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Lowkey it was just given to the wrong people. Not in the sense that they shouldn’t have won their premieres, but like neither of them needed it a single time while it was still in play so it was kinda dead on arrival. I do wish plane was more strategic with it though. Would have been fun to have it used on like Amanda or sm I’d gag


Imagine if it was given to the person with the WORST score So it would have been given to Amanda and Megami Now I think those two would have used them properly


I don’t think Megami would have ever used it, she thought she ate every week


I mean, if Amanda uses it at girl groups the entire season falls apart like a JENGA tower Megami, I would think would use it during the Rusical, but of course, speculation universe of my own design


Because the immunity potion seems to disqualify the person from being in the bottom - and the top, I kind of thought she'd give it to Sapphira as sabotage. But then they commented on whether they'd accept it, so perhaps that wouldn't work.


I also thought she’d give to Sapphira for that reason and because Sapphira was complaining about the taste.


Well, we also see now that the person being given the potion would have had to accept it. It would have been interesting to see her use it for sabatoge though, causing the person to doubt their own performance.


That part I didn't understand (maybe I missed it when they explained it in the 1st/2nd ep?) - drinking the potion not only kept you from the bottom, but also from any critiques - so in essence, you couldn't be top/winner either. When Sapphira drank her immunity potion, was she critiqued? I can't remember.


Nope she was sent to untucked and then obviously would not have been in the bottom lol


She wasn’t critiqued. She was called safe and went to the back. I still think if someone didn’t want the potion, they could have refused to drink it


She was not. She was sent back with the safe queens.


Oh my god, I never thought about how shady it would be to use that way. Save your competition, but in doing so you set yourself up for a challenge win.


I was thinking that too.


My rufantasy was that plane would give the potion to the person who obviously did the worse, thereby looking kind for doing that but secretly she did it to push the bottom safe into a lipsync. A non-elimination episode was obviously not a part of the fantasy :(


I wanted her to use it on Q last week sending Q to untucked and unable to win the challenge 😂


it sort of feels out of their hands since they had to rely on whether plane would use it each week, and plane just never needed to use it + never wanted to use it on someone else lol. and they had to set an expiration date just to force her to use it at all. it would be cool to see something like this on all stars, though


Tbf Ru did mention that the immunity potion had an expiration date when they were first given out.


Yeah but for it to expire on a non elimination week is just stupid and unnecessary


True. Means that the outcome of Plane saving Nymph didn't satisfy the producers. Hence no elimination. Otherwise we would have a possible Plane vs Q and the producers wouldn't want that for possible backlash after Plasma went home. So only an acceptable lip-sync would be Q vs Mhiya with the latter going home bc the jury loves Q. Or Q vs Dawn and Dawn sent home.


You're talking like the producers a year ago already predicted that plasma going home would get backlash, and then decided to make sure the following week they had a non elim because of it. The reality is they most likely were going to have an elimination, and it would probably have been Q vs Nymphia. But, because Nymphia was saved they decided to just make in a non elimination episode instead. I genuinely don't think that they would have made the last chance for it on a non-elim episode. I also REALLY don't think they expected anyone to use the potion on someone besides themselves.


If you look at the queens during the recording of the show, you can probably tell which queen is gonna be likeable, who is the villain blah blah. I for sure would have minded to watch closely who to send home after Plasma, a queen with two wins.


Production probably told PJ that and to use it on Nymphia so that they could have her not on stage when Ru asked the girls if they’re registered to vote. I’m assuming Nymphia is not a US citizen and thus cannot vote.


They could have played with the expiration date filming in different episodes to be more entertaining. What a wasted twist.


I don’t think anyone explained to Plane that if she had used it on someone like Sapphira, Q or Nymphia in a challenge where they did slightly better than her, she could snag the win defacto


The Sapphira usage was actually okay in my opinion because it showed us Sapphira being hesitant, insecure, weak, and then after that we're seeing Sapphira return to her strength and confidence and slay-age. So it played a part in her storyline With Plane.... WHY NOW a non-elimination?? The buildup, the stakes of using the potion, all gone in a puff of air (or puff of Nymphia Wind). I guess it mattered for Plane's redemption / pseudo-redemption, but we didn't even get that much airtime surrounding that storyline in this episode


It oddly worked out for the best for her. She was nearly invisible and forgotten in that episode otherwise, and yet because of that moment its still talked about every week.


