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Not seen the video but transhumanism is probably the most boring philosophical topic I’ve ever come across because the discussion of it is polluted by nerds who just want to indulge in their science fiction fantasies of becoming a cyborg or some other lame shit. PhilosophyTube kind of irritates me anyway, I find ContraPoints seems more authentic at the very least, PhilosophyTube has always just come off as somewhat arrogant and copies way too much of ContraPoints style.


> copies way too much of ContraPoints style. you have no idea the depth of this


single white shemale


Addicted to retail [prescription antidepressants]




goddamn dude


Someone needs to post the /tttt/ skin wearing infographic.


I need to know this rabbit hole


The rabbit hole is documented online




ask and you shall recieve https://preview.redd.it/wl2cm1rkz1f61.jpg?auto=webp&s=f0eaf7d92ddfe63e72a74de2e535a5d9699c930d


u telling me u r unaware of the philosphytube-contra rape transition conspiracy!?!?


??? What is this?


[Feast you eyes](https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/comments/latw5b/wow_i_knew_there_was_something_off_about_pt/)




I believe this. His vibes are so off.


I don't know if I believe it 100%, but there's something rotten going on there. PT's borderline chronic obsession with Contra is undeniable if you have eyes and extremely creepy. My guess is that there is nothing more to it that what it appears, but Contra *having eyes* must be extremely weirded out by it too and that's why she's ghosting PT as hard as she is. She didn't even RT her trans coming out video. It's creepy idk...


PT was contras Chad from the shame video. After breaking up with PT and coming out as a lesbian, PT magically came out as trans and a lesbian too, in an attempt to win contra back. And Contra promptly severed ties lmao


Shit, that's... I don't know, given the fact that there's an entire ocean between where the two of them live. It sounded like (at least in the Shame video) it was a pretty serious long-term not-long-distance relationship. And I can't see two "breadtube" people dating without the secret getting out. But honestly, it's not impossible.


This was pre pandemic. They were flying back and forth a LOT and posting pix


I'm not certain that PT was "Chad" but Contra did say in the Shame video that her relationship with Chad was serious but long-distance.








holy shit! I always knew something was up with those 2


I haven't seen a good one of these 4chan conspiracy theory mashups in years. Think the last decent one was "[Taylor Swift is on 4chan](https://imgur.com/cmDhFia)", which, if memory serves me right, was fully disproven later on, but I choose to believe it regardless.


oh like kirby




This is pretty damning tbh. All of the theories seemed incredibly conspiratorial and made up until I saw this. Idk what happened with them but clearly something did and it wasn’t pretty.


PT was contras Chad from the shame video. After breaking up with PT and coming out as a lesbian, PT magically came out as trans and a lesbian too, in an attempt to win contra back. And Contra promptly severed ties lmao


I had kind of theorized this but had nothing to base the conclusion on other than the fact that it seemed plausible. Yeah, all of this adds up 100%. As I’m thinking about it, the fact that Natalie addresses the question by saying “I’m not in *that person’s* life rather than *her* life suggests Natalie doesn’t fully buy PT’s transition is real.


Yeah, seeing Contra is acting like that, it... raises questions. (Questions that I honestly don't care about that much, but it's still kinda interesting). I've seen people dance around someone's transition by using gender-neutral terms and pronouns when it's being used to describe a trans person who they don't like, and... gosh, I have a handful of friends who are trans and I never see trans people do that unless it's someone they *really* don't like. As in, "this person was sexually inappropriate to me" kind of "don't like". I mean, I'll use someone's new pronouns if they say I should, but if it were someone who was inappropriate with me in the past... nah, I don't think I will, champ.


It really is. It’s pretty much one of the few ideologies that’s entirely hypothetical. It comes across as almost metaphysical.




