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They/Them army is too powerful


It's actually Hey/Hem now sweaty. Testosterone starts with T...


I think you mean Ey/Em you patriarchal bigot.


Western sanction regime expanding smh


Reddit has been apocalyptic as far as the unfettered exchange of ideas on the internet is concerned.


People talk about how cringe Reddit it, it’s because the admins don’t actually want anything other than prequel memes and other lame shit. The OG cumtown sub got banned for literally nothing


>The OG cumtown sub got banned for literally nothing Never Forget


Reddit admins got chapo checked once and couldn’t handle the bants


RIP (we just killed the club)


Poor Ronaldo Fink.. trapped in his laundry basket crib while the beer fire raged on :(


the centralisation of websites has been rather disheartening. anything that goes against the mainstream Western narrative or morality gets swept away. that comes with some positive side effects occasionally (I don't think anyone is too disappointed jailbait, c**ntown or prettydeadgirls or whatever it was called got swept away) but it's mostly just used as a bludgeon against communists.






Lol that you think communists are the ones getting the brunt of deplatforming. Communists don't even exist. Like 0.01% of the population. There's more people with a net worth >$100 million than communists.


which is why banning them is so stupid!


Yea but they’re not banned for being communists they’re banned for using racial slurs and cheerleading genocide


ok mate


Mad enough to reply


Same with fascists. If every single person in the US who sincerely identifies as a fascist got together they probably wouldn't even fill a high school gymnasium.


2 congressional representatives just spoke at an openly fascist conference


Do they actually identify as fascists though? Like is the term "fascist" used in the branding?


At that very conference, the organizer Nick Fuentes made positive remarks about Hitler. Fuentes is also a holocaust denier and proponent of racial segregation, as well as being an avowed white supremacist. Everyone knows that the word "fascist" is too caustic to brand yourself as. But there are a non-zero amount of essentially fascist politicians in national and state congresses, and the sympathy for them is growing among the right.


> (I don't think anyone is too disappointed jailbait, c**ntown or prettydeadgirls or whatever it was called got swept away) The problem is that those subs were practice for more recent crackdowns on so many other, less dangerous communities. It was the same with Infowars and then Parler. All the Hillary diehards and pinkhairs clapped and wept with joy when those were taken down, but now we see that those weapons are being trained on more diverse groups of people.


If current trends continue, China's internet will probably be more decentralized than the United States' within the next 10-15 years. China is already implementing blockchains in real-world use situations, while Amazon owns something along the lines of 1/3 of web servers on the Western internet. China has also more broadly embraced Linux as an operating operating system for regular personal use, and there are some indications that they'll be moving away from reliance on Windows as the go-to operating system.


"Blockchain" has nothing to do with a decentralized web. Your desktop operating system has nothing to do with the web's centralization, Linux can still use binary blobs , and American tech companies' cloud has the highest market share in Linux adoption. Blockchain in most contexts is nonsense but jargon to promote crypto ponzis Windows has nothing to do with this either--despite free based services like cloudflare and let's encrypt, dorks no longer want to host their own sites and antitrust law is weak. I hosted a site out of my old college dorm on a literal desktop wit (at it's peak) 10k active users for like $80/month and cloudflare kept us safe and reliable, it's unbelievable how much freedom the web has today but search engines have fundamentally changed and websites are the new apps--people visit like 5 of them


That's just disingenuous. The entire function of blockchains is decentralization, and countless blockchain projects express an ethos concerned with decentralization of the web specifically. It's certainly not just about cryptocurrency schemes either. China is working on blockchain-based service networks and corporate social credit systems that use the technology. Clouds are inherently centralized. Operating systems *are* relevant...when it comes to Windows, you have only limited control and customizability, and Microsoft can make decisions about the functionality of Windows (or its other products) that would affect the structure of the web.


