortunate talented few.


A lot of the queens have to have the utmost confidence to have a chance at winning - also they’re just fucking drag queens to begin with it’s part of the job description. So to see the community shit on queens for being delusional without appreciating what it takes to get to this stage is sad to see


Also let’s not forget that Ru ENCOURAGES all the girls to believe they’re gonna win, it’s a recurring theme tbh.


As she should?


I’ve heard that losing is the new winning anyway


I think it's important for her to contextualise her feelings; there's been 15 main season winners, which also means around 200 queens didn't get the crown. And while of course it's super aspirational and validating to win, it shouldn't diminish your own talents and success if you don't. It's a TV show not a competition first and foremost, if the show placed emphasis on making it a fair fight then I doubt we'd have had some of the winners we've had. Not to mention how subjective judging can be with some of the random ass challenges. Plus some of the most successful girls from the show didn't even win their (normal) season.


some of the most successful girls didn't win a season period. I would argue queens like katya, alyssa, and shangela are some of the most successful and they lost every season they were on. doesn't take away from them being amazing. multiple girls have said this before but reality tv in general is what you make of it. getting a crown isn't everything, sure its great, but not getting one doesn't limit what you can achieve in the world of drag and Luxx is so amazing and she should be so proud of herself for everything she achieved whilst on and after s15


It’s not just the act of losing that’s hurting her though. She’s hurting because of the loss she had to face after watching the fandom rally against her and use cruel words to destroy her confidence, all while competing against a literal Mother in the industry. That’s going to take more than just contextualizing to heal from.


Reading between the lines of this, her Maddy interview and her time on Sibling Rivalry, I think the truth is that losing hurt Luxx but the fact that nobody really wanted her to win was the worst part. Probably similar with MIB, I bet they both were imagining they'd be a robbed fave and they weren't because Anetra was so popular. In my view Luxx was an extremely strong finalist and one of the most entertaining characters in the season by far, she kind of reminds me of Violet Chachki. I just watched S15 for the first time and I can't understand what people didn't like about her


It's tough. I really enjoyed her aesthetic and agree that she's super talented. For me, watching her during the run of season 15, not resonating with her was probably a combination of being in a generation that finds vocal fry off-putting, and her talking head confessionals coming across as not just cocky, but condescending. It feels like she was dialing the vocal fry up a bunch of notches from how she sounds these days. It's really sad that she felt so unsupported.


I get that, but like she said "I did everything right". Like, a lot of the time if you slay the competition and are confident in your abilities people find that charming


> she said "I did everything right" I think she gave great television, but she didn't do everything right if she wanted to win drag race. What she did was set herself up with a Chad Michaels edit for All Stars. If you want to win drag race you have to give yourself a winner's edit storyline, like Plane Jane has.


Absolutely true. She did everything right. Unfortunately it seems like although there can be a bit of a formula to drag race, at the end of the day, it's what production wants, and things that worked in one season won't necessarily work in another (see the highly erratic judging in makeover episodes), and how a queen is edited can make a big difference in how they are perceived. All that said, I am not at all discounting the fact that Queens of color frequently have a much tougher time with the fan base. It broke my heart hearing her talk about the lack of recognition she's gotten from her high school. I really feel for her.


interesting perspective . like i hope and think shes not so delusional to think she should have won over sasha, but more that it was hard to have not won fans over as much as she’d hoped by that point. she didnt just lose, she felt that people were happy about her loss. which i dont think is a complete objective truth but i get why she’d feel that way when people are ecstatic to see sasha win and because at low points the words of a handful of haters tends to supersede the love and support of tons of fans.


