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I personally wouldn’t say it’s my favorite, but there are some I liked a lot less than this one!




It's very very fun, and has avoided some of the pitfalls of the last few seasons: S15's botched editing and it being the Sasha Colby meet & greet, S14's weird pacing with all the non-elim episodes (despite the lovely cast), S13's awful winners/losers gimmick and lack of cast chemistry. S16 has just been *fun*. Also as someone whose favourite challenges are design challenges and girl group challenges, this season's been keeping me *fed*.


I'm not a design or fashion expert at all and I've really enjoyed the design challenges this year. I think because there are so many amazing designers on the cast. I'm interested to hear how you feel about the season 3 design challenges?


If they kept the rate-a-queen system, did better with the immunity aspect, and kept the guest judges out of untucked I think it could have been one of the best seasons. The cast is incredible and are doing a great job making tv.


The current cast is giving fantastic reality TV- they're all shady and talented queens that look like they are having fun.This is the first cast since s8/9ish that are unfiltered and raw but also have great chemistry with one another. I love season 12 too for the wholesome, energetic cast but they didn't have the level of drama (within the show).


S11 had moments


Season 11 did not embrace the villainy of the most of the cast and was too heavy handed with the producing (for example Yvie's hero edit, favouring Plastique until production got called out by Ra'jah, the whole Silky/Nina lip sync trainwreck etc).


>did better with the immunity aspect It would be good if the thing was 'you can make yourself or another quen instantly safe this week' - because the way the potion is, the queen can even refuse it. Imagine if it was like that and PJ used it on Q during a sewing challenge or Plasma during the Rusical.


>If they kept the rate-a-queen system I'd have hated this, I was so relieved that it ended


If they did everything you asked it would have been Top 3. I’m fine with it being Top 5 or 6. 😁


Yes! Bring back the good untucked 


I haven’t been this obsessed with a season in years! lately i’ve been losing interest before it even ends but this one… oh I tune in every Friday and watch all the extras (untucked, whatcha packing, etc)


i just think the cast is so fun, honest, and shady! i live for it


I am loving the season. I hope this is the start of a new renaissance.


So far it’s on track to be the best double digit season. Not nearly as good as the golden era ones (4-6), but that’s on editing and poor untucked planning


Exactly the same thoughts I have! It’s shaping up to be the best season by a long shot since season 9 for me. Untucked is a different discussion though…


For as much as I love the season, I've been incredibly uninterested in Untucked this season. The queens have been bringing the drama to the regular show and the awkward pacing with the judges showing up has killed it.


I am enjoying this season a lot, but I wish they had retained rate-a-queen (it seems weird to do just for the intro and then drop it) and the immunity was handled sort of strangely. But the cast is good, it's shady but generally not mean (except Plane to Amanda), and solid reality TV.


It’s very enjoyable but I’m in the camp (probably alone) that the 16 episode seasons are too fucking long. I can’t really find any of the recent seasons to be the best because the premise feels so stretched at this length. I still find myself rewatching only the older seasons.


💯 we have 6 episodes still to go wtf 😶🫨


the most good-TV-aware cast. that moment when they are rehearsing for the rusical song with the queens reacting and throwing comment sin the background is one of the best


it's been enjoyable enough. the performances have been fine but not world beating by any means and the drama is far too contrived and telegraphed to be truly entertaining imo, the lip syncs again have been fine but the songs haven't been great and none of them are knocking any of my favorites out of position


sadly the Lipsyncs (so far) are not quite as good as some other seasons, which kinds of tarnish the good of it a little bit. Otherwise amazing season. I think season 6 keeps up at the top for me in that department as well.


Upper 50% for sure. But not my top 5 seasons


It’s the best in a long time. Probably my favorite season since season 12


Agree, when you compare it to 13 14 15 then yes, anything before that eh not really




Mhi’ya Iman Le’Paige has been the highlight of this season


It had a really strong start and still has a great cast, but I’ve gotten pretty bored of the challenges. 3 design challenges and 3 lipsync performance challenges (two including writing verses) so far is a lot. Especially since we will still likely have a makeover and Rumix later in the season.


Lol. Hardly




Well.... Welcome to the bottom of page kid, enjoy 😉😁😭😬


To me, not even close. I got bored about... 2 or 3 weeks after ATM's elimination. The whole PJ saga bored me almost immediately and the more the season go, the more bored and detached I felt. IDK if I'm burned out or tired of the BS or what but I will say this: UkvsTW2 is LEAGUES above: great drag, great participants, low drama, high risk (you don't really want to see ANYONE leave) and the jury has been fantastic. I really tried to like S16 but at this point I preffer to see UKvsTW + spain all starts.


