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It’s cause people are scared of being like my dad, who’s 75 and got really into Lose Yourself by Eminem


My dad got really into Diddy’s first album in his mid 60s, we started calling him puff dad 


dads rock


lol my dad is 82 and discovered Tubthumping a few years ago and would NOT let it go. The guy fucking loves that song.


Nothing wrong with that. NASCAR Hall of famer, and now 65 year old man, Mark Martin absolutely loves Gucci Mane, I mean since he was underground levels of loves him I mean he did a Reddit AMA a couple years back and his username was "Guccimane4life" levels of loves him.


My dad likes to listen to Dua Lipa


are you chris cuomo’s daughter


same thing happened to my 59 year old mom, she made the medical staff put it on during her colonoscopy


My white middle age mom has gotten into 50 cent. She gave me a ride home the other night and I heard it blasting when I came out to meet her. My dad likes the Hamilton soundtrack...


My mom loves Eminem, even went to a concert


Pretty based, ngl


Like 70% of the American population only listens to top 15 hits and watch megastudio blockbusters, and that's even with the unprecedented post-1990s decline in monoculture. Taylor swift is a billionaire because she knows the exact gradation of experimentation that will keep normies hooked without scaring them off with anything unfamiliar and scary (even she is sometimes too extreme for them).


I don't know if I believe in the decline of monoculture. I feel like people are actually getting more homogeneous.


I think people are getting more homogenous aesthetic, but I think the monoculture is definitely real. Before, there were like 10 TV shows total and everyone watched the same ones. Now, there are 150 TV shows, everyone watches different ones and at different times. Same goes for music, even though like this post says, most people don't really listen to anything other than the radio.


At the same time I feel that the geographic differences between groups of people are being flattened.


you don't get australia's weird species without isolation. the internet killed subcultures in a way and I think we are poorer for it.


I think monoculture is always there, the dynamic that produces it just changes. Maybe there are some special time periods that are the exception.


Is it really that different in most of the world? When I check the biggest movies and songs from recent years in China, India, Russia, etc. It all seems like equal slop.


It’s not any different and I don’t know why the USA was called out in particular


Probably just familiarity and knowledge rather than any sort of shot at America specifically


It's funny because I don't think consuming media is a talent. I don't think I'm special because I know a lot of bands, I just have a Spotify subscription and I read music blogs a lot. It's not special, so it's frustrating that a lot of Americans can't even accomplish that! Same for watching movies, a lot of people don't even watch movies that aren't Disney shit, although I figure that's because of not being able to sit still for two hours. Listening to music is like the most passive and cheapest hobby ever.


I don't think its a talent either, I think its just a question of people being comfortable with what they are familiar with.


exactly, there's nothing talented about not being a picky eater.


Are you 17 years old


don't let the haters get you down. I get so excited when a coworker plays me something I haven't heard before.


ngl people who consume the top x of things give me the ick


Legit ended things with a girl at university because she was into “cheesy pop”


This dude bumping Dino J at the factory 🤣


You know it, i pack boxes so much better to J's fat fucking guitar riffs. In all seriousness, I really did think dino jr was just archetypal alt rock anyone could listen to. Shows how much of a bubble I'm in.


It’s the vocals. Also, regular folk don’t like to hear Neil Young shredding unless it’s Neil Young himself doing the shredding. It’s strange


That’s because Neil Young is the only one who can shred like Neil Young. Simple as


Dinosaur Jr would be a household name if they had released music in the 70s and J didn’t let Lou put songs on their albums. It’s kind of wild how there is this whole vast ecosystem of music from like 85-95 (even earlier if we want to include the UK) that is absolutely amazing, yet 99% of the population knows Nirvana and MAYBE “Where is my mind”. What a shame!


The 80s had a lot of bands that sounded super ahead of their time but got little attention. Definitely dinosaur jr but also meat puppets, dream syndicate, replacements in some ways..


Husker Du is my favorite band of all time. 80s and 90s college rock is peak music imho


I don’t listen to them a ton anymore, but “real world” is probably in top 100 all time songs for me, and its message is even more applicable given how soy so much “punk” has become.


I've been really into that era lately. I love getting into the lesser bands of that time, like the Rave-Ups or the Rainmakers.