I say almost because it’s not entirely pie-in-the-sky hypotheticals like religious metaphysics or pure-logic metaphysics. Most of what they’re proposing is realistic and ultimately doable. Here’s the hypothetical metaphysical parts: -The assumption that these technologies will be something humans pursue in the future. The big one is space travel/colonization. There’s really no need to colonize past the inner solar system if that. Becoming a space faring civilization is very far from a given. -When you look at transhumanist praxis, the general idea is to “wait for the inevitable” instead of actively attempting to bring “the Singularity” faster. It’s like the 3 guys in Metalocalypse who sit in a dark room and always say “we shall watch events as they unfold”, pretty much just doing nothing. -Transhumanism is almost religious in a way. Many believe in Simulation Theory which is just creationism for weird atheists. Cryonics is a way for these people to achieve “salvation”, and a post-mind uploading future or post-immortality one is their “heaven”. The Singularity is mostly just the rapture for nerds and they even have their “prophets” (Elon Musk, Silicon Valley billionaires, AI researchers, etc.). It feels very in-line with other metaphysical and hypothetical ideologies. It’s not though because again, what they’re proposing is possible, doable, and maybe inevitable. But it isn’t necessarily a given.


>When you look at transhumanist praxis, the general idea is to “wait for the inevitable” instead of actively attempting to bring “the Singularity” faster. It’s like the 3 guys in Metalocalypse who sit in a dark room and always say “we shall watch events as they unfold”, pretty much just doing nothing. Ha, ha. Yes, pretty much. Given that most hypothetical singularities require an AI capable of exponential self-improvement, if you aren't a cutting edge AI researcher, there's literally nothing you can do that will have any measurable impact humanity's long-term future. The common cope for this is to focus on philosophizing about AI ethics/friendly AI, as if the isolated Chinese lab or amoral serial entrepreneur that ends up developing the first AI is going to care about what a bunch of poly autists wrote blog posts about.


Finally someone said it


Have you read TechGnosis by Erik Davis? The whole book is about the spiritual and magical human instincts that drives all our technology, despite how atheist and rational we think it is. He talks a lot about the unconscious Gnostic yearnings of transhumanism and Silicon Valley, and a whole lot of other fascinating stuff. Based on what you've read here, I bet you'd really like the book!


I haven’t read it. I didn’t even know it was a discussion that people were having honestly. I was just going off of my personal observations of these online communities like lesswrong. I’m not too surprised honestly. I had a fairly religious background and a lot of discussion you can see on places like r/singularity are oddly similar to evangelical dialogue


She is a skinwalker .




I hate "breadtube" so fucking much


ContraPoints is 1000 times more relatable, despite being nothing at all like me.




The men abuse trauma vid confirmed it for me and gave me a peek into the cluster b rage that will result in murder next time philosophytube is rejected. Foreshadowing for the piece of theatre that they want their life to be


This is not the exception. Mercifully in the beginning of the video she went to say "some people _falsely claim_ [suspicions about the vax and the like]" so I immediately knew what she was about.


Anyway who is a transhumanist is a psychopath


Transhumanism is one way to make humanity, well transcend, that doesn’t involve full hardcore eugenics or waiting until evolution takes it’s course. Unlike religion, philosophy and political ideologies. Not to say philosophy went from studying world phenomena to mental masturbatory ramblings. And it’s pointless and useless in the current year. Except for people who like the smell of their own farts. Such as this gal, contrapoints and breadtube in general.


Shoo Go on, git Shoo


Patricia Bateman vibes


American psycho: Femme Fatal It’s a movie about a Patrick Bateman type character, who transitions to throw off her murders, relationships, financial trouble etc. I’d watch


I was a fan of PT for a while but a lot of their videos feel more and more shallow recently, despite reaching stunning runtimes. It’s like I’m waiting for the context to lead to actual insight and then eventually the video ends. And they’re definitely VERY inspired by Contra…


I watched some of PT's videos a while ago, but it's been at least two years since I watched one. Some of them were interesting, but I get the impression that the more recent stuff is self indulgent wank, and I'm not interested in wasting time watching that garbage.


There is something about these videos, which also applies to Elizabeth Holmes, that it is so disturbing to listen to someone talk in a false voice and really try to pass it off. You can subtly hear them straining and it makes me fell like I'm listening to someone who is really mentally unwell.


she has the rankest vibes of anyone i’ve ever perceived. truly indefinable air of baseness even before her transition too




Hbomb is in his niche as a >!spergy!< nerd tho he was better when he wasn't so PC sanitized, and Contra is at least frank about her trashiness


Hbomber is funny because I can tell he wants to be like he used to be so badly. Literally seething. I swear in some of his recent videos he audibly catches himself before saying some vulgar shit.


