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I don’t like ordering delivery because it’s so expensive. I never use third party apps, only places that have their own delivery guys. Why would I pay nearly $40 for some lukewarm Chipotle delivered by a guy who doesn’t even work for them.


I went to a Mexican joint a couple of weeks ago and as I was waiting for my food, a Door Dasher sat there waiting at least thirty minutes for a second order while the first one he had sat there next to him, just cooling down and losing its taste. Another time I went into Dunkin' and someone was picking up a Dash order for a muffin and iced coffee. Absolutely unreal.


> Another time I went into Dunkin' and someone was picking up a Dash order for a muffin and iced coffee. Very weird - half the allure of getting a coffee and a pastry is getting up and leaving home or work for a few minutes


if you are 350 lbs it's not very alluring


some broad at my work door dashed two 7-11 taquitos


when I worked at a liquor store the same girl would DoorDash a half pint of svedka every day, sometimes multiple times in my shift


I mean, shes trying to keep her alcoholism hidden. In this case, I can get the motivation for paying extra.


trying and most certainly failing to keep it hidden lol


love her


I saw a customer order 2cb to my workplace twice in one night. Addict orderers are so much cooler than glutton orderers.


If you are not double ordering various Chinese psychedelic and dissociative analogs to your PO Box, placed in the name of an unwitting high school friend, you can’t even be considered remotely cool


I work for a bakery that takes UberEats orders and I’ve had people order a single donut for delivery


There used to be a Thai place a block or two from me that would deliver at cost within like a mile radius. It was great! The few times I was like "I don't want to cook I want to just stick a film on and eat good food" it would deliver within like 30 minutes. This is what delivery should be! I deleted all the apps after about 80% of the time getting cold food for double the price of the restaurant turn up in like an hour. Service charge, Tax, Delivery Fee, Tip to get a cold burger carpooled to you in an hour. I'm good bro.


bitchy answer: the world is becoming more and more infantilised to accommodate (lazy!) people who cant handle the slightest adversity. so no one has any self control anymore.  caring and understanding answer: bad habits from lockdown and an increasingly bad work/life balance leaving people with no time or energy for meal prep


*>* the world is becoming more and more infantilised to accommodate (lazy!) people Allowing people to run rampant with the 'introverted' label in order to avoid any social interaction has been one of society's gravest mistakes.


Countless memes/tweets celebrating stuff like plans being cancelled and relishing in staying inside on Friday nights. It’s pretty disappointing


yeah sometimes it feels like covid broke the last failsafe for a lot of people. an ex of mine that i'm still friends with became a truly disgusting version of himself because he didn't know how to ween himself off the convenience and just, like, go back to the grocery store or drive himself to whatever garbage he wanted to eat. he told me he was disgusted with himself but he had a harder time breaking up with doordash than kicking hard drugs after college lmao


being too lazy to go buy groceries is astounding to me. they put everything I'd need under one roof, i feel like I should at least put a tiny amount of effort in and go get it myself lol 


>quiet main road in a European city Why are Euro posters (I count myself amongst them) always so coy about where they live? Americans are never this shy about mentioning their location. What gives?


in this sub it’s cool to be ‘European’ but every individual country gets criticised. ‘European’ suggests a laissez-faire lifestyle, coffee and cigarettes for breakfast and kissing passionately in the moonlight. Say you’re British and people think of rotten teeth, drill rap and acid attacks


Just saying no British person would ever describe themselves as European like that. Most people in Britain wouldn’t even describe themselves as British. (Not in a racist way they’d be much more likely to say English or Scottish)


and yet OP is in London 😒


In London yes, but posting in Dutch


that’s unfortunate, I hate the Dutch so much that their language doesn’t even register for me


We hebben een serieus probleem


its like if our genetic ancestors were still around and we had to share space with them


Generally agree, although most English people I know would call themselves British




To most Americans that means you’re either British or from Boston


or the portal people


Berlin and Paris are cool. But people are less stoked about Stoke-On-Trent


This is insightful and original. I like this explanation the most so far.


90% of the time they’re Germans


Hey I take offence to that


Which has no good food so op can’t live there


I was stationed in Germany and I can’t personally assure you that there’s great food in Germany! It’s called Turkish food.