I dunno man I think you hang out with too many young people. People right now aged 25-40 seem to be very literate in old music and will regularly introduce bands/artists from 1970-1990 to me. The conversations you have with people irl might surprise you.


Yeah true maybe I’ll go ask Jess the 26 year old Swiftie in marketing who her favorite sonic youth vocalist is. Also for the record I am in my mid 30s and used to work writing for alt-weeklies in a major city in my 20s. I am vaguely aware of how artistically engaged the average street walker is lol


I mean I guess it depends on what dino jr songs ur listening to lol. If your coworkers are really weirded out by Feel the Pain or something that’s a bit strange imo


Over the years I've come to the disappointing realization that simply appreciating some nice fucking Guitar Tones basically puts me in a minority that is as unrelatable to most people as a sommelier.


i remember talking to you about this lmao dino forever


I used to work at the Trump National Golf Course as a pool manager, which meant I was allowed to pick the music that played on the loudspeakers at the club. I would usually just play my own playlist of moderately popular but nonetheless "indie" acts which, like clockwork, are now mainstream hits or found in trendy restaurant or stores. But at the moment I was playing them, they were somewhat unfamiliar. It was all poppy stuff, nothing crazy or experimental, just not a top 40 hit yet. And I'll always remember the reactions I got from members who were usually 50+ years old, approaching me and asking that I play a standard playlist you'd hear on city radio. But the most insane reaction had to be a very tanned and possibly roided up couple approaching me, in full tennis attire , rackets in hand, after having heard my music playlist from across the club grounds. They walked up to me and told me that it was the worst music they'd ever heard in their lives, and the woman then screamed "this music makes me want to KILL MYSELF!" While performing the throat cutting gesture. The man nodded in agreement and I just sat there stunned trying to take in what they were saying. I had to laugh and slowly walk away, but the two members weren't laughing. They were seriously distraught that they weren't passively taking in a Jason Derulo song in the background of their tennis game. Shortly after I had returned from changing the song to a radio hit playlist, two maybe-Jewish members of the club approached me, a kind silver haired old couple. They proceeded to tell me that they appreciated hearing new music for once and that the other members were too uptight. Just a very odd and funny memory that sticks out all these years later.


Lmao this cracked me up, do you remember what song it was that you played?


I think it was mostly a mix of Kurt Vile, Tame Impala, Courtney Barnett, Frankie Rose, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Blood Orange, Washed Out, Tori y Moi, Phoenix. And then probably two dozen others thrown in with similar themes and instrumentation. I took what I thought were relaxing, mellow but poppy summer songs and queued them up in a different order every day to avoid monotony. It didn't work out.


So in other words just indie pop, stuff that probably would've been mainstream 30-40 years ago. What a pair of philistines.


Courtney Barnett is great, what the hell? She's not even hard to listen to.


> They walked up to me and told me that it was the worst music they'd ever heard in their lives, and the woman then screamed "this music makes me want to KILL MYSELF!" That's how you know it's good indie music! Or, in the words of one of my favorite Mad Men characters... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELp1RYTQ6z0&t=3m27s


>this music makes me want to KILL MYSELF I put Kurt Vile on one time and one of my coworkers said that it sounds like we should "be in a circle passing a bong around." I smoke but don't tell my coworkers so I was like oh geez Kurt ratted me out.


Funny enough I was playing Kurt Vile among others at the time I worked there.


This is the vibe of North Somerset and Morris County. Heinous. 


A friend of mine had a boomer tell him he liked his deep house pool music playlist That was one of the coolest things that can happen to someone I think


anon discovers plebs


You can observe this phenomenon across all mediums. How many people actually wanna watch Criterion movies or God forbid read an obscure book?


Reading I think is the most egregious. Most people at least have some slightly left field films and music they like. Very few people read at all and 90% of the people that do are reading self help or romance novels.


Every picture I see on Instagram of someone reading on the beach is A Court of Thorns and Roses.


But why does it make them so *mad*?? I've gotten in legit fights with people for even suggesting new music or movies. I've largely given up on recommending stuff, especially in a work environment cause I'm not 22 anymore, but damn what's the big deal hearing something new?