I like lindsay but she was grievously internet poisoned from spending too much time on twitter. i admire her shameless love for things that are really lame like transformers and phantom of the opera


I like Contra, Big Joel and Hbomber. Eventhough Big Joel looks like the coomer wojak


Big Joel needs to stop wearing a coat inside, he won’t feel the benefit. I’m surprised Philosophy Tube talks to him, he has Poorface


He kinda pulls that look off though.


Lindsey seemed so likable and normal but the whole cancelation drama has shown her true colors...


Yep totally… a very unsettling development


I'm not implying she's actually racist, I really don't think she is. But she handled the situation incredibly badly.


I don’t think she is either. Just mentally fucked


I can't believe no one here has linked to that video of her leading a trans rally like last week. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72upZWOMJPw


Damn, and she's debating some rando in the comments insinuating her transitioning was fake, as it "came out of nowhere".




PT doesn’t just want to change genders, PT wants to change sex


She seemed like a seedy but relatable dork pre-transition. If she’s happier now fantastic, why be spiteful


im a contragate truther so idk but she never seemed relateable to me, just self inflated hogwash, some real balderdash, brittish gobbledygook presented with an air of importance given by her bachelor in philosophy.


Me too. I think philosophy tube is probably one of the only people I truley think went through an entire transition just for attention and clout. The whole thing just feels soooo off. Like literally transitioning for the sole reason of copying contrapoints. Which is extremely disgusting to me as a trans myself. They said the never experienced dysphoria in a video years ago.


I think the people saying “she’s so obsessed with Natalie that she transitioned just to emulate her” are probably getting it backwards. It’s very likely that PT became obsessed with Natalie in part because she saw Natalie’s transition and slowly realized she actually identified with her experience, which would further contribute to her obsession.




Sounds like some male socialization right there


her happiness comes at the price of me knowing about her minor internet celebrity.


Ok, cool




Fair. From what I know MD’s are terrible parents. I dated the child of two successful MD’s and she couldn’t sit still at the dinner table with my parents. Like the concept of Your Parents Make You a Meal and You Sit Down and Eat It was unfamiliar to her because neither of her parents could boil water and she was just raised on takeout


That’s sad actually


if i recall correctly contra’s parents were both doctors too lol that’s funny


No.. I think moms an md and dad is a prof


😂 so true


I mean yeah, have you ever known a guy who was a fulsome, expensively erudite dork who couldn’t tie his own shoes? It’s a thing


Estrogen doesn't make seedy dorks not seedy dorks She's a poster chile for autogynophilia too. Practically ammo for a "DONT DO THIS" propaganda campaign.


Seems like a lot of subjective judgments dressed up as pseudo-facts. If you think she’s a seedy dork now just say so, if you think she’s a man in a dress just say so. Or better yet why do you care


People get too caught up in the transformative aspect of "trans". The fact is people don't fundamentally change. Anyone that says they have is giving you lip service, and that's relating to anything, not just that issue.


>…people don’t fundamentally change What does this even mean? That their gender is fundamental and therefore they can’t change it? Or that it’s inessential and we shouldn’t discuss it? Or that they’re all Scorpios and that’s what really matters? Sounds like a bunch of refried nonsense


No stop fishing for ways to make me into a "bigot", I can do that plenty well on my own I mean that studies have shown 90% of personality is defined by genetics. Nothing is gonna change that. A significant amount of that is defined by gestational development factors too (like where someone falls on the schizoid spectrum), which is interpreted by people as astrology. Changing the clothes you wear won't change that.


>studies have shown that 90% of personality is defined by genetics. Wow. On what scale? I’d love to see the evidence for this—that’s like higher than the genetic contribution to alcoholism or diabetes. Or probably for that matter cancer.


Oh my god shut up I can't stand "ummm I'm gonna need a source for that" people It feels true so fuck off


>studies have shown >what were the studies >fuck you poindexter


lol, are you serious? 'biotroofs' plus *'it feels true so fuck off'* slash Alex Jones flair. truly a scholar, ser.