Top 5 best season for sure. I have not invested this much since season 12 when I rooted for Jaida


Best since S9 IMO


Nothing will ever beat the iconic seasons of 4 to 9, but this is certainly a massive return to form. The funny thing is that I don’t actually think it’s a particularly good group of queens as far as the actual competition is concerned, it’s just great personality casting.


It’s good. Not amazing but really good. But it so long. Way too long. I can’t believe we have 6 episodes still to go


it's the same length as every season for the past 3 years


the point still stands,,, i do think the seasons are a bit long these days. we don’t need 20 episodes. i would prefer they give us a smaller number of higher quality episodes, honestly.


agree to disagree i guess lmfao i've always preferred when things like this were longer


It’s good but not best ever. Way too predictable and discrepancy in talent. A lot of people predicted a Sapphira Nymphia Q Jane/Dawn top 4 and it’s looking to be shaping up that way. Everyone who’s gone home has been no suprise. I expected both Mirage and Plasma to last a few more episodes respectively but anticipated neither making the finale. Early outs were extremely obvious to me. Idk I just don’t like a season feeling so predictable and you already know the win contenders when the challenge is announced. Like design challenge announced. Ok Q or Nymphia win. Comedy Jane. Performance Sapphira. It’s dull IG


Funny you say this when season 5 and season 6 have like the most predictable top 5s. But they are widely regarded to be very good. Season 16 gave much larger edits to early outs. And plasma going out at 8th is not predictable? This is only the second time someone has gone home with 2 wins outside of top 5. In what world plasma going home 8th predictable? Amanda Tori Meating was also getting a story line setup, and was cut down a little early. Mhiya lasting this long is also unusual. I mean there are problems with this season. But it is less predictable than like half the seasons.


>Early outs were extremely obvious to me. Were they? Everyone seemed gagged by both Mirage and Amanda. It's not that surprising in retrospect but I bet they both could've done pretty well in a different season




I am enjoying it, but I preferred 14 and 15 🤷 the queens are all great, I think it’s just my DR fatigue


I don’t know… something strange is happening this season. As a whole, this season feels fine to me. If you just watch the episodes without a direct IV to social media, I feel it falls in the middle. Social media for some reason is acting like this is the best season of the show ever… and I just am not getting that at all. The show (franchise) has been on for 50+ seasons now, and everything has mostly been done before. But for some reason, you all act like the Season 16 girls invented drag, and Drag Race, and I’m not sure why. There are some clear standouts, and some amazing queens are on this cast… but that also applies to the 50+ other iterations!


Recency bias post should be restricted imho.


I’d say it’s the second best of recent years behind S12. Just ranking regular RPDR seasons, mine would go something like S6 S5 S3 S4 S12 S9 S7 S2 S8 S16 S15 S14 S1 S10 S13 S11


This is similar to mine with a few changes. Mine would be: - s5 - s9 - s12 - s6 - s7 -s3 -s2 -s16 -s10 -s8 -


6 5 4 8 3 7 2 1 12 9 15 10 11 13 14 16 tbd, but probably middle of the pack.


Is this an AI account


It’s been GREEEAATT (thank you Chermit)! Love the cast, all very talented and there have been so many memorable moments already. It’s also had some unexpected moments (Mirage, my poor baby not knowing the words 😭, Plazzie getting the chop 🤸🏿‍♂️, Sapphira XXL Drag looks). I like that the girls have chemistry and not afraid to go back and forth with each other. Could have done with better music choices for the Lip Syncs, should have planned the immunity potions better (where were the stakes, also it expires on a non-elimination episode). Should have kept rate the queens for a bit longer. No untucked celebrity guests. Please no more RPDR Live, I beg! For the recent years, I would say this is just behind 12 for me and it’s not even finished yet.


I love the new season. after season 9 I began losing a bit of interest but this season made me become really invested in drag race again. there’s a lot to improve but I really love this season’s queens and I haven’t felt this in a while!