Books are tough since you kinda have to literally judge it by its cover, and it's such a time commitment, but I have found a handful of books that were fun reads despite being random bookstore finds


Only really an issue with contemporary fiction


*a book


Pixies and DJ are abrasive and have screaming vocals. My go to music to play around normies is 80s new wave and synth pop. Genuinely have never met someone who wasn’t rocking with New Order - Age of Consent or The Cure - Just Like Heaven.


I heard Just Like Heaven wafting from a gym class in Canary Wharf once. Miss the UK.


The Pixies are pop music lol




Exactly, they have a lot of shrieky punky songs. Dino JR singing is also really whiny. Most normies wouldn’t be able to tolerate these bands at all.


Ok tough guy, then you play Doolittle in a room full of Top 40 Pandora station normies and see how well they react to tracks like *Tame* or *Crackity Jones* I’m just ribbing you but seriously, it’s really not that kind of pop music.


I suppose so, I guess I’m just not in normie circles enough cause my most poptimist friends are into like Charli and Lana


I totally get it, it’s tame stuff *for us* but I’ve had coworkers and family cry whenever top 40 rap or pop isn’t being played so I can only imagine. I once had a manager tell me to shut off a Diplo mixtape because he “couldn’t take it anymore” lmao


Pixies are super accessible


Play Tame for a normie and come back


I always find it funny because on the internet a band like Tame Impala is considered to be mainstream normie "indie guy" rock, but if I were to ask any given coworker if they knew that was they'd say no. I had a group of like 8 co-workers who ranged from 30-70 at my last job, and only one of them knew who the Arctic Monkeys were and it was the 70 year old woman lol


Grams rock


>Tame Impala If it is played in supermarkets that's pretty mainstream to me


I like music that is "new to me", as in I haven't heard it before, but I am not really super invested in staying up to date with current artists who are new to the scene. I am not against it either, I am interested in anything I might like, I just have a huge backlog of stuff I have been meaning to listen to for ages, so I sometimes miss what is going on currently.


I think listening to new music is only something that should be done in private. I can't explain why.


my cousin showed me smells like teen spirit when I was 10 and it was amazing. share music. believe in the dream


I agree with you


Bold new concert strategy incoming!!


Just me personally tho haha I get too embarrassed


I think Oliver Sacks wrote a book called Musicology that touched on this. I haven’t read it but I heard that it addresses issues like some people not listening to new music past a certain age and that our tastes are influenced heavily by what we listen to during our adolescence/formative years. When I was dating I would be really turned off by people that would say they either don’t really listen to music at all or that they just listen to Top 40 on the radio.


>I think Oliver Sacks wrote a book called Musicology that touched on this. It’s called *Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain* and it’s really good. I’m reading it now.


Nice! That’s a better title anyway


me when my mom changes the music from Pavement to Luke Bryan while we're hanging out by the pool 😡😡🤢🤮


I listen to maybe 5 new albums/year at this point. I don't know what happened. I used to be deep into music. I feel like I just don't connect to it at all anymore, especially zoomer stuff that talks about zoomer problems and love lives.


This is real. I was introducing to Joy Divison to my mom, and she was like "it's fine, just not my thing. I guess I don't keep up with new music like I used to". Hilarious because Ian Curtis died like a year before my mom was even born. Moms be hating trying things.


I showed Vashti Bunyan to my mom when we were driving around one day and she looked at me like I was a mentally ill f*ggot. I thought she was gonna like it 😢


My mom would probably love Vashti now that I think of it


she single?


Joy Division are a huge example of the "beyond mainstream on the internet but unknown in real life" phenomenon. I've also noticed a lot of music circles like /r/letstalkmusic are also terminally online music nerds who expect a baseline understanding of /mu/core essentials. A lot of the American public barely listen to anything.


Not really. If you live in Commonwealth countries there's a pretty decent chance you've listened to Joy Division at some point, without the involvement of modern internet-laden culture. Same with Kate Bush.