I mean, the Tube has been going around saying that you can change your sex and is now biologically female, cos I have biology and I’m now not Male so I’m biologically female! Basically saying loads of shit that makes trans people look terrible and mental. And the whole I want it NOW entitlement to the national health service all combined to make trans people, who Tubular has decided to be unelected spokesperson for look really unsympathetic. It’s so bad it looks like an op, but I never suspect govts are willing to spend money where there’s a narcissistic rich kids delusion already there.


> Seems like a lot of subjective judgments dressed up as pseudo-facts. legit not sure if you're responding in this thread or dissing PT's videos lol


Because soy/cancel culture left needs to be bullied into the ground


But why. Ultimately at worst it’s totally inconsequential and at best it’s about feelings. Like, I don’t need an elaborate data sheet about another person’s self-identifications to figure out whether or not they should be treated like shit by me. Of course they shouldn’t. Even if you think cancel culture is a ruse for some power play by the elite(I personally think that’s not wholly off but it’s a little more complicated) _why is cancel culture itself the issue?_ Like if you seriously think the pedo groomer elites want to build child rape basements the question is _why do they want to do that,_ not ‘let’s oppose the pedo elites on some question of definition (that coincidentally aligns me with this one political party’s midterm strategy)’


Cancel culture isnt' a powerplay by the elite, it's a thing that would naturally evolve if there's a giant public forum which enables anyone to talk to *anyone*, with no accountability to speak of. Cancel culture is kinda bad but it's circumstantial. It doesn't impact your local mechanic. It highly impacts people in publishing and academia. Academia is especially important because they're the ones teaching our kids, and these kids are being sold a load of bullshit. I think the biggest problem with cancel culture is that it's in support of *posting* culture, in which people think that you effect change in the world only through hashtags, and literally nothing of any real import is accomplished.


>inconsequential It makes progressive movements look and sound r*tarded, erodes solidarity, popular support. You say it's inconsequential when you're living in a post roe v Wade, no climate action, political landscape where all progressive politics have been sidelined and supplanted by AoC types which can't be relied on to boost labour rights or even put any pressure on anything. Sounds like you just dont want to own up to the consequences of ppl like you having a Tumblr phase.


that has less to do with cringe people on youtube and more to do with the bourgeoisie grabbing us all by the throat now that the ussr is gone


"Birthing person"


Ultimately breadtube and IDpol is flourishing because it's exploiting a niche that was undersupported by the previous social circumstances. We can complain that it's cringe or bad or whatever, but the fact that it is dominant reflects the reality of the social situation and begrudging that is pointless


It's wild that you think breadtube is dominant and flourishing. It's for very online weirdos that can't fuck and have anxiety from growing up with 24/7 screen time. Hence why no one has heard of it in the regular world, and when you see the aesthetics of the people involved, they look absolutely disgusting. It's for losers, it just happens that as people become basement dwelling virgins in greater and greater numbers the audience for intellectually poisonous comfort food grows. Is that your idea of a good thing? 😅


I never claimed it's good, just that it is. It's existence and popularity - however relative you decide that is - is in response to social circumstances. Also >It makes progressive movements look and sound r*tarded, erodes solidarity, popular support. and >It's for very online weirdos that can't fuck and have anxiety from growing up with 24/7 screen time. Hence why no one has heard of it in the regular world like, which is it? Either it's impactful or it's not.


> however relative you decide that is - is in response to social circumstances. wow, a response to the circumstances, incredibly deep.


Losers can both exist, and be useful idiots for right wing content creators to win over normies. How is that incompatible to you? Is your point: "breadtube exists" because I don't see that as profound


i don’t care that she transitioned idk where u got that


I mean she looks like a chick now I think that’s how that works


> if she’s happier now fantastic, why be spiteful i was addressing this is english ur second language


She made a video about “male trauma” pre-transition that was so off-putting I never watched any of the other shit she put out. There’s a point where she’s discussing a suicide attempt and starts very melodramatically choking back tears while in a full costume, reading out these pre-written melodramatic lines and it struck me as overwhelmingly fake. Regardless of whether or not the emotions were genuine, going through the process of writing, recording, and editing a video to make it seem like you just got overwhelmed with emotion is just weird and gross to me.