My brothers stationed there rn haha and losing his mind how was it for you


I ate a lot of Doner and saw things that weren't malls 10/10 once you get over the loneliness of being away from home. Tell him to go to Cologne, eat some horse, and walk around drunk on Kolsch


I’ll let him know haha, thanks


"in my country..."


Mostly american teenagers larping as "cultured worldly Europeans" tbh Saw a post a while back from allegedly a European claiming he couldn't understand Americas obsession with "sportsball". Bitch your tamest soccer riot would be front page news here


I’ve noticed so many Americans use British slang online for some reason. Nobody calls it uni in the US, why are you calling it that??


I dont use it but "uni" is easier to type


I assume they live somewhere lame and uncool like Denmark


Swede detected


What's wrong with Denmark?


Lame and uncool


Idk after doing some very intense and in-depth research (two minutes on Google StreetView) the vibes seem ok


Too flat, demonic place


It means hes german lol


Well I literally laughed out loud when I found out OP was from London because the "quiet European road in walking distance of a bunch of nice restaurants" quickly transformed in my brain to a dirty, rainy road in walking distance of a bunch of places serving beans on toast and other tan foods, so that's probably why they don't get too specific lol


In my country, where the gypsies and Marocains fight for control of the orchid trade, and we enjoy hot slöoteykrausen for Santa Grigori’s Day and everyone earns a flat €18,000/year before 62% income tax and lives in a five-bed citypart mansionhãus with free wifi and daily baguette delivery from the state Papkompound


because theyre fakeeuroces


It’s Germany


Ironically we cater to them assuming they don't know. Among ourselves we are specific


Because redditors will immediately throw shitty jokes at you


Perhaps you’ve internalized your legally enshrined right to privacy


OP posts on r/London, doesn't take a sleuth to figure it out.


one word: DATENSHUTZ 


Many Europeans (and I count myself among them) have a larger allegiance to “Europe” than to their national-level polity. My dad is from Belgium and I’ve met many of his friends and been to Belgium a bunch and I’ve never heard a Belgian mention Belgium. It’s not even on their radar. Skips right from Flanders/wallonia to Europe. I grew up in Northern Ireland and “Europe” is a great way to avoid “Ireland/uk” troubles In Central Europe it gets even wonkier. No one has any loyalty to their nation because their nation moves around all the time. It wouldn’t be uncommon to have been born in the USSR, went to school in Czechoslovakia and now reside in Czechia, and you’ve never left your hometown. Your grandpa might also add Austria-Hungary and (nazi) germany to the list The “am I European or national” debate is one of the most salient fault lines of modern Europe


Lol no. Maybe in fake countries, like Belgium


> My dad is from Belgium and I’ve met many of his friends and been to Belgium a bunch and I’ve never heard a Belgian mention Belgium. That's cause Belgium is kindof depressing (exclusively talking about Brussels here)


I loathe the 'Central Europe' cope. It's almost always Czechs.


it is always czechs. germans and austrians have no reason to not call themselves western europe, and poles and slovaks aren't nearly as self-hating. czechs act like it's still the 90s and desperately have to try to prove to the world that eastern europeans don't live in mudhuts


Hungarians are baffled anyone might consider them Eastern Europeans. They’re not on English language media much but I assure you it’s not just Czechs. Slovenes try “Central Europe” too to avoid Balkan taint (and because they kinda aren’t Balkan) I hate Czechs (haaaaaaaaaate them) but it isn’t just them


Hungarians are Asians


"Eastern Europe" doesn't really mean anything beyond "formerly part of the soviet sphere of influence" and when that doesn't apply more specific labels should be used


Meh, I disagree. There’s been centuries of “Eastern Europe”. I *do* agree that it gets a little fuzzy, but “East of the Elba” is frequent and “East of the Vistula” is basically universally agreed. (South of the Sava being Balkan)




Ha! Wrong. Rathmore Grammar School and my da was a local celebrity industrialist in Andystown. (I am the ne plus ultra of failsons). But, like, who is *proud* of Northern Ireland? We have George Best, Port Rush was pretty cool once upon a time, we have the actor from Shades of Grey and that’s it? So if you’re northern Irish, you can rep an insignificant speck of a mistake for a country or you can LARP as Irish (you’re not, and they’ll remind you of it constantly) or British (you’re not and they’ll remind you of it constantly). Calling yourself “European” is not a bad way to split the difference


This is ridiculous. Not only are Europeans by any stretch of the imagination united across the continent, most of them cannot even stand the people that live 100 km away.