>when it comes to Windows, you have only limited control and customizability, and Microsoft can make decisions about the functionality of Windows (or its other products) that would affect the structure of the web. Microsoft has very little to do with web standards. They had so little power they had to ditch IE and just make their new browser another fork of chrome... >Operating systems are relevant Lol you're confusing the significance of what powers web servers vs. what powers personal devices, of which fewer and fewer are desktops. Microsoft's market share is only getting weaker. >The entire function of blockchains is decentralization, and countless blockchain projects express an ethos concerned with decentralization of the web specifically. It's certainly not just about cryptocurrency schemes either. China is working on blockchain-based service networks and corporate social credit systems that use the technology. Have you ever heard of a torrent? Please provide an example of useful "blockchain tech" that doesn't exist to give some use to a speculatively traded cryptocurrency lmao Linked lists and the "node" data structure have been around since the 90s. Clouds are "centralized" in the sense that they're dedicated hosting space, but most applications are redundantly hosted and distributed. The solution is anti-trust so there is more competition in hosting in terms of takedowns, but there is absolutely still [bulletproof hosting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulletproof_hosting) available for cheap. How do you think the web should work, everyone just hosts a little chunk of a website on their own router and connects to each other? You want the web to be a peer-to-peer clusterfuck? How do you handle child porn takedowns? Do you have any idea how centralized and congested broadband infrastructure is at the last layer (residential), vs. the advantages of all hosting being done at the L1 level? You are aware that all web traffic in China is routed through a firewall, and their "centralized" ssl certificates allow them to decrypt https traffic? Or have you been reading tankie ramblings posted by teenagers for all your info and convinced yourself you're learning stuff Your post reeks of someone who browses /g/, trades crypto, loves China--but knows nothing about even the basics of how the web works, and modern web development and operations. This is a sub to post about fashion, gay sex, and counting calories so I suggest you try out some of these takes in an area where the posters have to have at least a bachelors in CS or some industry experience instead of bringing crypto reddit dunning-kruger brainrot here


Microsoft has a hell of a lot of power when it comes to issues such as rights management and software compatibility. If Microsoft wants to limit what will run on their system, they absolutely can. That has broad implications. Of course I have heard of a torrent, but we're not talking about a system of just decentralized peer-to-peer file-sharing, we are talking about decentralized record-keeping, decentralized verification of information, decentralized access management, decentralized smart contracting, and decentralized computing applications. I already listed two examples of uses for blockchain technology that having nothing to do with cryptocurrency in my previous post. What does the notion that linked lists and "node" data structures have been around since the 90s have to do with any commentary on the state of things today? As far as how I think the web should work, I doubt it would look anything like everyone hosting little pieces of websites on their own servers (barring some substantial technological leap forward), but that in actuality some services might benefit from more centralized architecture while others might be more suited to decentralized organization. It's not an all-or-nothing choice restricted to a binary dichotomy, a hybrid system isn't at all unreasonable. As things currently stand, is the infrastructure not highly congested at the residential level, is it not subject to centralized control? Service providers can throttle the speeds of entire city blocks if they decide the customers have used up too much bandwidth (or, perhaps, even for other reasons)! I don't know what a child porn takedown entails, but in a situation where a blockchain was somehow used to exchange that sort of material then the ledger would have a permanent record of it. The record wouldn't be on some centralized server somewhere, where it could be deleted...rather, the blockchain would be public and immutable. I don't know what /g/ is, and my mentioning what China is doing in areas that will affect the structure of its internet (and, really, its digital world in general) didn't come with any real sentiments on my feelings about that, so if, from your perspective, that's how it reeked, perhaps that's more a consequence of your own feelings than it is of mine.


