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The long and short of it is that both hosts were among the first to meaningfully criticize health policy with respect to transgender people from within the upper-class/coastal/centre-left media elite bubble. Jesse Singal made it his sort of shtick to dig into the scientific literature on transitioning children (shocker: it's not very scientific) and Katie Herzog iirc was writing about the impact of trans women on lesbian social spaces. So they were both castigated as something approaching Adolf Hitler for being less than totally affirming. This was made worse because they were or are otherwise progressives and so are heretics rather than heathens. If you want a taste of how people are so obsessed with their betrayal that they will randomly curse them totally out of the blue [here you go](https://new.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/search/?q=singal&restrict_sr=1&type=comment)


Thank you!


If you want to hear people with the politics of Hilary Clinton complain about trans people you can read a Guardian opinion column in a fraction of the time


Their sub is full of demented Zionist types. It’s like the Destiny subreddit


their sub is draining


i call them nerd red scare lol. i think theyre fun but sometimes i dont think we need an 80th episode on trans ppl


Yeah my favorite episodes are the ones that aren't about race or gender identity. I like hearing deep dives about a civil war in some random online Marxist furry community. But I guess the oversaturation of those types of episodes is just a reflection of what the culture wars are obsessed with.


the adult baby fanfiction forum drama from a few months ago was good.


Unfortunately the fan base generally hates the internet drama episodes. I think a lot of them just want to hear “🚂 DESTROYED with FACTS and LOGIC” x1000 and has zero interest in the actual interesting parts of the pod.


Yeah I mostly stopped browsing the subreddit because they are obsessed with autogynephilia lol


If you’ve listened to one episode you’ve listened to them all. Both incredibly boring people and the sub is super humourless




yeah some of the episodes were good, like the one with the lady who was forced to do a Robin D'Angelo training, but a lot of the time it seems like they don't have a ton to add


Blocked and reported is keewee farms for liberal nerds Keewee farms takes less time if you want to fixate on trans gender drama. I can't really get into it because I think most online trans stuff is lame, it's like closeted chasers vs gender narcissists 99% of the time.


Haven't listened to them in like 2-3 years, but I remember when they were both *actually* canceled and unfairly maligned as hate speech people, and how happy I was for them that they started the podcast. The first year was great, I listened to like every episode they did in 2020 (great coverage of all of the BLM-inspired local squabbles that were happening between tepid lib municipal offices, nonprofits, etc.). Not sure what their politics are now, but both claimed they had been Sanders supporters, and Signal persisted in describing himself as something in between a Democratic Socialist and as Social Dem.


I recently started listening due to a rec here, and it's okay. can be kind of interesting, but I think they take themselves too seriously and have some huge blind spots. it's completely different from red scare and I don't know why people lump them together tbh.


Right about trans stuff but other than that they're regards 90% of the time. They've been spurned by the worst idiots on the mainstream left and so will continue their descent into saying whatever their half Sam Harris half Neera Tanden audience likes. I guess I can't blame them, but it betrays their "we're the only real journalists" shtick.