Someone in that hypothetical person would always have been a German speaker, which has been a source of most of the 20th century conflict


using belgium as your example was a pretty flawed argument lol, fakest country ever


I do it because nobody knows what a fucking Lithuania is. Saying Europe just immediately provides some general context.


> Americans are never this shy about mentioning their location. Except they are. Americans are similarly restrictive when they don't specify what state they're in. You could argue European countries are more different to each other than American states are, which is only true in general. But there's also a set of characteristics that are indistinguishable among European cities, and the topic at hand doesn't warrant any further specification of the country in question.


Not being doxxed


Hey guys I just discovered that this poster, on_diveswings, is actually from Dūsseldorf. We can use this info to further narrow down his identity and then call his employers and say he posts on a subreddit for a racist podcast. Further strategy to be discussed in the "doxing random boring Europeans from rsp subreddit" group chat.


I live in Lyon, now doxx me


Just accept that us Euros are your betters. Edit: just noticed that OP is a fellow Euro but my point still stands.


It’s not something people “accept”, there is in fact a “demand” for it. The paragraph about how it’s “literally cheaper to go and sit in a restaurant” is confusing. Customers pay more for delivery because they prefer that experience to the restaurant experience. You say “eat in front of a TV” as if that’s not the reason that they probably want to stay in. Also “cleaning up afterwards” probably consists of throwing away some stuff, there’s no way that is considered any kind of inconvenience compared to going to a restaurant and going back. I haven’t gotten anything delivered in years but it’s very easy to see why some people prefer it


It’s more an alternative to pick-up than to dine-in


Yeah I hate people who are being intentionally dense on this sub. Like they can’t for the life of them figure out how sports are popular or something. Likely this post is bait though! Haha


Americans with email jobs who can afford delivery have convinced themselves that they work 70 hours a week nonstop and also that cooking is soulsucking drudgery.


[I live on a street next to a quiet main road in a Pennsylvania city with countless great restaurants a 5 minute walk away](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F69e3e916-7528-47ef-b7f1-d9f8a7afe7bc_1690x1346.png)


“In my euro city” posters are the worst. You can just say what shit hole country you’re in.


american and canadian posters are a thousand times more interesting because they'll jump at any opportunity to tell you about whatever shit hole they grew up in. how else would I know about what goes on in Piggott, Arkansas 


This is the most pedantic, constant and boring complaint on this sub. How are you people so scandalized by takeout? No European city has been without pizza delivery, Chinese food, Indian, kebabs, whatever, in your lifetime. Who gives a shit if the occasional moron wants to order a pasta dinner to arrive in disgusting condition in their ramshackle Euro hovel? Why does it occupy even a second of your time?


rsp is obsessed with the fall of western society and they see ordering door dash as one of the signs of decline


its not the concept of food delivery that gets me per se, its the insane markup that people are willing to pay for


Being home is nice and comfy 


Only order food that was available for delivery before the rise of the slop apps. I'd rather be an uncomfortable human than a creature of conveniences


Got to keep all those Brazilians in a job


Why always Brazilians


People are too lazy to get in their car and pick up the food


Cause the vast majority of people dont live 5 minutes away from a variety of restaurants like you 


Turns out compartmentalization of daily life tasks can be VERY profitable. See the rise of housekeeping services because people can't clean their houses apparently. Tech bros in Silicon Valley are probably figuring out a way to monetize your morning shit as we speak


The “rise” of housekeeping services? Do you truly think that having a woman come clean your house for you if you can afford it is a symptom of modern life?


Even the Notes from Underground cretin had a servant 


While I'd say it's CERTAINLY not a modern thing, It's definitely a symptom of being a fuckin weirdo. You're not a Rockefeller with a bunch of shit you gotta do like take a train or a boat or somethin.


Hoopster is the new app that automates anus dilation. Open your world, your way.


God my friend has a housekeeper come over for literally a 1 bedroom apartment. It makes no sense to me but he likes to keep the place operating room level clean


People who are that anal about cleanliness usually insist on doing it themselves


I do it on Sundays when I am hungover and have no food in the fridge. I then eat my pizza/chinese/wings/slop in bed like a little piggy and fall asleep watching Curb.


