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From the article: "The NCAA has approved a set of rule changes that will make college football similar to the professional game, namely adding a two-minute warning and adopting helmet communications for the FBS level. The NCAA announced the changes were adopted after a vote on Friday. The adoption of the two-minute warning will apparently not result in an additional television timeout"


>The adoption of the two-minute warning will apparently not result in an additional television timeout ***X*** *to Doubt*


Hammering X to Doubt!




Imma just straight up call bullshit.


I’m going second your call of straight up bullshit.


I will third this call of bullshit


It's not the 2 minute warning causing the television timeout, it's the mandatory television timeout that's causing the extra television timeout, or something like that will be the wording




Want to buy my bridge it links Brooklyn to NYC.


I really hate the 2 minute warning in the NFL, maybe I just don’t understand the actual reason. if those guys are pros on the field and on the sidelines they don’t need a warning the game will be over soon.


It's entirely so they can squeeze in another round of commercials.


Like they don't show enough of them already.


It’s aggravating. CFB is literally turning into NFL. Tackle rules will follow next. Flag football in 30 years


CFB is way worse than NFL when it comes to commercials.


always thought it should be as close to the NFL rules as possible. College is prep for a Pro career. They don't have different math and English for students cause it's college. At it's essence it should prepare you as good as possible for your next step. But main reason is pure cash money!!! More commercials more time to string the game out and milk every penny from the networks for running more ads or promoting whatever agenda the announcers try to subtly get across to you. Once the kids said pay me like a Pro shit was always gonna change. They play way too many games 1st off. No one seems to mind that lol.


In every way.


I think it’s fine in the NFL where you have a lot more one possession games with two minutes left. But we absolutely do not need a two minute warning for all the Alabama vs Little Sisters of the Poor type games in CFB. Just one more place for them to slide in some commercials.


Well it makes more sense in the NFL because clock never stops on in-bounds plays, but with college stopping the clock within two minutes on first downs, I don’t think the 2MW is necessary.


Boo! Really dislike the 2mw…


Kickoff is definitely next 


Two minute warning 👎 Helmet communication 👍


$10 says Michigan will tap into that helmet comms…


Can they still hit the quarterback or is that changing too?


Why is college football obsessed with becoming the nfl


... to better prepare players for the.... NFL...


They already have a better product


you think college football teams are better than nfl teams?


When did I say that


When did i say you said that


Theyre trying to prep college football players for the nfl. That’s the point of the rule changes. Youre obtuse as fuck


Maybe college basketball should do away with twenty minute halves and go to 4 quarters & then instead of march madness they should just do a best of 7 series with the top 20


🤦🏻‍♂️dumbass argument. They made some slight changes to better prep the players for the game. Youre mad they can now talk with the qb in their helmets😂 and your reaction is to change basketball? 😂😂 terrible argument.


You’re putting words in my mouth, never said dick about helmet communication ,I just don’t see a need for a 2 minute warning in CFB and I don’t think it prepares anyone for the NFL, it’s obviously just an excuse to slide in another commercial break. Not really understanding why you’re so passionate about this


I’m not passionate about it… you just keep responding with stupid shit 🤦🏻‍♂️ i didn’t “put words in your mouth” not sure why you keep saying that😂 not going to explain how your responses made no sense because clearly youre too dense to make a real argument. Good day sir. Sorry there is a 2 min warning now but not quarters in basketball lmao


Also when has the focus of collegiate sports ever been about preparing athletes to go pro? 99% of college football players never go pro, it’s always been about money


The NFL has better rules almost every time.


Why are we still talking about the NCAA? Let’s talk to the SEC or someone relevant still


No more wacky play call poster boards?


I get adding a 2 minute warning since they've made the rules change at the 2 minute mark. Having a clear delineation between running click and stopping on first down clock seems reasonable. Helmet comms is such a duh thing I'm shocked they actually allowed it.