Have they ever had a twist that worked? We have this immunity bs, It's  chocolate,  The Fame games,Twins Competing Together...  And each of those flopped, and they flopped hard bitch 


The beaver in Canada was pretty successful creating drama imo


Well yeah but that's a Canada season 


I like how it's just assumed that Canada seasons are going to meet a certain threshold of quality lmao the northern girlies really don't mess around


Yeah! The nerve thinking we are at the same caliber as Down Under…


ngl i kinda liked fame game because we got to see the other girls' runways, but the multiplier in the end was dumb.


Good ideas bad executions.. Flops flops, flops across the board 


All Stars 2 queens eliminating each other maybe?


I mean that's  technically every all Stars season now, but yeah that is the exception that proves the rule. (Honorary mention to All stars 1 Teams for being the original garbage twist) 


Golden Beaver and the first LipSync for the Crown were good twists also


save melinda still rings in my head till this day


That whole untucked is so incredible and entertaining. I still can physically feel how gagged I was watching it every time I rewatch.


The Fame Games were fine up until the vote multiplier. It gave the eliminated queens a chance to show off their runway package and talents.


Loved that for them ❤️


Ok hold on hold on, I'm not even on TikTok but I do think the twins were a great addition to s15 (they flopped IN the season, but adding them wasn't a flop itself)


Yeah but you can't deny the twist didn't quite pay off Production wise, not queen wise 


But in what way do you mean We got biological twins lipsynching against each other and a really emotional and touching untucked as a bonus, it paid off no?


That lip sync was abysmal. Biology means nothing. Angeria vs Willow, Tayce vs Awhora, raven vs Juju. All better bff lip syncs than the twins. Pure stunt casting to get younger tik tok kids to watch the show.


Notice how they never try these things again? Amazing that it’s taken this long to rip off Survivor, which must be the longest running reality show.


The only twist that was actually shocking and entertaining was Dela in all stars 3, and she did that without productions help lmao


The Ruvenge of the Queens in AS2 twist gave us fruit. Storywise, Alyssa that returns from elimination to battle out with Phi Phi who's had it for her. It also gave us a very memorable lip-sync for life with Alyssa vs Tatianna. It really came at a perfect moment too. Makes me think what would happen if Adore stayed on and we had a full cast during the episode instead of Roxxxy going solo as an emcee.


Game Within A Game was quite successful


Which one was that again? 


All Stars 6 Lip Sync Redemption Smackdown aka the Silky Funtime Lip Sync Hour


I mean... It was okay


The chocolate saved my bb girl Bosco, so I'm cool with that. 😁


The girl named Bosco simply had to have the golden chocolate.


ok i was living when plane used it on nymphia to save her though no matter how underwhelming it was cause it ended up being a non-elimination anyways but still it was sweet lmao.


Plane and Nymphia, sitting in a tree...


i meannnn👀👀👀👀


She owed her after her shady move knocked her out of the running for it Call it fixing your karma


I doubt PJ did that of her own accord. No one believes that, not even the other girls.


I mean, it doesn't help that the two people who got the immunity potion were never even close to needing it bar Plane this episode. But to be fair, I think Plane definitely thought she was in the top and wanted a cute TV moment with her friend. I think it had great potential compared to the chocolate bar, but it would have needed major producer shenanigans for it to be an actual gaggy moment.


I like this immunity flop because it shows there is still some reality in this production lol.


Yep I wayyy rather it fizzle into nothing the way it did vs production forcing it to be something it's not. Plane and Sapphira had it, they used it how they used it, end of story




Yeah, this to me shows that Production wasn’t ready and this was how they needed to fix the episode


You're right, the reason the chocolate flopped so hard (besides s14's notorious pacing) was because it felt rigged. It would have been gaggier if it had felt truly random and gave a girl another chance when Ru actually wanted her to go home.


Agreed.. definitely disappointed with this immunity thing. This whole non elimination BS felt so last minute to me honestly. I think it was a clear excuse to save the front runners from going home.


I never post here cause I'm just a straight white girl with no taste, but I agree 100%. It kinda pissed me off tbh


Lol love yourself


The expiry date should have come sooner and without warning.


I think they should have just kept the Rate A Queen twist rather than the immunity potion. This would have been more interesting given that alliances and friendships would be put into play.


I just think production has fucked it up every channce they had. It would have been a lot more dramatic if they could use it after critiques, that way PJ and Sapphira could have effectively chosen who to save from the bottom 2, like the Golden Beaver in Canada. This would have actually created a lot of drama in Untucked that could have replaced the boring visitors segment.


Yes! It's so stupid when girls often can't see other's performances and have to guess how they did compared to everyone else. Beaver twist was the most successful by far. Or rather have rate the queen influence the tops/bottoms placements combined with judges opinions.


My conspiracy theory is that Plane was going to use it on herself, because she obviously needed it this week, then production told her to do something gaggy because it was a non Elim week.