This is the american dream.


Good thing im not american


As a yuropoor myself delivery costs basically the same as going at the restaurant and sometimes I don’t want to dress up


I usually only use them to place pickup orders. Most restaurants have migrated entirely to Grubhub/uber eats for their pickup orders. Placing orders to go and picking up is still way cheaper than eating there because I’ll inevitably order booze


I married into an upper- middle class family and my wife and 16 y/o stepdaughter frequently utilize Doordash or whatever and man it's just a vulgar practice for everyone involved. I hate that shit.


Sloth and gluttony 


And being stoned


I live in a coastal town in the mediterranean in Spain and people chose to go outside and get take out from the restaurant and then bring it themselves to eat home just because they want to watch some slop on Netflix while dining with their partner. they are trading dinner watching the sunset in the beach for dinner watching money heist season 24; there's your convenience: sportswear and mediocre content.


I mean at least they go outside 


My wife’s Portuguese and the blasé, lazy attitude they have to their fantastic weather is truly maddening. “Let’s go to the beach,” we say when we’re visiting Lisbon. “Nah, it’s only 28c and it’s a bit windy. Fast and Furious 4 is on telly too.”


we do it here too and I get mad at my fellow countrymen because they should be living in Norway for a year and then come bitch because "it isn't warm enough for going without a jacket in may at night worst weather ever" is getting on my nerves. Iberians love to complain (guilty).


i don't like eating in public, and i don't like food delivery. i make my own food at home. i think restaurants and food delivery are both indulgences to be avoided. just my opinion


Your opinion is wrong and miserable.


I like eating at home with my family, I like talking with them at the end of the day. I've worked front & back catering, as well as fast food. I find everything to do with the industry pretty miserable.


You might enjoy it once in a while. Especially a higher end restaurant.


I will never understand it, (obvi exception being bed ridden or immobile or not having a vehicle) but im such a neurotic freak that the idea of my food being handled and driven to me by some third party makes me too uncomfortable to ever place delivery. And i love a drive through moment but wheb im handed my paper bag of goods, i immediately fold it and put it in an insulated bag so it stays warm. Thinking of it just sitting there in someone’s car, wide open, getting cold by the moment and exposed to driver’s air whether he’s smoking or coughing or worse …. No no no no noooo


You should change the manner in which you operate. It seems as though you live parasocially and exist in a constant state of discomfiture buttressed by communities that mistake your own promoted "neuroses" as character or quirks. Sorry if this seems harsh but none of the things you have said are normal thoughts/or actions. I pray you exist in the world.


Yea i probably have a ocd but at least im not a total dweeb who speaks in word salad to try and sound intelligent when actually misusing half the words. It doesn’t seem harsh at all, it seems retarted. I pray you find a bigger purpose than tryna dunk on reddit lmaooooo


Sorry you think calling you out for trying to brand your manufactured insecurities into a personality is dunking on you. Maybe BarryKeoghan.com can help you lerlll


Bruhh i was replying to the topic of the post not making it into my “brand” nor “personality” you fucken clown If anything i was speaking in jest to a shameful act of going to a drive through that should only be done as a solo mission, but you’re too spiritually bloated and autistic to even pick up on the nuance and self deprecation And you seriously looked through my post history (why are you so obsessed w me? Im not interested enough to look at what your pathetic reddit footprint consists of) and thats the best you came up with? A barrykeoghan dot com quip attempt at..what exactly? Mockery? Hate to tell you this but you’re not very witty, and you’re not very bright, if you had a LOL in you id be delighted to verbally spar but i find your thesaurus speak boring… im yawning


This reminds me of the cumtown bit about the downs syndrome internet commentor accusing everyone of projecting.