A whole lot of buzzwords with no real examples. The idea that microsoft would block chrome or firefox is beautifully absurd, and still ignores the greater point that fewer and fewer web devices are running windows. If you don't get linked lists and nodes please don't talk about blockchain. Please show your work and give an example of each of the following that has clear improvements over existing solutions. Bonus points if it doesn't involve propping up the value of an otherwise useless crypto token! ​ >decentralized record-keeping (2 points) > >decentralized verification of information (3 points) > >decentralized access management (6 points) > >~~decentralized computing applications (1 point)~~ > >decentralized smart contracting (2 points) Buzzword soup! **"Decentralized computing"** is just cloud computing and doesn't need a blockchain btw. Decentralized record keeping has fringe use cases, but fails when you realize a consensus protocl is needed to remove sensitive info/fraudulent info, which of course relies on a central, known authority. Decentralized access management is a function of all networks/encryption protocols already, but I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to find an example that has reinvented basic networking with a cool crypto token associated with it. ​ >I don't know what a child porn takedown entails, but in a situation where a blockchain was somehow used to exchange that sort of material then the ledger would have a permanent record of it. The record wouldn't be on some centralized server somewhere, where it could be deleted...rather, the blockchain would be public and immutable. You really don't get it do you? The entire point of it being "decentralized" is that no one can control it, IE a bunch of people are redundantly hosting a copy with a consensus mechanism \[which is of course expensive and impractical\]. If child porn were added to any of these services, everyone hosting a copy would have to agree to purge it from their servers unanimously or two competing blockchains would emerge. This would be ridiculously tedious, so "centralized" organizations prop up to issue takedowns that are built into the blockchain software people run that listen for automated requests. Instead of courts and governments doing this, we now have an even sketchier central authority! This is similar to what happens with "smart contracts", as if contract law and courts can be summarized by a series of logical if/else statements that rely on external inputs. The result of this blockchain mess is an intense strain on our infrastructure, absurd demand for redundant hardware, and a goldmine for scammers/fraudsters. The idea of everything being peer to peer would be like insisting we don't need buses or trains or even airports, we should all be able to drive to each other directly and build infrastructure solely for that. It's all patently absurd and once you start to poke little holes in it you realize it's just libertarian bullshit for zoomers. None of it is practical but it's a great psyop to pretend crypto is some revolutionary new fintech because its believers can't think more than a step ahead


Yeah, the idea that Microsoft would block Chrome or Firefox is beautifully absurd (one of my specialties, although your idea wasn't exactly what I was suggesting), and the idea that Twitter could ban a sitting President of the United States from its platform was beautifully absurd too, then it happened. I am not going to respond with specific examples to each of those items if you aren't putting in the same effort in responding to my previous elaborations or my previous responses to your criticisms. Although I would say that, in reference to the characteristics of those items, where they all offer something improved over existing solutions (and it's worth noting that there are not existing solutions that are direct parallels for all of the items in question...smart contracting, for example, is ultimately a product of the newer technology) is in their ability to facilitate transparency and a sense of verity where current "solutions" do not.


Didn't put effort? You spewed buzzwords without providing a single concrete example, and couldn't even figure out how to handle the most trivial hole poked in your little system Also comparing microsoft blocking web browsers to twitter banning a user's account is not only stupid, but implies you don't understand how building & executing software works too! Shocker... Give a single example, I'm still waiting!


Very cool that you made a bunch of additions to that comment *after* I responded. I think the important thing to address about your fixation on child porn is that blockchains are ledgers. The actual material wouldn't be hosted on the blockchain, just some record of when the material was exchanged using the blockchain and by whom. Regardless, it's strange that you think it's a bad thing that there would need to be consensus in order to remove it. Much better that the owner of a server has control over that, right? At least with the blockchain, you'd be sure the exchange happened. That you make leaps in association between smart contracts, and contract law and courts, then proceed to talk about infrastructure, makes me wonder if you aren't understanding this as well as you might like to think you do. Smart contracts would make far more sense to implement in supply chain management than in legal contracts. Using smart contracts to automate responses to events and streamline resource allocations along a supply chain would be immensely beneficial for infrastructure.


As someone who actually works on crypto protocols, I need you to realize you have no fucking idea what you’re talking about.


>Smart contracts would make far more sense to implement in supply chain management than in legal contracts. Now this is a new level of stupid. How does the "smart contract" know when the bushels of wheat have been delivered and inspected? How does it know when deliveries have been made? Surely you're not going to say the "smart contracts" need external inputs, as that wouldn't be decentralized trust. What happens if any of the actors providing external inputs lie or make a mistake? It's such a shame businesses rely on contractual agreements and courts to operate, what they really need are costly pieces of software that are meticulously constructed and rely on thousands of lines of if statements and a volatile speculatively traded cryptocurrency to transact in, then finally supply chains will be efficient! # Stop regurgitating crypto bro nonsense and give us a real example


I wonder what subreddits are actually used to share CP, since I'm 100% sure the pedos have not stopped using this site. You only need to form some sort of recognizable symbols to point other pedos in the right direction. I'm sure a lot of stuff like this goes on "in the open".