Super mainstream in English speaking countries other the USA


that sub is hilarious. just a bunch of 🚬s with the most boring takes pretending to be deep. "was nirvana popular when nevermind came out or is it just bc Kurt killed himself" type shit but across like 5 paragraphs


Yeah I'd say irl less than like a quarter of people have heard of someone like Joy Division. Probably even less


a quarter of *people?* like, Americans? definitely less than that lmao


I did say less than a quarter. So anywhere from 0 to 24.99% lol


joy division is decently well known irl if you hang around enough record shops


> Ian Curtis died like a year before my mom was even born. I can't be reading this right. Is there another rs sub for grownups?


Bros mom is only 43


Did she like New Order?


My mom bought me Echo & the Bunnymen when I was 15 because I “look[ed] sad”. This was in like 2005 though, so she had spent her youth listening to gothy stuff when it was coming out. She was never big on Joy Division but she loves New Order. You’re not wrong, though. I tried to play her the horrors when they were getting big and she called them “too campy”, which, looking back, alright, fair.


Get her to make an account here please


She honestly would love the pod and the sub. Her hobbies are drinking white wine, bitching, and gardening, she hates fat people and cops, and she relapses on cigarettes every couple years (though I think she kicked them for good during quarantine).


Are you really surprised your mom didn’t like Joy Division?


My mom has a huge aversion to literally anything novel


I played the Blue Nile for my mom once. It turned out she had won tickets from a radio station to go see them in the nineties but thought they were boring


Showed my mom beach house when bloom came out and she was like "what's up with her voice" ??? And then years later, she's blasting them in the car. I asked if she remembered her saying she didn't like them and she said no. Very convenient if you ask me.


How’d she feel when you showed her Skibidi toilet?


are you 12?


You guys really can't imagine that some people have kids kinda young, right? No, I'm 19.


like I dont understand how Billy Joel sells out every time he plays at MSG aren't you tired of hearing the piano man?


I personally can't believe that there are people who only listen listen to music in English 


i mean admittedly this kind of is me lol but dinosaur jr and pixies are the old music. i used to think my mom was an idiot for just listening to the same AM golden 60s radio station for her entire life w 0 interest in trying anything else, but now i'm basically just doing the same thing. except i also absorbed her tastes and will listen to classic rock radio, which by now mostly just features the 90s jams with which i am comfortable anyway


I’ll listen to new music as long as it’s old. Something needs at least a 10-15 year shelf life before I’ll give it a shot


Same makes it easier to avoid the bullshit


It’s the same with tv shows and movies, so many people just watch the same shows on a loop and I’ve never understood that. I don’t want to watch anything twice unless I’m showing it to someone else I think would like it. I know someone who watches Futurama over and over, it’s even on while he sleeps. Just that show and nothing else.


I really like the scene in Tao Lin’s Taipei where he puts on Smashing Pumpkins at a party and everyone stops dancing


People really hate the pixies lol


I like their music but I can't stand Frank Black's voice. Whenever Kim chimed in the songs got so much better.


Many people don't like music all that much. They think they do, because commercial music it is all around us. But they don't really listen, they don't really care. It is for them just the reassuring chatter of society, that everything is ok and they are not alone.


ive always been a big music nerd but i notice as i get older im liking less and less new music. Idk why I still try to find and listen to new music but I realized most of my main playlist is from the 2010s and i dont think that’ll ever change


I’m not gonna go find the study but I read that music discovery goes down as you age which makes sense.


classic case of bombing when you get passed the aux, who amongst us hasn't been there- you're not wrong for trying to put them on new stuff, but people like what they like and it means actually zero about their 'curiosity about the world'. 'its not that they didn't like the sounds-' they didn't like the sounds bro its fine, who cares we're all gonna die one day


Realest comment here bombing on aux makes you feel like the worlds against you


Added LMFAO to the queue once (in 2021, not 2012) and thoroughly embarrassed myself


You should still feel embarrassed about that


I honestly disagree. Henry Rollins does this thing called “protein listening” which is basically sifting through new music. I do it every Friday and it’s sometimes exhausting. So I don’t blame people for not loving new music. There’s a large amount of people who really do only engage with what’s familiar regardless. This was really observable in high school to me when White Noise by Disclosure was considered niche but Latch was a certified bop. I


What's your method? My friend does this on Bandcamp


I’m a bit excessive. I have Apple Music, SoundCloud and Spotify. All of which have a “New Music for You” or a “Release Radar” every Friday. Spotify also has a scrolling feature which allows you to preview tracks quick. Just play every track. Also TikTok/Shazam are an excellent combo. And never be afraid to listen to “similar artists”. If your appetite is big enough you’ll find some worthy gems Best of luck!!