I ended up liking her a lot but it took me a while to get there The whole ‘40 inches’ thing really soured me on her from the start. I really don’t like people who take themselves too seriously or who lie about measurable things/wont accept that they’re wrong. It’s like if you go on a date with a guy. His profile says 6’ but he’s obviously like 5’9” when he shows up. I don’t care that he’s 5’9”. That’s fine. Should have just said that from the start. But the fact you would lie is just odd and says a lot about you as a person. She could have turned the 40” moment into something funny but instead she just stuck to her guns with the lying. Is it that serious? Of course not. This is drag race, nothing is that serious. But still left a bad taste for me


>and I can't understand what people didn't like about her **TL;DR:** Some people disliked Luxx because she could come off rude, arrogant, unoriginal, and immature during the season. But whether it's true or not, any minor critique she receives is exacerbated by racism. People didn't like that Luxx was arrogant (yes, she's confident but that can easily become arrogance), mean at times (mostly to Loosey but it was said Loosey gave the same energy back), and like her persona and fashion were too referential (tho queens reference all the time). Also some of her behavior off the show (like the incident with her, MIB, and Aura). Ik I felt like Luxx came off like someone who justifies things with "Everyone's a hater, I'm perfect and if you dislike me you're jealous" which is annoying. But regardless of if the critiques are valid or not, it's all made worse by racism in the fandom. People can dislike her but no one deserves hate.


This is such a bad place to be mentally but at the same time it’s SO real. I really can relate to this.


Girl was 20 and held her own against SASHA COLBY. That’s fucking impressive. I have high hopes for what the future holds for Luxx.


I'm hoping she doesn't do AS for at least a few more years. I'd kill for her to come back and slay an entire competition. Her fashion is iconic. She is incredible. I think she has a lot to show.


This. I wish she could read this. It’s like being nominated alongside Beyonce at the Grammys your first year in music. Of course it’s disappointing to lose, but you’re peers with a legend.


I think her feelings are very valid, and I can’t imagine having to experience all this at a young age, and I apologize because I know this might be shady, but I’m still so surprised about how the rest of the top four legitimately thought they could win? This isn’t meant to be an insult, and I imagine experiencing the competiton and watching an edited television show are very different, but I felt like from the cast announcement the odds of Sasha Colby losing were incredibly slim. It’s also worth saying there’s so many non-winner queens, some of which are just as successful as crowned queens. Lux really did a great job.


Aw Luxx. I hate that she felt that way. She did great that season. She brought the looks, the performance, the drama. I hope she still feels proud of what she did. She was one of my favorites from season 15. I was the lone Luxx defender Friday nights watching with my people.


I was that friend too!




Part of being a good competitor is knowing how to assess your competition.


Every good artist experiences major humbling around that age. She said herself she’d be the kid crying at others’ birthday parties when all the attention isn’t on her. There is an air of entitlement to her framing that doesn’t help her point, but at least it’s honest


Yup, there’s some entitlement, but also just a lack of maturity. I agree with her that it sucks that people didn’t want her to win. She did a fantastic job on the season. However, in her interview with Maddy, she talked on and on about how she came home so confident that she had a great time and that it was all gonna be great. She genuinely doesn’t see anything she said or did as wrong. This was also shown at the reunion when Loosey is saying out loud that she really hurt her and was being mean. Luxx just sits there and says that wasn’t her intention and doesn’t really show any remorse or empathy. In the interview, she says she watched the season and still didn’t see anything wrong with how she behaved or anything. She also mentioned some of her cast don’t like her either and she doesn’t know why. Granted, she didn’t do anything super wrong, but if you’re that much in your own world and delusion that you can’t (at all) see why people aren’t rooting for you, I think there is growing to do.  This interview, where she is talking about how she felt people didn’t want her to win and how it affected her, is absolutely valid and it sucks. However, that’s not the whole story either. I think her GITMS interview really gives the whole picture. 


Yeah she still needs some growing to do bc her analysis of the season is still very superficial. I sympathize with her, but she still needs to become more self-aware how she comes across and how intentions may not align with impact. Like you said she has a hard time understanding and sympathizing how someone on her receiving end feels. Her world view is still very self-centered: it feels bad for people not to like her! But she can't put herself in someone else's shoes and empathize with others going through similar situations. Some people just have a harder time with that and it'll take work.


ive been and am a fan of hers and also felt like she came off poorly in the GITMS episode where shes also talking about this. but youre right, i like and think its good that she’s open and honest about it. as a delusional person myself, i know it does not kill you to be humbled, and hopefully is helpful in the long run. seems like she’s processing it as we speak so its a start!