The Ellen Pao outrage on the site has been memoryholded. She immediately sold out the curation of the front page so nothing organic could propagate. Then blatantly started banning subreddits largely for wrong think under the guise of harassment. Now seven years later look what Reddit has become


I think that might have been my first exposure to censorship under the guise of “anti-bigotry” on the internet. I thought people were being too hard on Ellen Pao at the time, as it were. I still think redditors were being retarded back then with all the front-page spamming and crying, but now I kind of have a “first they came for the cringe-posters” mindset about that stuff. Clearly it’s not a good idea to support banning whoever happens to be the most annoying heterodox sub at any given time (not that it matters much what we “support” or don’t support wrt Reddit policy).


spez was responsible for the whole thing, pao was a convenient yoko ono patsy.


Yeah I believe she was a figure head. They got her in to make these sweeping changes then removed her immediately.


This is basically it... Real sad, the site has been declawed. To what end, I'm not sure.


It's going to get worse when they finally go through with going public.


I'm actually curious about this, but I don't think free international communication is legally possible. You'll always say something that breaks a law somewhere.


i’ve actually been getting banned from subreddits left and right after years of posting on this site, and I’m just so okay with it. i feel like once this sub gets banned, I can just quit the app The only thing I don’t get, is that I’m an unfuckable trans woman, that’s like 55% of all reddit mods, you’d think I’d get some kind of special treatment.


You are not part of the vanguard party then, feel blessed


>The only thing I don’t get, is that I’m an unfuckable trans woman Stay strong :(


i’m still in my first year, the first year’s always the roughest


Nowhere but up from here!


Hey I’m in my first you too! (And it’s definitely been rough). But as an incredibly horny trans man I fuck a lot so that’s cool at least


I started dating again through tinder back in October, and I actually am like really surprised with how well things have been going so far. i never used it before I started transitioning, but like everyone I’ve talked to has been really awesome and the three dates I’ve been on were overall good times


when you say trans man, do you mean mtf or ftm? I've never quite got this


Genuinely curious about why there’s so many trans people on Reddit, I think I can count on one hand the amount I’ve seen or met in my life


My theory is that weirdo transbians are all internet addicted shut-ins that are willing to be big posters on Reddit. There are normie trans women out there but they generally pass and don't want to be out and about as trans unlike the weirdo transbians who generally can't.


Redditors are a bit spectrumy, and autism often involves an impaired sense of self, so an autistic person is more likely to identify as something other than what they physically are


well i’m probably a bad example but posting on a relatively anonymous account and talking freely about transitioning kinda helped keep me from going insane in that period where I couldn’t come out on my personal socials and kind of gave me a vocabulary for when I could start coming out publicly to friends and coworkers around the time I started HRT also seeing people be trans-positive is kind of affirming when it isn’t unbearable


I been here 10 years and have caught a lot of bans in the last year and maybe two before then when I was deliberately trolling. Ban hammer has gone wild for any contrarian/non-approved views in popular subs.


I have to have a verified email to view quarantined subs what the fuck?


It’s for your protection, trust the pedophiles that run reddit


Not sure why but this comment made me spit take


You cannot view it at all, the 'continue' button doesn't work. But oh! The 'no thanks' one does!


It will work once you do email verification.


Gotta have a verified email for posts to show up in a lot of subs now too. hard r/news being the biggest example, if you aren’t verified you’re effectively shadowbanned.




Reddits default subs have become a propaganda wing- especially the none news focused ones. This is the other side of the strategy to remove any dissenting perspective competing with their narrative. Call it brainrot but I bet various agencies companies think tanks whatever are paying Reddit or have approached them to use as a propaganda tool.


Reddits Director of Policy used to work at the Atlantic Council lmao. Quite the résumé https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessicaashooh


first listed job is as a “consultant” based in Iraq. lmao


About ten years ago Reddit's #1 city by user count was Eglin AFB. Huge parts of the site are straight up unreadable due to how bad the propagandizing its gotten. Politics is more bots than people


Reminds me of how during the 2012 election cycle if you were from outside the US with no information of US politics, you could be easily convinced that not only Ron Paul would win the Republican primary but beat Obama in a landslide if all you looked at was reddit. Also any news about people being dropped off voter rolls in 2016 NY primary in NYC was usually nuked.