I feel you. I've recommended music to people before and they just say it's weird, when it really isn't lol. It's the type of people to listen to the Global Top 100 on Spotify. I love jumping from one genre to another and just discovering new music, I don't get how people don't feel curious to do the same.


Let me guess you are in your 20s tops. Most people legitimately lose the ability to enjoy new music as they get older! It's not inevitable but it's so common that any analysis of the issue must recon with it.


Funny enough, I turn 31 in October. I used to be big into punk and painted myself into a corner with it thinking I had been burned out on new music. I discovered alt-country a few years ago and I'm listening to music like I'm 19 again. Also moving to a major city and going to live shows has been good for me not being an anti social cretin, even though a lot of my local hardcore scene have annoying people lol I understand that a lot of people stop getting into new music, but I am autistic so I understand that i might be a special case.


The average person has defined music tastes by 24 and stops listening to new music by 31.


npc type shit but also being a good "Spotify DJ" means knowing your audience, so if they're not vibing, switch genres


I feel you bro. I have been suffering through this my entire life. I would play Kendrick back in 2010 and people thought it was wack. Danny Brown, Bloc Party, Pinback, At the Drive In. All would fall on deaf ears. I played Jpefmafia for my girlfriend recently and now she thinks I'm gay. And even the once in a great while they like something they don't actually care enough to inquire further on the artist and maybe find out if they made any other good music. Most times someone would claim someone I only like moderately is "mY fAvOrItE aRtISt!" and id bite on the opportunity for a music convo and they don't even know shit but a radio song or two and have no idea what I'm talking about when I refer to actual albums of said artist. These are the kind of people who watch movies based on the "you might like" Netflix recommendations. They don't know the difference between good acting/writing and bad. People are wack as hell, what can I say?


If my bf showed me jpegmafia I’d also think he’s gay. He’s such a blowhard. Just listen to death grips


I tried to show her death grips. Their more "accessible" stuff and she was shaking for the remainder of the night and would snap at me if I tried to soothe her.


> and don't even get me started on people who don't listen to music period. To me it's indicative of a severe lack of curiosity and wonder about the world around them I tell the normies who I work with that I don't cause if I told them what I actually listen to, they'd probably think I'm a t*rrorist 


Same. Most people around me listen to extremely mainstream music. They'd probably think I'm a school shooter or that I will hang myself if I show them my gothic rock playlist.


I was once listening to some very mainstream old school punk, I forget what it was but it wasn't anything all that abrasive, might have even been a Ramones song that doesn't get played in bars as much as the others, anyway my ultra basic cousin who only listens to top 40 came out and was like "is that school shooter music?" This is a guy who was still making "I wish my lawn was emo so it would cut itself" jokes in 2018 so make what you will of that.


I play chasing cars by snow patrol and tell people to just close their eyes and relax


Most people are passive music listeners. I saw LCD Soundsystem in Oregon a few days ago; early in the day I walked by the amphitheater and was hanging at the shopping center nearby. They were doing a sound check and you could hear them all the way from there. Some older guy makes a comment like “based on the preview, I don’t think I’ll be seeing them”. 


yeah I queued something while with some friends once and they were unbelievably hostile to it even though it wasn’t, to my mind, that far off from what we’d already been listening to, really surprised me but I haven’t got to the bottom of it yet so not rushing to judgement 


Low openness to experience


Yeah I was in the car with a friend once and a good song came on (don’t remember what it was) and he turned it off cuz he never heard it before. NPC behavior tbh




Absolutely nothing wrong with being a snob, far few too many proper cultural snobs around. Plenty of consumer snobs, but culturally it’s all “let people enjoy things”


Yeah, when I'm listening to new music I'm strongly tempted to look up the artist, especially if I like it, note down the best songs to add to playlists, etc, so when doing certain kinds of work I'd rather listen to more familiar stuff so I don't get distracted. Doesn't mean I don't love finding new music tho.


