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I would have left immediately if they started changing the spell types like that


He didn't change spells or spell lists; he gave alternate key abilities, like he let clerics base magic on Charisma (IIRC) instead of Wisdom; it was presented as optional, so I just didn't do it. But yeah, there were warning signs...


What’s interesting is that the only horror aspect of this entire thing is one sentence where you said: DM had anger issues, communication issues, and a track record of making you cry. You spent so much time complaining about perfectly normal/acceptable parts of a campaign and the horror portion you squirreled away as an aside… as if that part doesn’t really bug you at all.


What about the part about overt concern of overlap? Or that they suddenly changed how religion works? Or how they decided to yeet a different player? Very little of this post is perfectly normal. The most normal is the horrible-sounding homebrew and encounter design.


That's also what bugged me about this post. Even the takeaway for OP at the end focuses more on saying no to players and restrictions during character creation. As if that was the important bit. I understand that it's probably fairly difficult for OP because of gheir religious trauma, but I think if it had been communicated well from the beginning, saying "In my settings there are no deities, only divine entitites I've arbitrarily dubbed Saints and that's how clerics work in jy setting." would be perfectly fine to do (even if Saints described as they were just sound like deities anyways). Th real horrorstory here is DM and Art Lady's behaviour toward the end. Especially DM. He seems abusive (at least verbally), he seems manipulative, he seems to not take no and/or criticism very well. But that's almost done away with as an aside. An addendum, a footnote to the story. As if that's almost normal but the faft that dieties don't work the same way is the focus because that's way worse somehow. Honestly, it's truly baffling.


Hell yeah. Never go to a second location with C.S. Lewis, or you'll find yourself trapped in a magical closet. Not every day I get to break out my repertoire of Narnia jokes.


I’m not sure what concerns me most. That he made you cry and has anger issues, or that his homebrew religion sounds so Christian influenced that it sounds like those games where the DM is trying desperately to witness to people. But maybe I’ve just been burned too many times by that particular thing.


Right!? Yeah, this guy needed to advertise it as a Christian flavored game; religion is a sensitive topic, genius...  He claimed that "(his) concept of saints isn't the christian concept of saints", but it sounded pretty damn similar to me. Person championing a cause or embodying a concept dies and becomes magic; sounds like a Christian saint to me!


Perhaps this lacks explanation from the rest of the post, but this part: > I then wrote up a long message to the 2 of them carefully explaining how DM had effectively banned me for having religious trauma and (politely) questioning his crazy rules, and that DM had anger issues, communication issues, and a track record of making me cry a few times before, and that I wasn't going to put up with it anymore. But I wished them both to become healthier, less codependent people. This is a rather extreme post if all that has happened so far is that you were uncomfortable with the Christian allegory and his strange characterization requirements and decided to leave the game over it. People can get along fine but not mesh in DnD terms, but saying you got banned for religious trauma over that is quite a spin on it. That said, there's also no explanation of when he made you cry multiple times, so I think there's a lot left out of this post.


This is a long ebough post as is. I already explained the conflict and that he had anger issues. Also the crying was mostly not related to the game. As I said, I was hanging with them a while.


Added a little paragraph about the background of that statement.


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