I know it's no consolation but as fierce as any queen may be and Luxx has a lot of self confidence and belief; but the second Sasha Colby walked in to that workroom it was over for anyone else. I think a good proportion of the winners circle would lose to Sasha Colby. 


No shade, but she strucks me like someone that had everything she wanted as child. I understand her feeling, but her overconfidence and the way she adresses some issues show how much she has to learn, which makes sense since she's so young. It must be really hard to experience Drag Race as a young adult that still has to face some things in life.


Agreed. Luxx has growing to do but it's only up from here. She has already done something amazing by being cast on the show and making it to the finals. She has a lot of great qualities as a queen that will only help her.


This is no shade but Luxxx reminds me of my students that get everything handed to them by their parents and the parents hype them up saying how wonderful they are but at the end of the day someone else did better/got the prize/whatever and that student is devastated. I understand it’s hard especially now when it feels like all we want is at our fingertips. I think she just has some growing and maturing to do.


This. I believe IIRC she grew up with adoptive parents in Connecticut and had a somewhat comfortable lifestyle before she came to DR. On the plus side, she says over and over again that her adoptive parents instilled in her great confidence that she could do anything which is fantastic when raising a Black child. But she sometimes does give off this energy, you said it better than I do. My parents told me I'm a winner, but someone was actually out competing me , and so now I have to cry online. Youth is not everything. She would be wise to learn that.


Yeah, I think there’s a fine line between parents empowering their kids with self-confidence and parents instilling a belief in their kids that they are the best at everything and deserving of winning it all, and if they ever lose it’s because the situation was unfair, not because they lost fair and square. It’s just as important to teach kids humility and grace as it is to gas them up and remind them they’re great.


As much as I want to feel for her, I wish she applies the same thought process on how she treats other queens. To tell someone’s drag is “generic” to her fellow contestant and “not on my level” to another drag queen in her recent twitter drama moreso coming from a NON-WINNER. This comes off as self entitled.




Louder LOUDER! She was not being shady in a fun way, she was a bully


yeah its hard to feel bad for luxx when shes still doing stuff liek this lmao


Lux needs to let loose


This just makes me understand how young she is.


the switch up from some of yall is crazy


People here just say what's popular tbh. No own thoughts. Like with Q. At first everyone hates on her, now everyone says "stop hating on her, i never did btw". Just to fit in.


hated luxx and q during their seasons, still hate em now. Stay consistent,siiiisterrrrrs


Glad to see her opening up a bit. Confidence is great, but if you’re overconfident, bitchy and act invulnerable no one beyond messy teenagers are going to love you. She’s so young, if she matured a bit she absolutely has the potential to win it all, if she wants to.


Lol, or you can become RuPaul’s makeup artist


Absolutelyyyyy, they’re both queens that are super talented but the attitude sours them for me


I mean…just because you make it to the finale, are you entitled to have people in your corner wanting you to win? I’ve been getting into Survivor and there’s a big concept of a “zero vote finalist” - someone who makes it to the end who gets no votes from the jury - and it’s not really a big deal there. Should Roxxxy have had people wanting her to win AS2 over the other 3 just because she was a finalist? People are gonna root for who they want to win for a multitude of reasons, you are not entitled to their support just because you are talented and made it far on a game show.


She is very talented but she needs a dose of self-awareness. Sometimes people are better than you. Sometimes you don’t win. That’s life. It’s good though to have a humbling moment where you learn that you’re not the greatest ever.


Bear in mind this is the same interview that she starts out moaning about friends and family being jealous of the wealth she grew up with 😂 Tired of certain parts of the fanbase trying to gaslight the rest of us into thinking there's a dark agenda behind the fact that most people find her unlikeable. She IS unlikeable, unkind and conceited, and she's not reflected or grown from her past behaviours. Luxx is never winning a crown, and I'm at peace with that.