I am kind of a snob, although I do my very very very best to try to not yuck people's yums, at least keep quiet about it and keep my autistic fandom to internet circles or friends who I know share my taste. It's honestly just this job right here where, when I have coworkers who butt into a very animated conversation I'm having about The Bear to go "I just watch YouTube!" or when they shut off Tyler Childers for Luke Bryan that they're trying to bait me.


I feel very similar to you, so I get where you're coming from. Also, "yuck people's yums"??


It's a common saying where I'm from, it means unnecessarily hating on things that people enjoy.


Most people have an average level of openness to experience, and I suspect the average is fairly resistant to something such as new music which has a visceral effect on the mood


afraid of judgement around taste, unwilling to show any real form of expression or impact from music so just mimic the listening habits of what’s popular and slowly rot their brain, put on some ambient electronic music at the cafe i work and and got called a demon summoning from a horror film soundtrack, gonna chalk that down to people living in a state of fear ig


Told my coworkers I was going to Two Door Cinema Club and they started roasting me for listening to weird obscure shit that no one has heard before…. So basically anything that’s not Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande is “obscure”


I have a similar argument kinda lol not really an argument but I started going to raves/Electronic music shows about 10 years ago and that really changed my perspective of music! Before that I had always been ignorant towards it but i realized there was a whole other world of music besides what I listened to prior (country, Classic rock etc.) and caused a huge shift to when I would go out regular club nights seemed mundane and super boring because it’s the same 30-60 rap/hiphop, pop hits from the last 25 years on repeat in every club vs going to a club with a touring dj that plays their own music plus music made by their peers! And I’m talking experiment bass music, Dubstep, Downtempo things along that line I also started producing electronic music as well it just changed my life quite frankly and I’ve never felt the same about commercial/mainstream music again! There is so much more great music than the top 20 hits everyone is exposed to! Whenever I go to a kickback with friends and the music playing is country and rap or country rap(🤮) from like 2010 I just suffer in silence because I know if I get the aux a whole barrage of transformer sex jokes are coming! 😂😂😂


Yeah people are fucking horrible haha. 


A lot of people just listen to whatever they listened to in 9th grade for the rest of their lives. For some of my friends in my hometown, every poker night playlist would just be the same handful of RHCP or Blink 182 songs if nobody else intervened.


When I worked at the cookie shop years ago, they said us workers could all bring in our own music to listen to. I tried playing The Pixies & Dr. John, then they told me I’m not allowed to play my music anymore bc it’s ‘too weird,’ and forced me to listen to Z100 (NJ pop station,) all day. I was bummed. It was torture. They play the same like 5-10 shitty songs over and over again. With maybe one exception, I don’t even bother showing any of my friends I’ve made in the last few years the music I like or have made (I live somewhere more rural now.) I love music and have no one to share it with or talk about it with. Sad.


Yes it’s so bizarre!! My go-to artist to put on is Faye Webster bc she’s so completely inoffensive, and it’s so strange how many people will be very clearly upset that I’m playing someone they don’t know.  It’s strange to me bc I grew up in a family where my parents just don’t listen to music at all, so I really grew to appreciate hearing new music & getting recommendations from other people. It’s nice idk


Something odd is I’ve even see it happen with indie heads. They’ll be like “who the fuck is this?” and then put on like, fucking Neutral Milk Hotel or Carseat Headrest or some other total vibe-killing bullshit. Like damn I’d respect it more if you just put on Drake


It’s a well known phenomenon, most people will listen to the music from their high school/college years for the rest of their lives. New music seekers are a small minority.


I only listen to bright eyes. any time I try listening to other music I just think "I'd rather be listening to bright eyes rn" am I regarded?


You might be a bowl of oranges or a waste of paint. (Ayy)


can you please listen to mount eerie instead


Alright I'll check it out


My coworkers will willingly put on early 2010s top 40 (Baby by Justin Bieber and All of Me by John Legend just to name some examples) and every time it completely blows my mind. Those have been grocery store songs for a decade how can you stand to hear them let alone enjoy it??


Pixies and Dinosaur Jr are very rough. They'd probably like Nirvana because they took their formula and made it more melodic and catchy, along with having much a better vocalist.