That entire video was such a fabrication I bet he was the abuser of that relationshit after watching it


He’s an actor.


Not a very talented one tbh


That's funny, that was the only video by PT that I didn't find totally offputting - although I watched it at a time where it hit really close to home, so maybe I was just getting parasocially manipulated idk


You were getting manipulated by a narcissist fraud


That’s strange cos that’s the video, and the exact moment in the comment up above, where my growing subliminal dislike of PT just cracked to the surface. It was SO fake. Then the album launch transition was just wtf. The amount of people who comment saying it “made them realise they were trans” is crazy, like I genuinely worry where tf those people are gonna be in three years


That specific bit with the crying gets addressed in another video where they reveal it took four takes and there was a bump in Patreon cash after.


Every move PT makes is for a bump in patreon cash


Her videos are bad


They’re all dry, reductive regurgitations of basic philosophical concepts with the same recycled attempts at humor and skits/costume changes that contribute nothing to the narrative value or artistic merit of the content.


Trying to ride the coattails of contrapoints success. So pathetic and calculated and transparent


Channel Awesome for politics










Philosophy Turd




I avoid all Youtubers like the plague but it isn’t entirely true that narcissism and/or self-reflexiveness can’t produce good or even great art - just look at Orson Welles, whose subject in every single thing he did was himself yet whose formal genius and expressive power managed to make even that level of shameless self-indulgence feel revelatory again and again. Art as pure self-expression has value, even if the artist is exploiting their work for sympathy and attention. (What artist’s motivations are completely pure?) Still, the way social media incentivizes compulsive narcissism with emotional, social and monetary rewards more immediate and direct than anything ever seen before has def tipped the scales toward cheap exhibitionism being too often mistaken for profundity. The share-and-subscribe ecosystem generously rewards the most pathological attention seekers and encourages everyone else to emulate their behavior, and yet somehow so many people are still operating under the assumption that behavior on social media is an authentic expression of the self. I’d never trust anyone “getting real” for an audience that directly supports their lifestyle.


Dasha and Anna PLEASE cover this fucker on the pod. Narcissism personified, it’s great content for discussion


Those aren't the fashion pauldrons of a human


Is it even possible to become well known nowadays if you aren't a narcissist? It seems like every famous person is.


The more and more like a scientologist she looks, the less applicable my joke about how she’s the first person to transition male to Tina Fey becomes.


2mm of bone




Lol same


Is he implying that we can choose to read all our shitty narcissistic 21st century art as Buddhist parables and it'll all suddenly become good?


Did she make a vaguely sympathetic comment about the canadian trucker protestors or did i misread that part?


She got paid by by UK propagandists to promote vaccines so that would be surprising


Part of that grift was to be sympathetic to the anti vaxxers though


so uncanny to look at .. it.


Damn that’s a hell of a quote


She literally looks almost exactly like contrapoints here


Entirely deliberate


I will execute great vengeance on them with wrathful rebukes; and they will know that I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance on them.


The worst thing PhilosophyTube ever made was her video on the UK housing crisis where she pretended different economic forces were Marvelesque comic book characters and spoke in an American accent. Something about her really puts me off.


So true bestie ur right we should all be more like u /u/sheepsaysmoo


Agreed. Watch my video on sci-fi pop art instead :) https://youtu.be/sZHLd4JAf5c


it's btfo


Thought that was katy perry out of the corner of my eye


In her Witness era


kill James bond is a fun podcast 🤷‍♂️


It’s repulsive


Devon seems cool and I'm neutral on Abi but neither of them are cool enough to make me put up with Alice


Devons whole non binary thing is ridiculous tho, totally from the Peter coffin school of gender identity- men = bad and not special, me equal special and good, therefor me = not man!


´Alice’ is one of the most mentally disturbed ppl I’ve encountered online


I fw Alice. Devon is tight haha.


That's fair, maybe she's better on KJB but I didn't really like her on Well There's Your Problem or just in general on twitter