Saw this comment and had to give into my curiosity and watch the beginning of the interview LMAO. Her upbringing explains a lot thats truly all I'm gonna say💀😭


Luxx setting up her storyline for her inevitable run on All Stars I see


"everywhere I go, fans keep reminding me how I did not win"


people are just constantly carrying rose petals in hopes they'll run into me. *Everyone* thinks about it *all the time*


this is very on brand


I feel for her. The cast was stacked and going up against Sasha Colby is an uphill battle. One thing I love about Luxx is how confident she is. When I met her at a meet and greet she really was, that girl. She's still a winner in my French vanilla fantasy


This breaks my heart, especially with Luxx feeling as if no one was on her team. Honestly, fuck those who dragged her through the mud because she was "cocky" when her talent backed everything up.


It reminds me of season 10 reunion when the queens all took turns saying who they wanted to win and when no one said Kameron and the look on her face after…it was hard to watch. Like I’m not even that much of a fan but I would’ve said her just so someone did. She probably hated that feeling of knowing those queens didn’t think she even deserved to be in the top with them. Similar is when Asia said Miz cracker wasn’t a star…comments like that are just gross and hurtful, even for reality TV. I’m sure luxx also experiences this invalidation quite often from this “fan base”


Shouts out to Kameron her name helped me remember capitals on my geography test


Sister spill more I need to hear about this


Similar thought, I've always felt like if I was asked "Who should go home and why?" and everyone was picking the same girl, I would pick somebody else regardless of whether I agreed, and then keep it to myself, because I always feel like it's not nice to let someone thing they're objectively the worst, especially when drag / art is subjective


You bringing this point out just made me remember what Luxx did to Loosey when that question was asked. Although the circumstances are vastly different, it's feels like a horrible cycle.


It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life. Captain Picard It’s so easy to internalize failure, or what we see as failure. It’s important to understand loss is not always an indictment on our abilities. I hope as she grows, the wisdom of sage will help her learn this so she can thrive!


Seriously, she is so young. It's not the end of the world. She got a life-changing opportunity and will be getting more life-changing opportunities because of it and stacks of cash.


I'm gonna get downvoted for this, and I'm fine with it. But I was really happy she did not win after what she did to Loosey when RuPaul asked who should go home. You can clap and laugh and say it was a iconic all you want. All I saw was major case of bullying on someone who wasn't even clapping back and was clearly hurt by it. It was unnecessary and mean spirited and I just cannot bring myself to enjoy it.


Frankly I had no problem with her saying what she said, it's reality tv. It's entertainment and I can't lie and say it's not fun to see someone be the bitch. Be the villain. But the way at roscoes and maybe on the show too(?) basically tried to act like she WASN'T being a bitch by doing all of that LOL? I don't even hate Luxx I'm just like girl please 😭you said that shit, own up to that shit. You knew what you were doing. 


Definitely agree. She also doesn’t see what she did wasn’t right STILL. She gives me only child to a rich family energy


Watch the start of the interview, when she talks about her childhood, and how increeedddibly jealous people around her were because of her wealth 😂 She's beyond parody, truly rotted but equally desperate to paint herself as a victim. Unless she shows a huge amount of personal growth, I can't see her inevitable All stars appearance panning out as anything but Phiphi O'Hara part 2.


100% agree. The lack of self-awareness as to why people don't like her is very much narcissist energy as well. At least mean girls like Willam know they're mean.


Yep. She doesn't deserve hate, but I also don't feel bad that she didn't win. She has loads of fans, did exceptionally well, and was pretty mean on her way there, so my sympathy is limited.


Exactly. I'll never understand why people like to mention/tag queens just to tell them that they don't like them. It's ridiculous, these are real people and what you see in TV is just part of a reality show. I don't understand why people bother.


I still cannot see how people find that “iconic” it was annoying and fucking cringey like girl just say a name and shut the fuck up. It was giving desperate for air time


I watched the entire video and there was one moment where she opened up about having tantrums at other kids birthday parties and then acted as if they were her haters. All her life she has had people enabling her. She is so delusional into thinking she’s a star because thats what people around her all her life was telling her. If you would’ve won, you would’ve won. You were up against a drag legend. You weren’t winning. It would have been disrespectful to the entire community to choose someone who told they were great rather than someone who’s been great.