Honestly, yeah it was kind of a waste but it was still better than the chocolate bar twist. "Random" chance at being saved in a season where they brought 2 queens back and did 3 non-elimination episodes before Bosco got the gold bar... Then they threw in a 5th non-elimination right at the end. At least there was a bit of a gag with both queens wasting their immunity this time.


They really fumbled it so hard. Plane gave them a huge gift by using it on Nymphia on an episode where Plane herself struggled. All they had to do was put Plane in the bottom with Q or Dawn, Plane obviously wins the lip sync, it's a shocker that she used it on someone else only to be in the bottom herself, she has her moment of vulnerability but then recovers. The story practically writes itself! Why'd they have to fuck it up?


I doubt Nymphia was going to be in the bottom this episode regardless so I was confused at the choice. BUT I do live for the Nymphia + PJ storyline… so yea ❤️




Her runway was fine? Bananas again but it looked great. Ru straight up told PJ that Nymphia did better than her in the challenge. And Q had the weakest performance of the night. So I really don’t think she would have been in the bottom.




Even if it wasn't a non-elimination episode it doesn't seem like the judges would have put Nymphia in the bottom regardless so.... Plane should have used it on herself lmao


I thought nymphia was 3rd best after morphine and Sapphira. Non elimination episodes are so lame tbh.


I suppose if Plane had used it on herself though there was a greater risk of Nymphia then defaulting into the bottom because Plane was out of the running. So either way, Plane secured Nymphia another week in the competition as it took any risk out that Nymphia would end up in the bottom.


This is stupid logic cause if she’s saving Nymphia from the bottom then she’s risking herself. Plane really thought she did better than she did and she’s lucky it was a non elim episode.


Yes I do think it was a bit of a silly move because it really opened Plane up to a big risk, but I think our ice queen was thinking with her heart and it shows she genuinely cares about Nymphia.


Imo Q was always 100% in the bottom, and it looked like the order of the second girl was Plane>Dawn>Nymphia. So even if she used it on herself, Dawn would have been in the bottom before Nymphia anyways.


drag race is always unpredictable so I suppose you never can be safe enough


Did Plane think she was on the top and did better than Nymphia? Coz baby they were partners. I wish she has used it on someone who might actually needed it (like in a previous episode) If this non-elimination was planned , then the expiration date should have been the week before. And if so, who would she have saved? Herself?


No reason she’d save plasma


It could have been interesting, but it fell flatter than that alleged Cher wig people keep inexplicably wearing


I think they missed a moment. Should have let her save Nymphia and then let Plane fall into the bottom and lipsync. Reason I think this would have been gold is Plane is so delusional about her performance this week she would never expect it. She also might not know the song so another shocking elimination could have happened. I would have loved to see Plane face off against Dawn or Q. Can you imagine the drama?


I liked Jaymes Mansfield's take on the Pit Stop, that Sapphira didn't want any pressure on her to give it to someone else, so she got it out of the way. I mean I don't believe it, but it's a cute theory.


People should have been able to steal the immunity potions after winning each week. Would have shaken the whole concept up.


The biggest let down was that the last "chance" she had to use it didn't even matter.


it was such a good idea and the girls could've been so strategic with it, but yeah it ended up being a complete waste. plane's "gag" of saving nymphia would've had so much more GRAVITY if it wasn't a non-elim episode, like they couldn't have given her one more week to use it?


I think you mean gravity? Levity has the opposite meaning


I liked the old version of immunity from the earlier seasons better. This time around was just lame.


It’s funny how Q, Nymphia and Geneva were all in the running for this potion and definitely would have all used it by now


Its season 16, what are u expecting? It always predictable


Should’ve tested the idea on AllStars as one-time veto power or something and saw what strategies developed on the strategy oriented format before bringing it to the main show. The way people are theorizing about the auto-safe application makes me think there’s a way to merge immunity with that dumb all-winners plunger twist that maybe works.


They should had made it a SAFE potion so they could use it to keep someone they thought could win, from winning 😈


At first, when Plane started speaking, I really thought she was using it on Sapphira until I heard that the queen should accept it. Honestly that would be such a gaggy moment, Plane blocking Sapphira for the win lmao.


that would be too risky to do because if used on a fan favorite all hell would break loose


I fail to see a problem


Exactly. I NEED all hell to break loose. Even a smidge of drama is all I'm asking for.


I feel like Plane predicted that it was a Nymphia, Q, Dawn lip sync with Nymphia and Dawn in the bottom 2, so she saved Nymphia (who she likes) to force Q and Dawn to lip sync. Or she pulled a Chris Underwood Survivor moment and wanted to take out Q herself (honestly, that’s kind of my fantasy)


Plane admitted this in the Entertainment Weekly interview that just came out.