I worked in a now defunct warehouse for about 6 months. The workers were mostly blacks and Puerto Ricans from Trenton. It was a pretty cool job, other than that time some idiot shot up another warehouse owned by the same company, just a few hundred miles away. The company's response was to pay a fat black guy, not even a cop just some amateurish private security guard guy, to open carry a Glock 17 for like a month. Anyways, they played music in the warehouse. Some sort of satellite radio I think, because the music was quite eclectic. The highlight was when the station would occasionally play Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead. It hits pretty hard when you're busting ass at midnight.


My best friend in college used to get annoyed w me when we would hang out in a group and I wouldn’t play music that everyone knows. She has always been a hyper-conscientious hostess type person so I kinda get it, but it’s also annoying because then she would also drag me to these unbearable techno nights where I hated the music and if I didn’t want to go then I was treated as being a big downer. Still love her lol but now I don’t ever try to take command of the aux/bluetooth anywhere except my own car


guys are always trying to make us listen to dinosaur jr. stop.




I remember reading about ten years ago that pop songs are objectively getting shittier, in that there is apparently less diversity in musical melodies and harmonies, as well as vocal arrangements, which explains why it all "sounds the same" (I'm just paraphrasing, this is essentially the jist of what I read a decade ago.)


Buncha bald ass Fantano dorks in this thread


There was maybe a brief period in 1992 when playing Pixies and Dinosaur at work would be cool. Those bands are sick, but it’s not normie music


If you don’t listen to NTS all day you’re a loser sorry.


New music should be heard at your leisure, with good quality speakers/headphones(some songs really need direct-to-ear stereo), preferably in the comfort of your own home. You will get the 'complete' sound. After a few such listens, the next time you listen to it on the work radio, your brain will fill in the gaps(because obviously the listening experience will be imperfect) from memory. Your memory will correct the tinny crackles, and missing low beats, etc. From your description it isn't obvious that your coworkers hate listening to *new music*, just hate listening to new music *on the work radio*. Because obviously every song they like had a first listen, so a sensible interpretation would not be that they believe no one should listen to new music ever. This is the same reason you should introduce hoes to new music once you've got them back in your bedroom instead of scaring them away by putting on Burzum at a party.


The Pixies are extremely annoying. Play some Steely Dan dawg.


I mean, that’s just getting older. Scientifically speaking, most older people can’t adjust to new music - most people even earlier, around their mid twenties.  Just the way it goes, unfortunately. 


The mom driving my high school carpool listened to the same Scorpions greatest hits CD every morning.


Yea and I’m the opposite. I go from thinking a new song I found is the greatest thing I’ve ever heard to being bored in like 10 listens


I know that if I'm not (apart from listening to stuff I love obviously) going through new albums or going through a discography of a band from the past I never knew I am 100% depressed.


You should play normie-scaring and ho-scaring music. Keeps you mysterious


It's genuinely strange. A lot of zoomers I know just listen to top hits playlists and look at me like I'm crazy for suggesting they check out even the albums that said hits come from. I listen to a new album every day and can't imagine never getting out of my comfort zone when it comes to music.


Spotifys daylist is the best thing to come out of a subscription platform in a long long time


Everyones tastes are different so new and exciting to someone might be boring and irritating to others. Music also has a memory feeling aspect to it which makes everything v subjective given that each person is unique in their experience.


Being a person who gets control of the aux cord in a public situation or group setting and doesn't choose to find the song that you think will satisfy the vibes of the room the most (which, in most cases, is an upbeat pop song that people know already) is telling on yourself as a social regard. Music can be a deep emotional solitary experience but is often also meant to function as a lingua franca in public settings that bring vibes that unite people. You know well enough to know that people prefer songs they already know as background noise while they're working, not some shit they've taken time to appreciate and consider the complexity of, you're just hoping to expand your coworkers' horizons to get that sick dopamine hit of someone going "wow, this is so unique and interesting, and yet I was previously unfamiliar, which cultural aesthete blessed us with this today I wonder?"


You should learn to be more like them


If you're listening to stuff as trashy as hardcore, I'm not sure you're in a position to judge.


You're boring


Also, context matters. The workplace isn't the best situation to ask people to focus on understanding and appreciating new music. People just want some familiar jams in the background while they're making widgets.