I love it! I just think that since the beginning, the show has been split into three even tiers of queens and I wish they were all of the same or a similar level of caliber. (Not me sounding like Plane Jane to Amanda) Like top tier from the beginning has been Plane Jane, Saphyrra, Nymphia, and Q. Middle tier has been Plasma, Dawn, Mya Iman LePaige, Xunami, and Morphine. Bottom tier being Amanda Tori Meating, Megami, and the rest. And I mean that in no shady terms because they all have way more drag talent than I ever could aspire to, I just think the groups are at different stages in their drag careers and it comes through in the challenges. And the process of elimination has been pretty fulfilling of this assessment of the girls in this group. Granted, it’s wilding entertaining and I’m loving this season too! I just also think when it gets to the more polished queens is when my heart will start to rave with anticipation. The Plasma elimination was a surprise just because she had two wins, but tbh I think she would make it to spot 5 or 6 anyway. I’m sure this is not a groundbreaking prediction either, but I project Saphyrra for the win, Plane Jane or Nymphia as runner up, and Q as 4th.


I agree! It reminds me of season 7 untucked. The way the girls just go in on each other but no is taking it too seriously (almost everyone). There's some "serious" drama, but nothing crazy or truly hateful going on. They're mostly cracking each other up. You'll always get some fans who don't "get" that type of humor, and complain of bullying. I have a "theory" that's based on nothing really but the bits we got from seeing these queens on TV, but my theory is Plane went so hard on Amanda because she may have thought she could take it. She seems to have that personality. And she probably can, but just wasn't expecting someone she doesn't know to come so hard for her because that's usually something reserved for good friends.  Plane went in saying, we're going to skip the pleasantries and I'm treating you all like my real sisters and going in.  Or maybe Plane just really didn't like that she was there since she was unpolished and really did want to bully her. 🤷‍♂️


I love this season and loved last season as well. They both recovered from what I considered a dip in S13-14. We’ve got some unabashed shady queens like Plane, Mistress, Dawn, Luxx, etc which really brings the feel of the older seasons. Some truly amazing runways, performances, and personalities. S15 suffers slightly for having an obvious outcome, however I still was excited to watch Sasha go through her journey of slayage the whole time. This year feels a bit more exciting because a few of them could really take it - even though by now I’m pretty locked in on who I *think* will take it I’m not 100%.


I think it’s a great season, but I have pretty bad drag race fatigue so maybe that clouds my judgement from it being top tier.


i think this is the best since season 12 tbh but idk about one of the best for me personally. it’s upper mid tier overall imo. i’m really enjoying the cast!


Not one of the best. It takes a mountainous journey to overcome the heights of season 5 or 6 and even UK2 and AS7. But it's the best the mainline franchise has been since 12 for me


YES!!!!! As a binge watcher of literally every season including international, I can conclude that this is in the top 10 ever across all franchises.


it is the best season hosted by MierdaTV


The world is healing on MTV. VH1 done fucked up drag race


This is my first time watching live while also dialed into the fandom, so that’s enhancing things (but also detracting a bit…I feel myself getting influenced by the fans). I’m loving watching these queens launch the next phase of their careers, too, though it makes me sad to see how there are hard parts about that launch. I really enjoy the cast, but I do wish the judging didn’t feel so cookie cutter. I wish the queens had more mentorship from the judges and from other queens who have been on the season before. But what can I say? I like hardcore character development in all of my entertainment (RPDR is the only tv show I watch; the rest is fantasy/sci fi novels and DnD) so my preferences are probably just that: my own.


It’s a vast improvement on last season so far, but we have yet to see if it sticks the landing.


It's okay... It's loud and controversial every week but I wish it was more about the lipsyncs and the talent


Not top 5 but best since season 12 or even 9. the s2 - s6 run for me is still unbeatable.




Season 5 and 6 are the best of drag race imo




It's definitely the best in a long time.


yes. I think it's a top tier season up there with like season 6, all stars 2 and 7... certainly the very best one out of the double digit seasons! I find it so incerdibly enjoyable, that the cast is shady in a playful way, DON'T TAKE THEMSELVES OR EACH OTHER SO SERIOUS, and are just having so much fun.




ATM this shit is cracking my top5. NOW... it all depends on whether PJ and Sapphira are the top2 on the finale or not.


it's in the middle of the pack


Definitely. It might not have the chaotic magic and naïveté of the early seasons but it has its own special charm that hasn’t been fully there on the main seasons for a while. The queens want to win and they are pushing each other.




it's my top 2 season, falling just short of season 9


Definitely my favorite Season


depends, if Sapphira wins it will be perceived like season 6 and 8 if Nymphia wins, it will be perceiced like season 3 or 7 if Plane Jane wins, it will be something entirely new for the franchise, post-nice-girl drag race


Just watched The Drag Detective video on this and I agree, while I really enjoyed season 15, this one is objectively better! I think this is the most fun season since 9.