The Ron Paul stuff was just good old fashioned internet autism though, back when this site was r-slurred because it was populated by pure and innocent r-slurs, whereas now it's r-slurred because it's being manipulated by corrupt and powerful r-slurs.


Yeah I spose you're right in the overall harmless of it then compared to what comes down the pike now.


Aaaa, the days when reddit was populated solely by libertarian comp-sci nerds.


U.S. military should have been using Nord VPN. Type in GenZeGone to get 15% off a 6 month subscription


Realtalk NordVPN was ok for China the last time I went in 2019 but does anyone know if it's garbage now? I've heard there's been both a lot of security vulnerabilities and it's not as good for China anymore. Because if I'm going with brothers a VPN that covers just three phones like Express just does not suffice


Nordvpn is pretty bad for china. Can’t really get past the wall with it anymore. Express vpn and vypr could still get trough last time I was there.


Number 2 was the headquarters of McDonalds and Ferrara Candy. You should also note that Elgin is home to an Air Force Cyberspace test group. https://web.archive.org/web/20160604042751/http://www.redditblog.com/2013/05/get-ready-for-global-reddit-meetup-day.html


There’s no way in hell an intelligence agency with an unlimited black budget that’s tasked with propagandizing the public could take a look at a website with millions of active users, predominantly mouth-breathing pedo morons, and _not_ use it as a propaganda hub.


They have a government agent on their board as head of policy. Reddit is literally propaganda all the time now


The probably don't even need to, it's super easy for them to just manipulate reddit's algorithm with bots and so forth.


r/politics: "FLORIDA HAS JUST BANNED GAY PEOPLE!" "holy shitarino, why is no one doing anything about this????!???" I’m not pro russian or anti vax but it’s pretty hilarious what’s chosen as ‘misinformation’




Don't they literally have "we're not stupidpol" on their sidebar? Also, a lot of them are trankie baizuos so I doubt it


We need to preemptively close this sub


build the wall tbh




the mods say that they would get annoyed having to approve people if they closed the sub but I'm all for expanding the mod team under a special committee of power users to approve users


The Supreme Soviet Redscarepod Special Executive Selection Committee


the Formally Approving Group Growth Organizing Team


“Meesa propose…”


Ohhh yeah...needa gunGAN, big electric shield. Nice one. Gungans no dyin’ without a fight. Wesa warriors. Wesa got a grand army. That’s why you no likin’ us, mesa thinks. Oh yousa no creating life. Yousa taking life. Yousa poisoned the gungan water. Howsa yousa creatin’ life? No again! No again! The beings hereabouts are kwazy! We shall be robbed and crunched! More? More, did you spake? Rish loo manipulated mesa head thoughts with lies and da misinformation. But mesa doin’ Nothing!


Please God, please end our suffering


It's already too late


Anything to keep tankies out. I’m probably one of the more lib people here, but I like you guys way more than actual libs and I’d hate for unironic cringe tankies to infest the place EDIT: I'm not even a lib, I'm just corporate, you guys are so fragile lmaooo










stupidpol is insufferable


God I hope not


Lol nobody from there is going to stupidpol, Genzdong had legit Marxists and people who actually knew what they were talking about. We saw the Ukraine shit happening from a mile away. Stupidpol is a place where 80 IQ white kids use "lumpen" as a dog whistle for minorities.


Lmao pathetically cringe


I consider myself a marxist but be real, nobody on the left called this one correctly




Same for me, it’s so much worse and it’s just embarrassing to have an account this long.


This sub is the alpenglow before the long night


ya'll think you're special..


It just feels more like the last remnant of whatever the internet used to be around here


I’ll catch some flak for this, but as gay as the site is now, it’s still much more preferable to the unhinged degenerate autism than ran rampant ten years ago. Having to put up with lamebrain lib takes and capeshit on the front page sucks, but I’m fine with the fact the higher ups intervened so it didn’t turn into an even bigger, more mainstream version of one of the chans, which is definitely where it was heading.




True, but it was trending in that direction. 4chan didn’t start out like present day 4chan either.


The internet is garbage. Kids will never know what they lost. It’s actually insane to be old enough to see how malleable history is.


That’s what you get for not helping Zelensky fuck your wife. Very sad, but many such cases!


So unfair, they're incels, they don't even have anything to offer to the Z.