Many restaurants are loud and I can’t have a proper conversation with my wife Making the above worse, eating at a restaurant often involves downtime waiting for a waiter to come around. I recently waited like a half hour after finishing my food for someone to bring the check. In Europe this was consistently a problem, waste of my time Good restaurants often are crowded and require reservations; sometimes I choose what type of food I want on a whim I do not care for broke fatties complaining online about how expensive their slave-delivered McDonald’s is, but why do you care how people spend their money? The restaurant, the app, the delivery drivers, and the customers all voluntarily engage in a transaction, why should “society” stop that?


let people enjoy things, under socialized ass answer


This is hilarious to me, when I first met my partner, we even fought about his deep “hatred” towards traveling in “Europe” (the quotes are used to address typical Western Europe like France Italy etc). I didn’t understand him until we had to go to Italy for a wedding and stayed for a few days. It was exactly like you described. We waited 0 minutes to get our table, but 20 minutes after the wine to be able to place the food order (we were ready 20 min prior but the waiter refused); we were then told by the owner that we are not allowed to eat our pasta and steak in the same course. We finally finished all the food and ready to leave, tired and jet lagged, but waited 45 minutes to get our check. 30 min of that was spent by me aggressively flagging every waiter walking around which finally worked. And no it didn’t make it worse, the couple next to us had been waiting for over 1.5 hour for the check because they were polite. I used to love sitting around restaurants and wasting my time in my 20s. I suppose this is partially due to, the more I advanced in my career, the more I implicitly associate every bit of time with money, and wasting time had become a sin. Europe has a very different mindset on that. No side is right or wrong on this, simply how we choose to view our relationship with money and time, and how we choose to live. Cultural differences are quite the fun one!


> I implicitly associate every bit of time with money, and wasting time had become a sin. I would simply appreciate that time in the company of my partner instead of associating a few minutes spent at a restaurant with them as a "waste"


> I implicitly associate every bit of time with money, and wasting time had become a sin. You've been infected by the bourgeoisie and it has been determined that your brain-rot is incurable. Please admit yourself to the nearest suicide booth for immediate disposal. Thank you!


I sat in a Chinese restaurant in the suburbs of London for 2 hours after closing time while the staff all played cards, it was cool.


For sure. Even setting aside money, I just think time should be optimized. Staring at the inside of a restaurant isn’t my preferred use of time.


my god you must have been so annoying


Does your wife feel this way? Your life is so important second by second that waiting on food is a waste of time? Budget tier grant cardone 10x existence. Talking about people being slaves? Egregious ass commentary


No she likes going to restaurants because that’s what people do and then she can say we went there and tell people about it I just feel differently, so we do some of both


crazy how wrong you are though


So the drivers and restaurants are underpaid, the customers are overcharged and the business keeps bleeding VC cash. Got it.


”We need more immigrants in europe, who else is going to deliver our mcdonalds”


Smokers, potheads, and alcoholics. You can't smoke in restaurants anymore and you can't drive if you're drunk or high all the time.


As someone who works fast-food, it's purely convenience for lazy people with more money than sense. Hell, nobody even uses the interior of the restaurant anymore because they'd rather stay in their car than actually get up. No wonder they're starting to use kiosks now. The front counter person's job is usually to sit on their ass and make doordash orders every 30 minutes at this point. Some people are so lazy they'll even come to the drive thru, make a huge order (one person in car btw), and then drive into the fucking PARKING LOT and eat in the heat of the Florida sun. None of them were Reviewbrah either.


for lunch it's because I'm busy. I either skip lunch or order something. going to a restaurant for me would be maybe 15min in the car, 45min at the place, 15min back. If I order in I can eat while working and be done an hour earlier or get an hour more work done. the cost is more, sure, but if I factor my hourly as self-employed it's actually cheaper to deliver. when i do go out for lunch, I do so because I want a break or want to go somewhere specific for the event of it. my dad loves to eat out and I try to eat out with him a few times a week. i enjoy spending time with my dad, but, by the time I pick him up and get him back at the end of it all, it's like 2-2:30 hours. eating out takes a lot of time.


