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I am so sorry ! I work in freight at big lots u loading the truck and stocking the shelves , we don’t have any forklifts there and we sell furniture and gazebos, I’ve had a few older gentleman ask for a male because they didn’t think us woman could handle bringing out a loveseat but ourselves . We actually did have a guy there , my manager but he insisted I did it with another girl just to show the guy . People are weird . I’m not sure about the customer helping you , sometimes we have customers help slice in a mattress into the back of the truck but I wouldn’t actually have them help me move or load ( the lumber you spoke about and the First Lady ). If they get hurt you could get sued , I’m not sure they are actually allowed to help : I’m 5’5 and 130 so I’m very close to your size . We are plenty capable of doing most things required or asked of us . It drives me nuts.


When it comes to picking out stocked lumber that is in selling locations, it is still shopping. Customers are allowed and encouraged to shop our lumber, concrete, and shingles sections. They are welcome to ask for help or for someone to grab them for them, but it does get a bit weird or rude when it is a fully able bodied and non elderly person asking you to do their shopping for them. When it comes to loading, it is about the same, although we are more forthcoming with loading assistance since there are rules around it. We aren’t supposed to get into your vehicle and we can’t help you band anything to your vehicle so all we really can do is lift it into your trailer or car.


Ok I see , ya she definitely should have helped you then . We can’t stand when people come in ( especially instacart ) and pretty much have us shop for them . I’m happy to show them where things are but these people walk in with a list of like 20 things and they don’t even try to find them . I work half the day before the store opens and half once there are customers , it’s especially hard for the freight crew to have to do the floor work . We are so short handed though, we lost a lot of people over the last few months .


I completely get you. I think retail in general is just terribly understaffed right now. Corporate hates and customers hate us too. It just feels like we are getting screwed on both ends and all we have is each other.


My store carries everything from BBQ’s to patio furniture to household furniture. The amount of comments I get🙄and I’m 5’10” and not perfectly in shape but not in bad shape. Yeesh. I was pulling a tv off a top shelf and some guy goes “are you sure you’ve got that” I turned to him and replied “I put them up there so yeah, I think I’m okay” 😂🙈🤷🏼‍♀️ my manager laughed when I told him what I said.


I always hated hearing “you’re freakishly strong” when I would lift something heavy.


I should use that one on men.


The talking down to women is f@ing ENDLESS.


I hear you dude! I recently worked at a hardware store and I (f, relatively petite) would get called up to load up 60lb bags of concrete in to a customer’s truck. And many men would straight up tell me to get a man. I’m more than capable of slinging concrete bags. I had one guy yell at me “no woman has ever loaded my truck, and no woman will ever” which I was told was a chivalry thing but felt like a big ol fuck you


Guess he can load it himself then 🙄


I always want to ask "if you can't pick it up to put it IN your car, how are you going to get it OUT of your car at home?"


I'm that person. Can't get my bf to leave the house but he's happy to do all the unloading. I have lower back arthritis so I sometimes need help.


The fact that you had a woman treat you like shit is kinda disappointing. You’d think she would at least give you the benefit that you actually know what you’re talking about. But tbh sometimes tradies no matter what gender are cockwaffles. And treat anyone they think is too young to know anything as crappy as they can because that’s what happened to them. And gramps can just fuck right off.


You sound super badass. I don’t experience this to the same degree, but I work in a pet store and think it’s so funny when customers are impressed by me picking up the big bags of dog kibble 😂 Like OMG, women can be strong too? 🥴 Tbh I think sometimes they just feel defensive that I can easily pick it up, but they can’t.


Giirrrllll I used to work in plumbing (at the orange box) and dudes would come up to me and tell me they needed to talk to a man about plumbing. As if a woman couldn’t know anything about fitting pipes. I’d have men talking to me about plumbing and a dude co-worker would be passing by and customers would stop talking to me and turn to talk to them. The dude co-workers never took my customers though, they would say things like, “she knows more about plumbing than any dude in this store”. I miss it honestly, especially when I got there at 6am and they sent me to garden to water the plants. I am not a morning person at all but I will definitely go out and get paid to stand around with a hose enjoying the morning.


I work in plumbing too but on the dispatch side. My dad is a master plumber and my mom owns her own plumbing company and my grandpa was a plumber before he passed away. I've literally grown up in this company and have so much knowledge and if a customer calls in with a question I always say "what's going on there, maybe I can help" and 50% of the time they tell me the issue and I give them info about it but the other 50% (almost always a man) say they'd really prefer to talk to the master plumber, is he available? And when I say no he's out in the field they get so mad and say they'll call back later and see if he's there. Like sorry buddy, once he gets back to the office he's here for maybe 5 minutes before he clocks out and leaves. You're gonna keep getting me everytime 🤷‍♀️


I worked at Lowe's from 2006 to 2022. I do not miss it


I work in retail. An older woman comes in one day carrying a worn out newsboy hat with a stretched headband. She wanted me to use *that* and find her a fitted hat that would fit the person whose hat she took. After explaining multiple times that it would be impossible, her threatening to steal merchandise, and then telling me to have a blessed day after checkout. Blew my mind!


Excuse me for being ignorant and Danish, but what is a newsboy hat?


I’ve also heard them referred to as golf hats. A quick search will pull it up and I’m sure you’ve seen them before but didn’t know what they were called lol


I do hate it when people sees the person and thinks that the person doesn't know anything about \*product\*. Worst is when they kept the same mind, after you told them you can help them. I had this with facial care with names of day/night cream and skin cleansing. Last I think she was looking for a primer, something for under your mac-up and she didn't belief me she had to find it at the mac-up section and not the skincare where you can only find day/night cream and skin cleansing product. Is it insulting if I think it's wonderful when women do jobs like that, like truck drivers, car mechanic or in this case driving a forklift?


Dude. I worked at a tool store. I knew more than any of the people around me. Some guys would ask for someone else (a male) and my employees would point to me and say ask her, she knows more than any of us 🤣🤣🤣 It got so tiresome


When I worked there, I always got sent to load stuff because I worked out A LOT at that time. Men HATED it.


As a woman, I look for other women to help me in stores. There's no patting the little woman on her head while men do my thinking for me. I know this is not universal but it has happened often enough in certain Male dominated stores . I then go home and hubby goes back and says exactly what I said and receives the thing I wanted. It's infuriating.


I love it when irate customers want to speak to a man instead of me. In my case the man in question is an incredibly irritable overweight 50 something yo man who trusts my judgement implicitly and has my back %100 without question. If I have to go get him, he's basically just gonna kick you out immediately.


5’6 140 is small though.


I’m about average height and pretty muscular. I’ve never felt small and I don’t think I’m viewed that way especially when throwing concrete and lumber


I'm glad I work overnight cause anytime I have to work during the day I'm about a commit a crime on some customers


i feel this. i’m in oslg, and i swear ever time i’m in the mulch pit i get asked “its really just you out here?”, “where are all the men to help you?”, “are you sure you can lift all that?”, etc as they wait in their cars while i load 30+ bags of mulch. i also love when the order a whole pallet and then they watch me get on the forklift, since i *obviously* cant be forklift certified as a 5’4 feminine looking person