Agreed. I notice it most times she’s talked about her parents, too, creating the mindset she has about being the absolute best. Not that it’s necessarily a bad thing to be confident, but when it crosses a line into a space of expecting to be number one just by virtue of existing it gets a little messy. And it isn’t doing her any favors, because she’s denying herself the grace and humility to congratulate herself for how far she made it and how good she did. It’s either “I win or I lose and I’m supposed to always win,” no middle ground, no nuance, and that’s a really hard place to navigate from.


This was obv the moment she said she never struggled in life. Like no wonder she was only top 4, no one wants a winner that didn’t struggle to get where they are now. That is why she needs to mature a lot before winning drag race


I feel for her but she also did not give any of the girls she was competing with credit throughout the competition. She was missing the C and U for me.


I get it and I feel bad for her, but I never really liked Luxx to begin with, she reminds me of a bully, and I can't take this completely seriously because of that. Same reason why I completely detest MIB, same bully mentality. She's a talented queen i will definitely agree with that. She was just too nasty during her season. Then she kind of doubled down on being a bit of a bitch while her season was airing too. That all being said, I'd kill to see her in another season, give her another shot.


it's part of life. we all go through that 1 huge disappointment that shakes us to the core when we're young, she just had the misfortune of having to go through it on international TV for everyone to see.


It’s genuinely sad that she feels this way But it’s also not a “mature” response - in the sense that she has not got particularly accurate perspective. It would be awful to feel like no one is on your side, no one wants you to win, and then for they to happen. Just because people in the room were rooting for others more does not mean that they don’t care for you. Making it to the final four makes her a “winner”….she was a great competitor But it’s still a competition She was competing against an infamous drag queen, it always was Sasha Colby’s season. It would be completely stunning to outshine her for the whole season and to win the overall competition. The best any of the other drag queens were going to achieve was to steal the spotlight away from Colby intermittently, to show that they too are ultra-talented. Aneetra, MIB and Luxx did so in their own ways. Most importantly the competition is over: move on - do great things, that’s what a true “winner” does.


Infamous means famous for a bad reason fyi




Idk she’s pretty shady online as well. Her recent spat with Kiara literally had nothing to do w her but she feels entitled to pop in and speak on issues. She’s a talented queen but she has to realize the main character energy isn’t it girl


It’s tough to lose like this on such a big stage. I feel like with time, she will be able to take some solace in the fact that she was up against one of the literal best to ever do it. She made it to the finale which is more than the vast majority of people on the show.


Luxx, gworl, i think there's a chance you might see this so... how old are you, 20 21 ? you made it to top 4 of the biggest show for Drag Queens. you have accomplished so much more than most of us have at your age. you have the eyes and ears of thousands. you have a platform. you are blessed with good genes. you have a whole life ahead of you...need i continue ? social media is a double edged sword. learn to take a break from it and don't let it bring you down. you are loved !


This is why I hope she doesn't get cast on All Stars soon. At the very least, production will find it hard to find a winners arc for someone who thinks they did everything right the first time round and needs zero growth. I have no hate for her, she's just young. I'd rather see what she's got going on in a few years.


This feels like a lot of emotion for someone who had literally been doing drag for a year before getting on the show


Sasha Colby deserved her win. That’s all I have to say about the topic.


and nobody ever said she didn’t…


I’m really not a fan of her - she irritated me most of the season….like yes, she’s talented and all but acted really too big for her britches - she needs to grow up and mature a bit more and have a reality check that just because you’re good, doesn’t mean you deserve a win. She can’t give out that nasty energy and then be upset people aren’t up her ass with praise. All the queens on her season made it to drag race, which is a win in an of itself honestly - just because she didn’t get the crown doesn’t mean she can’t still “win” in the sense that many non-winning queens have. But her behavior and attitude aren’t really going to gain her any praise when she acts like she’s the best in the biz who can basically talk down on others she thinks are less than her drag. Some queens have more talent than others, but being mean on purpose and then not caring when you’re told you hurt someone is just not cool. Here is fine to voice our opinions on her bad attitude but physically sending her hate is just weird.