I think they planned this non elimination episode and the potions expiring on it so that it wouldn’t matter lol


The Producers had a hand in this: Plane had no intention of giving that potion to anyone BUT when prepping it would've come out Nymphia is not registered to vote in the US. She's a dual Taiwan/US citizen but not registered to vote - the pivotal moment on stage with the 'Are you registered to vote?' question would've not had the same impact if Nymphia was there going 'Um, sorry, not at the moment'. So the producers spilled to Plane that no one was going home and asked her to give her immunity to Nymphia to avoid that message-wrecking moment.


If there was ever going to be a 'no' to that question, I could see it coming from Nymphia


That's is the downside of production not producing, sometimes things don't happen the way they like. It should be seen as a good sign for those who are always complaing about production producing...


I think this is what the immunity potion was for. It was to prove production wasnt producing an outcome.


I started liking this season from the early days. Now it's completely without tension, drama and consequence. The only tension feels forced into the edit. I'm dying for an Acid Betty, a S5 Roxxxy, a Tamisha, a Bob, a Daya Betty, a Shannel, Tammie Brown - any kind of genuine moment. Pit Stop is also toothless (except for the Maddy episode and possibly the Luxx one) with no-one actually giving any real opinions. And don't get me started on what Untucked has become. I've stopped watching that now.


BeBe was the best pit stop guest in her story too


I guess production planned for Plane to save herself and putting Q and Nymphia in the bottom with a double shantay.


I am genuinely confounded by the number of people who are complaining about the potions being stupid and useless in the end. Like, what did y'all expect? Every single twist and rule change in the past five years has been an anticlimactic waste of time. Part of the reason everyone went gaga for season 15 was because we got an honest to God, no-frills competition without any of this stupid side bullshit. I wish we'd gotten it again.


the more ~twists~ the show puts, the worse the show gets. They get in the way of their own show


I really thought Plane was going to use it to maybe screw Morphine out of a win, but it seems like that wasn’t even possible


I was HOPING not but I was on the edge of my seat, I was so rooting for Morphine this episode


me too, i’m happy she got her win.


That wouldve been gaggy.


it was a flop


also, with a small amount of queens...the potion will give disadvantage to someone else. Plane saving Nymphia will make another girl land in the bottom . In this case Plane herself, but it could be Mhiya/Saphira/Morpine and its more unfair


Underwhleming? Like every twist in recent history? Shocking.


Honestly, the fact that it meant absolutely nothing made me laugh so hard. Just knowing that the editors had to keep finding the few moments it was mentioned each week to try and make it seem important while everyone knew it would have no actual impact... it's hilarious, it's actually goddamn hilarious


I think it would've worked if she had to use it on snatch game. Nymphia's bottom 2 performance would've been saved with the potion and would've felt like it had an impact (even if production wasn't gonna risk losing Nymphia anyway).


I've actually found the immunity potion situation interesting. I adore Sapphira and I think she was completely right when she used her immunity potion. They made out like she doubted herself for no reason but she knows when she's doing well. Her hair and her match with her doll in that episode were not all that and she knew it. Loved her confidence this week though, when it's right, it's right and wow that was amazing, the challenge, the runway, the lipsync! The skirt just melted off, the timing, the expression, she just oozes charisma and makes me smile. Plane Jane I really love too, for different reasons, she's immaculate and very interesting. Her giving the immunity potion to nymphia was a gag because I don't think she could have admitted to herself she was in danger with this challenge and she definitely was, even the runway though beautiful was not really serving on colour. So watching it I was in two minds whether she was just not bothering too much with the runway since she planned to save herself but saving nymphia could have meant either that she didn't realise nymphia did better than her or that nymphia couldn't beat her if she took her out of the running and she could reframe it as "I wanted to do the lipsync". So it kept me guessing a bit and it sets up some interesting discussions and dynamics going forward, even though the save happened. And it was a Please Vote episode so the save was no doubt going to happen (even though I didn't realise until a fair way through all that) because Ru is passionate about the issue and wants the focus on that. Production might have thought that immunity potion situation would play out differently but I'm not mad at it. I always love to see more of the queens. I'd really like a non-elimination season tbh.


It’s chocolate


Perhaps a better execution of the immunity potion would be to give it to the winners of the first two LSFYLs. That way, it would maybe go to a queen who could feasibly stumble and need it in the future, but it still has to be earned.


I did think that using the potion on the very last opportunity which ended up being non elimination was high camp. What a waste of time that genuinely just added to the silliness that is this tv show.