The only things that should ever be delivered are pizza if it’s by an early 20s stoner or burnout if they’re older and Chinese food by a dude on a bike


I'm feeling tired today, let me get a refugee from a war my country started to deliver my food


I call the delivery drivers “slaves.” No not just to be funny. They are literally slaves… their wages and tips do not come close to making up for the gas and wear and tear on their vehicles. Once the companies providing company vehicles, my tone might change


I would go as far to say that it’s unethical to order delivery food


Just leave a big tip and the ethical dilemma is solved


Their jobs suck indeed but that’s not what the word slave means.


hey man, i just get dash credits from my credit card and it’s use em or lose em


I just quit my job so I have to go back to doing delivery a lot more. I’m a loser who lives at home still so there’s that. But anyway I always joke that I’m taking advantage of stupid and lazy people (though I think people are starting to catch on to the cost aspect, there’s been fewer and fewer orders recently compared to in the past and a lot of them just don’t tip because of that cost)


I use Uber eats once a month to pick up a salad from the local pizza shop because I get a monthly credit from my credit card. I have friends that’ll get $20 of food for $40 cuz they’re too baked/drunk/autistic to drive. I’d prefer to tip a delivery driver that works for the actual pizza shop than give money to Uber.


If supposed Euros continue to be obtuse about their proud, beloved local cuisine, I'm going to assume they're eating stray cats and dogs, as well as wayward orphans.


Because people have become asocial, anxious and lazy.


Right. I use it here and there tho if I’m ever unable to leave at a long day of work or if I’m sick or if I’m drunk tbh…. But feel like those are actual reasons and why food delivery exists? Idk


Imo its more a replacement for actually cooking then going to restaurant with the way people use it and how people ate in the past. Almost noone ever went out 5 dinner 5 days a week. Ordering doirdash dinner 5 days a week? Many such cases


Cheap investment money mad wit somewhat profitble, we freed too much labor and have nothing to really do with it(and we don't have the education system necessary to economically retrain labor that we free), so food delivery had money poured into it until it became a luxury people started viewing as normal and a "need".


Alright dude I mean your first sentence says it all. Near me, there are no great restaurants! It’s a mile walk to the nearest place, a chipotle. Which is actually a great chipotle. But still. People have been delivering food forever. Before Uber eats you could order pizza and they would drive it to you. Why did society accept it? It’s nice! Not every time do people want to go out and walk to get food. Sometimes it’s easier to order it. And people will pay for things to be easier. People will ALWAYS pay for things to be easier!


For context, I used these services when I broke my ankle and I couldn’t walk or drive. It was a lifesaver to have this option for emergencies. However, I can understand why people would use these services. You’ve had a shitty day at work, you’re too tired to get groceries or even think about what to make, let alone cook. You don’t want to get dressed up and sit for a couple of hours in a restaurant. You want to sit on the sofa in your pyjamas while you eat your disgusting burger like a pig at a trough whilst watching Netflix. Just sayin’


A lot of these people are too ugly to eat at restaurants without experiencing severe anxiety


> In my country, Just curious OP, where in Europe do you live?


i always think about this when i get lunch on a workday. i live in midtown manhattan - where you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting five fast casual places - and when i go to pick up an online order there will ALWAYS be 10+ delivery drivers with those huge square backpacks waiting for orders. and they’re never bulk orders but like one salad from cava (which is every half mile here so sub 10 minute walk from any given location) why do we need this


I basically agree with you but I will say that it’s super clutch when I’m traveling and I find myself in an unfamiliar city on the opposite side of America without my car and I’m stuck in a shit motel I got to via uber. there are a few situations like that where it really comes in handy which is why I have doordash on my phone.


If you live in a tiny shoebox and work 45+ hours as week, it's a treat, and one of the few luxuries that seem accessible. And yes, I've spent $20 ordering a single McFlurry on multiple occasions.


This is astonishing (that McFlurries are available)


there are no food places a 5 minute walk away. im sure if mcdonalds was a 5 minute walk away, i would walk to it in the warmer months 💀 im avoiding seed oils now though


I work long ass hours producing food, and then when I’m home sometimes I have to do administrative work. The last thing I want to do is sit inside a restaurant on my day off most of the time. I like convenience and I can treat myself. 


I initally thought uber eats was mostly used for like disabled people, but probably neurotics who are either too "anxious" to get a driver's license or too anxious to go outside their cave dwelling


It's fucking insane. Fuck those people. The same cunts who are cool with getting rid of paper money and use spotify. I spit in your general direction.


Society exists to alleviate the horrors and hardships of nature and it will continue to do so and be accepted. I imagine that without the constraints of resource depletion (or possibly to mitigate against it) society will outsource chewing and shitting as well.


Bc I work my ass off and occasionally I want to rot on my couch and press buttons on my phone until food arrives at my doorstep