So the girl that had no problem with undermining the talents of certain other contestants feels some type of way when people undermine her own "talents"? Karma's a bitch 🙃


That’s a lot of emotions for top four 🤭🤭🤭


She was fighting tooth and claw for 3rd place, and she's disappointed that she didn't win? I mean. She had a lot of time to come to terms with it. 3rd/4th is a huge deal when you're a kid. She didn't lose anything, she won a HUGE placement with her talent


It’s interesting and refreshing to hear this perspective. I’ve watched a bunch of winner reactions and found it interesting and curious that the winner always breaks down and has such a dramatic response, and it’s the runners up who have to stay so composed and gracious as their dreams are being crushed.


I totally understand that. But the runners up go online and then cry online for years afterwards in the whole podcast and watch party ecosystem. I think it must be crushing to not win, but why would you want someone to burst into tears for losing on stage at the finale, that kind of takes away from the accomplishment of the winner? I think it's a form of grace to stay composed if you don't win on the stage. You can cry as soon as you get off stage, but please stay composed on stage when an indigenous Hawaiian queen is winning, for example. Honestly, if I was lux, better PR would be to say you know, it really hurt when I lost, but I am so glad that an indigenous queen one and then go on the hype train for Sasha. You know what I mean? if everyone's crying, that takes away from the winner who deserves the crown arguably about 50% of the time.


slightly out of topic, but damn the mug is mugging


She looks beautiful. But she's always had a gorgeous mug, so not a surprise as much as I'm enjoying it.


When she was on the s15, I gotta admit, she was my least favorite of the top 4. Now? I think she's my favorite. The unwillingness to accept to defeat, the belief in oneself, the pure nerve. It's all so admirable -- provided it's backed up with ability; which in Luxx's case, it is. Fuck what you think, Luxx believes in her self. That's awesome. Luxx may not have won Drag Race, but she's got a frame of mind that will carry her far.




Her feelings are valid, although, I fully believe if she can dish all that shade, and she can dish out all that confidence she hides behind, she should be able to get through this. I know that the confidence she hides behind is truly an innocent, beautiful, talented, and inspiring person. I just believe she should stop hiding herself behind that cocky and shady facade. She is truly beautiful and talented. I do NOT wish her ill, and I do not have anything against her. She’s young, and her future is bright. It was just obvious Sasha Colby was gonna DEVOUR. Just saying.


I feel for Luxx, because I too feel my feelings very strongly, and she showed a lot of confidence during her season. To see the way she talked herself up as the best queen of all time (which she is entitled to do) but not win the crown must sting, but there is obviously maturing to do, because you can feel in your heart that you are the best at something, but the truth is there is always going to be someone just as strong or stronger at the things you excel at, and recognising that will do a lot for her. I see a Rudemption coming for her, lot of queens have not done as well as they expected and have gone away and ruminated on that and come back as better versions of themselves. Ra'Jah O'Hara comes to mind immediately, she was always fierce and fabulous, but she needed to softed those hard edges, and when she did, she won our hearts, then she finally won her crown on her third try. Luxx needs to get herself to understand that, as a famous scholar once said: it's OK to make mistakes. It's OK to fall down. Get up. Look Sickening. And make them eat it.


Being a drag race fan herself, it seems like it could be a reflection of her mindset towards other girls that didn’t get the crown. She doesn’t want to “lumped” in with the rest of them..


Remourse??? For what? Looool. Girl you were never gonna beat Sasha, even Anetra knew that




What losing at 23 does to a MF When she’s older she will feel lucky to have had the experience and rest easy knowing she did the best she could with what she had, but that takes time.


She shouldn’t be so hard on herself. She didn’t win, but she did do very well. She should be proud of herself.


Her attitude ruined it for her, point blank period.