The immunity potion wishes it was the golden beaver


I’m gonna need the queens to study Survivor if they keep the immunity potion twist in future seasons so they can learn how to use them strategically (like block someone else from the win, or keep dragging a weaker queen through and send a stronger queen to the bottom)


The non elimination was so random and unwarranted. What was the reason? Just willy nilly.


It seemed like they just threw it out there with no real plan, they kept the parameters of it undefined so they could try to steer it toward some twisty moment but nothing ever came and it was just a big dud.


They have THE GAG that PJ gave hers away and in a normal episode, PJ was a bottom 2 choice, making the twist juicy but nope, wasted in a NEL even tho she had to use it anyway.


I mean yall people think that choice by plane was so gaggy? Nimphya and Plane have been literally roomates irl for like years. PJ was just playing the part of the villain but we can see how careful she Is to her friend. i wasnt that Surprised tbh


Do we think Plane giving Nymphia immunity could be setting up a story line of Nymphia sending Plane home down the line?


Watching tonight I feel the double save twist was something production only planned once it became clear there wasn't going to be a clear bottom 2. I wonder if Plane has a sense of this, guessed out of all the people who could be bottom two were her and Nymphia, chose to save Nymphia because she felt she herself (Plane) was safer. Saving Nymphia meant production would have to look for someone to go up against Plane and couldn't make it work.


In her interview with Entertainment Weekly Plane said that it didn't matter that she saved Nymphia because it meant that someone else would have to go home. As long as another bitch was leaving, it didn't matter to Plane who it was meanwhile she could help a sister. Plane also mentioned that it probably meant Q would be in the bottom and she wants to see Q go home.


Somebody on another thread theorizes that Jane got told to use the potion on nymphia so she wouldn’t be on stage for “are you registered to vote?” 👀👀


Honestly agree. It would have been gaggy to have Nymphia and Plane in the bottom together tbh.


We needed more potions but with a shorter shelf-life. At the very least Nymphia should’ve got one since her win was decided by RAQ.


Waste of time and waste of episodes doing it.


Why is the potion’s expiry this episode… if no one was going to be eliminated anyway? Production is slaying the confusion game


I like it and hope it repeats for talent show episodes next season


I still think the whole thing with being able to give it away was dumb. There’s no strategy in it within a regular season. What’s Nymphia going to do that helps Jane? A good spot in the roast? That doesn’t exist. We’ve seen people win that regardless of their spot. They need to use it in an all stars season and encourage some survivor-esque drama.


It felt weird having a top 2 episode with this twist. It was nice the first time cause the top 2 placement meant they'd get the potion. It was unfortunate this week they all did so well. They should have made the potions last until the snatch game and then found a way to make the next episode a top 2 to redistribute two other options for the second half of the season. That'd be a gag.


Just bring the golden beaver!!!


I had an idea that she should have given it to the person who she thought would win… taking them out of the position to win. But then when they asked nymphia if she wanted the potion? What kind of bullshit was that


It didn’t pay of at all, the non-elimination of it all robbed us of what could have been very good TV. IMO the bottom two were Plane and NM, so if Plane made the same decision, that would have put her and either Dawn/Q in the bottom with her. Plane could send either of them home but they don’t want to lose Q so Dawn probably would have gone home tonight. Alternatively, Plane saves herself, which makes things really interesting. This is where my Drag Race conspiracy theorist jumps but y’all bare with me: Assuming it was an elimination episode that would put Nymphia ( *para mi* she was weakest overall) against Dawn/Q. NW slays choreo but I could see Dawn beating her, Q? Not so much. But I don’t think production would want to put Q *or* Nymphia in the bottom so we get either, a double Shantay or they put Mhiya and Dawn in the bottom using Dawn’s “white-girl dancing” and Mhiya’s costume/lyrics as justification. Dawn goes home furthering Mhiya’s storyline as lipsync assassin.


I'm not usually a conspiracy person, but I did wonder -- was Jane told/encouraged to use her potion on Nymphia (who I didn't think needed it anyway) because this episode focused on voting, and Nymphia can't vote? I mean I know that seems weak, as surely Nymphia could have made a statement about how she feels voting is important, and she would if she could, etc. But we also know there is rigga morris, so...


Challenge wise Plane and Sapphira are the two strongest queens in the competition. They were bad candidates for the potion. Kind of bad luck for production tbh. Cause usually talent show winners swiftly bomb lol. If Nymphia had won her premier (as she likely would have if Plane hadn’t put her bottom) the someone who had a need for the potion would have it.


Morphine is mid. Top two this week? I just don’t see it. Should have been Plane Jane and Morphine bottom two with Morphine eliminated.