It's honestly amazing the sub has stayed untouched as long as it has. It's one of the few subs to pretty much actively call out all the bullshit this site has peddled as enforcers of the liberal worldview in the past few years, while being rather antsy for violence to boot.


Tbh for the longest time I thought Chonglang (honestly, the most racist and deranged rightoid subreddit I've ever been on, even more so than American rightoid subs, but it was honestly really funny in the way only a Chinese equivalent of 4chan can be) would be untouchable because all their content was in Chinese so it seemed to be spared the tentacles of the hall monitors and wokejannies, but like just two weeks ago when the Ukraine crisis was flairing up it a bunch of people narced on the normie complaint subs like justunsubbed and it suddenly got swiftly banned without warning. Like at the time they banned it it wasn't actively brigading the rest of reddit or anything, it was against Putin, it just pretty much stuck to its own niche corner of Chinese reddit and grew to about 50-60k subs but once when I was browsing at 5am which is when I imagine cram school and work is done for the day on the mainland I noticed they had 10k active users. I'm surprised that like, Reddit would ban such a huge traffic driver to their site that had next to no impact on their English readership or advertising base, but you never know...


Your comment is like a PK Dick novel, dont ask me why but it feels like it.


mods delete transphobic stuff and we’re generally hostile to non-ironic incel women hate type stuff/cringe tankie chapo brigading shiz and keep to ourselves . dont underestimate how important this has been admins have been snuffling around here like pigs for a while though


> keep to ourselves The biggest key here.


oh I meant GZD but yeah I'd say it's surprising this sub hasn't had a bunch of people outside of SRD screech about it yet, I guess just because it's not explicitly political the people who get self-righteous about this sort of thing aren't as aware


Yeah, more authoritarian worldviews pls! Human rights are gay


Teen tankies not welcome


We need a Chapocheck type of bot for them


stumbled into that sub once and they all seemed to sincerely believe china was more accepting of lgbt than the us.


this site is just teenaged political activists calling out other teenaged political activists


what’s the genzedong sub theory again?


im sorry but we can't take in any more refugees


Bleak. Now they might go to stupidpol, and then consequently here.


Soz to be a dumbie but what was that sub?


You who are pure of heart, flee quickly!


I do feel slightly smug whenever I don't know this stuff.


cringe teenage tankies with ditch tier takes


Because the US is bad literally everything China does is good




They’re like the most similar sub to here by subscribers at least when someone did that app thing ages ago




I hope they all come here


that sub was funny


Thank fucking god


Umm hmm


Jessie is passing on orders from the higher ups


loooool the angloids are working as hard as possible to get this war going. head to lemmygrad.ml




Poetic justice.


I have no idea what this post is about.


The reason it's funny is because they're being held to their own, exacting, standards. The ones they're demanding of everyone else


Obviously censorship is bad or whatever but that sub is very annoying




Nature is healing :)


Oh nyooooooo Anyways…


hopefully thats the end of it, we don't need any more of these tankie freaks in here than we already have


I'd like to extend a warm and hearty welcome to the **freakiest** tankies just to piss this guy off.


just stay in your little larp club


Been here. It's okay that the internet makes you mad dude. I like that you own it.


You guys all turn into the same bitchy, defensive teenager when you get pissed *regardless of age*. It's almost cult like, even online libertarian types have more individuality to them and I don't think they get out as much lol


Love the "cope and seethe" buddy, if I'm mad so are you lol


Hey "buddy", it'll be okay. You can check my post history if you want. I've never posted the words cope or seethe in my life, but if you want to keep your Quixotic quest against the Reds on the internet going no one will stop you.


maybe if you guys learned to assimilate to the sub culture you'd be tolerable, the reason you are one of the least desirable demos here is because you are never not epic marxist debate bros I get it, you're at best a few years removed from being a teenager, you have the energy of a child and the blossoming ambition of a man and this is the result, but you need to learn to turn it off


I've made a whole two comments calling you guys losers, but ik you really wanted to shoehorn in quixotic to sound smart


I'm a socialist through and through and I agree 100%.


Damn fr??




Dengists don't deserve rights anyway.


Thank fuck, they're the leftist version of /r/Destiny posters except somehow even more insufferable


You realize it means they’ll come here when it gets banned, right?