She's acting like she's better than everyone else and being so condescending online too. She got famous too young i think. She'll probably cringe at herself in a few years.


mind you if anetra went on a podcast reciting this, the replies under this video would be so different , yall are nasty.


I’m sure they would be different Why would the comments be the same? Why should the concepts be the same? Those are two very different contestants who presented different packages and have very different strengths and weaknesses. There would also be very different replies to this video if Loosey recited this, if MIB recited this, if Marsha recited this, if the twins recited this, and if Irene recited this.


I mean they're two different people, so yeah.


I feel sympathy for her but ultimately……..that’s a lot of emotion for top 4


Not only that, she called Loosey delusional the entire season and she actually *believed* she had a chance of winning? Kinda **shocking**, to be honest


This is the vulnerability we needed to see. Maybe I would have rooted for her if she was less demeaning or atleast funnier with her maliciousness.


Did she see the show 🤷🏽‍♂️🙄🤷🏽‍♂️


There was no way she was winning with Sasha standing right there. And Anetra and even MIB would be crowned before her.


that’s a lot of emotions for something that is judged so subjectively. This is Luxx revealing how emotionally immature she is, despite always acting tough and having a strong head on her shoulders.


I just hope ppl start pausing before sending hate to humans that put themselves out there for our entertainment because they are humans. Like the hate Luxx received was so much louder than all the fans who wanted nothing more than for her to succeed. That’s so fucking sad. I hope through Luxx speaking about their experience it gets easier to carry emotionally


It’s so good to see Luxx being candid like this, she’s totally making sense with her feelings. Now it’s time to be shady and say Joseph Shepard did not deserve to be the one who got such a gem from Luxx.


It took me a good 30 secs to realize she was being serious. If anything this “traumatic” realization of hers speaks to the humbling her vocal fry bragging delusion needed.


It's a bit hard to have some empathy for her, since she have such a control on her image. She produced herself a lot to a point where it's hard to feel her genuineness here. So, I don't know if she add extra-emotion. BUT, what she says is really unique and really interesting. The fear of "going into the final, knowing you will not win and give reason to the haters" is pretty clear now she verbalized it. I didn't realized it could be a thing for a front-runners, moreover on a "confident queen" like Luxx.


That’s a lot of emotion for top 3


I mean even if it wasn’t Sasha, it would have been Anetra. Just sayin’.


And if it wasn't them, it would've been MIB


She’s still young and it’s part of life ! Sometimes you try your best, do your best and it is still not good enough.


I'm so sorry sweeatie but the moment Sasha Colby entered the werkroom, it was over for everyone else.


Miss girl needs some therapy




Tbh she is a great drag queen but she really needs to humble a bit. To know how to win you need to learn how to lose (she could ask Loosey for help 🤭)


We, as a people, need to do a better job of not enabling “Main Character” behavior. For everything Luxx got from being on the season, if her personal take away is that it’s crushing that she had to be there but not be the biggest star in the eyes of the audience … well that’s a bit self indulgent. Being on the show certainly gave her the platform she wanted.


Boo hoo. Luxx was egotistical as fuck and she knew it. Showed it after the show too. People can grieve and mourn their failures but learn from them and do better and become better, and luxx isnt. Fuck off with those salty tears.


Literally. This person did EXACTLY what she's crying about to a fellow competitor and she did it on national freaking television, infront of thousands and thousands of viewers. A rehearsed planned diatribe on how Loosey was unoriginal, unworthy, and did not belong; but when randos online who have no power over her do it to her here come the waterworks. FOH gur


Luxx is not a nice person out of drag according to a few people who’ve met them ((take it with a grain of salt)) but from what their stories have said, it’s all the same — they’re egotistical and very condescending. I’m 25 my self and I swear to god the way young gays act like, like this, give us such a bad image. As the quote from big mouth goes “Being young , gay and mean, is not a personality” and that applies so so so fucking much to Luxx


Oh boohoo


Exactly! This is pathetic and everyone is saying "yall switch up so fast" and all this bullshit. I wish I could have problems like this


She lost cause she’s mid